View Full Version : The End of the World:Director's Cut

2007-05-24, 12:39 PM
((Several people missed this big fight who would have liked to take part. Many have also thought that it didn't continue for quite as long as something like this should have. In reviewing the battle I must say that I agree. I made the Limos Divided battle too easy and made it end too quick.

So that lead me to say: "Gee, I wish I could have a second shot at it to do better."

Well, this is the Town, Continuity is dead and buried, so why not just have and extended version of the battle?

So here I give you The End of the Word: the Director's Cut.

This will be up for several days at least and operates outside the normal Town continuity since it already technically happened.

This is your chance to shine, people. Let's see how epic we can make this.))

The massive beast falters just as four blinding beams of light explode from the wing tips.

The convulsion that rages through his frame causes the attacks to go wide, burning off into the void and missing the motley band of adventurers utterly.

The aura of obfuscation around Limos pulses stronger as he pours more power into it; know that his time is short.

The un-maker lurches forward, driving one forelimb into the non-existent ground below to steady itself.

"You wouldn't use your power to right the wrongs of this place. But you would use it to stop me from saving them all," Limos doesn't sound angry with Gent. He sounds... betrayed. "Why...?"

"Now! Hit him with everything you have!"

"Stop his slaughter! End his threat while you can!"

"I will not be stopped. Not now, not when I'm so close."


Limos then summons the considerable power that he can still muster and heaves a wave of anathema at the menagerie of gods.

Requiem of the Fallen, a magic that, though unable to strip a deity of its power, can still suppress it for a short time.

As if that weren't enough the fabric of space begins to rend across the battle-field, causing brilliant bursts of chronal energy to pepper anyone unfortunate enough to be caught within.

2007-05-24, 12:43 PM
"You do not understand, Limos. There are no wrongs for me to right. Right and wrong, good and evil, these are terms that we have created to categorize things based on the blindness that is our perception of them. In reality the multiverse cannot be described in such a way. If you could see it the way that I do, you would see that, despite what we may think, the multiverse is perfect in the way that it is constructed and in the way that it works."

He speaks softly, gently.

"Limos, were I in your position, lacking the knowledge that I possess, I would be doing the same thing that you are. I can understand your conviction and the idea that some things are a disease on the multiverse, a boil that must be lanced, a limb that must be amputated for the rest to continue living. But that is not the case. Everything, the big and the small, the mundane and the magical, the good and even the evil, have a place and a purpose. There is no more innate glory and nobility in planting a tree than there is in cutting one down. All is equal in the grand scheme of things."

He removes his hat.

"Everyone deserves the right to free will, Limos, whether they would put that will to good or not. And, because this is outside of the normal continuity of things, I feel that I can actually do something about your madness." He waves his hand and summons a small army of OmniShop Guards.

"Stop him," he orders. "But try not to kill him."

The robotic warriors aim their Gatling guns and open fire.

2007-05-24, 01:14 PM
((Wohoo! Thanks! :smallbiggrin:))

Ilias raises his sword and orders the two solars to attack. They charge forward, swinging their blades at the enemy. Ilias draws on the planes to summon a storm. At the same time the wolf and dragon appear behind him. The wolf howls and leaps at Limos with a snarl, attempting to sink it's teeth and claws into him. The dragon lifts into the air and breathes a cone of lightning at the destroyer.

Black flames rise out of the void as Deadly and Muffin appear on the battlefield. Muffins eyes blaze with dark energy as he points a paw at Limos and tries to rip all life from him with a Hand of Death (Paw of Death?)

Deadly grows to many times his normal size and leaps at Limos, clawing wildly with long, black claws of dark energy "DEATH BY RACCOON!" he screams

Cali appears, as if she had been there all the time, and in a way she had. She directs a hand at Limos and gathers a good amount of matter before letting it explode violently right next to him.

2007-05-24, 01:29 PM
Fenric becomes a mortal werefox again and floats around spluttering. Hachiman and Liu also succumb.

Susa-no-o drops to around demigod stature and charges.

Izanagi joins Fenric in "normal" land, while Izanami swigs a drink of her magic sake, staying round about lesser goddess.

Ameratsu doesn't play by those rules, and swings her transcendental beads at Limos' head.

Myobi shrugs it off althgether

It's fish time, Ruin!

She blasts her fire and lightning sai at the remaker.

