View Full Version : DM Help Some homebrewed low level magic items

2015-10-21, 05:50 PM
How strongly would magic items (for a party of 8 at levels 3-4) that have 1 use a day, that cast one 1st-2nd level spell (not the combat ones) unbalance the game? A powerful wizard king guy is going to gift the items after his possessed demon form devours their previous (and very unbalanced items) note that material costs don't apply for these items spells.

so far i'm thinking using:
Absorb elements (buffed: can roll to "catch" the total damage)
Aganazzars scorcher (debuffed: 3d4 15 ft)
Arcane lock
Cordon of arrows (debuffed: 3 arrows 15 ft)
Detect thoughts
(More ideas would be appreciated)

Please note that: A) This is a homebrew campaign and B)The encounters I set for my players are often much higher than the CR should be, I beleive it encourages critical thinking under pressure and creativity, these items probobly wont change the CR gap too much.

Also note that when I said these items can be used "daily" I ment once per sun rise and sunset, these items wont regain their abilities unless they are bathed in the light of a dawn of a new day. (so it doesn't come back underground or anywhere that doesn't see a sunrise)