View Full Version : [IC] The Campaign to Protest Departing GMs : Breaching the Acadamae (Pathfinder)

2015-10-20, 03:31 PM

It starts, as always, in a tavern.
The first evening stars have long risen behind dark clouds.
The night drags on.

At the very outskirts of Korvosa, a settlement to the North-East hugs the waterline. Shepherds and farmers, as well as enormous warehouses are the sole inhabitants of the land. Settlements are few and far between. A rather unprepossessing tavern stands on top of a hill, named "Goat Hill Tavern" with the characteristic lack of imagination of its dull surroundings.
This tavern, though, is somewhat more than its appearance would suggest. It is not just a place for the lost and thirsty, but also one of the main hubs for commercial transactions between smugglers.
It is a neutral ground for concluding contracts of any sort, and backed by powerful players. As such, the common room is reduced to the entrance, a simple polished counter for drinks and orders, and gives way to several private rooms for patrons. Business is the word of order, discretion the unspoken agreement.

This is where, somehow, you have dragged yourselves to hammer out a tentative agreement on how you will conduct the most crackpot job of the century.
Regardless of how, where, or when you have met, or if you know of each other through hearsay, you know three things : the Queen and the Head of the Acadamae have desperately attempted to outbid themselves, promising not only gold but wondrous magical items and artefacts to whoever will step inside the Acadamae during the festival ; the chasm which opened in the grounds of the Acadame is linked without any doubt to the now uncovered cave complex ; the Head of the Acadamae alone can, and will activate the wards just before the ceremony in a night-long vigil.

The treasure itself is closely guarded in an undisclosed location, but it could be a safe bet that it is already somewhere within the walls of the Acadamae.

The tavern is cold, and filled with the creaking of old wood. The bartender, a burly figure with misshapen hands, is a hulking shadow behind his massive counter. If met with a request for information, his lips split open in a maniacal grin to reveal the stub of a tongue. Judging from his build, scarred hide, and the gleam of malice in his eyes, this is either a reformed fighter of a sort, or an ex-convict... of a sort.
The rooms are accessed through codewords, distinct for each attending party.

At the end of a narrow corridor lit with a dim lantern, up a rickety pair of stairs, and left at the corner, your room awaits.

2015-10-20, 04:33 PM

She made her way to the Goat Hill Tavern a reasonable bit before the meet - it had been decades since she had been within it and it was always nice visit old places, unlike the short lived races the places themselves normally didn't change.

Ultimately the meet was also important to her - it would be a stepping stone to riches, which would be a stepping stone to enjoying a few years before she blew through them and found herself back stealing again as her cycle had been since the last time she had left Korvosa. Steal, be rich, live rich, get poor - repeat as needed it would likely suit her for a few more decades before she had to settle down.

Still the score here was such that she might well never be poor again - which sounded somewhat novel, waving to the bartender she wondered if he had been a scrawny kid when she was last around, humans grew up quickly.

Once in the room she sat in the shadows with an eye to the door and the windows - she did not intend to surprise the others when they arrived, but she would not be surprised in turn.

2015-10-21, 02:19 AM
Isabella seems to have left a bit late for arriving at the met and is still a little up the road from the Inn. Every stride she takes she sinks into the mud a few centimetres but nothing a door mat can't handle. Once at the door she glazes along the old wooden tavern, she's been to nastier places before.

This meeting was more than just a chance for money but a chance to please her past and maybe be rid of it. Being rich is nice, but being about to sleep without terrors would be nicer. She pushes the door open, it drags along the floor with a great weight and steps over to the bar, every step makes the floor moan from it's age.

Sitting on a stool she calls to the tender, One glass of Wine. Something in the middle of your range

2015-10-21, 03:09 AM
The room is lit by a few lanterns haphazardly hung about.
The walls are bare, the floor rough wood. The air is drafty and cold.
In the middle is a round table with six chairs, all sturdy oak.
Against the far wall stands a massive dresser with two panels, on top of which a keg of beer, a keg of wine (neatly labelled with a drawing) sit, next to five wood tankards and five bowls with spoons, lined up against a scorching hot heavy ceramic jar and bread basket, both sending curls of steam up the air.
On the wall near the door stands a tall writing case, with a few pieces of parchment, an inkpen and a stoppered inkwell.
The windows, on closer inspection, appear to have been walled in from the outside, probably bricked in with some mortar, and what you can see is a clever little contraption : their glass is framed in lead and opens on hinges, revealing a little niche big enough for a candle. The glass has been painted to mimick the landscape one might see at night from this viewpoint. Set with the candlelight, this backdrop flickers delicately, lending an almost surreal atmosphere to the otherwise coarse surroundings.
Near the five-inches thick ironwood door, a thin iron chain hangs from the ceiling.


At Isabella's entrance, the doorkeeper, a shrivelled up man with beady eyes, shuts the door firmly against the cold with a snap.
The bartender narrows his eyes when Isabella steers towards the bar, bluntly assessing her in a dispassionate way. When she orders, he grunts vaguely in answer, grabs an iron gobelet, a nearby pitcher, and pours in watery red wine. He places the drink on the counter, not bothering to slide it towards his client.
The common room is clean in an unpolished sort of way, the crackling of flames in a small brick chimney barely warming the atmosphere. This is not a place meant to linger.

