View Full Version : Optimization Best combination for a "master of the elements" cleric of Obad-Hai.

mabriss lethe
2015-10-16, 06:52 PM
My starting build is pretty simple: NE Human cleric of obad-hai with two elemental domains and using both starting feats for the 2 elemental devotion feats not covered by the domains. What would be the best combination of domains and devotions?

EDIT TO ADD: I'm not particularly focused on the spells granted by the domains in question (though they're a decent perk), I'm looking at more of a minionmancer and I'm wondering which elemental domains are best for rebuking purposes and which elemental devotions would compliment the character best. I would also prefer that all four elements get used in the build.

2015-10-16, 07:13 PM
How many things have resistance to fire? How many to sonic? Pick the one which will have the most spells be effective.

mabriss lethe
2015-10-16, 07:47 PM
How many things have resistance to fire? How many to sonic? Pick the one which will have the most spells be effective.

I should specify, I'm looking more intently at a minionmancer build using both rebuke undead and the elemental rebuking pools granted by the elemental domains to pick up the best creatures along with deciding which devotion feats would be most useful.

2015-10-16, 08:15 PM
IIRC, it should be possible to dip in a couple PrCs to get the two missing elemental domains if you're willing to wait a few levels.
Shame that, as far as I know, there isn't a feat to gain an extra Domain.

mabriss lethe
2015-10-16, 08:23 PM
IIRC, it should be possible to dip in a couple PrCs to get the two missing elemental domains if you're willing to wait a few levels.
Shame that, as far as I know, there isn't a feat to gain an extra Domain. There actually is a feat: Get Planar touchstone for the Catalogues of Enlightenment. However, I'm avoiding both planar touchstone and going PrC shopping to snag more domains. This is more of an exercise in aesthetics than full blown char-op.

2015-10-16, 08:32 PM
If you were LN, N or NG instead of NE, you could dip into Death Delver, and then you have both a Turning pool and a Rebuke pool...

Also, grab the Summon Elemental reserve feat when you can, for an extra Elemental on your side.

2015-10-17, 06:36 AM
There actually is a feat: Get Planar touchstone for the Catalogues of Enlightenment. However, I'm avoiding both planar touchstone and going PrC shopping to snag more domains. This is more of an exercise in aesthetics than full blown char-op.
Well. For one, I dislike the Planar Touchstone feats for a variety of reasons, first and foremost being how cheesy they always smell.
For two, if you must go that route, then the domains you want to grab should be the ones whose environments you'll be in most often; Water domain has plenty of spells that are less useful if you never go within 10 miles of any body of water larger than a small creek, for instance.
Finally, if you're disregarding Char-Op to that point, just pick the ones you like most.
If you like Fire, take it. Sure it might not be the optimal choice, but it's fun. Same with the others.

2015-10-17, 06:44 AM
Shame that, as far as I know, there isn't a feat to gain an extra Domain.

Well, there is, but it is epic (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/feats.htm#bonusDomain).

2015-10-17, 08:34 AM
Earth Devotion is probably the best of the four. The rest are a little underwhelming, with Fire Devotion being the most useless of the lot.
Water Devotion has its uses, but it's not really worth that much on a full caster build that already has multiple options for minionmancy.
The bonus from Air Devotion is nice, but not really worth spending a feat on for a cleric imo.

For rebuking purposes i'd say Air is the most useful domain. A lot of useful creatures have the air subtype, including quite a few with racial casting which is always nice.
For pure quantity Fire is probably the best bet, but most of them don't really justify using your limited control limit to command.
Earth and Water are more situational, depending on your campaign. If you adventure near lots of water take that domain, if you're more likely to go underground take earth.

All elemental domains allow you to rebuke dragons of the appropiate subtype, and you can trade in Turn Undead for Rebuke Dragons too if you want. Keep in mind that you'll want to increase your effective turning level if you're going that route since dragons tend to have a lot of HD for their CR.

If you make a Cloistered Cleric you can use Substitute Domain to trade the Knowledge domain for one elemental domain you didn't take for even more minions.
You can also pick up Initiate of Nature if your DM lets you refluff the deity requirement to rebuke and command plants and animals.

mabriss lethe
2015-10-17, 11:55 AM
I'm currently thinking:

Air and Fire domains for rebuking purposes: air for long term utility, and fire for picking up random fodder on the fly and eventually efreeti. (I'd probably eventually take searing spell to beef up fire domain's usefulness and dragonfire channeling to expand utility of turn undead and turn elemental pools, probably as a silverbrow human. So extra turning would probably show up as well.)
Water and Earth Devotions: Both are low cost abilities, so more potential uses per day. Water allows for a scaling instant minion and Earth is a decent immediate action BFC effect.

Ger. Bessa
2015-10-17, 01:50 PM
Wichever you end up picking, Paragnostic Apostle has a class feature that increases your turning level. Also, it stacks with cleric (what many classes do not).

Be careful with contemplative, by raw it doesn't progress your effective cleric domain for domain granted powers (elemental turning). The few classes that do are in Complete Champion.

Lastly, Libris Mortis has elemental undead that are easier to rebuke/control if you have the correct elemental turning. Not very Obad Haiesque, but that's your character idea.