View Full Version : A Beacon in Terminos IC

2015-10-20, 05:28 PM
OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?452141-A-Beacon-in-Terminos)

The tear; an enormous rift, a tear in how Terminos sees the sky through which the plane of fire grins and sheds its warmth, began its morning stretch from the horizon upward. The bright light seemed to sweep across the land, waking many a creature from their restful slumber beneath the Astral Veil.

Percy & Drank
Deep in the foggy marshes, where the air is thinned by the morning light and plants drip with condensation, sits a small community. So beautifully hidden is this encampment, that any able to see it amidst the lake would think only that it was a hilly island. First in this community to greet the breaking sky is known as "John-boy", the farm hand who keeps the livestock in good health. As he scampered to the edge of the village to retrieve a chicken, the young lad noticed something beneath the watery surface. While he could not tell what it was, it was not usual. Noting this, he returned the chicken to it's coop, waving as the villages two most veteran warriors, entered the light of day at the same moment.

Tharrid & Sanghier
The city of Bartizar sat at the edge of Beacon territory, once. Many fear now that the land has fallen into Se'de control, while the city itself has not. A small city with strong defenses, Bartizar is laid out in concentric circles of buildings, with 3 tremendous guarded walls as final rings about the outside. All within the small city are both physically and mentally drained; as for the past month, full assaults by an enemy army interwoven with undead have crashed against the walls every 5 and a half hours. So precise have been these attacks that one could use them as a barbaric measure of time. But the last three attacks have been curiously absent. With no rhyme or reason, the enemy army that had not grown or shrunk in power, has simply vanished.

2015-10-21, 09:59 AM
Sanghier Dal stood on the outermost wall of Bartizar, leaning on his polearm, helm tucked under one plate-armoured arm. He stared out over the area where not twelve hours previous a sizable enemy force had thronged. Now, nothing.

"This isn't right," he said to no one in particular, shaking his head slowly. "An army doesn't just vanish without sight nor sound; not unless there's something sinister or sorcerous afoot, which is troubling in it's own right."

The tall, pale-skinned would-be Knight of the Sanctified Mind turned his dark eyed gaze to one of his fellow defenders; a scarred and grizzled sergeant. "Are you sure the watch saw and heard nothing? Any word yet from the scouts the captains sent out?" he asked. Upon waking this morning rumours were plenty, but facts were few; Sanghier barely believed it himself until he had ascended the wall and seen with his own eyes the lack of enemy encampment.

2015-10-21, 11:35 AM
Tharrid Deeproot had spent nearly a month in Bartizar now giving every waking moment to the quartermaster and his endless list of repairs. The last two days had spurred his dwarven soul into overdrive, committed to catch up while the tax of battle was not upon the soldiers. Finally the remaining defenders were fully outfitted and so long as the calm lasts he would spend the day on the outer wall repairing the cities fortifications.

Tharrid, a boulder on stubby legs, perched himself against the wall 20 feet up to reapply morar. The soil below felt like despair, and looking out into the country side was no better. He kept to the wall hoping that his efforts would not be in vain.

2015-10-21, 05:02 PM
The sergeant, who himself was staring out at the empty field, looked back to Sanghier as the tall soldier spoke. "It's a very smart tactic." He growled, rubbing his eyes as he pulled his shield off his back. "We're now expecting an attack. Odds are half of us are going to step away to rest, while everyone else loses their minds sitting up here waiting paranoid for the missing attack." He shook his head, resting the shield on the ground at his feet to protect his legs.

A tall masked man below looked up at the perched dwarf. Watching for a moment before calling up in a hissing rendition of the Dwarven Language. "Dwarf! Service would be better suited checking for flawed slabs on the outer wall. Faster hands are better up high." The T'kel's comment carried no authoritive tone, though there did tend to be more T'Kel at higher rankings than lower. His ivory masked face turned away as he continued along the inside of Bartizar.

2015-10-21, 06:59 PM
Tharrid groans to himself. "Telling a dwarf how to fortify stone eh, is he sayin I ain't nimble? Hahaaha well it be true but to tell a man whose littrly flyin to an fro that he's wastin his time protecting random villages is something". I continue to patch stressed points then fly onto the upper rampart near the sergeant. " it seems to me that the fortifications are as good as they'll be without starting fresh. Should things pick up again would you mind if I toss meself into the fray? Or better yet take a charge if we ever find the hole those vermin spew from?"

