View Full Version : Conjure Animals (and similar spells)

2015-10-18, 05:05 PM
So Conjure Animals (and the similar Conjure Minor Elementals and Conjure Woodland Beings) allow you to summon a number of low CR critters.

What I'm wondering, is if you can "mix and match" within your selection. For instance, say I choose to summon "eight beasts of challenge rating 1/4 or lower"; do they all have to be of the same type (e.g. 8 Wolves OR 8 Boars) or could I summon, for example, 4 Boars, 3 Wolves and a Constrictor Snake? Whether I, the player casting it, or the GM chooses what gets summoned is irrelevant (though I'd like to hear if there's been any official confirmation of who gets to choose what gets summoned...I've heard rumours either way, but I'm unsure on the official stance).

2015-10-18, 05:20 PM
So Conjure Animals (and the similar Conjure Minor Elementals and Conjure Woodland Beings) allow you to summon a number of low CR critters.

What I'm wondering, is if you can "mix and match" within your selection. For instance, say I choose to summon "eight beasts of challenge rating 1/4 or lower"; do they all have to be of the same type (e.g. 8 Wolves OR 8 Boars) or could I summon, for example, 4 Boars, 3 Wolves and a Constrictor Snake? Whether I, the player casting it, or the GM chooses what gets summoned is irrelevant (though I'd like to hear if there's been any official confirmation of who gets to choose what gets summoned...I've heard rumours either way, but I'm unsure on the official stance).

Yes it can be mixed and matched. Officially DM chooses per wording and Dev clarification, but the wording is open enough that it could technically go either way. This thread will soon explode.

2015-10-19, 01:22 AM
Yes it can be mixed and matched. Officially DM chooses per wording and Dev clarification, but the wording is open enough that it could technically go either way. This thread will soon explode.

Yep, it was in errata, right? DM chooses. Personally, I had houseruled it that way anyway.

I guess you could mix and match, but that seems like a severe bookkeeping headache. I wouldn't want to be keeping track of 8 different stat blocks. Maybe a limit of 'no more than 2 different types of creature' would be sensible?

*ducks, covers*

2015-10-19, 02:11 AM
The casters are, of course, allowed to request specific animal types, but the DM would get the final say. I think it could be a cool way to add flavor if the sorts of animals you summoned varied based on the biome you were in.

But, I mean, as far as rulings go, it's a pretty safe one to ignore if you don't like it. It's not like the concept of getting to choose what you summon is some unprecedented, untested game concept. It gives a little more power to the players. As long as the DM and PCs get along and settle disputes like friends playing a cooperative game, stuff like this is rarely a big deal.

2015-10-19, 02:28 AM
You can mix and match.

PH says players choose.

The sage advice section on the Wotc websites written by the devs recommends that the DM choose the critters summoned. For 5e organized play this is not considered official but DMs do tend to follow that ruling.

The official PH errata does not change the conjure line of spells.

Either way, yes summons can be mixed and matched.

2015-10-19, 03:08 AM
The sage advice section on the Wotc websites written by the devs recommends that the DM choose the critters summoned.

IIRC, that one also goes on to encourage the DM to listen to input from the player about it; just in case the advice was too clear. :smallwink:

2015-10-19, 03:47 AM
OK, thanks for the clarification.

Follow up question; what might be some good combinations of critters to summon? Any synergies going on that might be worth taking advantage of?

2015-10-19, 04:50 AM
Some suggestions:

At CR 1/4, you generally want to throw in some wolves in the pack to knock the enemy down. Add in some damage dealers (Giant Badgers or Giant Poisonous Snakes). This requires quite a bit of space, but should give you a nice capacity for damage as well as hindering movement (through a combination of knockdown and just having a lot of space filled).

At ½, apes have a ranged attack and generally do well in combat. When there's little room, they pair well with anything due to rock hurling and climb speed. But giant goats can knock people down, and crocs can restrain them (so they can't get back up).

At 1, Dire Wolves work well in tandem with someone else (like wolves they have pack tactics and cause knockdown). A brown bear can deal damage and take advantage of prone opponents. Lions do similar things to dire wolves, but trade specials for staying power.
Giant octopus is probably the most ridiculous option (as in you'll never live it down, nor should you, if you conjure these out of the water). With 10' reach and the ability to grapple struck targets, they can lock melee down on their own. They probably work best with their own kind. Their land speed is a mere 10, however, in addition to the ridiculousness.

If you can get two CR 2s (with a level 5 slot, probably), a Giant Elk can knock people down, and the Giant Constrictor can grapple them and keep thew down, so the elk can stomp on them - elks only stomp on prone enemies. The pair is probably not thematically appropriate, being a subarctic and a tropical creature, respectively.

2015-10-19, 05:41 AM
Some suggestions:


At CR 1/4

What about Elk? Compared to wolves, they have less staying power (lower AC), but better damage if they can get a run up and the DC on knocking prone is higher. No advantage from Pack Tactics, though and I suppose their size is prohibitive.

At 1/2

Are Warhorses a viable choice at this "level"? They pack a punch with, potentially, two 2d6 attacks a turn plus knocking prone (if I'm interpreting Trampling Charge correctly).

2015-10-19, 06:43 AM

My pleasure. :smallsmile:

What about Elk? Compared to wolves, they have less staying power (lower AC), but better damage if they can get a run up and the DC on knocking prone is higher. No advantage from Pack Tactics, though and I suppose their size is prohibitive.

Yeah, I don't like the size first and foremost. Smaller is better with 8 conjured beasts, unless you are specifically looking for something to get in the way of someone. I'm also a little wary about the need for the stomp to hit prone creatures. Getting up is fairly simple. If you generally accept goblin conga and the like at your table, then charging creatures willing to provoke an OA can work - all too well. Lions are all the more dangerous for it. At my table, we don't do that, so I'm biased there.

Are Warhorses a viable choice at this "level"? They pack a punch with, potentially, two 2d6 attacks a turn plus knocking prone (if I'm interpreting Trampling Charge correctly).

Warhorses are pretty good, and not overly dependent on charging. They're also pretty fast, and if there's a problem with space, maybe some of your melee friends can get a ride.

If you like, you can look in my druid guide (in my signature); post 2, in the spoiler 'On Beasts'. That gives an opinion on most individual choices, I think.

2015-10-19, 07:28 AM
You can mix and match if you wish. I would encourage it because variety is awesome.

Adventure League has the player choose and Sage Advice has the DM choose. Both are valid interpretations for a DM to choose for their ruling.

The way I have ruled it is that I asked my player who had conjure minor elementals to make up some "packets" of elementals, so instead of choosing an option that is in the spell and then stating what they wish for, they conjure a set grouping. They got everything they wanted because I thought they were being reasonable by choosing packets that were thematic to the character, which means they're happy and therefore I'm happy.