The Geomancer
2007-05-24, 01:46 PM
Aharon mentally reaches out and rips open the boundary to the plane of fire. He channels the chaotic and destructive energies that come streaming out into a flaming net. He casts the net at Limos' legs, trying to constrict his opportunities to make melee attacks.

2007-05-24, 02:07 PM
A ripple in space reverberates through the void before the massive beast as the conflagration of energies are hurled at him. They twist and twine, drawn together in a chaotic mass of seething power held aloft above him.

Even the kenietic energy of the gatling gun rounds is sapped away, causing them to slow to a crawl before finally drifting lazily through Limos' massive form.

"You may have severed the other from my direct control, but their power is still mine to wield. I will not be stopped by the likes of you!"

The unmaker rears back on his hind legs and sweeps a massive claw at the gathering number of angels, wolves, and other smallish things, intent to simply drive them aside like some jerk who isn't happy about losing a game of chess.

He then reaches back and grasps the writhing mass of energy he had collected from the varied attacks and attempts to drive the shimmering orb directly into Deadly's fuzzy belly. This in turn causes it to explode quite spectacularly.

2007-05-24, 02:18 PM
The OmniGuards continue firing on Limos as Gent watches passively.

2007-05-24, 02:23 PM
The wolf is thrown violently through space with a pained howl. The dragon dodges, as does Ilias. Ilias continue to focus on the storm as massive lightning strikes down at Limos. The two solars are thrown aside but quickly get back up and draw their bows and fire their deadly arrows at Limos.

Deadly explodes in a shower of blood and gore, which quickly gathers itself back again, returning to the form of a very angry raccoon. He growls and reaches out to try and rip Limos' mind apart.

Muffin creates a massive hand of dark energy that tries to grab and crush Limos.

Cali tries to freeze Limos in place

The Geomancer
2007-05-24, 02:25 PM
Aharon draws the sword he had been wearing at his hip. He charges it with crackling negative energy. He glances up at Limos and smiles. If it was stopped by a shield or deflected with a claw the blade would discharge the negative energy through the shield conduit towards whatever guided it, it this case Limos. Aharon stuffs the sword full of kinetic energy and sends it flying at Limos.

Following the swords flight is the repeated sound of vacuums re pressurizing. The negative energy on the sword is destroying any matter it comes in contact with on its way towards Limos. Not just breaking it apart like normal destruction either. The matter ceases to exist.

2007-05-24, 02:26 PM
The "mortalified" gods bounce around ineffectively and are swept conveniently off to the side (so that's why they didn't do anything at all last time)

Susa-no-o takes a drink of the divine sake, and regains his strength.

Ameratsu draws a mystic line across reality, trying to slash Limos

Myobi scowls and stomps


She casts a DR 17 polymorph at Limus, attempting to do that very thing.

Raiden remembers that he is here this time, and hurls lightning at the thing that Limos was working on, rather than at Limos himself.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-24, 03:07 PM
Xeni watches Limos, tracing an arrow at his head.
We just might win...

sRizzen charges Limos, lashing out with his assorted jagged, sharp and pointy tendrils.
Lets see how well we're held off.

Goblin Music
2007-05-24, 03:20 PM
Dall and GM appear. GM grins oh i love a fight
Dall turns invisible so do i

2007-05-24, 03:49 PM
((Aww, but this ruins my plan to make Plot go crazy))

The Geomancer
2007-05-24, 03:55 PM
((Nevrmore this is outside the continuum. You can still make plot go crazy. Actually I thought he was already crazy.))

2007-05-24, 03:55 PM
((Good point.

Up and atom!))

2007-05-24, 03:58 PM
((See! Mental disorder!))

2007-05-24, 03:58 PM
((Shut up!!!))

2007-05-24, 04:19 PM
((You're just angry 'cause I'm right.))

2007-05-24, 04:25 PM
((This thread won't move quite as fast as the other one did, I just want everyone to keep that in mind. In fact, I'm not going to be posting another response until either tomorrow or late today. That should give everyone plenty of time to spice up their posts =P))

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-24, 08:26 PM
((That was understood from the beginning on my end, Rebo. Now back to my coming up with imaginative uses for sRizzen and Xeni's combat abilities...))

Veg Sorbet
2007-05-24, 09:03 PM
((sweet! - out of continuity... no faffing about with mirror-Val... I can bring in the real deal, gauntlets, sword, spirit-morphing (still need a better name for that...) and all...))