For the record I am equipped with Airstep sandals (2 essentia), Soulspark Familiar (1 essentia and bound), Lamassau Mantle (2 essentia) today. Not armored or shielded until we prepare to leave, waraxe on my person.

2015-10-22, 12:54 AM
Sanghier and Tharrid
" it seems to me that the fortifications are as good as they'll be without starting fresh. Should things pick up again would you mind if I toss meself into the fray? Or better yet take a charge if we ever find the hole those vermin spew from?"

The sergeant thinks for a moment before looking from Sanghier to Tharrid. "Though it's not my place to say, that sounds like a good idea." He picked up his shield and looked up and down the wall before continuing. "I suggest you find Captain Andreil. He's organising a search into what happened to the assaults, can hardly think of a better way to find the hole they spew from." his voice slowly dropped off to a whisper before he nodded to the two and began a patrol aways from them.

The sergeant muttering under his breath as he searched his pocket for something. "Ya ask me, it was those mongrels from the West that did somethin'"

2015-10-22, 09:44 AM
"It's a very smart tactic." He growled, rubbing his eyes as he pulled his shield off his back. "We're now expecting an attack. Odds are half of us are going to step away to rest, while everyone else loses their minds sitting up here waiting paranoid for the missing attack."

"Maybe so, maybe no; each moment of respite gives us a chance to rest, to re-gather our strength and prepare." He nods at the sight of the stocky dwarf repairing the wall, proof of the very point he was making. "There's also the possibility that they intend for us to grow lax in our defence, but after a month besieged that's a risky tactic..." he trails off, frowning.

"I suggest you find Captain Andreil. He's organising a search into what happened to the assaults, can hardly think of a better way to find the hole they spew from." his voice slowly dropped off to a whisper before he nodded to the two and began a patrol aways from them.

Sanghier nods as the sergeant moves away. "A wise suggestion."

The warrior slips his spiked helm over his hairless head and buckles the chinstrap. "Are you interested in coming with me?" he asks the dwarf, as he hefts the oddly bladed glaive over one shoulder.

2015-10-22, 11:03 AM
Aye, if we all be itchin to go now it'll only take me about twenty minutes to gear up.

Tharrid don's his heavy plate armor and mounts one of his mules with the assistance of his nephew Ulthic. He asks the lad "I figure you're eager to shove that lance o yers through just about anything now, I won't stop you if you want to follow with the Sergent's permission. But I'll also point out that you're a very capable rider an' this war of attrition has all but killed morale. A supply run could be as beneficial as a successful strike if we even find the wretched things. Either way I'll ask the quartermaster to mind our things in your absence, let him know if you head out."

To the quartermaster "I've volunteered to help strike back, the fortifications are fine for now and need time to cure anyhow. If you would be so kind as to keep an eye on me things I would very much appreciate it as Ulthic may step out as well."

2015-10-22, 08:00 PM
Percy is awake, and at John-Boy's direction, gazes deep into the water. He draws his massive bow, and notches an arrow as he stares at the point John-boy spotted. "Go get the Quinns up," he orders the farmhand, who nods and scampers off to wake the mercenary brothers. While John-boy rushes off to fulfill Percy's command, Percy says to Drank, "Toss a stone in there, see if we can't shake something loose."

2015-10-22, 08:33 PM
Sanghier & Tharrid
Ulthic thinks for a moment, looking from Tharrid to the much taller man nearby. "A 3 day ride for supplies? I'd rather go with you to find the problem. But you're right Uncle; Supplies are very much in demand." Once Tharrid was suited up, the younger stout trotted off to a nearby stables to speak to the man in charge.

The quartermaster, a tall lanky human with dark skin, nods to the dwarf from behind his chicken wire shielding. "Hau lung timeout, friend?" He chuckles, curious how long Tharrid thinks the trip may take. It might seem a strange question, but with only so much room; the quartermaster needs to know at what point to assume a person is dead so their gear may be returned to the rotation.

Percy & Drank

In the murky waters many sticks and logs drift aimlessly, bumping against each other and sinking below the surface before popping up somewhere else when dislodged from the muck below. There is something rhythmic about their movements.

With great difficulty you can just make out small brown eyes on certain logs, watching you. As soon as you recognize their existence, something bumps the log and they sink below the surface. You can't tell how many of these things there are. But they're definitely watching you.

2015-10-22, 10:29 PM
"you can claim the raw supplies after a fortnight and the rest a week later. The mule can go to work now. I'd be surprised if our opportunity lasts long. I don't want to leave the town folk undefended ".

