View Full Version : LOST season finale

purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2007-05-23, 10:24 PM
I got done watching the season finale of LOST about half an hour ago. I was wondering what those of you who watch the show have to say/sound off on it. I'd like to see what some of you have to say before chiming in myself.

2007-05-24, 12:47 AM
I thought the episode was really good. Of course, seeing Hurly in a VW Van running over someone was worth the whole maddening season. I told my wife, (who is in my gaming group and loves the show too,) that Lost is a D&D campaign, (maybe D20 Modern) and every episode proves it. As a DM of 20+ years, you can see the adventures unfolding right before your eyes. The "true" bad guys will be introduced next season: the Dharma Intit. The Castaways and the Others will join up, and thus allow for the introduction of new characters and new backstories. Since the characters have all leveled up, new areas of the island will be available and new hatches and other mysterious what nots will appear. At least that's what I would do if I were the DM, er, I mean involved in the show.

AFA the actual show goes, they had me with the flashforwards until I saw Jack sprawled among the maps and papers. I thought that was really cool. Now the show has two Billy Pilgrims, (sorry about that Vonnegut reference, I'll keep the unstuck in time stuff to myself.) The funeral: Ben's. I loved the idea the Castaways finally got some real payback, killing off Tom and some others. Although I am having a bit of difficulty with Locke and Cyclops: these two must be bionic. Between the two of them they've been electrocuted, shot, stabbed, shot with a speargun, had a blast door pin their legs to the ground, lost an eye, lost a kidney, paralyzed from the waist down, blown up by an underwater hand grenade, and thrown out of a building. Yet Locke is still alive and kickin' and I'm quite sure we haven't seen the last of the one-eyed, bionic or undead, Russian "field medic". But still, A+ for Hurly just running down an other, and Sawyer shooting Tom. And hat's off for Jack just pummeling Ben into a bloody mess. It was about time.

2007-05-24, 09:54 AM
I agree wholeheartedly (although I would question that its Ben's funeral. I just don't see him coming off the island alive. I thought it might be sawyers till kate showed up.) This episode defenatly made up for a rather lackluster season, way too many WTF moments.

There was just too much to process I defenily need to see it again.

2007-05-24, 06:00 PM
Really? I would certainly not hesitate to call this episode, easily, the best episode of the show, ever.

2007-05-24, 06:18 PM
DUDE THAT WAS SO COOL!!!!!! I'm sad Charlie died though.:smallfrown:

2007-05-24, 07:16 PM
Good episode all around. But what the hell was with the end?? Good, but really confusing. I mean, they left the island or so it seemed but they want to go back? And Jack's father is still alive? Is that like an alternate universe??

2007-05-24, 10:59 PM
Good episode all around. But what the hell was with the end?? Good, but really confusing. I mean, they left the island or so it seemed but they want to go back? And Jack's father is still alive? Is that like an alternate universe??

Errr... I kind of think Jack was being a little nuts when he was talking about his father. And yeah, I kind of get the feeling they left the island. I think Kate and Jack left the others (both with capital "O" and their friends) on the island, which they regret, with the evil Dharma folk.

2007-05-25, 12:07 AM
For not watching this current season, it wasnt to bad. My mom explained it to me, since I was visiting when it was on, at least what had happened previously. Kind of a weak ending in my opinion, but interesting nonetheless.

I will eventually probably get all the seasons, and actually watch the show.

2007-05-25, 12:28 AM
It was both highly emotional and thought provoking. It also introduced and ended plot threads at a furious pace. A brilliant ending to what turned out to be a pretty good season--AFTER the break, that is.

I was shell shocked at the end. I mean, damn.

2007-05-25, 01:18 AM
Personally, I haven't seen the episode yet....because I have to watch the rest of the series first (It's on my to do list). But I just wanted to say that I'm jealous of a friend at Purdue. She's met Hurly.

2007-05-25, 01:31 AM
In a time of season finales, this takes the cake. This, to me, tops even the 24 and Heroes finales. Hurley saving the day was pure genius.