Valthreborn appears in a flash of green light, and stares for a few moments at the creature before him, considering his options. The glow around his gauntlets grows brighter as they work to protect him from any harmful effects of the area.

His face takes on the slightly serious, hard-to-read expression he usually wears in combat as he draws his sword with one hand, and leaps forwards, aiming to plunge the blade into Limos' throat, or any part of him that seems like it may be vital, if his form is still indeterminate.

He forms a ball of pale-green energy in one hand, but doesn't release this yet.

Mirror-Valthreborn vanishes back into his own plotline, scowling slightly about his potential moment of glory being taken from him, until he remembers that he likes being a villain, and never wanted to be a hero in the first place...

2007-05-24, 09:19 PM
False-Gent frowns at the seeming ineffectiveness of his robots. He sighs and summons a legion of OmniGuard Leaders, which open fire with their dual miniguns.

2007-05-25, 12:05 AM
((Looks for a character building guidebook, to flesh out a new idea and try to drag it in))

2007-05-25, 01:54 AM

Evocation forms a fist with one hand. Around him the chronal energy begins to be sucked in, like metal to a magnet. I can manipulate any energy you can throw at us. And apparently he can. He doesn't use the energy to attack. He uses it like a battery. His multicoloured robes flare to life, flashes of colour dancing across them. Then he roots himself to the spot, holding the energy up like a beacon. Bolts of light lance out from it, connecting with the other members of the Nine.

Destro nods. Again Limos, I'm sorry. But like I explained before, I like the chaos. Free will, it would seem, is like a game. It may have no purpose, but damned if it isn't fun to use. Negative energy swirls around him as he shifts, his shield and sword of negative energy forming in his hands. With Evocation powering this form, it will last much longer than usual.

Then a shield of sorts forms around each of the wizards. Blue light spreads out from Abjuration. His eyes glow an eerie blue as he raises his hands, surrounding the others with protective magic.

Illusion walks slowly forwards, first in one place, then another. At some times it seems there are hundreds of him, all speaking as one. You cannot win Limos. Your defeat is inevitable. Every one of the many Illusions charges at the same time. They slash at Limos with thier rapiers before darting away.

Transmutation is much less subtle. He just runs at him, eager for a rematch. And he took the precaution of transforming his demon-fist into force before he swung this time.

Conjuration and Universal work as a team, with Conjuration calling a number of small metal projectiles into being. He feeds these into a small area of magically altered air held in place by his aged compatriot. As each object enters the wind tunnel it is flung towards Limos at an extremely high velocity.

Enchantment, meanwhile, is speaking in a low voice. His words come from everywhere and nowhere all at once, urging Limos to give up. Stop fighting. You can't win. This will only cause pain and death on a scale you couldn't even imagine. You, who has re-written entire worlds. Death and destruction and chaos all feed off the battlefield, all you are really doing is making them stronger...

2007-05-25, 01:01 PM
Limos, seeing that simply destroying the Deadly raccoon isn't going to work so well decides to do something different. He attempts to simply draw all psionic power from the being much as he had previously drawn all divine power from the mother of the gods.

The end result will leave Deadly fatigued and, probably much to his displeasure, in his actual form.

The lightning bolts, shadow energy, and even psionic assaults as all broken down into masses of fundamental energy and drawn into the pools once again growing at the beast's wingtips. Suffice to say that the hold monster attempt does do much good.

The majority of the arrows whiz through the monster harmlessly, though a few manage to find something solid to lodge in. Despite this it doesn't appear to bother him all that much.

The negative energy sword zooms harmlessly through the monster, mainly due to the fact that he isn't made of matter. Well, not harmlessly, the corrupt power does cause some damage, though he's so blurred it's hard to tell how much he was actually hurt by it.

The rend in reality tears at Limos for a few moments before the beast manages to re-seal it. And he doesn't turn into a koi. That's not scheduled until the end of the battle.

The lightning strikes the manifestation of the planes, causing it to being to throb and contort, sending out rending distortions in the fabric of space. Limos shudders as they wash over him, probably harmed though once again it's hard to tell how much. The shockwave continues to spread toward the growing band of heroes.

"You simpleton!" the monster booms at Raiden. "Do you have any idea what you've done!?"

Apparently one of the thing's he's done is manage to make the monster rather upset. He expresses this displeasure by jamming one of his misty forelimbs into the air and attempting to tear the deity's existence free from the continuum of the multi-verse. ((Think Sphere of Annihilation-like effect.))