2015-10-21, 04:31 AM
Isabella stretches her arm over the her drink and drops a gold piece next to it, then lift the tankard to her mouth for a drink. She subtly looks around the room to see a women in the corner. She stands up and strides over to the women in the corner, the floor continues to creak. Quiet night Eh?

2015-10-21, 06:16 AM
The woman, an old crone with matted hair, looks up. She is wearing what passes for serving wench uniform : a ratty robe wrapped in a smudged apron. Her hands are heavily calloused, and wringing a wiping rag. She answers in a hoarse voice, as creaky with age as the flooring.
"An' about t'get quieter iffen you keep all fidgety like. S'wrong gurl, cat got yer room ?"
She cackles maliciously, in counterpoint to the crackle of the nearby fire.
From her hunched posture towards the warmth, it appears that she is attempting to chase of the chill before going back to work.

2015-10-21, 09:39 AM

She examined the room and fetched herself some beer and food before examining the coloured glass, smiling as she did so.

She often wondered about faster growing races, were they late because they spent so much time trying to do everything - or was it merely that they managed time poorly, it was the somewhat casual racist attitude she had met in others of her race and she chided herself for it - but than again what was the point of living for hundreds of years if you could indulge in some philosophy at times.

Returning to her seat she began to sample the food and drink.

2015-10-21, 10:15 AM
The drink was average, kept cool by the room temperature more than any particular device. The jar contained a piping hot thick, meaty broth which could be poured into a bowl. The individual portions of bread in the wicker basket were coarse but surprisingly fresh, and in the cupboards proper could be found a thick wheel of white, tangy cheese alongside a wrapped parcel of butter.
All in all, simple fare but probably the better for it, out there in the countryside.

2015-10-21, 01:54 PM

The hour was late, but the night was young and full of intrigue. Emmeline crested the top of the hill upon which sat the Goat Hill Tavern. She was always struck with a feeling of affection for the purposeful quaintness of the establishment; it's status as a neutral meeting ground, backed as it was by Korvosa's major players, was not strictly necessary. However, it lent the place a dramatic air which played neatly into it's customer demographic.

Stepping over the threshold into the tavern, Emmeline knocked caked mud from off her boots while scanning the patrons in the common area. It was sparsely populated, only a handful of people and a few murmured conversations. The back rooms were quiet as well, though with the Breaching Festival almost upon the city, Emmeline had no doubt that they were full of various rogues trying to scheme their way to prize. At least in that regard, she was like everyone else in this place.

"Hey, Keep," Emmeline said as she passed by the tongueless bartender. "Don't mind me, I'm just here for my party." Emmeline did not often work out of the Goat Hill Tavern, but she frequented it regularly enough to give the mute man a nickname.

The meeting room which Emmeline had arranged for was as outwardly nondescript as every other, though because the tabs for all these rooms were being picked up the Acadamae, Emmeline had requested a variety of amenities. Though it was she that had sent out the feelers and inquiries which were responsible for this gathering, Emmeline did not know exactly who was showing up. Under any other circumstances, walking into a meeting with such little knowledge would be out of the question, but this was the Goat Hill Tavern: there wasn't a soul in the city foolish enough to cross it's backers.

Emmeline noted only one other person as she entered the room, which she found a little disappointing, but there was plenty of time for everyone else to show up. Forgoing the food and drink she took a seat at the table, without speaking, letting the candlelight flicker eerily off of her mask. There would be time enough for introductions once everyone arrived.

2015-10-21, 02:29 PM

Merick walked up to the inn in the shape of a child and hoping up onto his toes peers in the window. Looking around and seeing nothing suspicious he reverts to his normal form and walks in. As he does he still scans the room and seeing nothing more smiles.

2015-10-21, 03:22 PM

She looked the other woman over as she entered, a half-breed by her reckoning - and staying silent. She mused on that, some did such to retain control, others out of a fear of speaking, others because they liked the quite the list was endless - she wondered which this woman was.

Herself she was happy with the quite - listening to the sounds of the room and beyond was a pleasant training technique for her. Finishing up her glass of ale she moved back to the taps and acquired a glass of wine while refilling her plate - she was close to broke and would not pass on free clean food - even if she would have prefered something a bit more upmarket.

If the other woman was pay attention nearly everything the elf did from moving to eating was done in silence but at the speed most people acted during there normal lives with - Tessara might normally make more noise for affect but this was somewhat of a business engagement and silence was so natural to her that it was no effort to maintain it for affect.

Tessara is maintaining non-forced stealth, as such taking 10 she has a 26.
Moving at normal pace without a modifer as she has Fast Stealth.

Mentioning it so that if Nyx is paying attention she would be aware of at least some of the capacity of the team that is being formed.

2015-10-21, 05:34 PM
Isabella stands up from her seat and nods to the women in farewell, then proceeds to the back room. Noticing that two others made it there first she scans them for any features then sits down silently.

2015-10-21, 05:57 PM

Her voice was soft as it cut through the quite room "so am I to take it that the law has gotten so strict in Korvosa since I left that none dare eveb speak in front of there elders without being spoken too?" smiling gently at the other too occupants "truely I have returned to a paradise".

She suspected that more might arrive - but at this rate they would be sitting in silence for the night waiting for one to step forward to begin, "we may as well start - others can catch up later on the gist".

