View Full Version : DM Help Can't remember the name of the creature!

2015-10-28, 01:20 AM
So, I've been recently trying to find a creature that I'm not even really sure is in the dnd collection or the pathfinder, though I'm inclined to think dnd. I can't remember its name, so I actually can't find it. It's an undead creature that in many ways is just like a wight, in that it creates spawn that it controls. What sets it apart is that it creates some obscuring mist like effect, I'm pretty sure because it's cold, but it can see through mist, so it has a tactical advantage. The flavor text mentions a group of them "out on the ice" or something like that, a bunch of them, though no one knew how many because of the mist, and they were just waiting to strike. Anyway, if someone could help me because this rings some kind of bell, I'd be really grateful.

2015-10-28, 01:24 AM
So, I've been recently trying to find a creature that I'm not even really sure is in the dnd collection or the pathfinder, though I'm inclined to think dnd. I can't remember its name, so I actually can't find it. It's an undead creature that in many ways is just like a wight, in that it creates spawn that it controls. What sets it apart is that it creates some obscuring mist like effect, I'm pretty sure because it's cold, but it can see through mist, so it has a tactical advantage. The flavor text mentions a group of them "out on the ice" or something like that, a bunch of them, though no one knew how many because of the mist, and they were just waiting to strike. Anyway, if someone could help me because this rings some kind of bell, I'd be really grateful.

Sounds like some type of Oni legend. Ive seen that quite a bit.
If you go to the PFSRD, you can sort monsters by type. Just sort for undead since you know it is indeed undead. That should help you find it

2015-10-28, 07:34 AM
That basically sounds like the undead from GoT.

2015-10-28, 07:42 AM
It sounds a bit like an Icegaunt from Frostburn. Undead, creates spawn, has Obscuring Mist in the spell list, described as often leading explorers out into the cold to kill them.

2015-10-28, 10:15 AM
It sounds a bit like an Icegaunt from Frostburn. Undead, creates spawn, has Obscuring Mist in the spell list, described as often leading explorers out into the cold to kill them.
If someone hadn't beaten me to it, I was going to say check Frostburn. When creatures get cold, it's probably from Frostburn.

2015-10-28, 11:39 AM
My problem is this: I have both Frostburn and Libris Mortis, and have been through both of them over and over and over again. The more I think about it, the more I think it was dnd. I've gone ahead and combed through pfsrd, and have had no luck finding it. In Undead Revisited, there's an alternate wight that breaths out an obscuring mist and has blindsense based on detecting people breath, which is cool, but just not it....

Thanks everyone for being so helpful, I guess I'm just gonna give it up. I was in the process of making an uttercold assault necromancer, and thought that these guys would be really cool as minions, since, like wights, they control their spawn, you could easily control an army of them through delegation. Anyway, I'll keep looking, but thanks everyone.

2015-10-28, 11:55 AM
A few years back Irreverent Fool put together a list of undead, along with some of their special abilities, here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?156274-3-5-Undead-List). It's got a bunch of entries with Create Spawn. No setting-specific stuff, so if it happens to be from Eberron or Faerun you'd have to check those directly. Hope that helps, good luck!

2015-10-28, 03:49 PM
That basically sounds like the undead from GoT.

Are the Others really undead, though? Their spawn may be, but they themselves seem more like Fey to me.

2016-06-19, 01:28 AM
Alright, well, I know I'm bringing this thread back to life, but I've been hunting through all the books, and I can't find what I'm looking for, and was hoping that if you guys could just maybe ask people you know who are good at this kind of thing. What drives me nuts is that I remember so much about these things.

First off, they exude this steam all the time, even though they're cold undead things, which creates a constant obscuring mist kind of effect, though they could see through it with no problem. Their slam attacks dealt cold damage, and something else. I remember they were so much like wights, but with the added mist that gave them an awesome edge in battle.

Please, if you can help me, I'd be ever grateful!

2016-06-19, 05:30 AM
It sound like Steaming Soldier from "Chilled to the bone" article in Dragon #324: it can create spawns, and have permanent fog cloud centered on it

2016-06-19, 11:07 PM
It sound like Steaming Soldier from "Chilled to the bone" article in Dragon #324: it can create spawns, and have permanent fog cloud centered on it

Steaming Soldier! That's it! Dragon 324, thank you so much! You have no idea how much this has been nagging me! I am forever in your debt Mr. Shurik! That's the power of the INTERNET!!