2007-05-25, 06:55 AM
Errr... I kind of think Jack was being a little nuts when he was talking about his father. And yeah, I kind of get the feeling they left the island. I think Kate and Jack left the others (both with capital "O" and their friends) on the island, which they regret, with the evil Dharma folk.

They get off the island alright but I don't think they are leaving any time soon. Also there is no way that Jack just left the other survivors there everything he did was to get them off. I think there is another reason he wants to go back simply his life had gone to crap before the crash and it looks like its worse after the rescue. He wants to go back because he learned some secrets of the island and/or life was easier there (the whole stockholm syndrom). I also question the fact that darma is on the ship I mean they found the island they know where it is. If they wanted to go back there they would. It couldn't be the jamming because up until locke blew up the becon (which I am sure Darma set up to begin with) they could use that to find there way back. I mean they are still bringing food drops to the island. Why would they do that if they are the BBGs?

2007-05-25, 01:10 PM
Tetsubo makes a good point about the Dharma being on the ship. I didn't think about that, but if they could have gotten back so easily, why didn't they? I think the island "hides" itself; we know that it sits atop some crazy magnetic field/distortion/eldritch magical/artifact device, so maybe that's why the DI just can't go back. I still think it's the DI out on the tanker and they're the BBEG.

2007-05-26, 01:29 AM
ive always loved lost. the season finale was awesome. im not one of those fickle, add-rattled folks who cant maintain focus... (sorry, was watching AOTS today). i enjoyed the whole unfolding story.

2007-05-26, 01:43 PM
the best season finale they have produced so far. it was not necessary to kill off charlie. and "hoffs drawlar" is an anagram for "flash forward".

see ya in another life, brotha. :)

purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2007-05-29, 07:27 PM
I do believe the end was a flashback, not a flash forward. If you noticed, Jack tried to get the pills with a signature from his father's office. The question then becomes, if it is indeed a flash forward, why would Jack be trying to forge the signature of a dead guy? It just doesn't make sense for those to be flash forwards.

2007-05-29, 08:31 PM
I think that Jack speaking about his father as if he's still alive is part of him going crazy.

2007-05-30, 06:43 AM
its defenitly a flash forward. He did not know kate before the crash and the only reason why he as the gold ticket is because of the crash. That and his whole speach about fly and hoping the plane will crash and how leaving was a big mistake and they need to get back would not make since if it was in the past.

As for his dad, I don't know. No one seemed too taken back about him talking about his dad. If he was that far gone there is no way that they would be letting him work at the hospital he would be too unstable. Maybe the island had one more reserection to perform?

2007-05-30, 07:43 AM
That show is still on? It hasn't failed yet?

purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2007-05-30, 07:52 AM
It's going into its 4th season in the fall.

2007-05-30, 07:58 AM
Is Claire's baby having flashbacks yet?

Have they welded sheet metal over all of the plotholes after seasons 2?

2007-05-30, 08:00 AM
Have they welded sheet metal over all of the plotholes after seasons 2?

I don't recall plotholes. Please enlighten.

ABC gave it a end date for the 09 season I belive. So its got a few more years to it.

2007-05-30, 08:54 AM
I don't recall plotholes. Please enlighten.

ABC gave it a end date for the 09 season I belive. So its got a few more years to it.

The whole show is a plothole. Of course, we really can't have a debate about that until the show is over because theoretically they may cover that. A lot of people claim all the unexplained stuff will be "solved at the end". I doubt it. I think most of it is made up on the fly because "Hey we need a reason for X to happen, so let's use strange story Y".

What I can discuss now, is the ongoing use of deus ex machina plot devices. I thoguth early on "wow, they put a lot of thought into this show", but then I realized they were making it up as they went along. Like these "beasts of revelation" on the island. At first everyone ran terrified, then you never saw them again. Of course, unless it was needed for a plot device, but after that was done everyone went off alone in the jungle again like nothing ever happened.

I mean, it's just so inconsistent and any time they need something; hey.. let's get some dynamite... Hey we need more guns... and it's amazing how many coincidental "discoveries" are made just when they need something for the script. "Thank god for fireworks smugglers!". What the hell? Yes, and the smugglers smuggled exactly as many bottle rockets... as were needed for that goofy triangulation script.

