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2007-05-25, 02:24 PM
A tower stand just out side of town. It looks perfectly normal, except there is one strange thing about it. you can smell blood. lots of it. this is the tower It of lord Hermon of Nekeria, also known as Hermon the decapitate. this is the house of the court of Nekeria. they take in vampires hiding if the promise eloquence to the court of Nekeria. The brain wash them and then train them to be vampire hunter hunters. but of course, you dont know that.

2007-05-27, 04:10 PM
*Count sukeyourblood walks around*

2007-05-27, 04:15 PM
A vampire spawn arrives at the headquarters, and heads over to the count.

"Lord Teros sends his regards."

2007-05-27, 04:25 PM
What has Teros been up to these days? I have not seen him in years.

2007-05-27, 04:29 PM
"Well, you know how Lord Teros has to keep moving, what with that particularly hard to kill hunter Joseph..." The spawn's lip curls back in disgust.

"And milord has plans of his own. Plans that require a certain amount of...isolation." He smiles. Or bears his teeth. It's difficult to tell which.

2007-05-27, 04:33 PM
Does he need any help? I have troops specifically trained to kill vampire hunters. If he needs them let me know.

2007-05-27, 04:36 PM
"Lord Teros can handle himself." The nameless vampire spawn c0cks his head, as if trying to hear something from a great distance. "My master calls. Farewell."

The spawn leaps on to a nearby alley wall, and climbs along like a spider through the alleys and away from the headquarters.

2007-05-27, 04:40 PM
A vampire huntre....here! This might cause me some trouble! I guess I will have to kill him.

*three of the anti-V hunter rush out to find the vampire hunter*

2007-11-19, 07:23 AM
*Hermon looks for his new adviser*

Emperor Ing
2007-11-19, 07:31 AM
A vampire in a mage's robe teleports to the outside of the tower, and bangs on the door.

2007-11-19, 07:34 AM
*The door is answered buy a vampire in all black*

2007-11-19, 12:45 PM
Stardetc the Old, an old sage in long blue ornamented robes, enters

Emperor Ing
2007-11-20, 07:24 AM
((Sorry my posting is being inconsistent, but it'll remain this way until tomorrow. :smallfrown: And by the way, you meant 'by' not buy. buy means 'to purchase'.))
Greetings. We wish to speak with your leader, Lord Hermon of Nekeria.

2007-11-20, 07:37 AM

Let him in!

calls Hermon

Emperor Ing
2007-11-20, 02:20 PM
The vampire walks in, and approaches Hermon
Greetings, on behalf of Lord Kyrenth.

2007-11-20, 02:44 PM
Stardetc the Old walks up next to Lord Hermon and the vampire messenger

2007-11-21, 06:38 AM
Does Lord Kyrenth ant to heir one of my Hunters?

2007-11-21, 06:38 AM
Does Lord Kyrenth ant to heir one of my Hunters?

Emperor Ing
2007-11-21, 07:17 AM
uh, no. He wishes to form an Alliance between our two courts.

2007-11-21, 08:30 PM
Humm. I think that can be arranged. Were could he like to meet me?

Emperor Ing
2007-11-22, 05:52 AM
He is never seen in person, but it can be arranged for you to communicate with him, right here, right now.

2007-11-22, 07:14 AM
All right.

Emperor Ing
2007-11-22, 07:18 AM
The vampire's hand glows, and he starts drawing a rune in air.

2007-11-22, 07:24 AM
*Some guards with huge silver ninja stars surround he visitor, ready to kill if the slightest suspicion of an assassination attempt on Hermon*

Emperor Ing
2007-11-22, 07:28 AM
:smallannoyed: silver is werewolves.
He finishes drawing the rune. It hovers in the air, and the lines start glowing somewhat brightly.
I bid you welcome, Lord Hermon
The rune glows brighter every time a syllable is said.

2007-11-22, 07:34 AM
((No, Its not,. It does work o were wolves but also vampires. Originally it was one of the big vampire weaknesses, but when some one decided that the were wolves needed a weakness for the original Wolf man movie staring lan Chaney (Spelled wrong) they made it silver. and as they got More and more famous a weakness for wear wolves, it became less and less famous for vampires. just ask narmoth.))


Emperor Ing
2007-11-22, 07:37 AM
I am certain my...messenger spoke to you about my intentions to form an alliance between our 2 courts?

2007-11-22, 07:38 AM
Yes, he informed me of that.

Emperor Ing
2007-11-22, 07:47 AM
Excellent. Now what say you?

2007-11-22, 07:48 AM
Does he need any help? I have troops specifically trained to kill vampire hunters. If he needs them let me know.

((...No...spelling...errors? IT'S THE APOCALYPSE! RUN!:smalleek:
Seriously though, it's getting better. Nice. :-) ))

2007-11-22, 07:54 AM
Well, first I need to know what you can do to help me. I believe you know to help you.

*He motions to his V-guards and assassins*

Emperor Ing
2007-11-22, 07:59 AM
The Black Aegis is a vampire court of all magic users. I know of your Vampire hunter-hunters, but even they probably cannot handle a high-level wizard, or an army. Brute force sometimes just isnt enough.

2007-11-22, 08:02 AM
((Just thought I'd let you guys know, I made a Vampire Hunter character. Figured you could use the challenge. ^^ ))

Emperor Ing
2007-11-22, 08:04 AM
((err, post that info in the Vampire plot thread..))

2007-11-22, 08:11 AM
Well, I think magic could be of some use. All right, we have a deal.

2007-11-22, 08:11 AM
((Where is the vampire plot thread?))

Emperor Ing
2007-11-22, 08:16 AM
((right here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=63217&page=3) ))
Fantastic! Be aware that I have been hearing about increased hunter activity.

2007-11-22, 08:17 AM
Yes.... But between the both of us thy dont stand A chance.

Emperor Ing
2007-11-22, 08:19 AM
Absolutely. The messenger himself has 5 hunters.

2007-11-22, 08:23 AM
Now, be off with you, I have things to do.

Emperor Ing
2007-11-22, 08:26 AM
Very well.
The rune vanishes, and the vampire messenger teleports away.

