View Full Version : "1001 Animated Objects" (from Wizards forums)

Flame of Anor
2015-10-27, 11:45 PM
This is not my work; it's a duplicate of this (http://community.wizards.com/forum/previous-editions-general/threads/1156801) thread. Since the Wizards forums will be disappearing soon (bad form!) I wanted to preserve a few of these threads. Feel free to continue discussing the thread's topic.

what is the coolest thing you've done with the animate object spell.

1. make a colossal fighting puppet.
2. make a cool way to get around town (motorcycle, little red wagon)
3. be like scorpion from mortal kombat (animated rope)

I had an evil cleric animate his entire temple (as a colossal object).

5. an army of coins. im not sure how it would work but it would be cool
6. suit of armor (for the wizard so he could do combat)
7. the hotel so it can attack the ancient ooze thats attacking my halfling, master thrower, rogue (denying him all of his sneak attack damage). i wound up in side the ooze. and hit by my allies wounding weapon... twice.
8. a cash registers,and sell them local merchants.
9. deck of cards so you can get some extra cash.

The final boss (not the BBEG) of one of my campaigns was an ensouled huge animated object tattoo mage. But, it was just a statue.

My best ones are the Door to my character's office in his stronghold (you can pick a lock if the door is beating on you)!

A small case holding my portable hole. It is ordered to chase after it if someone steals it, or come back if someone removes it from my character's person.

My most prized possession: An extremely valuable diamond chandalier, animated to flee from any one that tries to steal it, directly to the castle guards!

Note: There is a vastly superior version of he spell available to wiz/sor called Minor Servitor from Savage Species. This spell not only animates the object but also gives it 3d6 intelligence and 1d3 charisma. that gives it skills and feats! Sadly, the cost is 250xp per cubic foot so you can't really make anything as large as you can with animate objects (which is BIZZARLY not a wizard spell).

i have found the best thing to animate is a cadavre. very useful just as a baggage handler and guard while you rest if nothing else.

-would Animate Obj work on a x-bow like Quick Loading?

Utility. An animated...
stool so I have a place to sit wherever I travel.

candle holder so I don't have to.

waterskin can fill itself up at each watering hole.

whistle to stand guard duty on perimeter.

shopping cart to haul my stuff.

tinderbox to light my pipe.

Gee all you guys need is an anthropromorphic cat and you have the cast of beauty and the beast....

That's exactly what I was thinking of as I created my list.
It was hard not to add an entire animated tea set.

I love that scene in willow when the insense table gets animated by Shalindria's wand. I never thought of animate object as being able to animate a whole temple. There was one time a charactor of mine was in a walking clock tower.

An idea I had(stole) was a motorcycle. Create one, animate, permanency. I'm going to do it at my next session, the only problem is I want to make it even faster, with a permanent haste or some such thing. And I have no idea how much XP and gold this is going to cost.

an animated siege engine- it can load and fire itself!

A character once animated a hand that had been chopped off in battle. He named it "Thingyfingers".

My friend who played as a wizard permanently animated a scarecrow. Later it took levels in the soulknife class and travelled along with the party as a cohort. We love our DM. :D Too bad I'm not as popular. http://i.imgur.com/EO8Dh7V.gif

Animated tavern, that walk while you sleep within, to shorten down downtime.

Huge animated bell, to make it perfectly clear to everyone that you are arriving. If you happen to be a gnome, include a silence spell to make it weirder.

10. Bar fight: I had the PC's battle an animated tavern after they responded to posters for a "bar fight" contest.

11. Auto-cocking crossbows: a 20th level cleric (or a lower level one with prayer bead of karma, orange ioun stone, candle of invocation and/or death knell) could animate 20 crossbows with a single casting of animate object for an average price of about 860 gp each. I personally allow animated crossbows to continually recock themselves, but not reload... requiring the use of an animated repeating crossbow (and the associate exotic weapon proficiency) to pull off the 'John Woe' style of continually firing crossbows in each hand.

12. I often permanently animated ships, then gave them wings of flying (to turn them into flying ships).

13. A ghost pirate captain NPC permanently animated his ship, allowing it to sail without crew or wind. The ship had previously belonged to the PC's, and they had named it the "Unexpected Bite"... yet they were surprised when it bit them (even though I used the Flying Dutchman (http://edge3.dealsdirect.net/images/products/8560/1/product2_8560.jpg) model to represent the ship)

14. My gnomist tinkerer animated an exoskeleton suit (and simply used the "mounted" combat rules to represent wearing it)

15. Animated hair (mithral wig)

16. Gnomish submarine

17. Very recently, the party fought a dozen huge, animated, naked statues in a brothel (from the "Porphyry House" adventure in Dungeon magazine). According to the adventure description, apparently the statues could also be rented (for a price) by patrons. Obtaining miniatures for the battle was not as easy as one might think.

i have found the best thing to animate is a cadavre. very useful just as a baggage handler and guard while you rest if nothing else.

