View Full Version : Pathfinder Lawful Evil Knight looking for class.

2015-10-21, 05:55 PM
Making a Lawfull Evil knight, want him to have high charisma whilst still being a melee focused character, think paladin but evil.

Antipaladin is impossible because the rules makes it too restrictive in whom they can travel with. Barbarian mixed with evil is something the groups doesn't want, he doesn't mix well with charisma either. Fighters also do not really use charisma.


Is there some class I've yet to hear of which uses charisma, can wear heavy armor, kills thing in melee combat and doesn't require wisdom/intelligence next to the charisma (I only have 3 good stats, want them to be strength and con and charisma, heavy armor is required as there isn't enough points to stuff some in dex)

Stats are

What I'm looking for is basically what a lot of people want the antipaladin to be, an evil paladin. Except one which can have a goal which doesn't -require- him to be spreading evil and chaos and mayhem.

Is there a build which allows bards to wear heavy armor? xD.

2015-10-21, 06:00 PM
If Paizo only, Oracle of Battle.
If 3pp is allowed, DSP's Lords of the Night Nightguard Paladin (Can be lawful evil, CoC is basically to hunt down monsters and ensure they are no longer a threat to society, by either extermination, redemption, or exterminating them after they are redeemed and you think it's a necessary measure); Path of War's Warlord, or Path of War Expanded's Zealot, either with the Black Thorn Knights martial tradition.

2015-10-21, 06:02 PM
For a nonmagical version you could easily swing Cavalier. If not, the Hellknight is a good alternative. But yeah, a PoW Warlord wielding Black Seraph manuevers could also scratch that itch. You'd have to go through an archetype to get heavy armor, though.

Bovine Colonel
2015-10-21, 06:03 PM
Some melee-capable Charisma-based casters include Eldritch Scion Magus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/magus/archetypes/paizo---magus-archetypes/eldritch-scion) and Synthesist Summoner (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/summoner/archetypes/paizo---summoner-archetypes/synthesist).

2015-10-21, 06:04 PM
Cavalier into Hellknight is the epitome of the Black Knight trope. Pick up the Horse Master feat and you can continue to accrue Effective Druid Levels for your mount.

Milo v3
2015-10-21, 06:10 PM
I second warlord, especially if you take black seraph.

2015-10-21, 08:33 PM
Barbarian mixed with evil is something the groups doesn't want, he doesn't mix well with charisma either.

There are a handful of Rage Powers that run off of CHA, and building around Intimidate does have it's perks.
There is also always the Bloodrager (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/bloodrager), if you take the Steelblood (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/bloodrager/archetypes/paizo---bloodrager-archetypes/steelblood) archetype you get Heavy Armor prof.

Is there a build which allows bards to wear heavy armor?
See also Skald (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/skald), which is probably more fitting with your idea. Skalds have "no failure casting" in up to Medium armor.
Dwarves have a favored class bonus of 1% reduced Arcane Spell failure (for either Bards or Skalds). If/When you get to 10% reduction you gain Medium Armor prof. (Heavy for Skalds). Note: you do not automatically gain "no failure" in the heavier armor, so Full Plate would still require further reduction of ASF.
However, combine with Mithral armor and make your armor count as one category lighter and ANY Race can wear Medium Armor and cast 100% as a Bard (or Heavy Armor no failure as a Skald).

2015-10-21, 08:47 PM
The [Chelish] Diva (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/bard/archetypes/paizo---bard-archetypes/diva) bard archetype eventually gets heavy armor.

2015-10-21, 08:56 PM
The [Chelish] Diva (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/bard/archetypes/paizo---bard-archetypes/diva) bard archetype eventually gets heavy armor.

I knew there had to be one...but honestly, "Diva" would not be my first guess for "heavy armored Bard archetype".

2015-10-21, 09:38 PM
Strike a deal with your DM? Mine allowed me to play a LE Antipaladin.

2015-10-21, 10:18 PM
Strike a deal with your DM? Mine allowed me to play a LE Antipaladin.