"Securing the treasure of the Acadamae - whether within the rule of the contest or outside such will be difficult to say the least and require a fair degree of teamwork" she looked at the two "as such before we waste any time plotting it I feel we need to confirm if we can work together on even a small scale - teamwork stems from trust and we do not know one another yet", pausing to let her words sink in "my proposal is a we choose a lesser noble's abode - or nobles abodes - and liberate the valuables, this will teach us all how we operate - we split the winnings equally and half goes to a pot for funding larger operations" allowing a smile "and once we know we can all be trusted too even that basic degree we can move on to other matters - such as the breach and the resources we need for it".

2015-10-21, 07:13 PM
Isabella listens intently to the plan, seems fine enough sooner you know to avoid and form of conflict the better. Then she raises her mug back to her mouth and takes another sip.

2015-10-22, 04:17 PM
Emmeline pulled back her hood as she leaned into the table, revealing thick black hair carefully pinned away from her face, the upper half of which was covered by an intriguing mask in the form of a stylized butterfly; depending on which angle and in what light one viewed it at, it could appear to be any number of different colours, though all of a very dark shade. The flickering lanterns scattered about the room currently cast the striking accoutrement in a constantly changing dance of red and orange; it was the one item of colour amidst an otherwise unremarkable outfit of black and grey.

"If we are going to make a trial run together, then we should only look at targets which have been approved by the Thieves Guild, and consider forgoing any usual payment in lieu of a favour or two; such could prove useful in the days ahead, particularly if we need something uncommon on short notice." She pushed back from the table and made her way to the wine cask, filling a glass and taking a sip. It was terribly sour, and though she grimaced at the taste it was still better than nothing.

"I suppose introductions are in order. I am Nyx. I broker contracts and... mediate exchanges in Korvosa, you might have heard my name in passing. I am the one who organized this little meeting, so let me make a few things clear: I am not anyone's employer, and in this endeavour to Breach the Acadamae we are all equal partners. Coins and gems acquired during our work together will be split equally. Any magical items found will be assessed and their value detracted from the share of whomever claims them. Should nobody wish them, they will be sold and the profits split equally. Are we in accord?"

2015-10-22, 05:48 PM

"I am covered under the guilds outreach program for gangs, she shrugged "the nature of such is private - but don't worry the relevant taxes are being paid and will continue to be paid", leaning back as she enjoyed the wine "unless times have changes the guild has never micromanaged my associates, providing they get there cut", approved targets sounded like a trap and overly complicated to her - do the crime if caught serve the time or pay the fine, if not pay the taxes - simple and direct.

"In spirit we are in agreement on remuneration - however in practice I like to keep things fluid" waving it off as an almost meaningless concern but catching herself "for instance should we engage in a task where my role is to observe for trouble and your role is to secure items - and my night in uneventful and yours leaves you injured after activating a trap and battling a guardian. Well your demending more of the share might be suitable - at least for healing etc. Alternatively if you setup a contract and provide faulty information leaving the rest of us in danger", pausing "well cutting your commission would only make sense".

"So yes in spirit equal reward for commitment regardless of the work done, but sometimes things will need to be done on a case by case basis", shrugging "and anything earned privately is still private".

2015-10-22, 09:44 PM
Well I guess I'm the only one who doesn't have any string that bind me. Isabella looks around the room at the others that are with her, only to look back down to her mug to take a deep drink and finish it.When do we start then, you said we can catch up the others later. Who we wait'n on?

2015-10-23, 06:08 PM
"To be clear," Emmeline began, turning to Tessara, "The Guild has no hand in any of this. I am not a member, more a contractor whose services they employ on occasion. I only suggested we only choose targets which the Guild has approved of because the Breaching Festival is challenging enough without having the largest criminal enterprise in Korvosa trying to hamstring us, at best, for tossing a client that is under their protection; this will be difficult enough already and I'd rather not make it any more so, if at all possible."

Her gaze then flicked over to Isabella, sipping at her wine to refresh her throat. "I said nothing about catching anyone else up, though you are correct in assuming that I expected a larger turnout. My contacts have extended invitations to four individuals whom they assured me would be well suited to this task, which means there are two who have yet to arrive. I have no intention of waiting for them to make up their minds: if they have not entered this room before we leave, then they will no longer factor into the equation. If we require additional expertise later on then I can make the requisite arrangements, provided you both agree on the terms surrounding their inclusion."

2015-10-23, 08:33 PM

Shrugging "we have the room for the night I believe - no harm waiting for others" she stated, looking at Emmeline "if you expect to keep any winnings from this it is best to acknowledge that the guild has a hand in it - I have no issue stealing from the rightful winner, but should I become the rightful winner I don't want to be stolen from, or at least not beyond general seepage".

Considering "we should probably use this time to highlight our core skill sets and morality - I am a thief, I go into houses silently and steal valuable stuff. I am ok at lieing, noticing things, valuation, taking things apart etc - but core skill set is being quite. I also have old connections in this city - such as members of the aforementioned thieves guild, and I speak most of the common languages found in this city, offering a tight smile "for a brief summary that tells you nothing about who I am I think that covers real skills".