2015-10-23, 10:15 AM
Knowing the difficulties involved, Sanghier assists Tharrid in donning his heavy armour. He waits patiently as the dwarf takes care of his affairs, then heads to the command building where he knows they will find Captain Andreil. Locating the officer among the throng of soldiers, civilians, and support staff, he removes his helm and gives a crisp salute.

"Captain Andreil, I understand that you are assembling a force to investigate the sudden disappearance of the enemy forces. I would like to volunteer my services."

2015-10-23, 10:24 AM
With his affairs settled (bedroll and rations packed) Tharrid seeks a mission briefing, ready to head out at a moments notice.

2015-10-23, 05:54 PM
Sanghier & Tharrid
Captain Andreil, a man outfitted with Leather armour, turned to Sanghier at his approach. While his armour appears very standard, he is missing his forearm and neck pieces; in their place are a pattern of smaller red scales. "We'll be glad for more assistance. Are you currently serving?"

Military service is not manadatory in Beacon, but is encouraged. Many civilians see themselves as a low part of the military hierarchy(in fact, levels of nobility share terms with military ranks). If you want to be serving, you will be a Private, if not don't worry.

"Well in either case, I will not argue with your coming with. We leave in twenty minutes to the last known location of the enemy force." The Captain turns to Tharrid, glancing across his skin for a moment. "The sandals will be of use if you do not mind. We'd appreciate information from above." Turning back to the rest of the volunteers grouped around him. "We will begin by moving to the last known location of the enemy force, searching at first for any sign of relocation, before following any tracks available"

With the general plan explained, the Captain collected his Longsword from the desk and led the march through a small door on the inner wall, along the path between two walls to the gate of the center, and again to the exterior gate. The enemy's once-encampment still bore small burnt out campfires and in a couple locations a tent of some absent soldier.

Percy & Drank
John-boy returns with two mercenaries he was sent for; the Quinn brothers. The three of them looking out into the water to attempt to see whatever it is that John-boy saw originally. The morning fog gently peeling back as they look

2015-10-25, 10:11 AM
Sanghier & Tharrid
Captain Andreil, a man outfitted with Leather armour, turned to Sanghier at his approach. While his armour appears very standard, he is missing his forearm and neck pieces; in their place are a pattern of smaller red scales. "We'll be glad for more assistance. Are you currently serving?"

"I used to, sir," says Sanghier, respectfully, "Before I decided that my calling was elsewhere."

"Well in either case, I will not argue with your coming with. We leave in twenty minutes to the last known location of the enemy force." The Captain turns to Tharrid, glancing across his skin for a moment. "The sandals will be of use if you do not mind. We'd appreciate information from above." Turning back to the rest of the volunteers grouped around him. "We will begin by moving to the last known location of the enemy force, searching at first for any sign of relocation, before following any tracks available"

With the general plan explained, the Captain collected his Longsword from the desk and led the march through a small door on the inner wall, along the path between two walls to the gate of the center, and again to the exterior gate. The enemy's once-encampment still bore small burnt out campfires and in a couple locations a tent of some absent soldier.
With the Captain agreeing to his presence, Sanghier dashes back to his barracks to gather his possessions; after all, who knew how long this scouting trip would take, or where it could take them? He returns before the expedition is ready to depart, backpack and bedroll across his shoulders; it seems that Sanghier moves surprisingly quickly for a man in full plate mail.

As the group heads out of the gate and into what was recently enemy-held grounds, Sanghier takes a double-hand grip on his glaive. He looks around, constantly on guard for any sign of trick or trap, as well as anything that might give a clue as to their departure.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Search: [roll2]
Survival (tracking): [roll3]

Sgt. Suitable
2015-10-25, 12:42 PM
Drank curiously looks into the murky waters and absentmindedly kicks a stone into where he was looking.

Unusual things didn't tend to happen here.. There wasn't much happening here on the regular even. It was quite boring actually, which was sort of the point, them being hiding out and all.. But it tended to make the small odd things all the bigger when they happened.
Drank happily played into this weird water phenomenon, figuring that it would be relative safe and there was a good chance of someone falling in the waters which would be good for a few laughs tonight around the fire.


'Curious..' He adds after staring for a little while.

2015-10-25, 06:34 PM
Sanghier & Tharrid
Clothes still in the few remaining tents and cold food scattered around the dead fires are the most unsettling things about the area. Footprints in the earth seem of no real hurry, scattered about at a gentle and slow pace. Weapons missing from the few racks near wagons where the dead were transported in, contrasts the occasional piece of armour found strewn about the place. As Sanghier examines the ground, searching for any form of clue, a piece of flesh catches his eye from under a rock. A gentle moving of the rock reveals a lone ear of some humanoid race. The others wander around the large camp, seemingly equally unable to find anything.