There is an archetype for that in pathfinder.

As far as your code, I have played several anti-paladins, and on occasion I actively grouped with good aligned characters, I didn't care as long as I was furthering the cause of my god/goddess. Paladin/Anti-Paladin restrictions by strict reading are stupid, and most good DMs realize that. What matters most is that you are spreading the influence of your deity, as long as you please them that (un)holy power keeps powering your batteries. Heck I even have a LE Paladin/Cleric/Ordained Champion of a LG goddess(who is the more or less the equivalent of Herioneous in our game) thanks to Heretic of the Faith. He does evil to evil, mercy is for the foolish. He taints his soul specifically to be able to resist the forces of evil that much better, Unholy Blight? I laugh at the Devil/Demon. Then they get a Awesome smite to the face that goes right through their DR. Also helps that the character is half Erinyes half Aasimar.

2015-10-21, 10:21 PM
Mind linking me the archetype? In my current game I am rolling a LE Knight of the Sepulcher with DM approval, but it'd be nice to know what I could've played instead.

2015-10-21, 10:26 PM
Mind linking me the archetype? In my current game I am rolling a LE Knight of the Sepulcher with DM approval, but it'd be nice to know what I could've played instead.

Hmmm, I was sort of mistaken, http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/alternate-classes/antipaladin/archetypes/fire-mountain-games---antipaladin-archetypes/lord-of-darkness mentions it briefly if you read the comments in that book, but
the book Tome of Wicked things from Little Red Goblins Games has LE anti-paladins as well as a handful of other variants, the Dark Angel one is really cool and flavorful IMO.

2015-10-21, 11:52 PM
Hmmm, I was sort of mistaken, http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/alternate-classes/antipaladin/archetypes/fire-mountain-games---antipaladin-archetypes/lord-of-darkness mentions it briefly if you read the comments in that book, but
the book Tome of Wicked things from Little Red Goblins Games has LE anti-paladins as well as a handful of other variants, the Dark Angel one is really cool and flavorful IMO.

I was unaware of the Lord of Darkness. I have always looked at a 'pure' Antipaladin (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/alternate-classes/antipaladin), which I viewed as an archetype for a normal Paladin that had fallen from grace, but instead of losing all his powers, gained appropriate 'opposite' powers from an evil god. Antipaladin can also be found in the Advanced Players Guide, pages 118 to 123 (with a cool picture on page 123).

2015-10-22, 12:32 AM
That Plague Bringer ability is my favorite in my current, our DM declared we were out of water after some days in a disgusting swamp, I simply started filling up on the surrounding water, while others had to figure out other means to get drinkable water.

It also not only makes you immune to addiction, but since you get the disease without the symptoms, YOU become addictive. Anyone that bites my Knight of the Sepulcher has to make a DC12 Will save or be addicted to him :smallbiggrin:.

2015-10-22, 02:08 AM
If you're not doing straight pathfinder stuff you can look at paladin of tyranny. Especially nice is their aura which casters tend to like.

2015-10-22, 04:51 AM
Thanks for the advice, considering the options still. Would prefer it if he didn't have to swear to any one god or power for his evil abilities, he would still think he is doing his old god (most likely a good one) a favor by his actions.

Think Fallen Paladin but not Antipaladin. Sadly going fallen paladin is like going fighter with no bonus feats.

GM let me play this-


2015-10-22, 10:29 AM
I knew there had to be one...but honestly, "Diva" would not be my first guess for "heavy armored Bard archetype".

Well, there's always the Arcane Duelist Bard, which also gets heavy armor proficiency at 16th level!

It's on the pfsrd; I'd post a link but apparently I'm too much of a scrub to post links.

2015-10-22, 10:44 AM
Well, there's always the Arcane Duelist Bard, which also gets heavy armor proficiency at 16th level!

It's on the pfsrd; I'd post a link but apparently I'm too much of a scrub to post links.


There you go