View Full Version : 3rd Ed Brainstorming Initiators

2015-10-25, 09:17 PM
I'm working on a Roll20 Incursion (Dragon 309) campaign for 3.5 Forgotten Realms, and without going into details about the actual BBEG I'm working on some lesser villains. End of level boss fights, if you will. I've decided that there are going to be some notable initiator classed npc's in that group. The invaders come from an isolated land and have developed radically different fighting styles compared to what the good guys are used to seeing. I have a few ideas of my own, but I thought I'd put a thread up here and see what other people come up with.

First up, a few ground rules:

Optimization is ok, but it takes a back seat to a memorable villain.
Base stats are 18-13, arranged to taste. The pc's get the same array, and know that I'll be using it for important bad guys.
These villains will be half-fiend elves.
They are all notable members of a massive invading army, and could fill roles similar to what the characters do: unit commanders, special forces units, spies, assassins, and the like.
Slightly better than NPC wealth by level is alright, but not more than half the difference between NPC wealth and PC wealth: 10th level npc's get 16k, pc's get 49k. Don't go over ~28k.

Right now the ones that sound good to me are a swordsage shadow hand assassin-esque character, and I know I want a warblade in there as well. I'm torn between a White Raven focused warblade in a commander position, and a more stereotypical glory hound focusing on diamond mind. A Bloodstorm Blade might make an interesting villain as well. There's going to be an npc group sent out as a foil for the pc's in later levels, and there will be spy/scout groups at lower levels, along with mid- to high-level assassination squads aiming for specific npc's in the world.

Any ideas are welcome!