Percy & Drank
Some of the floating debris drifts around the small island casually. A large pile of it clumping near where the boat is uaulyl launched from. "Where'd all this come from" One of the Quinns; Dan, began moving to the boat, unsure what to do. "Do we get rid of it? Or do we just move the boat? What do you guys reckon?"

2015-10-25, 08:34 PM
"Pull the boat out of the water," Percy says, leading the group over to the water. "There may be something going on, but we can't wait around all day to find out what." He'll inspect the debris clumping up against the boat.

2015-10-25, 08:35 PM
Tharrid Deeproot unmounts and cautiously follows in his comrades footsteps. As the area comes to be understood as safe from physical threat he puts his expertise to use in examining the enemies remaining items. First with the discarded armor pieces, then abandoned weapons, then to see what was removed or left with the dead. Finally he asks the squad leader to identify any non-native casualties to see if the war had a 2nd front. The dwarfs eyes flicker blue occasionally as he roots out evil auras of hidden threats, the blue sprite (soulspark familliar) hovering over his shoulders darts back and fourth as if keeping watch.

[roll0] Appraise the value of items that are replaceable to assess enemy resources.
[roll1] Craft armorsmithing to determine material, quality, degree of use, and origin style of discarded armor.
[roll2] Craft weaponsmithing for same.
[roll3] Know arcana + Detect opposition (evil) to infer if enemies had been summoned here or away by lasting magics.
[roll4] search for good measure

2015-10-25, 10:34 PM
Outside Bartizar
Finding many a ruined weapon or armour, Tharrid comes to the assumption that you couldn't get even 10% of what such a thing would usually be worth for this gear. Much of the leather is made from boar hide and the metallics are very low quality steel. With a small amount of force the dwarf is sure he could easily bend the weapons with his bare hands. Several of the investigators scan in various measures for magical fields, many reporting conflicting information. Tharrid's sensitivity to the motions of evil beings provides little help but to know that many evil creatures, conjured and maintained by vile magic, wandered this area up to several hours ago.

The Cullmarsh camp
As the Quinn brothers pull the boat ashore, for a brief moment a pair of eyes are plain to see on a small branch beside the boat. But the moment they're easily seen, they are once again gone as the boat pushes the stick beneath the surface of the marsh. A couple quick heaves and the brothers pull the boat out of the water and begin the morning routine of loading it.

The fog has peeled back finally, revealing a mass of debris strewn around the edge of the island and amongst the water. A line of clutter about the edge of the island shows the water had risen during the night, but not enough to be a risk to anyone.

2015-10-26, 01:29 PM
To the commander when he gets a moment. "I've 'ad little luck gettin' new details on em. Their equipment is pretty much disposable and it seems ta me that the bulk of these forces were recalled magically, probably a summon spell expiring. They weren't meant to be a force to be reckoned with. Might 'av even just been a distraction or tryin' to keep appearances. It's insulting."

2015-10-27, 09:38 AM
Sanghier carefully examines the area around the ear for any sign of blood-spatter or other spoor, then lifts up the piece of flesh. Had it been severed, or bitten or torn off?

He takes the ear to Captain Andreil. "It may well be that they did not leave of their own choosing," he says displaying the organ, "But this is the only sign of struggle or violence I've found so far."

2015-10-27, 09:02 PM
Percy kneels down and examines the debris, trying to determine its origin.

2015-10-27, 11:38 PM
Outside Bartizar
The captains brow furrows at Tharrid's thoughts. "I'm getting a similar idea myself. The undead would match the idea of summoning, but what about the others?" He looks around with the helmet under his arm before settling his eyes on a small rock formation not far away, muttering his thoughts aloud. "Were the necromancers summoned? What kind of distraction was it anyway?" His train of thought was broken by Sanghier seemingly appearing from no-where beside him from what he could tell. "Good work. Any idea what race it's from?"

The Cullmarsh camp
Much of these wood fragments have drifted in from somewhere north by its position on the shore. Which is strange though as the water is flowing gently northward and many of these pieces would be quite likely to get stuck in the shallow band not far north of here.
The debris isn't broken the normal way for flood debris, it appears deliberately snapped in certain locations.

Sgt. Suitable
2015-10-28, 12:00 AM
Drank shrugs and shivers, the cold settling in his bones.