The manifestation of the planes continues to wobble and distort wildly.

sRizzen manages to prick at the Godzilla sized monster, though it doesn't appear to notice at this point.

Valthreborn's leap is pretty impressive due to the sheer size of Limos at this point. But hey, this is one of those 'down is whatever direction you want' sort of places so such things are to be expected.

His sword bites into the creature, though like sRizzen he doesn't appear to notice at the moment. Maybe he could find a spot to stand and start hacking away.

The jagged pieces of metal, like the spray of mini-gun fire, is sapped of its kinetic energy before it reaches the monster. By now there's a pretty sizable cloud of metal hanging in front of him

"Then I will have to crush you without using energy," and he does. Well, tries to anyway. The fabric of space around the mass of metal begins to protest loudly as it collapses into itself, grinding any matter within well beyond its Schwarzschild radius, thus causing it to be ground into a point in space, a singularity.

Everything caught within the event horizon will be promptly spaghettiafied ((yes, that is the scientific term)) and subsequently smashed into nothing. Limos then hurls this singularity at Evocation just as he attempts to nudge Abjuration's protection to another target. Specifically the manifestation of the planes Raiden had blasted.

Limos then annihilates the connection between this place and the Shadow Plane, which may make it somewhat difficult for Illusion to create those shadow... well... illusions that he likes so much.

A voice of equal persuasive power begins to seep back toward goatee clad wizard. Then do not fight me. Had I the power I would mend this place without death. I have no desire to harm any, only a desire to right wrongs. I have been told that I will not succeed before, and each time I have. You are trying now to stand against inevitability. Give up and stop this needless bloodshed.

2007-05-25, 02:34 PM
Perhaps a bit surprisingly, Deadly simply falls over dead. No spectacular display of exploding raccoons or doomsday muffins, just simple, instant death. Since he doesn't possess a true form, or any form at all, he simply fades away into nothingness.

Muffin stares at this, then turns back to Limos "Time to die!" he says coldly and summons a storm of tiny, razor sharp blades and sends it at Limos. Millions of tiny blades whirl around Limos furiously, attempting to shred him up. At the same time Muffin sends a quick message to Cali, who frowns before fading away I'm going to have so much trouble fixing all this when we're done she mutters before she's gone. As she disappears Time bends and wraps a little as she attempts to shift all the blades so that they appear and exist all throughout Time, from the very beginning of Time, to the very end. Unless Limos does something, he'll be shredded from the second he entered this place, to the second he stops being here.

Ilias uses his power to enhance the speed and severity of Muffin's blade storm (in this point in time), turning it into a raging tornado of whirling blades and lightning.

The Dragon roars at Limos, and sends a wave of fully enhanced mindblades at him.

The wolf gets back up, but is still a bit disoriented. One of the solars cast Holy Smite at Limos, while the other casts Destruction

2007-05-25, 03:41 PM
"Eh?? How the hell did we get here?" Ebola asks as he finds himself and his partner, Leprosy, floating around the ether.

I thought that destroying a god would be a good character building excercise. Kaio's voice chimes in his ear.

"God dammit, you bastard!" Ebola shouts, but Kaio doesn't reply. Angrily, Ebola floats over towards Limos. "Bad day for you, dude, but I've got a few years worth of anger to dish out." With that, he fires off a large concussive blast infused with fire as Leprosy unwraps his arm, the runes sealing his power fading away slowly.

Veg Sorbet
2007-05-25, 04:16 PM
Valthreborn's leap is pretty impressive due to the sheer size of Limos at this point. But hey, this is one of those 'down is whatever direction you want' sort of places so such things are to be expected.

His sword bites into the creature, though like sRizzen he doesn't appear to notice at the moment. Maybe he could find a spot to stand and start hacking away.

((I should really update Val's character entry with details of some of the powers the gauntlets give him. The fact that they allow him to fly makes that leap a little less impressive, really. Coming to think about it, I need to update the character entries for all my characters...))

Gravity seems to have little effect on Val right now, he would be quite happy walking vertically up Limos' body, or simply hovering in mid-air. For the moment, though, he stands with his feet either side of the wound he created, and does indeed begin hacking and slashing, rather methodically.

The lightball ((ball of energy mentioned in my last post)) has managed to escape his hand, and is now hovering behind his head, apparently waiting for some kind of cue. Two more appear beside it. Or split off from it. Or something. Anyway, there are now three balls of pale green energy hovering behind Val's head, waiting for him to make use of them.