Pausing a moment "as for morality - while I am reasonable well trained and can handle myself in a fight I regard it as a losing condition, I have never killed anyone for a job and I do not intend to start - so if you are thinking about murder for hire, extortion via torture or whatever rocks your boat, you can count me out - theft should not be personal - and violence or for that matter financially breaking someone makes it personal".

2015-10-24, 01:43 PM
Emmeline shrugged back at Tessara. "You should know as well as I that the Guild only marks people who have crossed them. If we win the Breaching Festival all we should need to worry about are the usual assortment of parasites and leeches that will trail in our wake, just like after any other high-profile job. Such is the way of things.

"As to the rest, well, you may have already figured out that I am what is called a 'Face'. Socially savvy, charismatic when I want to be; words are my weapon of choice. It never fails to amaze me what you can get from someone simply by asking nicely and showing a bit of skin. I also have a number of business associates in Korvosa that I can call on if need be.

"None of which is to say I can't handle myself in a fight, only that I rather like being alive, and if words are enough to keep blades sheathed then I will exercise that option first. Nor should I prove a liability if the situation calls for moving about unseen and unheard.

"And I think we are all of one mind that we would rather operate without needlessly killing people. Bodies leave behind angry friends and angrier families, neither of which factor favourably into one's life expectancy."

2015-10-24, 03:32 PM

She smiled and ruefully shook her head "this is not merely a high profile job" taking a sip of wine "the first breaching was in 4544 and the first - and only - win was in 4551, if memory serves half the win resulted in the formation of a new great house which lasted a century. As the prize grews every year and given that another one hundred and fifty odd years have passed we can assume the prize will simply be above any individual score - also to win it correctly we need an invite to contend" leaning back in her chair "so firstly we need to secure an invite - or failing that to determine how to rob as much as possible from the winner, or both".

"So we need to make a name for ourselves in the field fo breaking and entering - which brings us back to a trust - building exercise incidentally - and the sale for spoils. Once people in the know become aware of our success they will likely wish to sponsor us for a cut of the winnings - likely twenty to eightly precent depending on how much trust they have in us winning, how good our reputation is, how much funding we expect etc", taking a bite of food "I am not concerned about protection rackets - frankly they are to much hassle to maintain over merely providing in house experts, I don't see the guild coming after us for being competant providing they get there cut from both sides".

2015-10-26, 03:49 AM
After hearing how Emmeline speaks of combat Isabella gives a small smile to the others, her demeanour becomes much more gleeful, but she only speaks after Tessera speaks.|

I'm up for anythin g but blood... she pauses and shakes her head in disgust ...but that aside. You can trust me and I'm fine to prove it, so robing a noble then, simply. I'm a thinker see, I will need maps...She raises her fingers and begins counting...with guard rotations, info on the noble like his wife, I can also talk people into doing things so any info about people is useful ..
After this she lowers her hand to her mug and takes another sip.

2015-10-27, 11:11 AM

"Well my usual technique is to walk past some houses - pick one at random and than test my luck" she smiled "adds a bit of mystery to the whole thing", than nodding to Isabella "but for a more serious prolonged arrangement focused on a goal you are right care should likely be taken, can you do your own research to provide a solid noble house for the job - I would expect to carry out around one thousand two hundred in total value - or two hundred for each of us, a four hundred and fifty pot, a hundred for taxation, the last fifty to secure a solid bank for the pot".

Considering "prefer not to deal with magic defences or fatal traps if possible - normal animals should be fine", looking between the two other woman "if working together - your skills seem to complement each others - you can provide me with a place like that for tomorrow, I will hit it and see what can be secured" taking a sip of her glass "should prove the value of everyone to everyone - assuming no one else shows up by end of night. Full disclosure I am short on cash so do intend on doing an informal job tonight for some poctet money once we are done here".

2015-10-28, 02:14 AM
I'll look into getting some info but for now I believe that I will retire for the night. So good evening to you lot... unless there is more to speak about.

2015-10-30, 06:11 AM

"We do need to have some way to maintain contact" she mentioned as almost a throwaway "where are you based in the city and I will find you tomorrow".

"I will wait around here in case more show up before starting late night work" she stated in case the others wanted to leave and begin there own work.

2015-10-31, 02:18 AM
Isabella stops in the doorway and props her hand against the frame.
That may be... a bit difficult to say ya see. I don't really have a place or anything I sort of drift around, but if you look for me I should catch word of you. Lifting her hand off the doorway. If that is all I shall adjourn.

Isabella Proceeded out the hallway, and as she does gives a nod to the Barkeep.

2015-10-31, 03:33 PM

Sighing lightly as Isabella left, how the woman expected to find her based on 'elf seeks human at random location' somewhat baffled her. Still perhaps the other woman knew "I assume you know who that was?" she asked, Tessara's contacts would not have provided a name - merely vouched for her skill and let that be enough.

2015-11-25, 08:03 PM
While the co-conspirators discussed, the night had drawn quickly by. The darkest hour dribbled slowly accross time, preparing its backdrop for the pale blush of dawn.

Perhaps predictably, cautiousness or wariness seemed the word of order. Names were calling cards - but politeness, as necessary as it was, did not make a team.

Around Tessara and Emmeline, the building seemed to groan as Isabella left before a faint melody, a reedy fiddle, wound itself through the room. When she closed the door, the sound, muffled, faded into the background with a plaintive quality.

