View Full Version : Wilding Clasp Equivalent for Shapeshifting?

2015-10-22, 11:45 PM
In 3.5, wilding clasps and wild armor only work with wild shape, but wild shape is nowhere near the only form of shapeshifting in the game. From Polymorph to Shapechange to Metamorphosis to change shape to the lycanthrope's alternate form, there are lots of ways to change one's shape, and most of them either result in equipment being absorbed (and useless) or dropped (and useless) or destroyed (and useless). Unfortunately, as you've probably already guessed, all of these options leave the equipment useless, which makes having equipment a lot less attractive.

Are there any ways to keep equipment viable while changing shape? I know soulmelds are generally usable regardless of form (unless said form is missing that particular body slot). Even if there's a RAW way to enhance one's body parts directly, that would work just fine.

The only one I know of off-hand is kensai to directly augment one's body via unarmed strike enhancement. Item Familiar and Ancestral Relic arguably work if you can force your body to fit the qualifications, but those two options are questionable, at best.

2015-10-25, 05:33 PM
The khopesh of the loyal minion, from the Arms & Equipment Guide, grants the weapon's enhancements to your natural weapons when you shapeshift, including Polymorph.

There's always "equip stuff after changing," but that's a pain if you shapeshift regularly.

Anything else?

Platymus Pus
2015-10-25, 09:59 PM
I recall there being special enchantment to armor a druid can wear called beastskin when they wildshape.
Though I can't think of much else.

2015-10-25, 10:13 PM
Actually, most shapechanging effects are based on either Alter Self or Alternate Form, both of which allow you to continue wearing or holding your items if the new form can still wear or hold them.

2015-10-25, 10:25 PM
Actually, most shapechanging effects are based on either Alter Self or Alternate Form, both of which allow you to continue wearing or holding your items if the new form can still wear or hold them.

Hence why when crafting magic items, always make sure to specify that hand items are fingerless, so as not to be destroyed by claws, make anything that'd otherwise be a boot be an anklet instead, etc.

2015-10-26, 05:22 AM
The khopesh of the loyal minion, from the Arms & Equipment Guide, grants the weapon's enhancements to your natural weapons when you shapeshift, including Polymorph.

There's always "equip stuff after changing," but that's a pain if you shapeshift regularly.

Anything else?

The Khopesh of the Loyal Minion only affects one natural claw attack, so it's not really that good an option unless you never make full attacks. You can get the same benefit on all your natural weapons for cheaper with an Amulet of Mighty Fists or Necklace of Natural Attacks.

There's also the Sickle of Talons (AEG) which affects all claw and bite attacks, but it has the same problem of being both more limited and more expensive than the amulet.

Both weapons also only grant their enhancement bonus by RAW, not any special abilities you may have added.

2015-10-26, 05:26 AM
I suppose that, if you're a monk, you can apply a weapon crystal from the MIC to your unarmed strikes.

2015-10-26, 06:28 AM
I suppose that, if you're a monk, you can apply a weapon crystal from the MIC to your unarmed strikes.Well gluing crystals to your body is only half as silly as having stones fly around your head.

2015-10-26, 06:46 AM
I suppose that, if you're a monk, you can apply a weapon crystal from the MIC to your unarmed strikes.

Don't weapon crystals only attach to Masterwork, or +1, or +3 weapons (for least, lesser, and greater, respectively)?

2015-10-26, 06:56 AM
Don't weapon crystals only attach to Masterwork, or +1, or +3 weapons (for least, lesser, and greater, respectively)?Then it's a good thing that getting a +1 or better on a monk's unarmed strike is fairly easy, innit?

2015-10-26, 08:03 AM
Afloat slotless items similar to Ioun Stones might work under a permissive DM

2015-10-26, 08:06 AM
Well gluing crystals to your body is only half as silly as having stones fly around your head.

