View Full Version : Good sources for adventures?

2015-10-19, 09:45 PM
Hey, everyone. Does anyone have suggestions for a good place to go for 5e adventures? I remember TSR used to crank out tons of modules for some of the older versions, but it seems like WotC has gone in another direction. I've picked up the various big adventure paths they've put out, but I'm someone who likes to give his players a lot of leeway in where they go. And I try to address that by having a ton of material on hand at any given time. "You want to be pirates? I can do that. Barbarians in the frozen north? Sure thing. Drow-hunting tunnel creepers? Not a problem."

So, I guess looking at it another way, what are folks' favorite 5e modules/adventures/adventure paths/whatever and/or favorite publishers of stuff?

2015-10-20, 07:19 AM
I know a lot of people have been taking older edition modules and converting them to 5th ed. They can be converted pretty easily. I don't have any links on hand but I'll look some up.

2015-10-20, 07:23 AM
I convert Pathfinder to 5e. Currently running Skull & Shackles, but would love to do Iron Gods.

2015-10-20, 07:57 PM
Cool! Thanks for the suggestions. I ran across Frog God games and they've got a bunch of stuff, though much of it isn't for 5e. I picked up the .pdf of their new Quests of Doom book. Some really cool stuff in there. Looks like they're doing a kickstarter on a new campaign setting, so that might prove interesting as well.