2007-11-23, 04:31 PM
A satyr wearing black leather armor and a crimson eyeblind appears out of thin air at the doors of the tower with his felguard minion and knocks on the door.
This must be the warlock tower! Here I can find support for my dark plan! Mwahaha!, he says to his minion, who doesn't seem particularly interested.

2007-11-23, 08:44 PM
''I think you have the the wrong place lad"

says a guard at the door

2007-11-24, 04:48 AM
Oh, not again! Thought I was over this after last time, when I ended up in that paladin tower. Stupid teleport spell. Wait, you guys are evil, right? Can you help me conquer this world?

2007-11-24, 06:49 AM
*He slams the door in the mans face*

(if you keep losing that spell you will eventualy end up at Silver thorn castle witch is a tower. I have character their who is good aliened and will probably fight you if you state you are evil)

Emperor Ing
2007-11-24, 07:03 AM
*He slams the door in the mans face*

(if you keep losing that spell you will eventualy end up at Silver thorn castle witch is a tower. I have character their who is good aliened and will probably fight you if you state you are evil)

((Spelling correction: You mean "which". I am certain you know what a witch is))

2007-11-24, 08:55 AM
Why won't anyone help me? I am the son of the Satyr Lord! Oh well, maybe I'll try a less direct approach. Let's teleport, eehm, WALK away from here. Come, felguard.


Xaviden leaves the tower for Sargeras knows where.

Emperor Ing
2007-11-24, 08:59 AM
Ser wanders in, out of boredom, and sees Xaviden
please dont be deadtimed...Hello. I dont believe ive seen you around. Are you...aw damnit. Its worse. Killjoy. :smallannoyed:
He goes back to the streets

2007-11-24, 11:32 AM
Pandaren walks to the tower from the town,(In fight-mode), and sniffs the air in front of him, "This smells, right." He proceeds to walk up to the tower.

2007-11-24, 02:19 PM
"What do you want?" asks the gaurd

2007-11-24, 02:47 PM
Mina appears, and walks toward the tower.

2007-11-24, 02:59 PM
the gaurd looks at her

2007-11-24, 03:03 PM
she nods respectfully, and attempts to enter.

2007-11-24, 04:49 PM
*they block her entry*

2007-11-24, 05:23 PM
Mina simply frowns, and conjurs up some flaming steaks.

lemme in, you morons.

2007-11-24, 05:35 PM
*They dive out of the way, then they each throw five ninja stars at her*

2007-11-24, 05:54 PM
*Sam pushes her out of the way, taking one to the shoulder, 2 to the leg, and one to the arm*

2007-11-24, 05:55 PM
she waves her hands, and a fireball is send towards the stars, melting them all, while the stakes slowly disapate.

you jerks.

she stomps, conjuring up a small one that she keeps hidden, in case any idjits decide to attack her.

listen, I want to help y'all, one of my friends is on the way, and I want to protect her, so don't be idiots, and let me be!

((I'm entering celest, if you don't mind...))

2007-11-24, 05:57 PM
((See the post above yours. And thats fine buy me))

2007-11-24, 06:11 PM
Mina, I need to talk to you. I know about James. And I know you have not gotten over him. I know what your going threw.

*He takes a wedding ring out of the locket.*

Remember that girl friend I mentioned When we first met. I had just proposed to her when she was killed buy a vampire. She said yes....

2007-11-24, 06:55 PM
well, GOOD FOR HER!!!

she simply stomped farther in, leaving a trail of fire surrounded by ice in her wake. seems moody, better to leave her alone.


another girl showed up, a 1/2 vamp girl, actually.

2007-11-24, 07:17 PM
*He spins Mina around*

No! You listen to me!

Mina seems to have really pushed his buttons their.

2007-11-24, 07:21 PM
doesn't matter, she's already walking off, nearly out of earshot.

oh, I'm sowwy, did wittle owld me huwt your feewings? TOUGH LUCK! See you never you JERK!!!

2007-11-24, 07:22 PM
*He slaps her across the face*

2007-11-24, 07:34 PM
but, in fact, he's slapping at air, because she is now officialy out of earshot.

the girl, looking past the gaurds, pushes past them and runs up to Mina

there you are!

2007-11-24, 07:37 PM
Fine. He runs up to Mina and slaps her.

2007-11-24, 07:50 PM
Mina Grabs, twists, and pulls.
oooh, talk about dislocated...

the girl looks to Mina, then Glares at Sam.

get the heck out of here before I suck you dry...or before she kills you.

2007-11-24, 07:57 PM
*It would have dislocated it but at the twist part he twist in the opposite direction, freeing him.*

Why are you so mad at me?

2007-11-24, 08:13 PM

"I wish to speak to the elders. I have a proposition."

2007-11-24, 08:21 PM
Go on in sir. Hermon should be at the bar.

2007-11-24, 08:29 PM
leave me alone, just leave me alone, I'm not going to even remember you. just go. LEAVE!!!

at the last remark she threw a rather large, stupid hot fireball that was practically burning out all of the oxygen around it at him.

she's pissed. you'd better run for your life.

2007-11-24, 08:33 PM
*He dodges. Then he stands up, walks over to her, and kisses her on lips*

2007-11-24, 08:39 PM
and...wait for it, wait for it, wait....*SLAP**burn*
...ow, my ears, my eyes.

I warned ya.

2007-11-24, 08:39 PM
"Okay thanks." he takes a few steps before looking over his shoulder and saying, "that looks awkward.."

2007-11-24, 08:39 PM
*He stagers back*

2007-11-24, 08:41 PM
she walks farther in. Mina, casting her own personal snowflake spell, follows.

note to self: never piss Mina off...

Mina mutters something unspeakable, spits, uses mouthwash, and spits again.

Blech. that Jerk, Double, triple, quadruple, Jerk.

2007-11-24, 08:51 PM
Pandaren continues to walk up to the door, and tries to open it...(?)

2007-11-24, 09:21 PM
Mina and her friend follow, not sure where to go.

2007-11-25, 07:19 AM
*The door oped for Pandera and Mina's friend but not Mina because she attacked the guards. Their is probably another way in, but she Will have to look. If she does she will find their is a window at the back of the tower. it is very hi up but she can fly so I dont think that will be a problem*

2007-11-25, 08:08 AM
Mina, not quite dumb enough to use an open window in a vamp tower, teleports in.