Meh. I can go on, but I've spent enough time.

I agree with this persons comments from jumptheshark.com

"The first season was so amazing, I think if they had ended it there, or simply spent season 2 tying up all the loose ends and ending it properly." Shattori

2007-05-30, 12:04 PM
Charlie actally had a very easy way of surviving. He could have just swam out the window. Sure he'd have to deal with the most awesome russian to ever live, but he'd still have a chance at living.

2007-05-30, 05:33 PM
The whole show is a plothole. Of course, we really can't have a debate about that until the show is over because theoretically they may cover that. A lot of people claim all the unexplained stuff will be "solved at the end". I doubt it. I think most of it is made up on the fly because "Hey we need a reason for X to happen, so let's use strange story Y".

What I can discuss now, is the ongoing use of deus ex machina plot devices. I thoguth early on "wow, they put a lot of thought into this show", but then I realized they were making it up as they went along. Like these "beasts of revelation" on the island. At first everyone ran terrified, then you never saw them again. Of course, unless it was needed for a plot device, but after that was done everyone went off alone in the jungle again like nothing ever happened.

I mean, it's just so inconsistent and any time they need something; hey.. let's get some dynamite... Hey we need more guns... and it's amazing how many coincidental "discoveries" are made just when they need something for the script. "Thank god for fireworks smugglers!". What the hell? Yes, and the smugglers smuggled exactly as many bottle rockets... as were needed for that goofy triangulation script.

Meh. I can go on, but I've spent enough time.

I agree with this persons comments from jumptheshark.com

"The first season was so amazing, I think if they had ended it there, or simply spent season 2 tying up all the loose ends and ending it properly." Shattori

I can see where you are comming from. That kind of thing is not a big issue with me I am more interseted in the interaction of the characters and the store of the island to be to bothered about why things show up.

I am in the camp that the writters know whats going on and have a very good idea of beginging middle and end when they started in season one. How they get to point A, B, and C yea they make it up as they go. But they also did not have an idea of how long there were going to be on so they could not progress the story as far as they maybe wanted. I think now that they know when the last epsoide will be more things are going to get resolved.

Charlie actally had a very easy way of surviving. He could have just swam out the window. Sure he'd have to deal with the most awesome russian to ever live, but he'd still have a chance at living.

An even easier way would be to not close the door go to the other side of the area and put the scuba gear on but he knew he had to die in order to get clair and everyine else off the island as per desmind's vision.

2007-05-30, 08:16 PM
An even easier way would be to not close the door go to the other side of the area and put the scuba gear on but he knew he had to die in order to get clair and everyine else off the island as per desmind's vision.

I think that it's been proven that things don't need to be exactly the way they were in Desmond's visions. After all, Desmond thought that to find the parachutist (can't remember her name at the moment) Charlie would have to die. Guess what? He didn't. I kind of suspect that Charlie isn't actually dead. People seem to have amazing healing powers on this island. Just look at Mikhail. Charlie's gonna wash up on the shore alive and well in 2 seasons with no memory of what's been going on or something like that.

2007-05-30, 09:18 PM
I think that it's been proven that things don't need to be exactly the way they were in Desmond's visions. After all, Desmond thought that to find the parachutist (can't remember her name at the moment) Charlie would have to die. Guess what? He didn't. I kind of suspect that Charlie isn't actually dead. People seem to have amazing healing powers on this island. Just look at Mikhail. Charlie's gonna wash up on the shore alive and well in 2 seasons with no memory of what's been going on or something like that.

I also think that charlie is not as dead as it looks. The vision was not that he would find the parachitist. The original vison was that he would find penny, and to do that charlie had to die.

2007-05-31, 05:15 PM
Desmond never definately knew that they would find Penny. Desmond knew that they would find a person who had parachuted onto the island. He just wanted this to be Penny. It was never actually confirmed that she would be the one they find.

purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2007-05-31, 08:07 PM
I don't recall plotholes. Please enlighten.

ABC gave it a end date for the 09 season I belive. So its got a few more years to it.