-would Animate Obj work on a x-bow like Quick Loading?
Sadly, a Cadaver cannot be animated. Its not considered an object by d20 rules...and common sense. Cast animate dead on the cadaver and it won't cost a permanency and works better!

10. Bar fight: I had the PC's battle an animated tavern after they responded to posters for a "bar fight" contest.

11. Auto-cocking crossbows: a 20th level cleric (or a lower level one with prayer bead of karma, orange ioun stone, candle of invocation and/or death knell) could animate 20 crossbows with a single casting of animate object for an average price of about 860 gp each. I personally allow animated crossbows to continually recock themselves, but not reload... requiring the use of an animated repeating crossbow (and the associate exotic weapon proficiency) to pull off the 'John Woe' style of continually firing crossbows in each hand.

12. I often permanently animated ships, then gave them wings of flying (to turn them into flying ships).

13. A ghost pirate captain NPC permanently animated his ship, allowing it to sail without crew or wind. The ship had previously belonged to the PC's, and they had named it the "Unexpected Bite"... yet they were surprised when it bit them (even though I used the Flying Dutchman (http://edge3.dealsdirect.net/images/products/8560/1/product2_8560.jpg) model to represent the ship)

14. My gnomist tinkerer animated an exoskeleton suit (and simply used the "mounted" combat rules to represent wearing it)

15. Animated hair (mithral wig)

16. Gnomish submarine

17. Very recently, the party fought a dozen huge, animated, naked statues in a brothel (from the "Porphyry House" adventure in Dungeon magazine). According to the adventure description, apparently the statues could also be rented (for a price) by patrons. Obtaining miniatures for the battle was not as easy as one might think.
Wow. An animated ship. Sigh. I wish I'd have thought of that. I built a 800,000 gold flying ship using Arms and Armor rules. Would have saved me ALOT of money....

Sadly, a Cadaver cannot be animated. Its not considered an object by d20 rules...
Actually, it is. From the 3.5 FAQ:
"A dead body of any creature (warforged, human, dragon,
whatever) is treated as an object"
"An undead creature is not alive, but it’s also not a
corpse—a corpse is an object. (The undead creature might have
been made from a corpse, but it has transformed into something
else, mainly a creature)."

Actually, it is. From the 3.5 FAQ:
"A dead body of any creature (warforged, human, dragon,
whatever) is treated as an object"
"An undead creature is not alive, but it’s also not a
corpse—a corpse is an object. (The undead creature might have
been made from a corpse, but it has transformed into something
else, mainly a creature)."
Hence, Thingyfingers.

(borderline flaming removed)

Step 1: Find an effigy cactus (be it a statue thereof, or a dead, preserved cactus).

Step 2: Animate object.

Step 3: Make the cacti obsess over pastries, give it a slight streak of kleptomania.

Of course, all this is just setup so that you can work the phrase "the cactus punches you and steals your cookies" into the game.

no idea what number so ill call it 30) animated mithral cape (i dont think it was said yet)

I always put one animated object into the dungeons. Some of the most memorable (for my players) include the animated chamber pot, the animated outhouse, and the animated swarm of kitchen utensils. In my next game, I'm animating a gazebo.

31. Technically it was an epic spell, so I didn't use Animate Object proper, but I did create The Luggage once.

Some of the most memorable (for my players) include the animated chamber pot, the animated outhouse, and the animated swarm of kitchen utensils.
What did these monstrosities do to the poor PCs? Wait, do I even want to know?

In my next game, I'm animating a gazebo.
You must be certain, however, that it is located atop a grassy gnoll.

I just realized that animate object isn't a wizard/sorcerer spell. That seems kind of silly to me, though now I'll probably won't have fun with it *shakes fist at bards*. It's funny to think that a powerful wizard who controls part of the cosmos can animate ropes, and nothing else.

Ive never actually done it but I've always wanted to animate a trapped lock. Have it talk to people (makes picking the lock harder and may alert guards) also its trapped with oh say... a needle so it may or may not be able to attack with that.

Also the ship is a great idea

I animated a few levers attached to traps. When the party was in position it would trip itself.

I think the toughest 'normal' animated object i used was a carpet. Engulfed the PC's and slammed them around.