2007-11-25, 08:17 AM
*Their seem to be some sort of anti teleportaition field. With her powers she might be able to over come it but It would take an hour or two and after Hermon is done talking to Mina's Friend He is sending some of HIS friends to see you*

2007-11-25, 08:25 AM
Mina's inner thoughts:
dammit, what a killjoy
I only wanted revenge on Sam...
I didn't kill the gaurds, I just Threatened them, and their lifeless hearts apparently stopped...which is weird...
Sam shall have no mercy...no death...no life...no love...forever pain...
last resort...wall breaking open...

she took one of her scales, cut herself, and rolled into a fine paste, then she drew a target, energy transference lines, and anti-anti-magic symbols, then, she says a silent, nearly impossible word, and the wall should fall down...or she goes into rage...take it out on sam...or let her through...

she hits the target.

2007-11-25, 11:41 AM
Looking around inside, what does Pandaren see?

2007-11-26, 04:22 PM
He sees a bar room with a bar.

sam puts a knife to Mina's neck. if she moves any thing but her mouth it will go in.

whats all this about attacking me? I really cant figure it out.

2007-11-27, 07:11 PM
He heads over to the bar......

2007-11-28, 06:43 AM
He will See Hermon and other vampires.

2007-11-28, 06:49 AM
*teleport* hmmm...now Sam seems to have one to his neck.

it's called eff off sam.

2007-11-28, 07:18 AM
You have to have a better reason why you tried to kill me than that.

2007-11-28, 05:02 PM
perhaps i simply wanted to.

she then tries to bring it across his neck...in a death way.

2007-11-28, 06:38 PM
*He pulls strait back and then down. he then rolls and draws his gun, aiming for her head*

Mina, i dont want t pull this trigger, but i will if I have to.

2007-11-28, 07:47 PM
her scales grow out, she just sits there.

I dare you to. You couldn't even protect your first Engagement, I doubt that you could kill me, you'd be guilty forever more. you'd wonder if I'm a crazed lunatic, or a poor soul. you'd wish you hadn't because if you do, I'll never come back.

this all came out as one long hiss, cold, raspy, and crude.

2007-11-28, 08:07 PM
He's not sure which one Herman is as he's never seen him before, so he decides to take a seat in the nearest unocuppied seat at the bar.

2007-11-28, 09:14 PM
*He look at her and then the gun. he pulls the trigger and just as it goes back he closes his eyes and jolts the the left, missing*

2007-11-29, 07:14 AM
she smiles, rather smugly.

I knew that you'd wimp out. you're just too weak.

And then walks through the hole she made.

2007-11-30, 12:27 PM
Stardetc the Old and his retinue of private guards leave the tower headed for the town

2007-11-30, 04:43 PM
she walks in, nodding at any vamps local to her.

2007-11-30, 04:47 PM
A vampire in black chaimail and robe aproaches her:
Who the heck are you? I don't think I've seen you here before...

2007-11-30, 04:55 PM
she smiles.

I'm on your side, mainly protecting my friend.

she nods toward the girl

the girl looks at the vamp in chainmail


2007-11-30, 05:00 PM
And what in <insert profane curse of your choosing> are both of you doing here. This isn't a tavern or a <insert more cursing> sunday school

2007-11-30, 05:16 PM
she rolled her eyes

in the name of all that is unholy, will you watch your mouth?! I want to kick the butt of somebody else who's here, and protecting my friend is important to me, too...any objections?

she was ready to summon up some ice, if needed

Celest turned back, not willing to watch a fight right now.

2007-11-30, 05:23 PM
So, you say that you are on my side, and then want to attack somebody else in, my <insert word rhyming with duck> -ing sides home?
And I still have no reason to believe that you are on my side, it's not like saying it makes it <insert word not rhyming with duck> true
Now, I'd better get some names, and get them quick, or this will be a < insert more cursing here > mess

2007-11-30, 07:37 PM
hmmm...how 'bout 1/2 Dragon, BF break up w/ me, steaks availible, I want revenge, boy hates Vampires, I know a slayer...is that good enuf fer you? or do I have to go on?

Celest sits at the bar and pretends that she doesn't know Mina.

2007-11-30, 07:50 PM
And how, in the name of >long, long tirade of cursing> did you get in here?

2007-11-30, 07:52 PM
*she points to the hole in the wall*


2007-11-30, 07:57 PM
So, an intruder then.
several moer vampires, dressed the same way as the first draws closer.
And is it by making that < insert curse here> hole you expect to convince our master to ally with you?

2007-11-30, 08:02 PM
Pandaren kindly asks the bartender what kind of drinks they have here...

2007-11-30, 08:13 PM
(OOC: I'm not really running this place, in case anyone wondered. I'm just handling security here today, as Nightwing is offline :smallsmile: )

2007-11-30, 08:25 PM
(OOC: I'm not really running this place, in case anyone wondered. I'm just handling security here today, as Nightwing is offline :smallsmile: )

Duly noted.

2007-12-01, 07:27 AM
she shrugs
I can't force anyone to do anything, I can threaten, lie, kick butt, and agree. hey, I was attacking my ex, and for some odd reason they wouldn't let me in...*sigh*

2007-12-01, 04:27 PM
*A vision appears in Mina's head: It is dark in a city she has ot ever seen. their are two people walking down the street holding hands. one is sam, but you hardly recognize him. he is much skinnier, but he is sam none the less. The other is a beautiful girl. They pass a man on the street who is smoking. What a disgusting habit. says sam. they move on. He looks into her eyes and then pulls her into an alley, kissing her. He then gets down on one knee, taking out a ring. Sara, will you marry me?. He smiles and opens her mouth, but she cant say any thing as a small vamp stands up and puts switch blade to her neck. Give me the ring or she is dead! No! Dont give it to him sam! run! . Sam jumps and pulls it away from her neck and she starts running. Sam smashes the vamps hand into the wall, making him drop the knife. he kicks sam to the ground and draws a gun. he fires at sam but he jumps to the ground. she turns to see if he is hurt and is shot in the chest three times. she falls the the ground. sam grabs the switch blades, noticing it is made of silver. he takes it and stabs the vamp in the head, and he falls dead. he runs to Sara, crying. maybe she is alive. maybe she will survive. I have to have hope. he thinks. Mina can hear his thoughts. he bends down next to her. dont die. please dont die. .She locks up a him. blood mixes with tears on the ground beneath them. the..answer..to yo...you..your... *Coughs blood* question....is..... she dies. and he puts his head and his hands. his hope is gone. as a very long time he stands up and takes the gun the switch blade knife. the walks up to the man on the street with the cigarette and takes out a hundred dollar bill. give me one. sure thing pall. he hands sam one. he takes out another hundred. and a lighter.. the man hands him one. sam lights it and walks off.*

2007-12-01, 05:47 PM
Mina knows that this is obviously his memory, but ignores it none the less.
when she has a grudge, she holds to it.

2007-12-01, 06:47 PM
sam leaves

2007-12-01, 06:51 PM
One of the darkrobed vampires runs to Lord Hermon to report the breakage of the wall and the intruder

2007-12-02, 10:47 AM
Unable to eavesdrop on anybody's conversation, or tell this "Herman" apart from any of the other vampires. Pandaren sighes.

2007-12-02, 12:32 PM
Mina sighs, and summons her fire ribbon and ice wand, in flaming ice sword form.

2007-12-02, 04:57 PM
Hermon sighs and walks out to great Mina.

2007-12-03, 07:08 AM
she looks up, not intimidating, not glaring, in fact, she looked bored.

and how can I help you?
she sounds cross between fire crackling, and a cat, purring.

2007-12-08, 09:18 AM
I will kindly ask you to please leave this property.

2007-12-08, 10:50 AM
just saying please doesn't make it kind.

she is currently filing her nails with her sword.

2007-12-08, 02:42 PM
Stardec teleports to the headquarter of the Court of Nekeria, and apears on Lord Hermons right side

he slightly nods

2007-12-08, 05:45 PM
He whispers in stardec's ear what he should do about to the girl.

2007-12-09, 05:30 AM
THe obvious, easy solution would be to chain her to a wall in the dungeon and drink her blood, but I think we could actually find a use for her if she swears fealthy to you, my lord

2007-12-09, 10:26 AM
Mina shook her head.

you'd never drink my blood, it's cursed by the Gaurdian Dragons, and tainted with the thirst for Revenge. *sniff* and I owe nothing to you, I have my own land, I'm simply here to fufill a bit of revenge.

2007-12-09, 10:30 AM
But we have done nothing against you.

2007-12-09, 10:33 AM
true...but impolite as you are, I'd like to work with you...I know...somebody who's against you, your kin killed his wife to be, and I have my reasons to fight him...and those reasons are none of your businuess.

2007-12-09, 10:37 AM
If you were as powerful as you claim you could have just killed him your self.

2007-12-09, 10:42 AM
ya...true...but it's not fun that way. you have to let them know that you've betrayed them, that you loathe that person with every particle, every thought, everything you've got. besides, I thought you guys might like a snack...I actually think of the beings that I don't loathe.

2007-12-09, 10:48 AM
I will ot agree until you tell me what this man did to you.

2007-12-09, 10:51 AM
*shrug* he broke up with me...he assaulted my re-boyfriend, he tried to kill one of the hamsters, he cussed at James...he had blood splatter on a thousand dollar carpet...

2007-12-09, 10:59 AM
Thats it? a carpet? I was thinking more along the lines of "He killed your parents". I will not take part in these childish antics because he does not like your new boy friend. Good day.

*He walks back in side*

2007-12-09, 11:07 AM
he should find that the doors are tightly shut, and boiling hot, while he may have noticed Mina twitch

Celestalia is tugging on her arm, giving her looks, and mina is simply ignoring her

oh, My parents are dead alright, the Dragon did that well enough.

her eyes seemed to be burning as if she had called upon hell's strongest flames, as she pulled back her bangs, revealing a pulsing scar across her right eye, nasty one too, goes right through the eye, a miracle that she can still see...or can she even do that?

2007-12-09, 11:19 AM
I do hope that the dragon does get get the other eye as well. Now please let me leave.

2007-12-09, 11:36 AM
she seems pretty relaxed again, once again filing her nails, but not to be duller...and her voice is no duller then a Vamp's canine teeth.

why should I? I have no Bargain, and you seem like a pretty worthy opponent...and the Dragon, it signed it's death note as soon as it cursed me.

she is obviously challenging him.

2007-12-09, 11:42 AM
I am a gentile men. I do not stop to that level. Now, would you please let me into my own home.

2007-12-09, 11:49 AM
if you're such a gentleman, then why art thou so rudith?

she was obvoiusly trying to get on his nerves

or 'tis a rude being no factor for thy proper men? go on 'en, 'ow off 'e president, give yer wife teh birdie!

2007-12-09, 11:56 AM
*He blinks a few times, wondering if she was speaking a different language.*

2007-12-09, 12:07 PM
tell ya what, I'll leave you alone and leave this place if you answer this question correctly:

where is the Damned Dragon?

you tell me the correct answer, and you'll never hear another word from me. you've got 10 minutes.

Mina put down her sword as it transforms into a Dragon that is the size of a computer, Red scales, blue underside, and cold green eyes

it looks like this.

2007-12-09, 12:31 PM
I dont know of any dragons now go away.

2007-12-09, 12:52 PM
wrong answer.

she shoots a fireball at him, followed by stake-shaped icicles.

2007-12-09, 12:53 PM
Stardec cast antimagic field on himself and his lord

2007-12-09, 02:36 PM
while Mina point to the anti-anti magic field she has previously put on the wall spinning in a tight circle, and breaking into flames, conjuring up a stake, coated in dragon's blood to prevent magical interference, and throws it sharply at Stardec, it will follow him if he dodges.

2007-12-09, 02:41 PM
He lifts a single finger (guess which) dispelling the spell right before impact

You really work hard to make yourself not welcome in a place?

(OOC: maybe ait til Nightwing logs on?)

2007-12-09, 03:20 PM
((it's not a spell, quit saying it is, it's a mix of herbs and conjuring, and once conjuring is done, there is no magic))

and since anti-magic, or in this case dispelling is a form of magic, the Steak goes right on.