Emmeline was sure she could get in touch with Isabella again, either through the contacts that had brought her here or judicious name-dropping, but the dancing around would take much more time than a convenient hour and place. She also knew that in this 'line of work', precautions like these were a necessary evil. In all likelihood, the missing 'guests' would not show up for the first meeting, but observe the inn, or even get in contact directly with her later. The carrot was too tempting to be passed, and that in itself was bound to make whiskers curl.

With the amount she'd paid - and yes, there was a range both of services and rooms at the inn - if anyone came in up to a day and a half after her meeting and gave a correct password, she would be notified. It was security, too.

Regardless, a discreet candle marking the passage of time indicated that dawn was still a couple hours away. There was still time.


Isabella stepped outside, to the wonderful scent of manure and a hint of chill on the wind. Autumn was just around the corner, creeping in one leaf at a time. She was around an hour from the city wall, provided the gates were not closed or a convenient barge waited around for her.

2015-12-11, 09:18 PM
After a, more or less eventful, slow night, daybreak finds you towards the Old Dock of Korvosa, northernmost gutter of the city. This is a thieves' nest, riddled with vermin and poverty. Even the rats avoid the place, where they are easy pray for hungry, grubby hands.

In the midst of the chaos, a small pocket of shrubbery subsists. This the Elven Haven, a lost smatter of greenery rooted in detritus. Most carefully skirt the outsides of what some would call 'one of Korvosa's most lucrative black market', for the elves will not hesitate to hand over wanted criminals to ensure their tacit understanding with the guard endures.

Outside of that little status quo, chaos reigns. Old Dock smells of rot and death, excrements and sweat.

But there is one tavern under the elves' jurisdiction, the heart of the greenery. Here patrons take place on small wooden platforms littered with cushions, and if one ignores the inescapable noise and is possessed of a large dollop of imagination, one could almost, almost, believe they were in a forest. The trees, branches and shrubs, have been arranged artfully to convey this illusion. And all around, tiny tents have been erected, serving as stalls for business.

This is where the trail leads. This is where you find yourself.

A most interesting place, for the elves, the long-lived long-eared elves, do truly offer some of the rarest and most bizarre merchandise. It goes without saying that here one can also find clients for delicate jewellry, magical items or exotic drugs - and exotic pets.

2015-12-15, 05:31 PM
All the nights are the same for a researcher, especially when the magistrates ask for something. Saluvan expended the last three weeks working on a new kind of magical instrument, a reader that the higher ups would have used in some legit way... and probably the thieves guild would have been equally interested in obtaining, for some less cristalline reasons.
But it was not his problem, for now; working overnight, he ended up missing the meeting at the Goat Hill (not that he liked that place anyway) and passed the remaining hours tracking down the possible participants.

Luckily, he heard about Nyx and, knowing some of her contacts and acquaintances, it wasn't difficult for him to reach the Elven Haven.
At every step the leaves were greener and the foul air of the docks gave place to the keen fragrance of a forest; Saluvan approached the elvish tavern, the last place he had been able to find information about. He was really tired, after an almost sleepless night; leaning on a platform, looked around himself, hoping to find someone else interested in the festival.

2015-12-16, 02:21 AM
Selwyn spent most of his night gazing into a half-full glass of wine before retiring to bed, the Elf gentleman's words still fresh on his mind. At first light he rose and roamed about, returning home briefly to say his farewells and continued towards the docks. "A day's worth of time will hardly help in finding these people among the crowds..." he sighed. The sharp and salty smells of the sea began to assault his nose as his mind was awash with anxiety about the festival. "Hmm, a drink or two wouldn't be the worst idea prior to the meeting I suppose," he mused. With a quick pull of the coin purse's drawstring, he towards the tavern ahead, singing to himself the whole way.

2015-12-16, 07:00 AM
The sharp tang of tar, mixed with the dulcet of decay and rot into the overpowering stench of garbage. Beneath it, only the stickiness of salt in the air remained. The ground felt sticky, too. The smell of Old Docks wafted far and high, especially on a sunny day. But the sky today was heavy and overcast, full of roiling clouds promising rain without delivering it.

None of this reached the patrons of the Elven Haven, where the tree branches were strung with lanterns and charms. People milled about curiously, mostly elves and half-elves, but the occasional human too. The lone tavern was getting crowded inside and nearby stalls selling morsels of food and mulled alcohol were just starting to set up.
Saluvan had managed to secure a table outside, about half a man's height above the ground, and could thus seat himself on the platform and observe advantageously.


You feel observed, and not in a pleasant way. Perhaps it was a bad idea to draw attention to your purse.From a quick look around, you probably want to try and grab a table quick. The tavern "inside" is mostly a counter and a few tables underneath a carved awning. Not much more protected than outside, but much more cramped.

There is a noticeable tension in the air - whether from the stormy weather, or something else is difficult to tell. As usual, the amount of magical items circulating around somewhat dull your senses.

2015-12-24, 11:04 AM
Startled by the high number of magical auras, Saluvan tried to observe the area around himself with more attention, looking for, at least, somebody similar to the descriptions he was able to obtain with the informations about last night meeting. An elegant, if somewhat cold, elven woman, a redheaded girl and a strange, masked elf.
The last was surely Nyx but, for now, she didn't show up. Asking himself how many others would have come there, and how difficult their task could be, he looked around, glancing occasionally at extremely strong magical items, but resisting the urge to scan them.

