View Full Version : Wild Magic: Adventures in Val

2015-10-27, 09:54 PM
Centuries ago, powerful wizards, noble fairies, and honorable titans once battled for control over the continent of Roue, for its vast resources and powerful connection to the planet. There battles stained the land, enriching it with the vibrant colors and unpredictability of magic.

The kingdom of Vale lays within on of these vast fields of battle. Vale the kingdom of eternal Autumn, the magic of the long lost fairy empire still permeates the land. What should be green trees, now bright reds and yellows year round, the grass and flowers glow many wonderus colors illuminating the country side, the water has become a emerald green, and the sky always looks to be the edge of dawn. Nights brings stars that could be no brighter.

Even the inhabitants have been affected, newborns eyes glow yellow, and all have some command of magic.

The climate is a bizarre contrast to the lands color. For while the land depicts a cool crisp day, the climate is actually hot and tropical; with sun showers and and heat waves being very common place. What isn't so common, is the form they may take. Some days the rain will fall, but nothing becomes wet, the sun may shine from the east, yet no shadow points west. Rain will be water one minute and then flower petals the next. Vale, a place of beauty that boggles the mind, and can turn deadly at any moment. It is why so many adventures are drawn to it. The vast amount of oddities, and the near endless supply of treasure from the magical war, has made Vale a paradise for those seeking thrills and fame.

To the far North at the edge of Vale’s territory, stands the city of Fallsend. Its walls and streets shorn from the slate white stone of the nearby mountain that traces the northern boarder, separating the civilized land from the wild unknown beyond. Fair in size, the city of Fallsend is prosperous despite its remote location. It serves as the first or last stop for many adventures who go seeking riches, and the silver that comes from its mines is found all through out the kingdom.

Further to the northwest, off the road, past the forest and just before the mountains, lays what can only be described of as a “lake of hills”. The rolling plains of grass and dirt almost looks to bubble and shift like water, however it is as firm and solid as ground should be. In the center of the lake, stand one hill larger then all the rest. Its top is crowned with small tufts of fire and bones, and a covering of ash can be found all the way to the base.

There is a low rumbling noise, and the ground ripples like water. Shortly after, a large round man carrying a heavy brown sac across his back comes sprinting out of a hole in the top of the ashen hill. He wares a suit of chain that clinks in unison with the contents of his bag.The man moves fast for one with such a portly frame, his soot covered face looks panicked, his eyes and whats left of his burnt hair are the brown of a foreigner.

Several seconds pass and another man can be seen emerging from the hole in the hill top. He too flees the hole like a bat out of hell, his blond and silver tipped hair still smoking from a close shave with fire and his piercing yellow eyes are filled with rage for the man ahead of him.


His threats and accusations are drowned out by more rumbling as others appear from within the hill. Leading the pack is a female half giant, whose long strides have her gaining on the second man. Her metal armor blacked from the ash; and fire still clings to her left leg, she to has eyes only for the fat man and his burden. Just behind her runs a strange looking elf with buckler in hand and a deep purple sword forged of crystal in the other. He lags behind the giant, but his speed keeps him well ahead of the other two figures. One is a short and thin man, wearing what once was a blue scholarly rob now singed and tattered by harsh flames. His eyes are a bright blue that matches the sapphire atop his metal staff. Then finally bringing up the rear, is a imposingly large elephant creature that walks on its hind legs, with a massive bow in one hand, and a similarly massive arrow in the other. While the Elf is also concentrated upon the rotund prize ahead, the final two seem much more concerned with whats coming out of the hole behind them.

Dozens of giant salamanders scurry forth, barking fire and and in hot pursuit of our adventures.

2015-10-27, 10:37 PM
"Get back here you idiot! That stuff is ours!" He shouts at the portly man. Looking behind him he sees the fire lizards are keeping up quite well.

"Let's deal with these things first shall we? It's family home-cooked Grease time!"

The very handsome elf waves his hand in front of the salamanders and coats the ground with a fine layer of goopy grease.

Elden Frost
2015-10-27, 10:54 PM
Jeff grumpily stomps forward, raises his great bow and guesstimates just how far the fat man's leg would be. He reaches one of his immense hands back and picks up a large arrow, pulls back on the quiver and pulls the string of the bow back, a loud ripple is heard as the arrow flies forward.



elephant speak
"Why do I have to do this so early in the morning, ah jeeze..."

2015-10-27, 11:17 PM
"Get back here you idiot! That stuff is ours!" He shouts at the portly man. Looking behind him he sees the fire lizards are keeping up quite well.

"Let's deal with these things first shall we? It's family home-cooked Grease time!"

The very handsome elf waves his hand in front of the salamanders and coats the ground with a fine layer of goopy grease.

Unfortunately for the elf, he seems to have forgotten that Grease is rather flammable. The lead salamander's trip and stumble, but the grease soon catches fire, enervating the next wave of salamanders. Powered up, they retch back and release a torrent of fire down the hill side.

All roll a Reflex saves, and claim how you attempt to dodge

Jeff grumpily stomps forward, raises his great bow and guesstimates just how far the fat man's leg would be. He reaches one of his immense hands back and picks up a large arrow, pulls back on the quiver and pulls the string of the bow back, a loud ripple is heard as the arrow flies forward.

As the fire from the salamanders reaches Jeff, he lets lose a spear sized arrow, it whistles through the air punching right through the portly mans thigh and pining him to the ground. He screams in pain, as he topples on to his face. The bag goes flying off his back and continues to roll down the hill. The portly man looks very pale, but he is still up. He swears as he attempts to free him self from the shaft.