I only seem unwanted if you wish me to be, and I simply return the rudeness.

2007-12-09, 03:41 PM
(OOC: an item infuced by magic will count as magic. Dispel magic affects magic and spell like effects alike, with the exception of natural abilities as breath weapon and petrifying attacks of gorgons and medusae. So he should be able to dispel any fire that isn't normal, or is her breath weapon.
Conjuring definetely counts asd magic

And when did she put up an anti magic field? Please quote earlier post)

2007-12-09, 03:50 PM
(OOC: an item infuced by magic will count as magic. Dispel magic affects magic and spell like effects alike, with the exception of natural abilities as breath weapon and petrifying attacks of gorgons and medusae. So he should be able to dispel any fire that isn't normal, or is her breath weapon.
Conjuring definetely counts asd magic

And when did she put up an anti magic field? Please quote earlier post)

((sorry for the completely OOC post but, if i remember Stardec made an antimagic field... so he wouldn't be able to dispel, and not all breath weaponry ius magic based, i'm done now, Meta, out! *ninja poofs away*))

2007-12-09, 04:03 PM
(OOC: Stardec cast a antimagic field on himself and Lord Hermon, so they would not be affected by spells. But if an "anti-anti magic field " is in effect, he would be able to cast dispell, as the first spell wouldn't work.
Breath weapon is magical, but is not dispelled. So if Mina used her breath weapon, it would affect him. But she didn't. She conjured something that not only burns by magic (herbs with magical properties or causeing magical effects are still magic) but also follows him if he dodges, so it's clearly highly magical)

2007-12-09, 04:08 PM
((so you're saying dragon fire, which can be an ignition of flammable poison, lit by a spark caused by grinding, is magic based? if what you're saying is that all breath weapons are magic based... and where is this anti-antimagic? and the general part of casting an antimagic field on yourself would not restrict magic spell from damaging you, but you from casting))

2007-12-09, 04:19 PM
Mina's inner thoughts:
dammit, what a killjoy
I only wanted revenge on Sam...
I didn't kill the gaurds, I just Threatened them, and their lifeless hearts apparently stopped...which is weird...
Sam shall have no mercy...no death...no life...no love...forever pain...
last resort...wall breaking open...

she took one of her scales, cut herself, and rolled into a fine paste, then she drew a target, energy transference lines, and anti-anti-magic symbols, then, she says a silent, nearly impossible word, and the wall should fall down...or she goes into rage...take it out on sam...or let her through...

she hits the target.
((the fire and water/ice is encoded in her DNA, and as a forewarning, her water is resistant to fire and it's weakness, fire is resistant to ice and water, and Ice is resistant to water and fire.))

2007-12-09, 04:23 PM
(OOC: ok, this demands a longer ansver:
1 - anti magic field on themselves was a spell description that was a bit to unacurate. The spell I'm thinking of is Antimagic Shell:

By means of this spell, the wizard surrounds himself with an invisible barrier that moves with him. The space within this barrier is totally impervious to all magic and magical spell effects, thus preventing the passage of spells or their effects. Likewise, it prevents the functioning of any magical items or spells within its confines. The area is also impervious to breath weapons, gaze or voice attacks, and similar special attack forms.
The antimagic shell also hedges out charmed, summoned, or conjured creatures. It cannot, however, be forced against any creature that it would keep at bay; any attempt to do so creates a discernible pressure against the barrier, and continued pressure will break the spell. Normal creatures (a normally encountered troll rather than a conjured one, for instance) can enter the area, as can normal missiles. Furthermore, while a magical sword does not function magically within the area, it is still a sword. Note that creatures on their home plane are normal creatures there. Thus, on the Elemental Plane of Fire, a randomly encountered fire elemental cannot be kept at bay by this spell. Artifacts, relics, and creatures of demigod or higher status are unaffected by mortal magic such as this.

Should the caster be larger than the area enclosed by the barrier, parts of his person may be considered exposed, at the DM's option. A dispel magic spell does not remove the spell; the caster can end it upon command.

Copyright 1999 TSR Inc.

Obviously, Stardec, since he is a very old undead mage, has modified this spell to be able to affect several persons, not only himself

2- dragon fire and sertain other breath weapons and most gaze attacks are to powerfull to be negated by a dispell magic. IF they are magiac or not is left open to debate, but at least by AD&D rules, you can't protect yourself from a dragons breath, or bring a petrified person back to life by dispelling it

3 - if an anti anti magic spell is in effect, Stardec should be able to cast other spells.

2007-12-09, 04:58 PM
very well...now for waiting for nightwing...

2007-12-09, 05:40 PM
A tall, lanky, green-skinned being walks up the streets towards the tower. His eyes narrow as he approaches within a mile.

This is the place. I can sense the monsters. Time for them to be destroyed.

2007-12-09, 05:57 PM
he should find a fireball and a few iceicles heading towards him.

he should see Mina glaring at him from a hole through the tower.

2007-12-09, 06:43 PM
He sees the incoming attacks, and shows no emotion. With preternatural speed, he unslings his crossbow, and fires it. A glowing-white crossbow bolt speeds far faster than an ordinary bolt directly at Mina in the window. It should hit her between the eyes if she does not intercept or dodge it.

He then leaps out of the way of the incoming blasts. The fireball scorches him slightly, but the icicles miss entirely.

2007-12-09, 06:47 PM
it bounces off her, as if she's made of rubber.

2007-12-09, 06:52 PM
Specifics, please? Given the magical nature of the bolt, it's possible that it could beat the defense, so would you please tell me what exactly happened.:smallsmile:

2007-12-09, 07:34 PM
Dragon's scales, always there, sometimes unseen.

2007-12-09, 07:38 PM
Evil dragon? Or good?

2007-12-09, 07:52 PM
Neutral good...sided with Vamps...err, trying to.

2007-12-09, 08:01 PM

The being leaps out of his cover and sprints towards the tower at incredible speed.

2007-12-10, 04:28 AM
if an anti anti magic spell is in effect, Stardec should be able to cast other spells.

((i gathered that, what i'm saying is where was one activated? also, you will forever get dragon fire and other breath weapons as non magic from me, i just needed to grumble, i spent a whole day searching for a second wii controller and they're sold out everywhere...))

