View Full Version : Player Help The language that wrote the universe

2015-10-29, 09:38 AM
I'm developing a character that goes like this:

Hermit back ground: Discovery - The actual language that was used to create/write the universe.
Classes - Bard: Lore 6/ Warlock 4 (boon is irrelevant)

Notes: While a bard, he does not speak. He instead activates his abilities using the language he has discovered. I have selected all the spells using the same ideology. Examples: Vicious Mocker, Dissonant Whispers, Command, Healing Word, etc.

Build choices included: Beguiling influence (control through words), Eyes of the Rune Keeper (read all language), did not take eldritch blast. Magic secrets to poach command. Lore for extra skills. Musical instrument proficiencies dumped for tool kit proficiency in Calligraphy, forgery, and thieves tools. Expertise in History and Investigation. While this is far from a combat optimized build (I actually detest optimized builds as power mongering), I am looking for some suggestions.

The game is featless (our preferred method of play) set in Mystara (our preferred world). I'm not looking for build advise. I'm looking for background suggestions.

Rough background: while in solitude, discovered a nearly destroyed forgotten ruin of undetermined age. Inside, scratched on the wall in a very non-visually appealing way were fragments of the language (no message), but upon uttering the first he found, the ground shook, and earth was created from nothing. Study commenced.

Unknown at the time, uttering the first phrase found, drew the attention of (cthulhu like entity here) who promised tutelage in these words and to reveal where more could be found for study. A price was paid, a pact made, etc. He now spends his time hunting down these fragments, knowing that in the wrong hands, they could undo the very foundations of the universe he calls home, and possibly others.

Where I need suggestions: I am having trouble coming up with a suitable patron for the warlock pact. I've run through many old lovecraftian monstrosities, looked at 4th edition warlock patrons (ugh), and even spent several hours data mining online. Can anyone think of or have tucked away in their DM box of baddies a good suggestion? Something knowledge and language based, primordial but structured is what I'm looking for. The structure does not have to conform to euclidean geometry per say, nor have to make sense unless you really think about it.

2015-10-29, 09:45 AM
In the Lovecraftian vein, I'd say Yog Sothoth, Azathoth or perhaps Nyarlathotep would be the best options. I'd go for something more of the Outer Gods type rather than a Great Old One (no Dagon or Cthulhu).

You can make a case that Azathoth and his blind pipers created the universe randomly through their song.

2015-10-29, 09:52 AM
I went immediately to Aslan, since this describes pretty well how he created Narnia.

2015-10-29, 09:59 AM
Maybe CAS's Ubbo-Sathla:

"Ubbo-Sathla ("The Unbegotten Source", "The Demiurge") is described as a huge protoplasmic mass resting in a grotto deep beneath the frozen earth. The being is of a monstrous fecundity, spontaneously generating primordial single-celled organisms that pour unceasingly from its shapeless form. It guards a set of stone tablets believed to contain the knowledge of the Elder Gods."


2015-10-29, 10:05 AM
Hermaues Mora, daedric prince of knowledge from Elder Scrolls:

Hear his calling and I doubt you will not choose him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oydhPSfrF4

2015-10-29, 10:11 AM
Aww, when I saw the title I immediately thought of Molotch from Ravenor. Oh well.

I'm a pretty big fan of Lovecraft, but there aren't too many REALLY good fits here. Lovecraftian entities don't really acknowledge mortals much. Azathoth and Yog-Sothoth are both possible candidates though.

Actually, the most likely deity to interact with a mortal would be Nyarlathotep. I mean, he attempted to make a deal for more knowledge with Walter whatshisname when Walter discovered magical geometry that allowed him to bend space and time.

Was that really how that story went? Man, it was a lot scarier when I was reading it...

2015-10-29, 10:14 AM
The "diety" for lack of a better term at this point, does not have to be an actual lovecraftian diety. But something in that vein. Older than the immortals (its mystara, no gods), unfathomable by mortals, etc.

Shining Wrath
2015-10-29, 11:19 AM
Asmodeus pretending to be a Great Old One. He wants these fragments to help him renegotiate the Pact Primeval with the upper planes, but knows that if word of that gets out he'll never get them all.
Hadron, the great Primordial; Hardon is at all moments completely Air, completely Earth, completely Fire, and completely Water; therefore, his essence is unknowable by mortal minds. The power of Hadron underlies all creation, and he is having second thoughts about whether or not creation is such a good idea. By gathering to himself these words of power, he will gain the ability to remake the World a little closer to his heart's desire.
Gaia the Great Mother, whose children include all life and also language itself. By gathering all the words of power, she is able to safeguard her children.
Tychus the Lord of the Beasts, whose aspect can be that of a shark or a mouse or any other beast. Language is key to how the humanoid races ravage and oppress the beasts; by gathering these words of power Tychus hopes to deprive the humanoids of language and grant respite to his people.

2015-10-29, 12:35 PM
Asmodeus pretending to be a Great Old One. He wants these fragments to help him renegotiate the Pact Primeval with the upper planes, but knows that if word of that gets out he'll never get them all.
Hadron, the great Primordial; Hardon is at all moments completely Air, completely Earth, completely Fire, and completely Water; therefore, his essence is unknowable by mortal minds. The power of Hadron underlies all creation, and he is having second thoughts about whether or not creation is such a good idea. By gathering to himself these words of power, he will gain the ability to remake the World a little closer to his heart's desire.

I like these two most! Nice!