'Right, I was hoping to do some easy fishing today but that's going to be impossible with this junk here.'
He turns to Percy.
'What do you make of it boss? I can go get some lads and try and clear out most of it. We could use some of it to fashion some rafts maybe.'

2015-10-28, 08:00 AM
Survival: [roll0]

"Hard to say. Let's clear it out of the water nonetheless."

Sgt. Suitable
2015-10-29, 08:33 AM
"Sure thing." Drank says matter of factly as he gathers some of the boys to help him out. They'll fish the most usable pieces out the water and use them to construct a couple of rafts with which they go around to clear out the rubble and poke in the water occasionally.
During all this, Drank somehow sees time and opportunity to fish while overseeing the works being done.

"Still, it's a bit odd.. Much of these wood fragments have drifted in from somewhere north by its position on the shore. Which is strange though as the water is flowing gently northward and many of these pieces would be quite likely to get stuck in the shallow band not far north of here." He offhandedly remarks to Percy while casting his line once more in the shallows.

2015-10-29, 09:21 AM
"Good work. Any idea what race it's from?"

"Human, as near as I can tell," Sanghier replies. "But for all we know, it could have come from a defender..." He trails off, listening to some inner voice for a few seconds, before focusing on the Captain once more. "Could one of the spell-casters trace it back to its owner?"

2015-10-29, 04:24 PM
The Cullmarsh Camp
As the Quinn brothers and the Goblin shamble about dragging the more useable chunks out of the water a pair of large, quick moving jaws dart out of the water at Drank. The crocodile snapped closed a little early as Drank reflexively pulls his leg out of the way. As suddenly as it was there, the beast was again gone into the water.

Outside Bartizar
The captain lights up at Sanghier's suggestion. "That's perfect. I'll go find someone who can, you grab that flying dwarf and go check out that rock over there" He points to the rocky outcropping not far from one of the tents. "I'm seeing more footprints there than anywhere else" with a light bow he takes the ear and moves among the other volunteers

2015-10-29, 05:49 PM
"If we can avoid killing that beast, we will," Percy says. "Nature's defenses are as good as ours. Now, then, let's get to our ambush point, and see what Fate has brought us." Once they have finished clearing the debris and setting it out to dry--perhaps there is some salvageable wood there that could at least be used as firewood, or construction materials--he will lead the group in getting the boat in the water and pushing off.

2015-10-30, 12:28 AM
Tharrid raises an eyebrow towards his superior but hovers away as instructed to avoid disrupting the tracks.

Search [roll0] the pile of stones

Sgt. Suitable
2015-10-30, 12:46 AM
Drank scowls at Percy's orders to leave the beast alone after almost being swallowed up whole. His first instinct had been to pepper the animal with crossbow bolts and serving it up for dinner.
His mood soon changed for the better though, as did with most of the outlaws, at the mentioning of an ambush. He quickly grabbed his gear and headed out with the rest..

2015-10-30, 05:56 PM
Drank isn't the only one to look at Percy as if the man was crazy. The camp could use more defenses, so the Quinns understood what he meant. Once the group had climbed into the boat and began to row through the water, a slight chill settled over each of the occupants. The faint reflection of eyes watching the boat from either side could be seen for a brief moment. About half way across the marsh, the boat rocks suddenly as something nudges it from beneath the surface.
DC 5 Balance check to stay onboard

Outside Bartizar
The small rocky outcropping had a slightly conceiled opening to a tunnel leading down. The entrance was spattered with blood making it easier to notice. Large scratches and small chunks of leather could be seen about the rocks of the entrance.

2015-10-30, 06:04 PM
"Ya don' reckon they got dragged down do ya? Cuz theirs either enemies or an angry predator down there. Ah who an I kidding, let's make sure the land is safe from it regardless"

Sgt. Suitable
2015-10-31, 02:04 AM
As the boat suddenly rocks Drank gets out his rope and passes it around to everyone. Should someone fall at least the rest can try to hoist them up.
He also readies his crossbow, but looks Percy in the eye as if to ask permission before firing it should the oppertunity arrives.


2015-10-31, 08:09 AM
"Nature may not let us keep her crocs alive," Percy says, grabbing hold of the rope and steering the boat toward shore.

Balance: [roll0]

Sgt. Suitable
2015-10-31, 09:13 AM
"I could use a new pair of leather boots.." Drank replies as he scans the water surface for activity, weapon at the ready.

2015-10-31, 03:57 PM
Cullmarsh camp
The boat does not rock again as it returns to the small camped island. Blinking eyes in the water all around, mixed with the debris, watch the group carefully. Ever peeering at them as they beach the small wooden vessel.

2015-11-01, 05:25 AM
Tharrid waves the troops over and begins the decent forgetting that others may not have darkvision.

2015-11-02, 12:29 AM
When the boat pulls aground, John boy rushes to help pull it in. "Is something wrong?"

Outside Bartizar
Tharrid pulls himself into the hole, the faint sound of stone against stone echoing up toward him. Blood stains the rock around him, a severed foot in his path looks as though it had been heading where he has come from.
No sounds of other soldiers follow the dwarf down.

2015-11-02, 09:04 AM
"We've got Crocs, John-boy. Care to try calming them before we are forced to kill them?"

2015-11-02, 10:34 PM
Looking from Percy to the water, John-boy looks quite nervous. His eyes scan the water surface before turning back to the boss. "How?" His voice shaking as he steps closer to the water's edge. "t-th-They seem pretty calm to me." At that moment, one launches from the water, landing right beside the boys feet, snapping at him before he throws himself on its back, pinning its mouth closed.

The creature struggled for a moment, beginning to roll but immediately stopped by John-boy's legs spreading to either side, bracing himself on top. A minute passes and the creature's muscles relax as it rests on the ground under john's weight, it's mouth clamped shut. "I think.... I think it worked!" He looked around at the water. "A little help? I don't think I want to step off in case one's ready to grab me!"

2015-11-03, 04:59 AM
Tharrid pushes onward, convinced that if the others are not brave enough they would probably perish Down here. He is saving them by taking their place with greater competence. Although... Reinforcements would be nice.

Shield readied for the worst this dwarf endures.

2015-11-03, 08:51 AM
The Quinns step in to help restrain the crocodiles. "Let's be off, then." Percy says once the matter of crocodiles is settled. If they bump up against the boat again, he will press onward.

2015-11-03, 08:40 PM
Torn fabric and more blood continues to surround him as the brave dwarf journey's downward. Ahead the sound of stone against stone gets louder, partially whirring gears clicking along beside the sound.

With the knowledge that at least one crocodile in the water was watching them, the group row out of their cage to the far bank. Pulling the boat ashore and hiding it as they normally do, the Quinn brothers look to Drank and Percy for instruction. Should they go to the same place as last time? or a new ambush location?

2015-11-03, 09:26 PM
Although their last ambush point had been a success, the importance of varying your point of attack is a lesson not lost on Percy. He directs the group to a small bluff overlooking the main road. On the opposite side of the road is a forest to serve as cover, and he directs the two Quinn brothers to take the bluff and provide covering fire if necessary, while he and Drank will assault the road from the forest.

2015-11-04, 05:47 PM
The wait was not long, as a little more than 2 hours later a carriage drawn by two large horses and accompanied by a muscular-built human approached. The carriage has a torch on each corner and two large tents rolled up, one attached to either side of the carriage. The man whistles a jovial tune as he approaches.

2015-11-04, 06:06 PM
"Never been a scout before, but what goods a scout who doesn't see what he's looking for. On the bright side I'm pretty curious to see this machine they've got making all that noise." Tharrid thinks to himself, delving further.

2015-11-05, 08:55 AM
Percy walks stridently across the path of the oncoming cart and levels his longbow at the driver. "Hold, traveler. This is a toll road." The Quinn brothers train their bows on the driver as well.

2015-11-05, 04:32 PM
The Bartizar Tunnel
Deeper and Deeper Tharrid moves, the tunnel gently constricting as he does. As a dwarf, he soon notices that the tunnel has been curving, subtly but indead it has been curving. Now the dark rock channel heads toward Bartizar and only 20ft ahead is the source of this mechanical whirring.

The man stops dead in his tracks, raising his arms shakily. "I dun weant no trubble sar" his deep voice is clearly not adept at the common tongue. "Hau be da tawl?" The large man gently pats behind the ear of one of the horses, not taking his eyes off Percy.

2015-11-06, 12:21 PM
Tharrid was reluctantly concerned for himself before, but upon realizing that this tunnel could be for a bomb to submerge the town he grew worried that reinforcements might not be able to arrive in time. He hustles in with shield up and axe readied.

2015-11-07, 10:07 AM
"The choice is yours: 300 gold or half your cargo."