Emperor Ing
2007-12-10, 07:28 AM
A ship comes from the sky, and swoops down at the tower. It has similarities to a TIE fighter, except its more ring-shaped. It lands down a little ways off from the tower. Pik-pik comes out of the ship
I swear that wasnt there before. Oh well, I hope the owners won't mind.

2007-12-10, 07:56 AM
SHUT UP! Fine, dragon girl, I will Allies, but Only to get you to shut up. Star wars man, does this LOOK like sci fi land To you? Dragon girl, go deal with that guy approaching and I will give you your own Vamp team of elite units.

2007-12-10, 08:40 AM
This day, my lord, has really been subpar.
And it's only getting worse...

2007-12-10, 12:58 PM
Mina gets into her own fighting stance, right foot out, left foot sideways, hands flat, and elbows at her sides.

pweh, well, I'm bored.

she sends a long stream of flame at pik-pik coming out of her sword, continued by an ice beam.

rather wonderful way to start the day, eh?

Emperor Ing
2007-12-11, 04:48 AM
Pik tries dodging the stream of flame and ice, all the while pulling out his lightsabers, and running in Mina's direction
*sigh* I cant deal with this anymore.

2007-12-11, 07:14 AM
The being pulls back the string on his crossbow and loads another boat. He then fires it again at Mina, and slings it across his back, drawing a pair of longswords. He runs forward to back Pik up.

2007-12-11, 05:08 PM
Mina smiles, err...bares her teeth in something that resembles a smirk.

a twosome, eh? no problamo!

she makes multiple copies of herself, dissapearing in the midst of them, as she dissapears all together. if any of them have super-vision, or heat sensitivity, they'll be able to sense her presence above all of them.

Emperor Ing
2007-12-11, 05:11 PM
Jedi senses. :smallcool:
Pik looks up at Mina's approximate location
Seriously. Just get this over with.

2007-12-11, 05:29 PM
Very well.

*poof* she appears behind him, unless of course there's an anti-magic field around him, which is highly unlikely...oh, did I mention the Mechetti at his throat?

Emperor Ing
2007-12-11, 05:34 PM
Unlikely, more like no chance. :smalltongue:
so pik has a machette at his throat. How is he gonna get out of this one? By slicing at the arm that Mina is holding the machette with one of his lightsabers of course!

2007-12-11, 05:39 PM
Mina pulls back, but at such an angle that it should cut his throat, getting a pretty bad dent in her scales along with a bit of a shock.

hmm...you're good.

she switches hands, trying to stab him in the back.

Emperor Ing
2007-12-11, 05:42 PM
Due to the nature of the retaliation, pik should only suffer at most, a cut on his throat.
:smallannoyed: ...okay. I am really starting to get a little irritated.
Pik slides out of the way of the stab, and retaliates with force lightning

2007-12-11, 05:58 PM
Mina jumps, doing splits in the air, and has her wings catch her.

(that means hello in korean)

she smirks, and throws a few oversized ninja stars that she apparently hid.

2007-12-11, 06:05 PM
You know, enupnion has a section or sic fi, so go over their!

2007-12-11, 06:22 PM
((pweh. he deadtimed.))

um...excuse me mister, are you the head of this place?

2007-12-11, 10:01 PM
The being attempts to deflect the ninja stars with his longswords. They should thud into the ground. He then turns to Mina.

"You...are not a vampire. Nor are you evil. What do you think you are doing? Know you not how vile and evil these creatures are?"

He raises his longswords into a defensive position.

Emperor Ing
2007-12-12, 04:59 AM
You know, enupnion has a section or sic fi, so go over their!

((Blasphemy! I wont stoop to THAT low. In other words, STOP TRYING TO CONVINCE ME!!! THE WHOLE SECT THING IS STUPID!!! :smallmad: ))
The Kobold lowers his lightsabers to a more casual stance

2007-12-12, 07:21 AM
((No it isn't, as I just showed you.:smallannoyed:))

Emperor Ing
2007-12-12, 07:23 AM
((Enough. I am annoyed, but in a different way than before. I was like GTFO before, now, im like STFU. :smallannoyed: ))

2007-12-12, 03:35 PM
The being attempts to deflect the ninja stars with his longswords. They should thud into the ground. He then turns to Mina.

"You...are not a vampire. Nor are you evil. What do you think you are doing? Know you not how vile and evil these creatures are?"

He raises his longswords into a defensive position.

he should find an all out fireball going towards him.

Never, NEVER talk about one my best friends that way.

she then turns to PikPik, grinning.

you know your disadvantage? you're on the ground.

she flies down at lightning speed, Punching the Ground as a large snowflake pattern, like 50 foot radius large, so unless jedi powers prevent freezing, he aughta freeze over, and probabally black out, if he knows hwta's best for him.

2007-12-12, 03:45 PM
The being sighs.
"You have made your choice. You shall die along with them."

The fireball explodes on an invisible shield of force around him that springs into existence the moment before it hits. He then desummons it, and raises his arms. Five daggers that appear to be made of light appear above him, and hurtle towards Mina. They should hit her before she can punch the ground.

2007-12-12, 04:34 PM
Stardec jawns, points his finger to the hole in the vampire headquarter tower and makes swirling gestures.

A tiny drop of liquid mithril appears in the middle of the hole. It starts to grow, filling the whole hole, and then spills out, covering all stone structures on the towers outside, coating all garoyle ornaments, but leaving windows and doors free to be used.

I don`t know about you, Sire, but I think I prefer to watch this from inside the tower

Stardec opens the door to the tower, and anyone watching it will see 2 large marble golems inside, guarding the entrance

Emperor Ing
2007-12-12, 04:47 PM
you know your disadvantage? you're on the ground.

she flies down at lightning speed, Punching the Ground as a large snowflake pattern, like 50 foot radius large, so unless jedi powers prevent freezing, he aughta freeze over, and probabally black out, if he knows hwta's best for him.

Pik easily force-jumps over it, and out of the snowflake
Ya know what your problem is? You underestimate the power of the Force.
He throws lightsaber at Mina, spinning like a shuriken

2007-12-12, 04:54 PM
Karvet notices the golems and frowns.

This is going to be harder than I thought.