Trying a perception roll to see something/the people he's searching for [roll0]
And a Knowledge (local) to recognize/remember some new useful information [roll1]

2015-12-24, 03:23 PM
As he moved towards the Elven seclusion, Selwyn slows his pace as he begins to feel prying eyes bury into his back. He withdraws a small portion of gold into his palm before stuffing the rest of his coin away as best he could on his person. Selwyn took a moment to briefly scan his surroundings before striding up to the counter to order a drink.

Sleight of Hand to hide his gold[roll0] +4
Perception [roll1] +7

2015-12-26, 08:22 PM
Amongst the crowd, there seems to be no shortage of elves, redheads, and carefully drawn hoods, but alas, no masks.

Meanwhile, as Saluvan muses over his local knowledge, various unsavoury types mingled in the crowd, standing out with their ragged outfits, remind him that while only the desperate would try to steal in the Haven, anyone a step outside was fair game. This could indeed probably spell trouble for anyone 'marked' as a good target within the Haven by these lookouts. Thus people either knew to defend themselves, brought in bodyguards, or hired an escort at the stalls for a fee. Very good customers were offered the courtesy of a standing escort. More useful to his quest, he recalls that a discreet sign here that one sought information was to buy a drink and leave it standing on the table as though for an invisibile guest - a standing invitation.

Selwyn, nimble as an eel, tugs at his scarf and loses his purse somwhere on his person. The drinks available, standard and elven 'specialties', the latter unsurprisingly more expensive, are inscribed next to little representations on a suspended board. A half-elf is nearby, taking orders. As far as he can tell, the prying eyes are no longer on him.

2015-12-27, 08:59 AM
In line with what he remembers, Saluvan orders two glasses of Port, his favourite wine. "At least if no one comes I'll have a good reason to lose myself in the stream of magic that's this place" He thinks, knowing that, sometimes, drinking helps him to better understand the powers that flow around him. Or so he believes.

With the wine on the table, he proceeds to leave on of the glasses on the other side of the table, while he starts to sip quietly his.

2015-12-30, 01:23 PM
Selwyn spent several moments leaning on the bar's counter softly whistling a Sczarni tune before finally locking eyes with the server and asking, "Hello there, what 'specialties' do you happen to have available this fine morning?" Selwyn's smile slowly turned into an inquisitive smirk as he leaned closer to ask in a hushed tone, "Some information as well, if you may be as so kind as to point me in the right direction..."

2015-12-30, 07:14 PM
The server bats an eyelid at Selwyn.
"We've got beer, cider, mead, and port and wine, as well as brandy and a lick of absinthe !", he chants in a clear voice, raised for the benefit of all potential customers.
"As for specialties, korvosan port or wine are local ones...or blackberry mead and sweetberry wine make for more exotic, elven specialties."

He eyes his customer, then adds offhandedly, in a much lower tone.
"And for information, there's a 'strict sanctioned-broker only policy'. I'm afraid you'll have to buy your drinks and get in line."
He nods towards Saluvan's table, before shrugging with a helpless raise of the hands.
"What'll' be, then ?"

From his point of view, Saluvan can clearly spot a server briefly look at him and then gesture while engaging in a discussion with a blonde man. The interlocutor sports elvish traits, but the press of people forbid him from getting a clearer look.

2015-12-31, 08:17 PM
Selwyn nodded silently in response, as an amused smile formed at the sound and thought of blackberry mead. His right arm remained pinned against the counter's edge with a handful of coin as Selwyn's eyes lazily scanned across the room before finally resting upon the particular table the Half-Elf gestured at. "A blackberry mead it is and a bottle of that sweetberry wine for...that table," Selwyn relayed as he carefully stacked some coin onto the counter before making his way past the other patrons and towards the table in question.

2016-01-01, 03:53 AM
Intrigued by the server and his customer, Saluvan tries (without success) to look at them with more attention, then he sees that the blonde man starts to walk towards his table.
For a brief moment, the wizard catches a glimpse of magic, and turns around to see what it is, finding nothing... probably the bearer of a powerful item passed near to him, for enough time to distract him.

observing again at the blonde man, that is approaching him, he casually tips the glass in front of him, trying to look lost in his toughts.

2016-01-01, 04:46 PM
A wave of thoughts raced through Selwyn's mind as he approached the table in question. The man's expression immediately shifted Selwyn's thoughts and began a slew of assumptions. A man of contemplation? With an arcane bent perhaps? The Half-Elf mused, whilst whistling a Sczarni folk song, abruptly ending as he cleared his throat. "Erm, hello there. Mind if I join you?" Selwyn asked the man, his voice slightly lilting towards the last syllables.

2016-01-01, 06:23 PM
Saluvan stay motionless for a brief moment, observing the half-elf and trying to remember the information he got during the night "Could he be one of them? Mh... I'm not sure"

He moves his left hand in an inviting gesture, waiting for his new acquaintance to sit down.
"Please sit, I suppose you are here for... a 'drink'?"

2016-01-02, 08:47 PM
"A drink ? Yes, a drink, in a moment...perhaps," Selwyn affirmed as he indicated back towards the bar with a wave of his hand. He immediately seated himself across the man and leaned forward, "I don't suppose you and I have a mutual friend we've yet to meet in the near future?" Selwyn asked the man.

