View Full Version : New uses for old spells - Landspeeders are practical

2015-10-29, 10:22 PM
I've been checking out the Suspension spell. On a 13th level caster I'm gonna have 2 weeks or so of duration and 6.5 tons of cargo carrying capacity. For land travel it has some advantages.
"You can mentally direct the object to move up or down as much as 45 feet each round for the duration of the spell; doing so is a move action. When you cease concentration, the object remains in place for the duration of the spell."

So I can raise it off the ground before taking off in the morning, whether I am hitching up horses to it and pulling this frictionless sled. And when I am attacked or tired, I can stop concentration and it has station-keeping capacity. Other spells can provide motive force, or sails can be rigged to sail over the land. It sounds cool!

What cool uses for spells have you come up with?

2015-10-30, 06:02 AM
Why limit yourself to land? At level 13, you can planar bind a storm elemental to pull it for you. Now, it's basically an Eberron airship. And done for cheap.

Evolved Shrimp
2015-10-30, 06:35 AM
You'd need a sympathetic DM to pull this off: The spell description says that the object remains "in place", which - by a strict reading at least - precludes mundane movement. (Similar to an unmoving rod.)

2015-10-30, 09:35 AM
I'm using the PF version, which I read to mean if I concentrate I can move it up or down and it remains stationary when I stop (which is great for parking, so it doesn't blow all over the neighborhood while I am camping.