View Full Version : Rules Q&A Serving an ideal and a deity

2015-10-26, 10:54 PM
Technically speaking, could a Cleric of an ideal (rather then a deity) become a Sanctified One of a deity, assuming he meets all other requirements?

I have a Rouge 3/Swashbuckler 2/Fighter 1/Ranger 1/Cleric (of nature) 1 and I've been considering taking my next level as a Sanctified One of Olidammara.

1. Is there any technical reason I couldn't?

2. for DM's only: Would you allow it?
Take under consideration: The multi-classing all over the place actually reflects the character's well... character. He's CN with ADHD. He finds everything to be a joke and jumps from one thing to the other.
The narrative is "This hole religious thing is fun. Let's try another!" and he looks at convincing the church to sanctify him as a prank (which ironically Olidammara himself would appreciate).
Under these circumstances, do you think Olidammara would accept him as a Sanctified One and grant him his blessings, even though he's a cleric of nature?

(p.s. he has Wis 8 and Cha 10 and is probably the weirdest cleric I have ever made.)

2015-10-27, 12:56 AM
To answer #1) Technically you can't because you don't meet the requirement of matching your god's alignment because you don't have a patron god.

To answer #2) I wouldn't allow you to become a sanctified one of olidimmara because your character isn't someone who "epitomizes the ideals of her own specific deity." Especially if he's not taking religion as a serious undertaking. From my perspective honestly, if he doesn't treat his beliefs in being a cleric of nature seriously I could easily pull his abilities (granted you haven't given abilities of how he actually acts so this obviously has to be taken with a grain of salt).

BUT after all that, if the I were the DM and I thought that you were making an effort to epitomize nature's ideals (whatever exactly that means is up to you and your DM) then I would be willing to make a Sanctified One of Nature. And to that point, Elhonna's abilities work pretty much spot on for a Nature portfolio.

2015-10-27, 02:13 AM
From my perspective honestly, if he doesn't treat his beliefs in being a cleric of nature seriously I could easily pull his abilities (granted you haven't given abilities of how he actually acts so this obviously has to be taken with a grain of salt).
He has a wis of 8 (please let that be a typo) and a cha of 10. His abilities are an aura of good/evil/law/chaos and turn undead 3 times a day. maybe some domain abilities. Hell, he doesn't even have casting.
again, assuming that the 8 wasn't a typo.

2015-10-27, 02:24 AM
To answer #1) Technically you can't because you don't meet the requirement of matching your god's alignment because you don't have a patron god.

To answer #2) I wouldn't allow you to become a sanctified one of olidimmara because your character isn't someone who "epitomizes the ideals of her own specific deity."

I guess what I'm asking is - could a cleric of an ideal start worshiping a god? Would that mean he went against his ideal (resulting in loss of his cleric powers)?

Clerics can worship pantheons, why not a mixture of ideology and god/s as long as they don't contradict?
He takes his responsibilities as protector of the woodlands and those who travel through them very seriously and yet he is the embodiment of Olidammara's principals, if not Olidammara himself...

2015-10-27, 02:52 AM
He has a wis of 8 (please let that be a typo) and a cha of 10. His abilities are an aura of good/evil/law/chaos and turn undead 3 times a day. maybe some domain abilities. Hell, he doesn't even have casting.
again, assuming that the 8 wasn't a typo.

No, no typo - a wis 8 cleric. He doesn't get spells, so no one needs to grant them :smallsmile: He does however get granted powers, well actually devotions (both since I didn't mind "losing" the domain spell he doesn't get)

To my understanding it's enough to be devoted to the ideas of the devotion, you don't have to even worship (as these can also be taken as feats)

2015-10-27, 10:20 AM
No, no typo - a wis 8 cleric.
At this point, he's not really a cleric. He's a guy in funky robes twirling a fancy piece of junk and looking like he can do stuff. He's actually worse than a fighter at this point.