2016-01-03, 02:00 AM
Striken by the directness of his new interlocutor, Saluvan moves himself on the chair, as to find a more comfortable position, then answers to half elf.
"I believe that's the case, yes... sadly, nobody seems present at the moment. and I suppose you didn't have the time to join last night's meeting... right?

2016-01-03, 03:21 AM
"I believe that's the case, yes... sadly, nobody seems present at the moment.

Selwyn leaned an arm back before casually glancing around before finally shrugging his shoulders and responding with an impish grin. Ha, seems then I have found who I'm looking for...

"Need not to worry then, my good friend, a much wiser soul would advise a similar if not the perfect place to meet then. In that way, if one or more persons were late, the others could drink some ale...or...er wine," Selwyn mused happily. As the drinks arrived, Selwyn left the bottle of sweetberry wine untouched at the center while he took several hearty sips of his own blackberry mead as the man continued.

and I suppose you didn't have the time to join last night's meeting... right?

"No, unfortunately not I'm afraid. Family matters on my part is all," he replied as his voice began to soften. Selwyn stared into his glass for a moment before extending an eager hand towards the stranger ahead, "Excuse my manners, Selwyn it is and would you be so kind as to assist me in indulging in this bottle mister...?"

2016-01-03, 03:42 AM
"Saluvan Taim, magic researcher; and yes, I'll happily assist you in this task" He answers jokingly, while tasting the new drink.

Mh, it's good, but I still like more my Port wine... so Mr. Selwyn, I'm curious what kind of reason brings you to this quest? Power, glory, money?"

2016-01-03, 04:27 AM
Selwyn thought for a moment as Saluvan's words resonated within his shaggy blonde head and danced about like several drunken fools to a bawdy tune he played several nights before. "The Acadamae represents an opportunity worth much more than power, glory or money than it may care to hold in its walls. Nights ago, I was blissfully secured within a world where beneath every rock, tree or bottle of Elvish wine contained small ounces of joy ready to leave my lips or lyre, all for the enjoyment for those with an ear for song in Korvosa. Unfortunately, this world and all the goodness that it holds has a price much more than any bard of my stature can afford. In short, Mr. Taim, I aim to give what I take to my three sisters and let our names be sung from the lips of every thief and minstrel in the years to come as the mad, devilish fools we were to have breached the Acadamae's walls," Selwyn proclaimed drunkenly with a flourish.

2016-01-03, 11:29 AM
As the voice of Selwyn started to rise, and his long speech came to an end, Saluvan took a puzzled look at the bottle and considered that, while tasting good, maybe the wine was better left in the there than in his stomach and, most importantly, mind.
For now, at least.
"Well, my friend, let's not be too hasty... We still need to bring together a real team, and to cover all the 'special abilities' that are requested in this kind of endeavour. For example, from what I can hear, you seem a well practiced entertainer, so... are you as good at making people talk as you are at talking?"

waiting for Salwyn to answer, Saluvan glances at the bottle. "Eh, another glass won't do me bad" he thinks, pouring it.

2016-01-03, 09:25 PM
"Well, my friend, let's not be too hasty... We still need to bring together a real team, and to cover all the 'special abilities' that are requested in this kind of endeavour. For example, from what I can hear, you seem a well practiced entertainer, so... are you as good at making people talk as you are at talking?"

"Ah, yes indeed. Consider me a curious soul in that regard," Selwyn affirmed with a grin. "Speaking of which Mr. Taim, where does your expertise lay with regards to the tasks ahead?" Selwyn prodded as he drew his glass of mead closer towards his lips.

2016-01-04, 10:09 AM
"Well, first of all, I studied at the Acadamae, so my knowledge of the place is generally better then that of you street-wise adventurers; additionally, I am... Well, I do..."
Saluvan answers to his newfound companions, before stopping to think for a brief moment.
"I am... I do... what do I do? I need to stop drinking this thing..."
He looks at the glass, then at Selwyn again, takes a deep breath and goes back to his answers.
"I am a researcher and a retired investigator. Let's just say that I'm very good at finding things... or creating those that cannot be find"

2016-01-04, 09:55 PM
Selwyn's thoughts ran wild as Saluvan spoke, occasionally glancing over with a furrowed brow and a curious grin that slowly grew. "Fortunate indeed! If you don't mind my prying, what would we expect to find within the walls of the Acadamae? In terms of say, potential barriers or hindrances, how fortified is our prize or prizes against the eager hands of interested individuals?"

2016-01-05, 04:10 AM
Saluvan looks his interlocutor directly in the eyes, as to scry his intentions "Very fortified... but I prefer to discuss the details when we have a more... complete group"

2016-01-11, 10:05 PM
Approaching discreetly, a hooded woman shimmies down to their platform from an upper branch.
"Excuse me, but were you talking about the breaching festival ? I could not help but overhear some of your discussion."
She speaks in a surprisingly melodious alto. Her attire disguises her figure almost entirely, except for her gender, but she appears to be tall and thin. Without waiting for an answer, she seats herself and seizes the errant glass of Port.

2016-01-16, 07:12 PM
Excuse me, but were you talking about the breaching festival ? I could not help but overhear some of your discussion."