The writer's have said they can/have planned the story out for a possibility of 9 seasons at the most. That's not to say they will do 9 season, but that's as far as it goes at the moment.

2007-05-31, 10:55 PM
While I'm not sure if Charlie's actually dead or not, I know that he couldn't have just swam out the porthole: the water pressure alone would have prevented it, as the Looking Glass was underwater. Charlie let himself drown so that Claire would get on the rescue helicopter. As far as the undead/bionic Russian Field Medic goes, I'm sure he's not dead. Once you lived through an electrocution that makes your ears bleed and being shot in the chest with a high powered speargun from 10' away, a simple thing like a hand grenade that explodes in your hand isn't going to kill you.

I've heard the writers are only doing 2 more seasons, to each start in Feb and run for 16 straight episodes.

I still think the writers are playing d20 Modern or D&D and taking gaming sessions into the writer's meetings. :smallcool:

2007-05-31, 11:36 PM
Actually, the producers have said that there would be three more seasons each with sixteen episodes, for a total of 48 more episodes. This makes for a grand total of 117 episodes, which is kind of freaky because my friend is convinced the number 117 haunts her, and she has managed to curse me and some of my other friends too.
Anyways, I thought this was the best episode of the series. So many cool things happened in it. I don't think Charlie is dead yet. I'm pretty sure he'll be back. As for the ending scene, when I watched it, I didn't get the impression that it took place right away. i thought it was at least a year after the last scene on the island. I don't think they are getting rescued just yet.

2007-06-01, 02:39 AM
I'm not sure if I remember the physics right, but it is likely that the Russian isn't dead. The grenade was up against the glass of the looking glass. That was so the energy from it would be transfered onto the glass breaking it, however the water in between the Russian and the grenade would soften the shock wave, probably causing unconscious as well as taking out his hand. So long as no sharks are close enough and he doesn't bleed, he'll wash up on shore or come to out on the sea.

Charlie is dead. Sadly.

Though if Ben was telling the truth about everyone dieing on the island as soon as the call was made, does that mean Jacob should have manifested? If not then what was supposed to kill them all?

Also why does Jacob disdain technology so much? How is that there are native people on the island if they can't give birth? And why was Dharma there in the first place? Didn't seem like it was to study the island so much as exploit it.

Any speculation is greatly appreciated, cause thats always fun.:smallbiggrin:

2007-06-03, 02:45 PM
Also why does Jacob disdain technology so much?

who the heck is jacob, why can't anyone else see him, and is he a ghost or a manifestation of ben's madness?

2007-06-03, 07:42 PM
I don't think Charlie is dead yet. I'm pretty sure he'll be back.

I read that the actor, Dominic whatever, wanted to move onto others things, so he should be gone for good. Bout time aswell, he was annoying me. Just as long as Desmond doesn't die. :smallsmile:

Joe Joe Bob Joe
2007-06-05, 08:54 AM
And Jack's father is still alive? Is that like an alternate universe??I really doubt it, because Jack was probably trying to get away with writing his own prescription (thus, he didn't want them to phone his father, because he was dead).

That Russian guy, Michael (sp?), is really starting to get on my nerves. He is like the Miko of Lost, and he wont die! He presumably died when he was funked up by the sonic waves, but apparently he survived it. Then, he gets shot with a spear gun but lives. Like, God man, he should be dead by now. He also killed Charlie, but we all seen that coming. It's just a shame he couldn't show Penny to Desmond in time.

2007-06-05, 12:36 PM
Waaaaaiiit a minute: didn't the outside world already find the bodies of the castaways? So, how's that going to work? Perhaps we only saw Jack and Kate and unamed dead guy because they're bodies weren't at the crash site. And what about Walt and Michael? Where are they now?

Rare Pink Leech
2007-06-06, 05:05 AM
Waaaaaiiit a minute: didn't the outside world already find the bodies of the castaways? So, how's that going to work? Perhaps we only saw Jack and Kate and unamed dead guy because they're bodies weren't at the crash site. And what about Walt and Michael? Where are they now?