2015-11-07, 06:28 PM
The Tunnel
Rushing to the base of the tunnel, Tharrid can barely see a very big humanoid shape. It's difficult to see its skin beside the darkness, but what small light there is glints off the ripped and broken gold plating that appears to have once been armour. It holds a large rock in its hand that it slams against the wall, chipping more away as the sound of gears follows the movement of its body. The creature doesn't react to Tharrid's entrance. The room surrounding is filled with small bits of once fleshy bodies, clinging to the walls.

The large man bows his head. "Saree, I dun have your gold. und you dun wan my cargu" He pats the mane of the horse, looking around to see if there is anyone else around. "I show Cargo if you want?" the large man nods slightly.

2015-11-07, 09:32 PM
"Show me." Percy says, keeping plenty of distance between himself and the man.

2015-11-07, 09:45 PM
With a shrug the large man moves around his carriage to open the back, stepping back several strides to allow Percy to see inside. Several rugs hang upon the inside walls, creating a warm, inviting room. cushions lay about the area and a humanoid shape holds the blanket at the bottom off the floor.

In the back corner you can see a strange box that appears to be a collection of cubes of various sizes floating together.

2015-11-07, 10:06 PM
"Explain," Percy says, raising his bow to point the arrow directly at the man's face.

2015-11-08, 09:14 PM
"'sesplain what?" The large man gives a blank expression.

2015-11-08, 11:04 PM
"Your business out here, to start."

2015-11-09, 04:44 AM
The large man gives a slight smile, looking around as he closes the doors on the carriage. "Pedlin ma wares s'all. Want some?" He moves around the carriage, patting a tent as he goes. "Mean ya no 'arm" he smiles as he pulls a sheathed sword from the roll of tent, fastening it calmly and slowly to his belt. "But paps I bets be praped in case of bandits. Yunda stand."

Sgt. Suitable
2015-11-09, 01:42 PM
From the bushes at the side of the road Drank's voice can be heard whisper shouting at Percy.

'Boss, is it a pimp we're robbing!?'

2015-11-11, 04:39 AM
I'll detect evil on the clockwork sounding digger. If it doesn't come up as obviously evil I'll do the below.

Unsure whose blood is lining the walls Tharrid makes a request just in case. "Creature who has burrowed this tunnel, I seek your audience on behalf of Bartizar. What is your intention tunneling towards the town, and of what relation are you to the creatures whom resided at the tunnels mouth?

Althought the dark clockwork esc creature was not of any obvious malevolence, even to magical detection, it's response to the dwarves words was visceral. Immediately it rushed to Tharrid, grabbing him around the throat and slamming him against the wall of the tunnel. The thing's once golden helmet was split and dented, revealing the clockwork mechanisms beneath. It's one undamaged eye twitched slightly as it appeared to examine the dwarf before it. Its mechanical voice stuttered and at times repeated itself. "Wh-where is Bartizar?" Its only good eye searched his expression, its great stone and metal gauntlet gripping and then easing off Tharrid's neck. "Wh-Where i-i-i-i-i-i- The undead shall be punished -i-i-iz Bartiza-a-a-a-r"

2015-11-11, 09:54 AM
"No, it's a whore we're liberating!" Percy says, firing his bow at the pimp as he backpedals. Seeing the battle start, the Quinn brothers both start firing their crossbows from prone positions on the bluff.

Percy: Greatbow [roll0]; [roll1]
Quinns: Crossbow [roll2]; [roll3]
Crossbow [roll4]; [roll5]

2015-11-11, 03:11 PM
" the town, still claimed by the living is above," the dwarf choked out. "The undead have ceased their seige on it."

Sgt. Suitable
2015-11-11, 03:57 PM
'That's what I thought.' Drank says without anyone hearing him, just before he fires his crossbow at the man. He didn't enjoy killing, but scumbags making a dime over the backs of others deserved a quick bolt to the face as far as Drank was concerned.

The intricate crossbow clicks and whirs as it is skillfully operated by Drank, who operates the familiar weapon fast and without hesitation.

Rapid shot;
Attack roll 1:

Attack roll 2:

2015-11-11, 07:53 PM
Unsheathing his blade, the large man banged on the wall of the carriage "Sal-Iba" before charging at Percy. two arrows slammed into him, the bolts only just missing, staggering the large man but not deterring him from his charge.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

As he swings his heavy blade, the carriage doors slam closed and the sound of a locking mechanism is clear to all around.

The Tunnel
"You n-n-know Bartiza-a-a-a-ar?" The machine releases the dwarf. "Ta-a-ke me to-"

2015-11-12, 06:39 PM
I comply with the machine informing him that "I will take you there from the surface. There are good living men who can navigate for us waiting at the mouth of this tunnel."