2007-12-12, 05:16 PM
Mina herself spins, jumping to avoid the daggers, and grabbing them once they pass halfway,if possible.then making a few handsigns, and dissapearing under the ground, calling a copy under, and having one of them grab Pik's foot.

Emperor Ing
2007-12-12, 05:25 PM
((Theyre not daggers, theyre rapidly spinning curved-bladed laser swords))

2007-12-12, 05:28 PM
((Karvet's Daggers.))

2007-12-12, 05:41 PM
The daggers will curve after Mina and home in on her, aiming directly for her heart.

Karvet draws his longswords once more. He speaks a command, and they begin to glow white with light.

He then charges forward at Mina.

2007-12-12, 05:51 PM
though, since she is underground, she is unseen, though she can see you...and the knifes...they should feel a series of sharp jolts, and the ground rising and falling, then nothing.

2007-12-12, 08:46 PM
((Actually, BunnyBoo, the knives will hit before she goes underground.:smalltongue:))

2007-12-13, 03:12 AM
(ooc: actually, since the battle is outside the vampire hq, which is standing outside of the town, you are fighting in the woods. which you can find here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=58034)
this thread will only include what happens inside the towerand any attpted attacks on it, like a siege or trying to break in the door. (the walls are now more or less indestructable)

Yeah, and this tower is currently part of a plot. So if your attack doesn't add to the story, please hold it until the plot is over. Ok?
Thank you :smallsmile:

(lack of) thought of the day:
Meesa! Meesa bring jedi to medieval battle thingy. )

Emperor Ing
2007-12-14, 06:23 AM
((I would believe were very close to the tower though, and I get bored too ya know.))
Pik's lightsaber is still flying towards mina...

2007-12-14, 07:02 AM
((My attack is part of the story, because he's a vampire hunter recently arrived in Town. And yes, I'd say we're right near the tower mainly because Mina attacked us from the tower with LoS spells. Regardless, the fact that the tower's in the woods should be in its description.))

2007-12-14, 07:12 AM
((let's just go into the woods, I'm definitely not triple posting there.))

Emperor Ing
2007-12-14, 07:20 AM
((Me and LV are fine here))

2007-12-14, 08:45 AM
(OOC: my comments on the curent plot twist and my reasons for wanting to move the fighting away from the tower to another thread, like the woods are stated in detail in the vampire plot thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3655963#post3655963), where you also are more than welcome to discuss it and come with argumetns against is ooc)

2007-12-14, 03:30 PM
((*shrugs* well, I'm fine wit that, I'm just waiting fer them.))

Emperor Ing
2007-12-15, 03:54 PM
Pik takes the chance of Karvet fighting Mina to walk back to his TIE Halo, and fly to a different place to land. Mina may or may not follow.

2007-12-20, 10:12 AM
So, sire, it seems to be necesary to instruct the guardsmen that ins't in fact an inn, so they don't have to let everybody in to your tower.

(OOC: Celest is still inside the tower, so she can stil interact with the characters inside. The others have to enter the tower first)

2007-12-26, 06:29 PM
Celest, holds her hand to her ear, as if listening.

excuse me, sir, Mina's telling me that she's fighting that sci-fi whack-off right now...

2007-12-26, 07:42 PM
Stardec turns supriced to Celest
And who are you, little one?

2007-12-26, 07:45 PM
an aquaintence of the Dragon girl's, if you'll excuse her presence..

2007-12-27, 03:44 PM
Actually, I find her lack of precense much more apealing. So, she dragged you here, or did you come onyour own?

2007-12-27, 04:15 PM
a little bit of both...

she didn't seem to want to say much more on that subject.

2007-12-27, 04:19 PM
Then again, I can understand why anyone would want to admit anny connection with that rude person.
So, anyway... What do you want here?

2007-12-27, 04:27 PM
just a place to meet others of my kind...and I was bored, so I just followed Mina...

her voice sounded a bit dry when she said Mina's name.

2007-12-27, 04:35 PM
I see. Then again,we aren't a taver for vampires or something. We try to operate a busines here

2007-12-27, 04:40 PM
she puts down a bag of gold.

really? I had no Idea!

her vioce was oozing sarcasam

2007-12-27, 05:01 PM
Stardec either ignores or doesn't notice the sarcasm.
For some reason, people believe they can simply stomp in here like a heard of sheep and expect us to be happy about it.
So, was there anything in particular you was thinking of?
He looks at the bag with something (obviously, if it's closed, he can't see that it's gold in it)

2007-12-27, 05:09 PM
she tips it on the counter, spilling gold, and finally, a pearl necklace and a ruby ring, she puts on the ring, but shoves the rest in his direction.

first off, I am not a sheep, as I will never be. second off, if you're going to be a (butt) then I'll gladly leave, with all of my money.

2007-12-27, 07:05 PM
Now, I never implied thay you were one of the sheep. Secondly, I believe you have yet to name the task, and I have to name the price. Until then, there really isn't much of a bargain for me to consider

(OOC: have serious problems with the net here, might suddenly loose connection for good)

2007-12-27, 07:28 PM
((ooc: talk about it! I've been having to wait for dad to finish because he works online, and our switch ain't working!IC: gah! that last line wasn't wrapped!!!!))

celest seems a bit annoyed.

now that we have that settled, is there really a price?

2007-12-28, 10:07 AM
Of course, everything has a price. From hiring a hooker to assassinating a king...

(OOC: I guess I'm the one who'll have to make up a price list, since Nightwing moved to the other town.)

2007-12-28, 05:53 PM
((OOC: oh, he did? BaH!!! such a hypocrite! he was complaining about it on his other thread...))

Celest polishes her ring until 3 small initials can be barely seen etched into the base of the ruby;
stands for;

2007-12-28, 06:35 PM
I'm sorry, but as a general policy, unidentified magical items are not allowed here. If you please hand it ower, I'll identify it and determine if it presents any danger

2007-12-28, 06:45 PM
what? this? oh, this, it's just a gift from my parents...when I was human...I don't think that it has any magic...

she hands it over anyways, he should feel nothing other then the faint aoura of a human...something or another, she must've worn this for a while when she was little.

EDIT: ...it may be able to store magic, but that has more to do with the molecular structure of rubies.

2007-12-28, 06:49 PM
Stardec casts identify on it.
His hands are cold as death as they come in contact with hers as he hands it back
Seems harmless enough. Please continiue

(OOC: if there's any magic stores, he would detect what spells)

2007-12-28, 06:52 PM
she blows on it, fogging it, (fog=moisture) and rubbing it some more.

um...well, I'm bored...

she stares into the ruby, rubbing it over and over, as it memorizing the feel and structure.

2007-12-28, 06:56 PM
Stardec just stares at her, deeply supriced


You came here...
To tell that you are bored?

You know what, I think I'll go and see how my clerks are handling our customers

He starts walking to a open door on the right side of the hall

2007-12-28, 07:03 PM
not really...
I just felt like stating that...

she doesn't look up from her ring.

2007-12-28, 07:08 PM
he passes the door and enters the next room.
If she follows, she will see a room with several smal offices. Many have their doors open, but 3 or 4 of them are closed.
Stardec opens the first door and enters the first office

2007-12-28, 07:11 PM
she doesn't dare follow, not wanting to be rude or in trouble.

((you don't want her to follow, do you?))

2007-12-28, 07:15 PM
(OOC: she can very well follow. The room looks like a real estate office. It's in fact where customers come to arrange assassinations, murders and such, but it's still an office)

2007-12-28, 07:17 PM
she then hesitantly and silently pushes through the door, going into 'stealth' mode.

2007-12-28, 07:22 PM
A heavy hand grasps for her shoulder
Sneaking around kid?
First time here or something?

2007-12-28, 07:26 PM
yes, sir...I wasn't trying to cause misgif or anything, I was just looking around...would you like me to leave?

she said this politely, and she seemed sure she wasn't doing anything wrong.

2007-12-28, 07:30 PM
Nah, I'm bored, so we can as well, ehm... chat...

He is a tall man with a goate, dressed in black plate armour, holding one arm one a large axe in his belt. And yes, he is a vampire

(OOC: Sorry, I have to deadtime until tomorrow sometime. Have to go and get some sleep now)

2007-12-28, 07:37 PM
she decided to use a conversation starter.

oh...um...okay...so...who were you as a human? she then quickly added you don't have to tell if you don't want to...if you don't want me to know, it's okay.

2007-12-29, 06:20 AM
I don't remember anymore... It's not important anyway. I have been given everything I want here. You see, I'm not really a guard. They simply use guard duty as minor punishment. You know, if I report in to late or try to sneak away for a extra snack after a mission

2007-12-29, 09:03 AM
she smirks.

that must REALLY teach you a lesson!

she's being sarcastic, of course.

2007-12-29, 09:21 AM
An invisible Karvet slips out of the woods and cautiously approaches the tower, crossbow out.

2007-12-29, 09:25 AM
celest seems to feel that something's wrong.

get everyone someplace safe...I'm pretty sure that something's wrong...

her ring is pulsing softly with her worry, but it's barely noticeable, even for vamps.

2007-12-29, 10:37 AM
(OOC: Karvet is on the outside of the tower. The only entrance, the door is closed.
He can try to climb through the windows, but they are warded, and if anything living passes through, it will explode.
The rest are on the inside of the tower, quite safe allready)

Easily scared, are you?
No need to fear, it's just one of our customers, Jashar the death mage. He has this aura of fear or something...

he points on a dark human figure exiting one of the offices

2007-12-29, 11:24 AM
her ring pulses slightly darker as he passes, and without glancing at it she states;

ah, I see, okay...

2007-12-29, 11:31 AM
So, you think that guard duty isn't a punishment?
Well, I would like to see you stand here a week without any pauses at all

2007-12-29, 11:33 AM
well, it's better then 50 lashes with a flaming whip.

2007-12-29, 11:38 AM
Karvet sneaks to within fifty meters of the door, and casts detect magic to find any wards or defenses. The spell will scan the the exterior of the first few floors facing him, and the main door.

2007-12-29, 11:48 AM
((um...the gates are LOCKED...meaning that he's OUTSIDE the tower...unless he did the sci-fi enterance thingy, and he should be shooken up by the last attack that you never responded to...))

2007-12-29, 11:59 AM
((Yes, he is outside the tower. Note that I said he approached to within fifty meters of the door.))

2007-12-29, 12:00 PM
((OH! THAT DOOR!!!! you mean the gate, right?))

2007-12-29, 12:08 PM
The walls are covered with steel from the spell iron wall. It can be dispelled by a very powerfull mage, and it can be melted by lava.
The iron itself has no magical properties, but the whole tower radiates strongly of magic.

The door is a door. Nothing more to be said about it.
It's made of coldwrought iron.
A doorbell hands next to it

There's a mat before the door with the greeting:

Sod off

(OOC: everybody are welcome to join this plot, it's just that the plot characters in this place aren't very welcomming.
After all, they are a gang of assassins, merchenaries and murderers.)

2007-12-30, 09:44 AM
well, it's better then 50 lashes with a flaming whip.


2007-12-30, 10:23 AM
The whipping alternative sounds fun. After all, it's not like it would leave any wounds or even hurt much.
Sounds like a punishment for kids

2007-12-30, 10:31 AM
Karvet then tries to sense if there are any undead inside the tower.

((If there are he should get a vague impression of the number, but not the kind.))

2007-12-30, 10:32 AM
she sighs, remembering how that used to happen in her human days.

well, it could be worse, they could have you standing under UV lightbulbs.

2007-12-30, 11:10 AM
So, you have allready seen our torture chamber then?

Karvet detects a strong undead presence, but neither number or type is apparent

(OOC: because of various protection spells and because I have no idea yet how many are there at present)

2007-12-30, 11:44 AM

that's a no...she's nervous, NOT wanting to get on the boss's nerves.

2007-12-30, 11:52 AM
I take that as a no.
So, anyway, what are you here for? I mean, since you obviously aren't visiting the office...

2007-12-30, 11:57 AM
well, this girl I'm aquainted with, who's doing something for that one guy, she dragged me here, and i wanted to meet other vamps.

2007-12-30, 12:04 PM
I see... The best place to meet vampires, with a lot of spare time would be the court of the elders, since those vampires aren't doing anything

he laughs