2007-05-26, 01:00 AM
Destro spins the sword around, slashing at Limos again and again. He'd say something, but Limos didn't reply to his first remark. He figures the need for words is past.

The singularity bears down on Evocation at an alarming rate, just as the shield around him flickers out. Abjuration is distracted by trying to get the shield to go back where it's supposed to go. He's strengthened the other fields too. That trick won't work twice. Destro and Transmutation are attacking, Conjuration is feeding bits of sharp metal to Universal's wind tunnel... The only one who can do anything about the singularity is Evocation himself.

To that end, the energy powering the rest of the Nine slows, as Evocation draws the majority of it to himself. A singularity will absorb whatever is thrown at it. Evocation knows he can't stop it, and he knows that he needs to do something else, and fast. He also knows that, in a limited way, he is connected with the rest of the Nine right now. So he does the next best thing. He creates a second singularity and flings it at the first. Space shears as the two impossibly heavy masses reach each other. They try to draw the other into them, rending the very fabric of being in two. Space folds into space, matter collapses into matter, and the two dueling singularities absorb each other, winking out of existence.

All the Illusions wink out of being, except for the ones close to the real Illusion. It would seem he is forcing them to exist simply be being there. They stab with their rapiers before backing away.

Divination has apparently been hiding in the back. He's muttering to himself about not liking fights and being dragged off to combat too many times. He's also watching a miniature version of the fight currently taking place on a mirror. Or rather, he's watching what might take place.

Enchantment continues whispering, attempting to drown out Limos' voice with his own. Am I fighting you? Or am I merely stating what is fact. Death is necessary sometimes, as a counterpoint to life. A balance, a scale, all you can really do is work to even it out. There can be no life without death, and there can be no death without life. They are dependant on each other. Symbiotic. Would you seek to upset that? You cannot right wrongs and you can't win this fight. The only thing that is inevitable here is that you will fail. You will die Limos, alone and unwanted, and none of us here will mourn your passing.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-26, 01:08 AM
Xeni frowns and fires his force-laced arrow at Limos' head. This is followed by a few more.

sRizzen grimaces and begins to promptly intensify his tendrils attack, hardly noting that using shadows just became a tad harder and being careful to stay a fair distance away from the metal orb. Thank goodness his tendrils are so long.

2007-05-26, 09:38 AM
Gent orders his guards to stop firing and start pummeling, which they do.

Flexing their platinum claws, the guards and their leaders charge into melee.

2007-05-26, 12:52 PM
Limos responds to the blade storm in his usual method for getting rid of things he doesn't like. He tears the existence of the blades out of the continuity of the multiverse and then eats it. Like temporal noodles.

The lightning, like all the elemental attacks hurled at Limos, is greedily soaked up by the silvery nimbus swirling around him. The holy smite manages to harm the massive creature, though as per normal it's hard to tell how bad the damage is. Destruction does an exceptional amount of nothing.

The mindblades actually manage to sink into him. Apparently it's going to be necessary to pin-prick the monster to death.

The flames and force are likewise subsumed by the haze around the re-maker. Would probably be a good idea to make tabs on what isn't working.

The monster finally notices Valthreborn hacking at him. He makes a grunting noise and moves to simply flick him away, like you would flick a mosquito drilling through your skin.

Space folds into space, matter collapses into matter, and the two dueling singularities absorb each other, winking out of existence.
((Windmills do not work that way!))

Limos' maw splits open and disgorges a massive river of shimmering silver particles in the direction of all the little bugs currently slashing at him. Since there's no matter other than the heroes hanging around it isn't really possible to tell what the attack will do unless one is unfortunate enough to get caught in it. To that end, all time flowing through any of the victims will instantly crystallize thus turning them into a pretty statue.

The creature's honeyed voice continues to flow back along Enchantment's link. You fight in your own way. I do not seek to undo death. It is an unfortunate necessity for an imperfect world. Though what I forge is better than this, it is by no means perfect. Freedom burns brighter in my paradise than it does in this place, where it's flame is snuffed by those with power. Three times before I have been told I can not succeed. Three times before the same who have condemned me have rejoiced when I am done. This is an inevitability. And only those here can choose how much violence must be endured before it comes to pass.