Something just occured to me: it seems that The Others have pretty vast resources off the island. Could be that Ben ordered that the wreckage be faked to stop the outside world from searching for the survivors. Just because bodies have found doesn't mean any of them have been positively identified as the bodies of those on the plane - they might only have identified (the easily faked) wreckage of the plane itself. Not sure if I believe this myself, but I guess it's a possibility.

2007-06-06, 06:56 AM
Something just occured to me: it seems that The Others have pretty vast resources off the island. Could be that Ben ordered that the wreckage be faked to stop the outside world from searching for the survivors. Just because bodies have found doesn't mean any of them have been positively identified as the bodies of those on the plane - they might only have identified (the easily faked) wreckage of the plane itself. Not sure if I believe this myself, but I guess it's a possibility.

That was my guess too. The only other idea would be that darma faked it as they knew that they crashed on the island. Of course that depends on darma still being around and caring. But if they are going to BBEG, which i am still not 100% on, it would make since to want to keep as many people away as possible. Course if she was part of Darma then there is no real reason to tell them the truth. Expecially if the plan is to kill them all anyway, as per Ben's worries.

2007-06-06, 02:47 PM
But why would Darma want to kill the survivors? They haven't done anything. The others may have killed Darma but the survivors just had the bad luck to be flying around the Pacific when Desmond didn't push the button.

2007-06-06, 05:26 PM
But why would Darma want to kill the survivors? They haven't done anything. The others may have killed Darma but the survivors just had the bad luck to be flying around the Pacific when Desmond didn't push the button.

So no one could bring anyone back to the island. It seems like Darma likes to keep its secrets secret.

That question is part of the reason that I do not fully belive that Darama is on the boat. Of course Ben could have been liying about them killing everyone its not like he has never done that before.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-06, 05:30 PM
2) The high priority FOX new show "Drive" stopped being made after only 2 episodes. WHY!? :smallconfused:

2007-06-07, 07:33 PM
2) The high priority FOX new show "Drive" stopped being made after only 2 episodes. WHY!? :smallconfused:

Cus it sucks. That's why.

2007-06-14, 06:59 AM
I Found the last episode absolutely outstanding.

I had so many questions that needed an answer that i spent a day looking for some help on the net. Then I found this blog DarkUFO (http://lostcontinuity.blogspot.com/)
It contains a lot of focused information and interesting frame, you should take a look if interested.
There I found also this modified screenshot showing the painting on the door in the swan station.

Guys I'm totally addicted :smalleek:

2007-06-18, 05:01 PM
Oh yeah! That was awesome. I'm so glad they went straight through with no repeats too. That kept up the momentum. I suspect Mikhail is still alive but not Charlie. The producers said as much. I did wonder why Charlie didn't just run out of the room and lock it from the outside. He had already fulfilled his mission of turning off the transmitter. Was that not possible with that door? I need to rewatch it or something.

One thing I didn't see anyone mention either is that the producers have said that they have been laying the groundwork for later revelations so that we don't just think they're making it up when it ends. For example, the bodies that were found in the cave in season 1 (or 2?) help to justify that fact in the end. Who those bodies were, will ultimately be revealed. But who could they be? Jack and Kate? Ben and Rousseau? Jacob and his wife? Who knows. I do want to know what the heck is up with Jacob and why does he need help? Having him actually appear in a few frames was spoooooky.

I am thankful for the finale and the questions that it resolved. It was driving me nuts about whether or not this was some sort of Pergatory, or else some sort of virtual reality like that Tom Cruise movie, was it Vanilla Sky? Having Jack in a flashforward pretty well disproves that. But how the heck did Locke's dad get to the island? THAT needs to be answered. Other questions can be answered in due time but Locke's dad on the island is giving me fits.

I wonder if they will get back to the numbers next season. They seem to have left that question alone this season. Hmm, do the numbers play any identifiable tune on a telephone keypad the way the switch lock sequence did for Charlie?

By the way, I always wondered why there weren't any threads about Lost over here.

2007-06-19, 01:47 PM
i feel like i am more confused than ever...but i still love the show...so ill keep watching.