'Remember, my apprentice. We have one thing they don't.'
'What's that, sir? Discipline?'
'No, you fool - SPARKLES.'

2015-10-26, 08:17 AM
'Remember, my apprentice. We have one thing they don't.'
'What's that, sir? Discipline?'
'No, you fool - SPARKLES.'I totally read that in Gandalf's voice. That made me laugh so hard.

2015-10-26, 09:24 AM
The fact that you really cannot find any way to keep equipment while polymorphed is i believe the point. Even without dipping into cheesy shenanigans polymorphing is extremely powerful, to the point that they decided to later in 3.5 to nerf your abilities even more via PHB2, and causing you to temporarily lose your equipment while in a alternate form is one way to try and reign in its ability.

2015-10-26, 10:11 AM
Is taking off your wondrous items and putting them back on again after polymorphing/shapechanging (new shape permitting) really cheesy?

2015-10-26, 10:41 AM
Is taking off your wondrous items and putting them back on again after polymorphing/shapechanging (new shape permitting) really cheesy?
Perhaps. I believe the concern is more for the multiple move actions required, while Shapechange allows a new form every round as a free action.

Platymus Pus
2015-10-26, 11:10 AM
Perhaps. I believe the concern is more for the multiple move actions required, while Shapechange allows a new form every round as a free action.
If you polymorph to begin with you plan long term.
Shapechange has a few forms that might effect equipment that aren't giant and just normal humanoid. After all you are changing the shape yourself according to your mind aren't you?
Well I suppose enlarge person solves the giant problem.

2015-10-26, 11:59 AM
For were-critters: You get a bonus to Wis, so put it to use and get a few jars of shapesand. Use it to make your armor. Turn it into barding as needed. Get a Fiend of Possession cohort to give it that magic touch.

For the rest, try the Living Breastplate. A critter that becomes armor.

And either can benefit from a beetle buckler from A&EG.

2015-10-26, 01:06 PM
I just read the rules for alter self which both polymorph and shapechange inherit again:
When the change occurs, your equipment, if any, either remains worn or held by the new form (if it is capable of wearing or holding the item), or melds into the new form and becomes nonfunctional.So with the rules from MIC (p.219) you should not have that many problems with most forms. Unless the creature is completely formless it has at least shoulder, body, torso and waist slots. If the creature has a head face, head and throat slots are added. Creatures with arms and fingers get the arms and hands and slots. If they also have fingers the rings slots are added and creatures with legs get the feet slots.

So you probably won't need an item similar to wilding clasps anyways.

2015-10-26, 02:58 PM
For the rest, try the Living Breastplate. A critter that becomes armor.
so one of the only options that works is something of artifact-grade. That you have to convince your DM to have you encounter, since you can't buy something with no listed value. And it is something that typically comes attached to something that can put up an actual fight.

​Sounds like a great solution.

2015-10-26, 03:06 PM
so one of the only options that works is something of artifact-grade. That you have to convince your DM to have you encounter, since you can't buy something with no listed value. And it is something that typically comes attached to something that can put up an actual fight.

​Sounds like a great solution.

Or, seeing as it only has 2 HD, buy one of the less costly symbiots and polymorph it a few times.

2015-10-26, 03:15 PM
I totally read that in Gandalf's voice. That made me laugh so hard.
It's not just fly, you fools; it's super fly.:smallcool:

2015-10-26, 03:20 PM
Or, seeing as it only has 2 HD, buy one of the less costly symbiots and polymorph it a few times.
Hell, turns out you're not supposed to even be able to buy them. Magic of Eberron page 154. "...symbionts are never available on the open market. With enough searching (and a willingness to deal with many dangerous and deceptive creatures), a character might find a symbiont for sale. The work required to find and acquire a symbiont should, in most cases, equate to a short adventure or side quest."

emphasis mine.

