View Full Version : Analysis Getting in touch with HPOH's outer green-ness

2015-10-28, 05:40 PM
HSB (Hue Saturation Brightness) color values for Durkula's skin tone in the past two comics:

1009 early: 34° 19% 83% (grayish orange)
1009 final: 93° 06% 71% (greenish gray)

1010 first: 56° 17% 74% (grayish yellow)
1010 fight: 53° 09% 73% (yellowish gray)
1010 final: 73° 18% 72% (grayish chartreuse)

Quick primer on HSB:
Hue angle: 0° = red, 60° = yellow, 120° = green, etc.
Saturation: 0% = gray, 100% = vivid color.
Brightness: 0% = black, 100% = maximum.

It wasn't useful to compare RGB color values due to the variation in brightness. For example, pre-greenglow Durkula has a higher green channel (C1) than any of the later images (narrow range from B4 to BB).

TL;DR: yes, Durkula is sickly green after all those whacks.

2015-10-28, 05:56 PM
The stuff coming off of Roy's sword is making the lighting weird. We don't see Durkula after the green energy goes out.

2015-10-28, 07:05 PM
Yeah, that's the light from his sword, not anything to do with the HPoH's skin color. Even the last shot of him slamming into the wall is still being lit by the sword.