2007-05-26, 07:37 PM
((But it's COOL! Besides, I didn't really have any other way to deal with something like that :smallsmile:))

Evocation goes back to powering the rest of the Nine, only holding a small amount of power back for defense. Meanwhile, the sudden influx of energy brings the battle Divination is watching into focus. He watches as the monster turns its head to face the combatants and breathes out the stream of frozen time. He watches as Destro and Transmutation are crystallized, unable to fight anymore. Then he looks up.

In slow motion he watches the real monster turn its real head. He sees it open its mouth and hears himself yell something. Destro and Transmutation glance back at him, then at the open maw facing them. Oh shock... Transmutation grabs Destro and dives out of the way, throwing them both clear of the wave of doom. Just in time too, as it washes over the spot they were standing a moment before.

Universal and Conjuration, seeing their tactic isn't working, decide to change plans. So instead of hurling little bits of pointy metal at Limos, the fire something else instead. Something that looks an awful lot like crystallized magic.

Abjuration waves a hand at Illusion, who seems to speed up very briefly. The ten or so versions of him milling around simultaneously throw themselves out of the path of the time freezing energy and roll to their feet. The stab at Limos multiple times before spinning out of his reach and reverting to normal speed.

Enchantment nods in spite of himself. I am causing you no personal harm. I am merely trying to convince you of the futility of your actions. It may be that your reconstruction would be better, but at what expense? You could give in. Find somewhere else to fix. It is not necessary for you to change this multiverse. Go. Run while you still can.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-26, 10:27 PM
Xeni has already had the displeasure of knowing what the wave is likely to do, so he carefully moves himself out of the way and begins to fire arrows of random type, darkwood, adamantine, mithril, etc. Just to see if any of them make a difference in success.

sRizzen finds that having time freezing his body is a bad thing, so tendrils that get struck promptly remove themselves from his body before it spreads. He frowns and tries to summon a horde of shadow elementals, he then blinks when he finds that he can't.
He then sighs and resumes lashing out with his tendrils, though this time they are aimed for Limos' head.

2007-05-27, 06:16 PM
((I'm going to assume that the legions of robots are doing didly damage, so it's time to try something else.))

Gent summons from the darkest recesses of the earth the great grandfather of all earth elementals. Easily as large as Limos, it lurches from the ground like a rapidly growing mountain. Gnashing stone teeth, it goes to grapple with the would-be Destroyer.

2007-05-28, 11:49 AM
Both solars get caught in the shimmering silvery particles and are frozen in time. Not that they did a lot to bring Limos down, anyway. Muffin gets caught and frozen as well, while the various instances of Ilias evade the attack.

Something odd and indistinct appears suddenly and mysteriously before disappearing again as Deadly reforms from nothing. He growls with obvious displeasure at having to claw his way back to reality like that.

Cali reappears and begins to work on defreezing Muffin.

Ilias, the Wolf and the Dragon each throw their mindblades at Limos, since that seemed to work moderately well last round.

2007-05-28, 09:49 PM
((This is intended to illustrate the hopelessness that ordinary NPCs feel in a situation like this. I don't have a town charcter but I'm still allowed to use basic NPCs, right?))

A commoner 'rolls a natural 20' and fires a perfectly ordinary arrow at Limos (who isn't likely to notice).
"Die!" He screams (and probably isn't heard).
He then gets annihilated by a stray energy bolt and vanishes from existence. His contribution to the battle for nought.

Veg Sorbet
2007-05-29, 07:09 AM
The monster finally notices Valthreborn hacking at him. He makes a grunting noise and moves to simply flick him away, like you would flick a mosquito drilling through your skin.

Val gets flicked away, losing his sword in the process.

The three lightballs seem to take this as their cue to act, and launch themselves at the wound Val had made. If Limos were human, he would probably recieve a relatively severe burn from this, but as he isn't, who knows...

2007-05-29, 07:17 PM
The pure magic actually seems to do something, blooming into a rather beautiful explosion upon impact with the massive monster. Limos doesn't appear to like this very much and responds by causing a zone of wild magic to erupt Universal and Conjuration.

This in turn causes their projectiles to be replaced with a stead stream of live sea bass.

At this point getting poked by a sword wielding wizard is getting annoying. Wizards aren't really know for being deadly sword users, but the sheer annoyance of getting jabbed and poked is grating on his nerves. So he attempts to smash Illusion.

All ten of him.

With one foreclaw.

The fellow had previously been out of reach, but the universe kindly folds up on itself to put him within smushing range.