Meanwhile the fires continue forward. The Sapphire eyed man gives a nasty look to the elf as he slides to a stop; sticking his staff into the ground and shaping a bubble around him. The Half giant dives to the ground hoping to get below the blast, while the yellow eyed man ignores the fire all together, his gaze like daggers aimed at the now tumbling sac.

Elden Frost
2015-10-27, 11:24 PM
Jeff smirks as the arrow pins the fat man to the ground. He looks back and sees the fiery hell raisers coming towards him. Using his trunk and now free hand he attempts to cartwheel summer salt down the hill, with a nice twirl at the end because he can.


2015-10-27, 11:36 PM
"Well I guess that wasn't my best trick yet. Alas, we did get the fat man but he still moves. Let us catch up!"

The worried looking elf casts Expeditious Retreat as he dives sideways off the path.


2015-10-28, 09:43 AM
The fire engulfs the hill side in flames, stopping just past the yellow eyed pursuers. The party does a good job of avoiding the brunt of the damage.

But most still feel the sting of fire on flesh.

All but the yellow eyed man takes half dmg

The elephant lands with a thud, just beside the mage who has begun work on his next spell. Meanwhile the elf lands gracefully and takes off like a arrow quickly over takeing the giant, who has now gotten to her feet, with shoulders a blaze. The yellow eyed man picks up speed staying well ahead of the Fire. He passes the portly man, with a raised hand in a rather obscene jesture. He continues down the slope trying to catch the still tumbeing bag.

Elden Frost
2015-10-28, 10:41 AM
After having his back slightly seared by the fires, Jeff proceeds to preform a full sprint down the hill as fast as elephantly possible aiming to just pass the fat man and acquire the bag of goodies.

Elephant noises
Why do I have to suffer through this infernal tidings, it is not what a noble such as I should have to suffer through.

2015-10-28, 01:50 PM
"HOT HOT HOT HOT" Yells the bard clearly upset and clearly on fire.

"I'm gonna go grab that bag of goodies now." He mutters to himself as he sprints towards the fallen bag.

2015-10-29, 08:30 AM
The chase continues down the hill side. The yellow eyed man closing in on the tumbling bag as it begins to slow near the hill bottom. The giant has regained speed a she heads twords the portly man.

The mage finishes his spell just as the salamanders reach him. A loud crack and is heard as the hill top turns to mud . The monsters are stuck fast.

The mage shouts
"That won't hold them for long! So get mov..."

The mages speech trails off as he notices he has been left behind, and promptly resumes his sprint.

The elephant lets gravity do the work for him as he starts to match time with the Giant.

The elf has made it to the portly man side, he readys himself to make a quip at the poor man's expense, but finds a broken spear shaft aimed at his face. The fat man has successfully freed himself from the arrow, using it like a club he swings it like a bater, at the passing elf.

To hit

If successful

2015-10-29, 07:48 PM
"HA! You crazy fool! Your lack of aim is almost as great as your weight!" He dodges to the side and decides to strike.

"Take this! The wild dance of snowflakes! Hiiiiiiyah!" He dances and jumps with a lunge.

2015-10-29, 11:21 PM
Posting for roll


2015-10-30, 07:43 AM
Suddenly and violently the ground shifts. The hill pitches further up and the angle of the slope grows steeper. The portly man falls backward and begins to tumble down the hill, just as the sword tip passes through were his neck once was.

A large chasm forms at the hill bottom, salamanders snapping and spitting flame at its bottom. The bag picks up speed and nears the edge.

The giant loses grip with the ground and starts to slide.

"GET IT!!" She screams

The mud behind the mage turns into a land slide and sweaps the mage off his feet. He grunts in panic as he falls.

The yellow eyed man dives for the bag catching it in his right hand, as he catches himself on the chasm edge with the other.

All make balance checks to keep from falling

Elden Frost
2015-10-30, 01:44 PM
As Jeff's momentum carries him down the hill towards the chasm, he leans back to let his center of mass re-balance him as not to fall.

elephant noises
Oh no, not again.
Balance roll

2015-11-03, 12:52 PM
As the earth around him shakes and crumbles, the bard attempts to keep his cool and his balance.


2015-11-04, 11:30 AM
While unable to keep standing, the elf and elephant can control there slide down the hill.

The mage has difficulty keeping his head above the dirt from the land slide.

The salamanders behind him have become a tangled mess of limbs fire and dirt. The land slide picks up speed as the slope becomes ever steeper.

All begin to near the edge of the chasm, while not very wide, the depth of the fall into the jaws of the firey bests below, is cause for concern.

The female giant regains some footing and slows here decent by digging in with her heals. She reaches the drop edge, thrusting her arm out and plucking the yellow eyed man out of the air, just as he loses grip. She yankes him up onto the ledge. There is a powerful riping sound as the bag stares open on one side, spilling the bright gold contents into the dark below.

The man makes a yelping noise as he grips the hole closed.

The portly man continues his tumble down the side.

Elden Frost
2015-11-05, 12:15 PM
As Jeff slides down, instead of slowing his slide, he sped himself up by using his own body mass to increase his momentum angling himself down and forward. As Jeff came closer to the chasm, he bent his knees to prepare himself to jump. As he approached the chasm he used his strength to jump across.
Skill roll: Jump