2015-10-27, 02:29 AM
I just read the rules for alter self which both polymorph and shapechange inherit again:So with the rules from MIC (p.219) you should not have that many problems with most forms. Unless the creature is completely formless it has at least shoulder, body, torso and waist slots.
Having the same body slots isn't enough to resolve the issues. The items also need to fit the body slots both before and after the change. A Monk's Belt, for instance, can be wrapped around the waist multiple times to use any excess rope, but it doesn't rewrap itself for you if your waist greatly expands or shrinks.

2015-10-27, 02:40 AM
Having the same body slots isn't enough to resolve the issues. The items also need to fit the body slots both before and after the change. A Monk's Belt, for instance, can be wrapped around the waist multiple times to use any excess rope, but it doesn't rewrap itself for you if your waist greatly expands or shrinks.Magic items other than weapons and armors automagically resize to fit the wearer when there's a size difference.

2015-10-27, 02:52 AM
Magic items other than weapons and armors automagically resize to fit the wearer when there's a size difference.
Not true.
Size And Magic Items

When an article of magic clothing or jewelry is discovered, most of the time size shouldn’t be an issue. Many magic garments are made to be easily adjustable, or they adjust themselves magically to the wearer.
A Monk's Belt is a magic garment made to be easily adjustable.
Belt, Monk’s

This simple rope belt, when wrapped around a character’s waist, confers great ability in unarmed combat.
Necklaces can also be strung multiple times to fit the wearer.

2015-10-27, 03:05 AM
Not true.
A Monk's Belt is a magic garment made to be easily adjustable.
Necklaces can also be strung multiple times to fit the wearer.
"Or magically adjust themselves to the wearer." It then says exactly which ones don't do that, which is weapons and armor, as well as "rare exceptions."

2015-10-27, 03:51 AM
"Or magically adjust themselves to the wearer." It then says exactly which ones don't do that, which is weapons and armor, as well as "rare exceptions."
Size And Magic Items

When an article of magic clothing or jewelry is discovered, most of the time size shouldn’t be an issue. Many magic garments are made to be easily adjustable, or they adjust themselves magically to the wearer. Size should not keep characters of various kinds from using magic items.

There may be rare exceptions, especially with racial specific items.
That means there are rare exceptions to the rule that magic clothing or jewelry can be worn by different sizes of creatures. In particular, race-specific items may be made non-adjustable so they only fit creatures the same size as the race they're designed for.

2015-10-27, 04:03 AM
@Curmudgeon: Somehow you must have overread the other part of the sentence you quoted. There is also this rule from the MIC:
Most of the time when a magic item is discovered, a character’s size or shape shouldn’t be an issue. As a rule, size should not keep overweight characters, characters of various genders, or characters of various races from using magic items. Players shouldn’t be penalized for choosing a halfling character or deciding that their character is especially tall, so as a rule any magic item automatically adjusts to fit its wearer.
A few exceptions to this rule are given below.The exceptions are weapons armors and shields. Those do not adjust outside a size category.

Because of these exceptions, the Body slot might not work with polymorph/shapechange, but armor isn't something all users of those spells need.

Any exceptions beyond weapons armors and shields need to be mentioned explicitly.

2015-10-27, 04:06 AM
Or, seeing as it only has 2 HD, buy one of the less costly symbiots and polymorph it a few times.

Or just use Planar Binding to call a templated one (personal reference for Shadow, but Celestial or Fiendish also work).

2015-10-27, 05:12 AM
I'm still interested in ways of directly enhancing one's body. I suppose constructing a body out of various magical items and Haunt Shifting it could work, as could animating it, PAOing it, mind-swapping with it, and dismissing the PAO.

2015-10-27, 05:12 AM
@Curmudgeon: Somehow you must have overread the other part of the sentence you quoted. I don't think so. There are two different sizing mechanisms at work for magical jewelry and garments: easily adjustable and auto-resizing. If an item is easily adjustable there is no reason to think that it's also auto-resizing. Either mechanism accords with the "most of the time size shouldn’t be an issue" stipulation. Only one mechanism takes no additional time for adjustment when used with form-altering magic.