Limos' voice continues to filter back to the wizard who is, above all else, good at convincing people to do things they normally wouldn't. Were I to go elsewhere the powers of that place would resist me just as you and yours do even now. If I were to give in every time the natives fought I would never accomplish anything. I'm sorry, but I must finish what I began.

The arrow volley swishes through Limos. For the most part. A few of the arrows probably manage to find something to stick into since they don't go zooming out the back of him.

sRizzen begins jabbing Limos in the head. This, of course, brings him dangerously close to Limos' rather tooth filled mouth. He moves to take advantage of this fact when...

He gets clubbed in the head with a fist made of rock as it moves to grab him, causing his teeth to clash together about three feet away from sRizzen. The monster rears back and attempts to thrust his head into the elemental's chest and rip its time-line out.

Meanwhile, Limos continues to have mind-blades jab into him from several angles at once.

The lightning bolts dive toward the wound and are promptly snuffed by the silvery nimbus that is still roiling around him.

The Geomancer
2007-05-29, 07:28 PM
Aharon pulls large amounts of energy from the many different planes that surround them. He focuses the opposing energies together in his hand, keeping them together only by the power of his will.

Unfortunately for him, the energies will erupt in a powerful maelstrom the second they leave his hand, so to inject Limos which their essences he must use it like a melee attack.

Aharon flies forward, raising his hand over his head. When he reaches Limos he attempts to smash the cacophony of energies into his jaw in an uppercut motion.

Chaotic Bob
2007-05-29, 07:37 PM
sRizzen yoinks his tendrils back once Limos' head begins to move close, almost sighing with relief when the head fails to bite him in half. A small purple-hilted dagger appears in one of his hands and he passes it onto a tendrils, which in turn tries to pass it onto Limos' neck...or wherever his neck should be.

Xeni rummages around through one of his pockets and eventually pulls out a small sphere. He grins, presses a button on it and chucks it at Limos. Think of it as a grenade, only using non-elemental force to deal damage instead of a fiery explosion.

2007-05-29, 09:26 PM
Gent glares at Limos as his elemental is returned to the earth from whence it came. "Well," he says. "If you are going to play dirty..." A rift forms in the fabric of the world and from it pours an army of Baatezu. As they emerge from the hells of Baator he enchants their eyes. To them, Limos represents all that they loath about the Tanar'ri. Howling in rage and clashing their weapons, the monstrous demons attack with a terrible ferocity.

2007-05-29, 11:16 PM
It would appear that that is no longer working. Certainly did something. I'd be willing to bet he didn't appreciate that, and I'm not a betting man. Universal and Conjuration cease their attack, moving away from the wild magic zone. So, shall we set up somewhere different and try that again? I have a better idea. Follow me. The two wizards sneak away from the fight in a bid to get around the giant monster. Preferably without it noticing.

The multiple Illusions are rather disturbed to be suddenly so close to Limos. Their consternation is short lived, as all of them get smushed. Or seem to. The shield around them flares as Limos strikes them, absorbing most of the attack. Abjuration feeds it more energy as the multiple rapier-wielding wizards stab furiously at the claw which is now conveniently nearby.

Destro and Transmutation jump to their feet. They nod to each other, and Transmutation grabs one of Destro's arms with his clawed fist. He spins around, holding the necromancer at arms length. Rapidly building momentum, he has to lean backwards to counter the centrifugal force caused by spinning Destro. Then he lets go. Destro goes flying, sword and all, towards the giant monster's head.

Enchantment shakes his head. Who is to say they would put up this much of a fight? There are many places containing less power than this one, and all of them have pain and suffering in ample supply. Would it not be better to fix those ones first? Surely it would take less effort, and more could be accomplished in a shorter time.

2007-05-30, 02:02 PM
Ilias, the Dragon and the Wolf repeat their last action, since that seems to be the only thing they can do that actually works.

Deadly frowns and summons his own mindblades... and all of Ilias' too, the ones that were just flying at Limos. All of them appear in his paw before he throws them at Limos. Upon impact they explode in a storm of splintered mindblades.

Cali turns her attention back to the fight and summons a spear of pure energy, which she hurls at Limos. She then summons a similar blade and leaps at the beast, trying to hit a weak spot

Veg Sorbet
2007-05-31, 11:44 AM
Val pulls himself out of a dizzying tumble through the air and stops dead, allowing tendrils of ghostly green energy to cover his body. They increase in speed and number until it looks as though he is covered in ghostly fire.

