View Full Version : Hey guys :) Need some tips again for a character.

2015-10-29, 07:49 PM
OK, so I submitted a character concept, but then the DM decided that he wanted a no human group of players and that the group was in need of a 'utility' arcane caster.

So, I'm thinking of being a Kobold. I was just going to go straight sorcerer with a PrC or 2, but then I was like. I need more spells in a day.

So, I decided upon a Wizard/Sorerer/Ultimate Magus.

I also want to grab dragonwrought and the draconic rites for a kobold.

The rules for creation are point buy 39, starting at 9th level, No Tome of Battle, and No Psionics, and Max of 3 classes; Preistge or base in combination total. (which is good as I want sorc/wiz/Ult Mag)

Just need a few hints on what spells to grab on my sorc side.

Also I do not want to end up making myself totally gimp with like 14th wiz and 8th sorc casting, So I know that I will need to take Practiced spell caster at one point.

2015-10-29, 08:26 PM
Obligatory Wings of Cover and Wings of Flurry mention.

2015-10-29, 08:47 PM
Practiced Spellcaster needs to be taken before your first level of ultimate magus. If you want to advance sorcerer more than wizard Greater Draconic Rite of Passage will mess with that plan, so advancing wizard is especially useful here.

2015-10-29, 10:08 PM
Practiced Spellcaster needs to be taken before your first level of ultimate magus. If you want to advance sorcerer more than wizard Greater Draconic Rite of Passage will mess with that plan, so advancing wizard is especially useful here.

I def want to advanced wizard over Sorc, as I will be using most of my sorc spells to meta-magic up my wizard spells.

I am going to be going for group/self buffs and battle field control mostly

So far its a scout a couple of BSFs and an evoker with a radian servant, and another divine character.

2015-10-31, 12:39 AM
What about using Knight of the Weave (CoV) instead of Sorcerer? A Wizard can qualify with the Spontaneous Divination ACF from Complete Champion.

Wizard (Spontaneous Divination ACF) 5/ Knight of the Weave 1/ Ultimate Magus 10/ X (full casting PrC or more Wizard levels) 5

Because of the wording on the CL of Knight of the Weave the Wizard casting will be fully advanced by Ultimate Magus. The Practiced Spellcaster feat makes this even more fun.

2015-10-31, 01:01 AM
How about a beguiler/sandshaper/prestige bard/sublime chord/ultimate magus, using UM to raise your beguiler/bard and sublime chord casting separately? Your sublime chord caster level is based on your beguiler caster level, and both are further boosted simultaneously via ultimate magus.

Take the Apprentice feat to make Perform a class skill.

2015-10-31, 01:06 AM
You should really pull out Dragon Magic for its list of sorcerer spells. There are a handful that grant you abilities just for learning them as well as a bunch that work better if you are dragonblood (just remember to point your DM to the Races of the Dragon entry for Kobolds as the original MM entry lacked the dragonblood subtype). The Primal Spells (Primal Hunter, Primal Instinct, Primal Sense, and Primal Speed) are prime examples. Once you get 5th level spells Undying Vigor of the Dragon Lords gives you an actual arcane healing spell. With 7th level spells you will want to pick up Arcane Spellsurge to speed up all your casting.

Oh, and...

How about a beguiler/sandshaper/prestige bard/sublime chord/ultimate magus...No to this because

...Max of 3 classes; Preistge or base in combination total...of this.

2015-10-31, 01:15 AM
Then toss out the sandshaper and prestige bard (which unfortunately cuts out sandshaper and bard spells on your beguiler side) and grab bardic music with the master grig fiddle, from Savage Species. It grants bardic music for the one who UMDs it.

So beguiler/sublime chord/ultimate magus. Anything that boosts beguiler's CL boosts both it and sublime chord. Everything else is gravy.

Or use wizard or sorcerer or something else instead of beguiler.