There is also this rule from the MIC:
I'm afraid that section's in disagreement with the primary source rules. To whit:
Armor: As long as you're the same size category and the same general shape as the armor's original owner, the armor functions normally for you.

Each suit of full plate must be individually fitted to its owner by a master armorsmith, although a captured suit can be resized to fit a new owner at a cost of 200 to 800 (2d4 × 100) gold pieces.

2015-10-27, 05:34 AM
In case of the full plate you are comparing apples and oranges. The quote from the equipment chapter references a non-magical full plate. This has to be custom made, no question about that.

The quote from the MIC is for magic items. Also according to the MIC magic items automatically resize (within their size category in case of armor). So there is no contradiction once you are talking about a magical full plate.

If you go by the other quote (where is that from BTW?) which offers two mechanisms there is no contradiction either. The non-magical full plate is obviously not easily adjustable (as per the equipment chapter), but once enchanted there is no reason to assume that the auto-resizing feature is not added. There is no rule prohibiting this nor saying that a magical full plate still has to be refitted.

2015-10-27, 05:50 AM
If you go by the other quote (where is that from BTW?) which offers two mechanisms there is no contradiction either.
That's from the SRD here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicItemBasics.htm#sizeAndMagicItems). The original text is in Dungeon Master's Guide on page 213. The mention of magic item resizing is specific to jewelry and garments. There is not mention of resizing for items in any other category in these core rules. The specific requirement for skilled adjustment for full plate is not altered by adding magical enhancements.

2015-10-27, 06:03 AM
Great, MIC extends the resizing to all magic items (with certain restrictions) but cannot actually do that because of the primary source rule.

2015-11-14, 07:34 PM
Isn't there something in the MiC that supersedes the primary source rule?

2015-11-14, 08:04 PM
Great, MIC extends the resizing to all magic items (with certain restrictions) but cannot actually do that because of the primary source rule.

It can do that as long as a source with higher primacy doesn't contradict it.

The case of full plate is just a matter of deciding which rule is the exception to the other. Either magic full plate is an exception to the usual rule that full plate must be fitted to its wearer, or full plate is an exception to the usual rule that magic armor can resize to fit its wearer if it's the proper size category.

2015-11-14, 08:12 PM
Isn't there something in the MiC that supersedes the primary source rule?
Nope. Any rules supplement can extend the rules; that's what they're supposed to do. Miniatures Handbook introducing swift and immediate actions was purposely extending the rules, with the consequence that Feather Fall and Quicken Spell from the core rules got altered. Magic Item Compendium extending the rules so that adding common item effects in particular body slots didn't incur a 50% price premium was perfectly fine because that was an explicit addition to the original Dungeon Master's Guide rules for magic item pricing:
Adding Common Item Effects to Existing Items
One of the most frustrating roadblocks to using interesting, unusual magic items is that they take up body slots that you need for an ability-boosting item (such as gauntlets of ogre power), a ring of protection, or another must-have item. To address this issue, Magic Item Compendium presents official rules for adding common item effects to existing magic items.

What's not OK is a book just stating a rule that disagrees with the core books without stating that it's a change.
Armor: As long as you're the same size category and the same general shape as the armor's original owner, the armor functions normally for you.

Each suit of full plate must be individually fitted to its owner by a master armorsmith, although a captured suit can be resized to fit a new owner at a cost of 200 to 800 (2d4 × 100) gold pieces. Unlike the above rule for adding common effects to existing items, this MIC rule about armor isn't presented as a change to existing rules; it's just stated as if that's always been the case. It's a straight disagreement with the PH rule. According to the Primary Sources Errata Rule, the primary source (core rule) always wins such disagreements.

2015-11-14, 09:52 PM
i believe savage species had an item (necklace, was it?) that equipped enhancements placed on it onto natural weapons.