View Full Version : [3.PF] Items for a Lucky wizard?

The Vagabond
2015-10-23, 10:12 PM
This is actually two questions, but they're connected:

Firstly is: What items grant luck bonuses? Which grant the biggest luck bonuses for the cheapest costs, besides the Jingasa and the Luckstone.

Secondly: What are some must-have items for a level 20 wizard? What can no Wizard live without? What are some good traps to craft for your spellbook? Ect.

2015-10-23, 11:53 PM
Firstly is: What items grant luck bonuses? Which grant the biggest luck bonuses for the cheapest costs, besides the Jingasa and the Luckstone.

Since you're asking, I assume you misplaced your Robe (Complete Champion p141) and Sandals (Complete Champion 142)?

2015-10-24, 10:06 AM
Re: Any level 20 wizard essential items:

At least 1 scroll for every single level 1 to level 4 utility spell. The PHB + spell compendium are good places to start. If you are nuts you can search through more books. Many scrolls you will only need once in an entire campaign but it's nice to have multiple copies of good or cheap ones. Or ones that could benefit the entire party.

A +6 int item obviously. At the price the int tomes aren't so obvious. See if you can find better bang for your buck first.

A wand of invisibility. Plus any other spells you like to spam multiple times in between combat. At your level you might want a high caster level wand of extended invisibility. Heck UMD a wand of extended silence or zone of silence while you're at it. A circlet of persuasion can help with the UMD check. You only need a +11 to eventually make a DC 20 after retries, without any drawbacks. Keep a backup wand in case you roll a 1 on the UMD.

A good staff with spells that you like to spam but don't necessarily want to prepare/use multiple copies of every day. Wall of force is nice. Limited wish is nice. Some days you want none, sometimes you want 8. Perfect for staffs. Find spells like that.

Don't worry about running out of charges on wands nor staffs. D&D is incredibly brief, money will pour in and you'll want an upgrade anyway long before that happens.

I consider all of those to be no brainer bare essentials. There may be many many other nice items that you want to consider but may or may not pick up. You may want to search google or the forums for ideas. Or go down the list at the back of the magic item compendium.

2015-10-24, 10:11 AM
Consider the mantle of second chances and amulet of second chances in the Magic Item Compendium.