View Full Version : [SWSE SOLO] The Cantina (Main IC thread)

2015-10-20, 07:35 PM
The Sandy Swill

Welcome to The Sandy Swill, the beloved cantina of the Shadow Storm Syndicate Headquarters. Located far out in the desert of Socorro, the syndicate's headquarters acts as a shadowport to all types of criminals and scoundrels throughout the Kibilini sector, and indeed throughout the galaxy. Here in the cantina you will find food and refreshment, music and entertainment, games and gambling, and of course, a wide array of beings, some less savory than others. The Sandy Swill is a great place to pick up on gossip, find yourself a new job, or just relax, and perhaps make a new friend. But be careful who you talk to, or you just might make yourself a new enemy instead...

2015-10-20, 08:59 PM
Placeholder--- planning to put news/gossip here.

Batpope Scott
2015-10-21, 11:50 AM
The Sandy Swill again, huh... I guess there's no shortage of need for shadowports when you're no friend to the Empire.

Havo starts the landing sequence for the Angel slower than normal, taking his time to inspect the landing pad for any holes the landing gear might get caught in. It's hard to see from the air, but the potholes you gotta watch out for are usually pretty big. He pulls back on his control yoke and slows the engines to get the larger ship in the docking bay without trouble. After touch-down he looks over his sensors, reading the emissions from the ship: engines are normal, shields functional, weapons fully primed; the ship was looking as good as she ever had. He powers everything down with a slow exhale as the life slips out of the systems.

The smuggler swivels around in his chair to look down the hall towards the crew area before calling for one of his droids. "Tootie, c'mere a sec?" The droid quickly appears in the cockpit, simply asking "Do you need something, sir?" The droid's owner stands with a sigh before saying "I need you to watch the ship. Anybody comes in here besides Mardrag and myself, you're to disconnect the engines and hide in the maintenance hatches. These slimeballs won't think twice about blasting you, but most of them can't fix a fuselage to save their lives." The droid nods and gives a "Roger roger." before heading back to the maintenance bay to inform Vee.

Turning back towards the viewport, he looks to his copilot and says "Comin' Mardrag? We need a job; the ship payment's coming up soon and I've only go 150 creds to burn." without waiting for an answer he checks his blaster, concealed in his jacket, before starting his slow walk towards the loading ramp.

2015-10-21, 12:08 PM
Veira sat in the corner, observing the display on her computer as it ran through coding sequences for the little improvements she'd be making to her ship systems, and nursing a cup of some beverage or other that might affect her vision. Her obsidian-colored hair is down and falls about her shoulders, and she's dressed in a short top and snug trousers.

2015-10-21, 06:19 PM
Yeah I'll be right there. Mardrag says to Havo. He swivels around in his chair and exits the cockpit. R2-A1 where are you? Come here. Mardrag calls out, looking down the corridor for his driod. A few seconds latter a yellow tinted Astromech droid appears, beeping as he comes to a stop in front of Mardrag. A1 stay on the ship, we shouldn't be too long. I want you to run a quick diagnostics test on the engines and the hyper drive while were gone.

Mardrag quickly places his hand on the small of his back, double checking his pistol is secure, as he makes his way to the loading ramp.