View Full Version : Rice Boy

2007-05-25, 04:35 PM
Rice Boy (http://riceboy.jho-tan.com/)

I found this to be quite the interesting comic. It takes place in this odd world filled with strange creatures, and a legend about a messiah type figure. Of course, there is a false messiah who thinks he is for real, but other stuff happens in the comic too.

Man, I'm bad at summeries, just take a look, and you'll see it is good! >.>

2007-05-25, 05:33 PM
Man, I love that comic! I'm glad to see it get a bit press.

Seeing as the OP says that he's not so good at summaries, let me see if I can take a crack at it. Warning, I'm revealing a few of the begining plot points, though nothing very huge.

The comic centers around a mechanical man called The One Elctronic, or TOE for short, who has for the past 3,000 years has been undertaking a quest in the name of a god-like entity to find the true messiah-figure who will bring balance to the world once more.

As long as TOE keeps up with his job of looking for this person, he is immortal. He is also a fraud. He doesn't really believe in the prophesy he is trying to fullfil, so he and his ascociates have gone around choosing people who only might be the chosen one.

Because of this, TOE has made the world into a worse place. His last choice was the son of a king who rules a sprawling, diverse, econimically-sound, and peaceful kingdom. Ever since this son took over, he used his "divinity" to slowly transform his father's wonderful kingdom into a millitaristic, xenophobic, zealous empire with a manifest destiny. He has just recently died, with his own son taking the reigns of the title of savior.

Because of his death, a new person must be chosen. This leads us to Rice Boy, a simple little boy living by himself in a hut, who harvests the surrounding rice-like plants.

For whatever reasons, TOE believes Rice Boy to be a more honest pick than any other he has made, but Rice Boy refuses the position, believing himself to just be "simple Rice Boy". TOE leaves, and Rice Boy feels guilty, so he embarks on the first part of his own quest that TOE explained to him

2007-05-25, 05:46 PM
Not bad. In fact, I like it. The dialogue is especially very well done.

Hart av Srednak
2007-06-01, 08:13 PM
I love all the Koala Wallop comics (maybe not rocket builder since it's so new). Rice boy is my personal favorite of them. Beats even MinusI and Dresdern Kodak. It's also easiest comic to recomend anyone not familiar with webcomis. OotS isn't so easy to recomend since you have to know bits about D&D and D&D gamers to enjoy it... atleast some about RPGs

but to topic: rice boy is wonderfull. Surrealsitic but still story driven, great original art and lovable charaters

PS sorry for amount of alcohol in my veins.. typos and stupid things might happen