View Full Version : A tiefling city

2015-10-26, 03:43 PM
In 5e Tieflings don't have the strong tendency to do evil they used to have. They mostly end up in the deep end of the alignment pool though, mostly because the other races treat them with distrust, disgust, suspicion. They are made into monsters because people see them as monsters. Bit of a self fulfilling prophecy. This offcourse assumes that they are always the minority in a settlement. Now what would happen if - after many years - the tieflings had their very own city. A city where THEY are the majority. What would happen?

- They rise above their infernal heritage. They will not be saints. Most likely they will be much like humans with a tendency to go good or bad. The best and worst can rise from the city. Basicly the city becomes little different from a human settlement. But with the bonus of demonoid folks who are constantly struggling with their darker side.

- With the power in their hands, they embrace their darker side. Their is now no more majority restraining them and they rice up to be slavers, genocidal maniacs an cardboard cutout villains.

- They will live in constant fear as their city state is under threat of invasion. Neighboring kingdoms don't like the thought of a breed of vicious halfdemons near their borders.

- Something else?

What do you think would happen if our tieflings finally shook off the chains placed upon them by society?

2015-10-26, 04:53 PM
The city made will depend on the leader/leaders. Like all countries, the leader's/leaders's ideals are what unites a people and drives a nation.

2015-10-26, 05:02 PM
If we're talking about standard 5e Tieflings, I agree that it depends on the leaders. I'd argue that the resulting society would tend towards lawful more than evil, but still with a slight tendency towards evil. Think efficient evil though, the Tieflings are probably trying too hard to be pragmatic and worried that other cultures are ganging up on them and plan to wipe them out.

If we take pre-4e fiend descendants (as in 'I literally have pit fiend as my great granddad), then it really depends. In some settings the city would become a human city after a few hundred years, in others it would be like any other city run by an oppressed race because Tieflings are people.

2015-10-26, 05:57 PM
--"Tieflings are people."

Exactly, they are just stronger in the dark side.

2015-10-26, 06:02 PM
As soon as I read the title of this thread, this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1b8AhIsSYQ) started playing through my head.

Apologies to all those who click on the above link and end up spontaneously singing & dancing throughout the rest of their day.

2015-10-26, 06:19 PM
That implies you'll get enough Tieflings to unite under the same banner and gain allies with other cities (usually through trades or other things). Apart from the problem of a bunch of people from different countries trying to unite based on heritage, you also have to consider the countries and kingdoms who might be a bit wary on a bunch of demonesque people building a kingdom.

Had a similar idea with Dragonborn. The uniting part was easy (made a messiah in charge. Was fun thinking of generals) but the allies (which my DM pointed out) was a difficult challenge considering all my "kingdom" had to offer was a bunch of unclaimed land that was being fought over on three sides.

I should get back to that project.

Edit: I avoided your question. Probably option 3/the fear one.

2015-10-27, 06:05 PM
One's a coincidence
Two's a conspiracy
Three's a curse

It's a little coin of phrase featured in the Novel "Brimestone Angels" that initially starts off in a town with a Tiefling minority/slums. What ends up happening is the main characters are chased from their homes after they are blamed for burning down their own home when the fire was caused by a Cambion that someone had summoned. From it, I get the feeling if somehow enough Tiefling's got together to make even a small village, many would feel it's either:

A) A Cult of pure evil and hire adventurer's to investigate and/or stop said "cult" and it's plot to create a gate to the Abyss and bring forth years of destruction.


B) the town simply would collapse because no one trusts anything coming into out of it's boarders, the economy stagnates, the place becomes run down, people leave, it becomes a ghost town, adventurer's come in search of treasure.

2015-10-28, 01:14 AM
In 5e Tieflings don't have the strong tendency to do evil they used to have. They mostly end up in the deep end of the alignment pool though, mostly because the other races treat them with distrust, disgust, suspicion. They are made into monsters because people see them as monsters. Bit of a self fulfilling prophecy. This offcourse assumes that they are always the minority in a settlement. Now what would happen if - after many years - the tieflings had their very own city. A city where THEY are the majority. What would happen?

- They rise above their infernal heritage. They will not be saints. Most likely they will be much like humans with a tendency to go good or bad. The best and worst can rise from the city. Basicly the city becomes little different from a human settlement. But with the bonus of demonoid folks who are constantly struggling with their darker side.

- With the power in their hands, they embrace their darker side. Their is now no more majority restraining them and they rice up to be slavers, genocidal maniacs an cardboard cutout villains.

- They will live in constant fear as their city state is under threat of invasion. Neighboring kingdoms don't like the thought of a breed of vicious halfdemons near their borders.

- Something else?

What do you think would happen if our tieflings finally shook off the chains placed upon them by society?

In my game this hypothetical city actually exists. The story is a trifling bought a ton of land and built a city he then declared independence from the nation of men. They let him go because they wanted teiflings gone as much as they wanted to leave. The city ended up pretty normal, and while for lore reasons there were less churches it would have almost been perfect if it hadn't been for a sudden need for a plot twist! In the end though I capitalized on the faint effects the persecuted teiflings would have effected.(for example swords are illegal in the city, but most people carry very long "knives" that are just swords that fill a few of the laws requirements) also I decided magic education would be higher than men's because of the teiflings curiosity into its bloodline and abilities. I also gave them a special weapon unique to them (I use more historical weapons)

The last thing I did is I gave racism issues to them demon or devil are considered slurs and teiflings use the term kindling to insult humans and our lack of fire resistance.

2015-10-28, 03:48 AM
In my campaign World, Tieflings are the major race in a couple of cities. The leaders are definately Lawful Evil and are very keen on slavery, launching raids across the World.

I let them be something like Lovecraft's men from Leng, the ones that trades with rubies and slaves and fly ships to the moon (The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath).