View Full Version : [3.5] Inside the Worm (seeking ideas)

2015-10-24, 10:08 PM
I'm far from educated in biology, and am having trouble coming up with encounters/traps/puzzles for a dungeon that takes place inside of a giant worm. I figured a worm would provide the most linear path.
Should be 'bout level 4 by the time they get there.

2015-10-24, 10:24 PM
Most of the inside of a worm is pretty simple, just guts. Crushing & acid damage, that's about it. You could put a gizzard as the first room past the mouth, that's a part some creatures have to crush hard shells or bones in their food. It'd be a room filled with large stones the worm has swallowed that grind along by the walls moving them to grind down food. After that it would just be stomach & guts, more acid & crushing. You could mix it up by giving the worm giant parasites that could attack adventurers swallowed by the worm. Perhaps a tunnel-digging machine is back in the guts of the worm, allowing a dramatic escape that kills the worm if the party reaches it and pilots it out.

2015-10-24, 10:55 PM
Parasites; Of course! Best I could think of was anti-bodies, but those would still be too small. Might be able to do something of a swarm of they make the worm bleed internally.

2015-10-24, 10:58 PM
I got you, brotha. (http://www.eulesstx.gov/composting/vc_anatomy.htm)

Worms work like the opposite of a human. Their central nerve runs along their belly. Their "heart" and major arterial system runs along it's dorsal side. After the crop and gizzard, structures used to smash food into smaller particles, you would be in a long digestive tube from mouth to anus.

A heavy enough force could muck around with the locomotion of the worm, due to compressing the ventral nerve chord.