View Full Version : What Happens To the Demilich's Soul?

2015-10-23, 03:34 PM
The PF bestiary is quite clear on what happens to a lich's soul if they remain inactive enough to decay and become demiliches, but what if they become demiliches for the other reason, the one about remaining separate from its body for a long time? The sourcebook doesn't mention anything about liches being able to have out-of-body experiences, though, which sounds rather unbalanced. If they separate and the soul becomes a ghost, then in a fight, you could expect him to turn into a ghost once his physical form takes some damage, at least until he's pulled back into his phylactery. If he becomes incorporeal but can travel and sense things but not interact, then you have real-time, unlimited surveillance on anything you might want to see, violating all the normal rules of scrying.

What do you think? If you've run a lich/demilich transition in your games, what do they do?