View Full Version : Downloading DnD Online question

2007-05-25, 12:52 AM
He guys,

Yesterday I was going to download the 10 day trial version of DnD online stormreach. Then I found out you have to have a membership of fileplanet to download it.
I really don't want to pay like 6 dollars just to download a trial version of a game I might not even like (I have never played an MMORPG before).
Does anybody know another site where you can download the trial version for free.

Thanks for you help

p.s. I thought I might try a p2p program, but since I haven't owned a pc for a few yeaars I have no idea what is a good one at the time.

2007-05-25, 08:14 AM
You do? That's extremely odd. I would advise against D&D Stormreach at all though, it really didn't live up to expectations.

2007-05-25, 08:53 AM
Might be because I'm in Europe. I don't know how it is in North America.

Why would you advise against it?

Midnight Son
2007-05-25, 10:30 AM
Ignore Ranis. DDO is a fun game as long as you aren't expecting it to be a computer version of the tabletop game. They do manage to employ a lot of the rules well, but the medium has it's limitations.

As far as the download is concerned, are you doing this from the DDO website? It's a free download here in the US as far as I know. If you are going from their site, I can't help you except to say that the game is worth the price in my book.

2007-05-25, 11:35 AM

I searched for trial on ddo.com and clicked till I got there. No signs of fileplanet.

2007-05-28, 09:53 AM
Thanks for the help guys. I just bought the game. Made it a lot easier.

2007-05-28, 11:18 AM
Ignore Ranis.

Hey now. My opinion is just as valid as anyone else's. I was unsatisfied with the game. D:

2007-05-28, 11:30 AM
I had a lot of fun with the game, but the overall weakness of Wizards, coupled with really strange deviations from the 3.5 rules, eventually turned me off the game. It's not so much that the game deviated from D&D proper, it's that it deviated needlessly.

Wizards can't make scrolls.
Iterative attacks gain by +5, rather than dropping by +5.
Enhancements. Double-ya tee eff?
Metamagic rods are non-existant.
Druid and Monk still aren't implemented.
The game opened up with the cap at level ten. I hear they're up to 12 or 14 now.
No gnomes. No half-orcs. No half-elves. (No changelings or Kalashtar, either)
Rather than a Level Adjustment, Drow just require a certain number of points on the player's account. Net result? Everyone who's been playing for more than a month plays Drow exclusively.

Also, it's visually and functionally the same as every other Turbine game, with a splash of D&D on it. They were clearly pushed into releasing it way too early. That said, it's by far the most active, fast-paced, and team-oriented MMO I've played. Everything you do is a heroic adventure; there's no WoW-style grinding.

2007-05-28, 11:48 AM
I hear PvP is nonexistant. Boooring.

Midnight Son
2007-05-28, 12:10 PM
I hear PvP is nonexistant. Boooring.You hear wrong. They have places to PVP in just about every tavern. Go in, kill or be killed to your heart's content.