For the briefest of moments, this energy steps forwards, away from his body in the form of a large, ghostly wolf.

After only a few seconds, this wolf steps back into Val's body, and vanishes. Val's body then undergoes a transformation, until it eventually resembles a brown-furred werewolf in hybrid form. His eyes and the gauntlets glow with the same ghostly green energy that had surrounded him, and a long lance made out of the same substance appears in his right hand, though this quickly solidifies.

He then dives towards Limos, aiming to spear the lance into Limos' head.

2007-06-01, 08:31 PM
Aharon zooms through the air like a possessed avatar.

Or something.

And he certainly manages to smash his writhing mass of elemental energy into Limos' jaw, resulting in a rather spectacular explosion of elemental and paraelemental power. The blast ripples out into the void, only to begin draining back toward the point of origin. The conflagration of elemental doom has been completely soaked by the silvery nimbus swirling around the towering monster.

The dagger manages to zip through Limos' neck without any obvious effect. That miss chance can certainly be annoying...

The force grenade, however, causes the towering beast to twitch in annoyance as it detonates. Apparently it managed to harm him. Wow, that elemental doom attack of Aharon's actually managed to cut through his wards.

If Limos notices the sneaky sneaking wizards who are... umm... sneaking, he doesn't show it. So they manage to get behind him with no real trouble.

The hand stabbing manages to annoy the behemoth. He intends to do something unpleasant in response in the near future. He'll certainly have to do something about those shields...

Destro's Wolverine/Colossus attack manages to hit home. Well, mostly. Limos pulls up one wing to block his face. As such, Destro now finds his negative energy blade stuck in said appendage. The monster then flicks the wing off to one side, probably flinging Destro a rather amazing distance in the process.

The re-maker's reply comes with a patronizing air. You don't really understand your position, do you? The only reason I didn't annihilate all of you in an instant is because of the Gentlemen's meddling. And the only reason I didn't rip the knowledge of the Rules free from his mind is because I didn't ever expect him to break his convictions. Even to stop me. I'm nearly done here. An hour, maybe two and all will be finished.

Limos continues to get peppered with mind-blades, the weapons sinking into his misty flesh.

And then he shatters in a massive explosion of scything fragments of jagged consolidated time.

Odd that the uncanny feeling of doom isn't gone yet...

The Geomancer
2007-06-01, 08:35 PM
((Paraelemental... I like the sound of that.))
Elemental doom attacks happen to be Aharon's specialty. But they are exhausting. He does nothing else for now.

2007-06-03, 10:35 PM
Well, what now? Conjuration smiles and holds up a chunk of very spongy looking rock. See this? It's hollow. Also filled with holes. Now, say those holes were filled with solidified magic and thrown into that guy. What do you think it would do? Universal nods as well, and he and Conjuration set about filling the rock with bits of solid magic.

The multiple Illusions continue with the stabbing, trying to work their way out from under the claw as they do so. Abjuration continues making sure they are quite a lot less smushable than they look.

Destro finds himself in the unpleasant position of midair. He's still holding the energy sword, which may or may not have taken a chunk of Limos' wing with it when it went. He does a couple flips, orienting himself to face away from Limos. A rift in the fabric of reality opens in front of him, and he flies through it. A similar rift opens up near Transmutation, depositing Destro on the ground next to the bug-man. The bag man helps him up and prepares to charge Limos, who has just shattered. Bugger. Well that puts a considerable damper on his plans, now doesn't it?

Shields flare as time crystals ping off them. Enchantment sits calmly in the middle of it all, whispering. Magic flows around him, waiting to be unleashed. He's got quite a lot of it stored too. You work with magic. You know what removing us would do to it. If you wanted to destroy us, you would have done so before the Gentleman meddled with your ability to do so. You say you're nearly done here, but you don't know which type of done. You say you need an hour or two, no more. What if you don't even get that? You're faltering Limos, this is a fight you can't win. Run. Run while you still can. So close. He was so close...

Chaotic Bob
2007-06-03, 10:42 PM
Xeni and sRizzen both, rotate, fingering weapons as they wait for Limos to reappear.

Veg Sorbet
2007-06-12, 07:38 AM
((Not sure if it's been me holding this up, or just the general inactivity of Town right now. Anyway, I've recently decided to retire all my characters, so Val's going to be vanishing now...))