Selwyn eyes the new guest with suspicion until his curiosity takes over. "Why then of course, sit with us and have a glass if you would care to partake in this sweetberry wine," Selwyn gestures towards the sweetberry wine. His head swivels towards a server and gestures to indicate another glass for their guest. "If I may inquire on behalf of myself and my friend Saluvan here, what would be your interest in the festival miss...?"

Sense Motive: [roll0]

2016-01-19, 12:47 PM

Reviewing the items she decided that greed was fine for the night and palmed the sculpture, the mask with the beryl and the wine - but left the silverware as it just seemed rude to make someones meal more difficult, than she left the way she entered and moved trough some winding streets to lose any scent before making her way to the Elven Haven, happy with her nights work.

Placing the wine on the counter she smiled to the barman - "a gift - to the house, I'll have one now, one on the house to those in the business - your call who they are - and the rest are yours" she suspected he would sell it for its actual going rate or higher if he felt like it, but being good with the bartender was always bright and being generous with drink to fences and rivals was not a bad move either, realizing she should have stolen a glass she laughed lightly and pointed to one "please".

Job done she began to examine her winnings for the night - she would have an expert do it also but good to have a feeling on things.

Bear Mask with beryl: [roll0]
Sculpture: [roll1]

2016-01-20, 10:00 AM
"Why, yes, I think I will drink this wine rather than let it waste. You did put it aside, did you not ?" She shrugs eloquently at Selwyn's query.
"One might wish you would not waste your questions so prodigally. Unanswered questions are always bad for business." She glances obliquely around the table, toying with the glass rather than drinking. To Selwyn, her bearings are a strange blend, all at once businesslike and filled with contained amusement, as if she's in to a particularly good cosmic joke. She doesn't seem hostile in the least, though.

The bartender seems more than pleasantly surprised, and quickly arranges a glass for Tessara. He is obviously interested in Tessara's catch, but in a discreet way. As she examines her goods, she suspects the sculpture has little more than its craftsmanship value and could be melted into jewellry and the diamons reset, with little risk. On the other hand, the bear mask looks like a collector's fancy, and the beryl might or might not be able to hold a little magic. Harder to pawn off, but potentially worth more for the right buyers. All in all, at least a dozen gold pieces assured, and probably more.

Meanwhile, the bartender has taken up Tessara's offer. Saluvan and Selwyn see a server arrive bearing a wine glass, which is set in front of the strange woman with a few whispered word and a vague head gesture towards the bar.

2016-01-27, 02:08 AM
"One might wish you would not waste your questions so prodigally. Unanswered questions are always bad for business." She glances obliquely around the table, toying with the glass rather than drinking. To Selwyn, her bearings are a strange blend, all at once businesslike and filled with contained amusement, as if she's in to a particularly good cosmic joke. She doesn't seem hostile in the least, though.

"One might...indeed," he replied. Selwyn's eyes narrowed at their new guest as if to unsuccessfully discern any possible motives before letting his mind wander as his curious grin slowly grew into an amused smile.

Perception check to notice any identifiable details about the woman at our table

2016-01-27, 05:14 AM
At the arrival of the hooded woman, Saluvan exchange a puzzled look with Selwyn, turning at their new guest.
When she finishes speaking, he stares at her for a moment, questioning himself on her intentions... then, he speaks.
"And... of what 'business' are we talking about... now?"

2016-02-01, 03:03 PM

She looked around the bar while wondering about those she met earlier - often in this line of work people got cold feet and left, particularly the short lived races. Gesturing to the bartender when they had a moment "be interested in having these appraised, and sold if you know someone - thinking I take a thirty cut and the seller with the contacts and the risk takes the seventy and covers both out expanses from that seventy - but thinking a few hundred at least for myself unless I have misjudged", many thieves wanted higher percentages but they didn't realise they were only doing the first stage of work - networks were difficult to maintain and her being an honest broker and not stiffing the sellers would likely get her better contacts and more end price anyway.

And she needed a place to stay and wanted good food etc, the money was just a means.

2016-02-10, 10:57 AM
The woman is cloaked in rough fabric, of a greyish colour that's mostly undetermined, but underneath she appears to be wearing a mixture of soft fabric reinforced with supple leathers of much higher quality. She's pulled down the scarf she wore up to her nose, revealing a hard, chiseled face that fails to be classically beautiful, but is striking nonethless. Her hair, carefully pulled back, is hidden in the recesses of her hood which also shadows her eyes, although they seem to be a dark colour. You do notice, though, that she appears to be wearing a metal-plated leather gorget in lieu of a necklace.
A faint aura of magic emanates from her person for those who can perceive it.

She gestures to the lone glass of wine left untouched before her arrival and that she's just abandoned in favour of her 'gift'. "You did put it aside, did you not ?" She repeats, sarcastically. "Quicklings, when you conjure up the boogeyman's image in the dark of night, why act surprised when it appears ?"
She takes a sip. "Now do ask proper questions. The usual suspect is of course : How do we know we can trust you ? But ah, my favourite is always : How much ?"

The bartender looks at Tessara for a brief moment, as though re-evaluating her in his mind, and then a genuine smile cracks his business facade. "You might want to see the seller directly. I rather think all parties should be pleased." He indicates discreetly the person he sent the wine to. He then nods, appearing pleased with himself.