2015-11-12, 07:47 PM
Jonus steps back and fires two arrows in rapid succession. The Quinns continue their assault.

5' step out of threatened range, then rapid shot.

[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]


[roll4], [roll5]
[roll6], [roll7]

2015-11-13, 04:22 PM
The large man takes another step, collapsing to his knees and looking around while peppered with arrows. "Yor Prublum Now" He spits at Percy before collapsing entirely.

The Tunnel
The large mechanical entity follows Tharrid out of the tunnel, it's body scraping the stone as it goes. An occasional squelching sound follows as the machine steps on layabout flesh. Upon exit, the machine's one good eye scans the are "Where is, Bartizar?"

2015-11-13, 09:47 PM
Percy opens his mouth to speak, but says nothing. He attempts to unlock the door to the carriage manually.

Sgt. Suitable
2015-11-14, 07:02 AM
Drank reloads his crossbow and steps out from the shrubs, he kneels at the dead man and searches him for a key and valuables.

2015-11-15, 01:43 AM
The large man's clothing seems rigid in places, as if there are tough plates hidden between the fabric. His coinpurse has a total of 4 pieces of silver and a simple key.

As Percy rattles the back of the carriage, it refuses to open.

2015-11-15, 09:10 AM
"Sal-Iba" Percy attempts.

Sgt. Suitable
2015-11-15, 09:49 AM
'Couple of coins and a key on him.' Drank says and he flings the purse with key and silver to Percy.

'Here you go boss.' He says and readies his crossbow for when the wagon opens.

2015-11-15, 09:54 AM
"Thanks," Percy says, nodding. If the apparently magic word does not work, Percy will try the key.

2015-11-15, 04:19 PM
The door does not respond to the odd word, but the key does work. Inside the carriage is exactly what Percy saw before; rugs and cushions all around, a humanoid shape holding a blanket off the floor.

2015-11-17, 09:23 AM
Percy steps inside the carriage. "Who are you," he asks. If there is no answer, he will lift the blanket off the humanoid shape.

2015-11-17, 07:43 PM
Cullmarsh Carriage
The creature below the blanket uncovered itself with great speed, its terrifyingly long arm, longer than a man is tall, grabbing the doors and renting them closed as its other; a five digit hand covered in razor sharp teeth, shoots up at Percy's throat. "I iba. I guard" the creatures hand that was not at the mans throat, locked the carriage door.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Improved Grab if Possible: [roll2]

2015-11-17, 07:44 PM
"Good men of the bartizar militia, this uh person, seeks escort to our fair town to rid us of undead. Let's head back and show or friend here some 'hospitality'."

2015-11-17, 09:35 PM
Outside Bartizar
Many soldiers turn to face Tharrid, one exclaiming at the sight of the large entity leaving the tunnel behind him "What the F*** is that?"

Sgt. Suitable
2015-11-18, 01:04 AM
Drank, who still had his crossbow pointed at the inside of the wagon fires as the creature attacks Percy.

Rapid shot.

Attack1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2015-11-19, 07:26 AM
The creatures arm is strucj hard by two bolts in the moment before the doors are pulled closed

Outside Bartizar
The large mechanical being questioned at an immense volume "how do i-i-i-iiiiiiiiii reach Bartiza-a-aaaaaar?"

2015-11-19, 07:48 AM
Percy manages to avoid the attack and swiftly draws his sword, slicing wildly at the strange creature.

Longsword: [roll0], [roll1]

2015-11-20, 06:16 AM
Slipping to the side as it stood, the creature reaches out to seize Percy, grabbing at his throat and mouth.
"Iba eat! Iba eat not the girls!" it snarls at him, the teeth on its large hands groping at the man as the carriage remains locked, rocking slightly.
The Quinn brothers watch on concerned, unsure how to get inside.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 2: [roll1]

Damage 1: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

Improved grab attempts.

2015-11-30, 12:17 AM
"Follow us to Bartizar"

Quietly to the captain "I found it down there digging it's way to town. It doesn't seem very stable but this seems better than a surprise attack or earthquake. If you need to take it out I'm more than ready to try."

2015-12-04, 05:51 AM
Outside Bartizar

The captain looks at it a moment.

"Where. I-i-iz-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz- Bartizaaaar?" It twitches, looking from the Dwarf to the Captain, becoming visibly irate.

"What is it first? I don't want something too dangerous being taken into town. It might be a trap" He looked it over, the mechanical creature twitching and stuttering.