View Full Version : Player Help Debuffer Bard

2015-10-26, 10:13 AM
Hey Im playing a Bard 5/Dirgesinger 2 and im looking to make her the most debuffing debuffer to ever debuff.
I took Inspire Awe instead of Inspire Courage and I have the Doomspeak feat. I dont want to focus too much on fear, too many things are immune. What would be great is a way to sicken people with my music but are there any other pieces of advice?

2015-10-26, 10:54 AM
Haunting Melody (ECS) adds another fear effect as a rider on your other Bardic Music uses.

I don't know of any other songs which debuff like you want but if you have the stats to enter melee then Netherese Battle Curse (LEoF) and Brutal Strike (PHBII) are decent debuff feats.

With Bind Vestige and Improved Bind Vestige (both from ToM) you gain access to Focalor who applies a debuff effect within 10ft. of you.

2015-10-26, 11:03 AM
Take Obtain Familiar and grab a horned lizard familiar (from Sandstorm). It can take a standard action each round to debuff all enemies that can see it. It's DC 11 Will or be shaken, IIRC. Very good with other fear effects, since you can soften them up for the lower DC and then the fear will escalate.

2015-10-26, 12:12 PM
Dark Speech, Dark Whispers, Filthy Outburst - Elder Evils

Shadow Song (required Shadow Weave Magic) - Races of Faerūn

Blasphemous Utterance, Sickening Sonata - Dragon #336

Inspire Hatred - ACF in Exemplars of Evil (instead Inspire Greatness)

2015-10-26, 05:26 PM
Is Dragon Magazine allowed?

Dragon 337 has the Harbinger, a Debuff variant bard.

Unseelie Fey is a huge bonus.

Other non-dragon stuff.

Cast animate dead and make a Necrosis carnex, it has a -2 aura.

Dreadful Wrath is a FR regional feat that can make some one shaken by attacking or casting.

There are a variety of classes and Prc's that have negative auras as well.

2015-10-27, 02:23 AM
Presumably, your Requiem feat helps a bit since you can affect undead with your music.

If you want to diversify your "magical song of power" motif without worrying about advancing bardic spellcasting, Seeker of the Song PrC (Complete Arcane) is a logical extension, and easy entry. I wouldn't say it's particularly debuff-focused ,per se.

Sound of Silence lets you inflict deafness as a status ailment via bardsong. It's a little situational but definitely a debuff.

Stormsinger PrC (Frostburn) gives you control winds (arguably battlefield control rather than debuff per se) as well as throwing around Perform-based direct damage (along with full spellcasting progression, which is more options in itself). Entry might be a bit of an issue if retraining your feats isn't on the table, though.

2015-10-27, 07:31 AM
Four levels of Dread Witch mean never having to hear the words "immune to fear."