View Full Version : Guys quick help!

2015-10-30, 02:19 AM
Hey all.

So I have my regularly scheduled game tomorrow, but the usual DM is about 12 hours behind on sleep for the week and has asked me to cover this one so he doesn't have to worry about falling asleep right after lunch.
I've decided we'll do a Halloween themed one shot, and I have this afternoon to knock something together. So I turn to the expertise of the forums, can you help me out?

Initial concept: Everyone rocks up with a character with either a horror theme (Necromancer, Death Cleric, Oathbreaker Paladin, etc) or playing the trope straight (Knight in shining armor for example) and I start ripping off every horror work I can get my hands on. The party will likely start off knowing each other because times-a-wasting.

2015-10-30, 02:44 AM
I just posted a thread, and was told somewhere there is a converted 5e ravenloft out there. Its all done for us. I can't find it though.

2015-10-30, 04:05 AM
Thats pretty awesome, cheers! I don't think it'd do that well this time around though, I think I'll save a copy of that for later.

I have a basic sort of concept:
Party starts off on a climactic chase from (their decision) and run by a cave or building that offers shelter and temporary safety. Inside however is in actuality the world serpent inn, which closes up for the night after their entry.

They have the choice of exploring (both the accomodations and cellars go on pretty much forever and contain all sorts of nasties) or waiting until morning to leave, upon which they exit into a random plane (yet to be determined) which also stores plenty of nasty things for them.

Ideas on destinations and things to find there?

2015-10-30, 05:13 AM
Thats pretty awesome, cheers! I don't think it'd do that well this time around though, I think I'll save a copy of that for later.

I have a basic sort of concept:
Party starts off on a climactic chase from (their decision) and run by a cave or building that offers shelter and temporary safety. Inside however is in actuality the world serpent inn, which closes up for the night after their entry.

They have the choice of exploring (both the accomodations and cellars go on pretty much forever and contain all sorts of nasties) or waiting until morning to leave, upon which they exit into a random plane (yet to be determined) which also stores plenty of nasty things for them.

Ideas on destinations and things to find there?

Oohh, make it Empire Strikes Back, in the belly of a beast fighting half digested zombies. "Its not a cave"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then post so I can use it.

2015-10-30, 07:15 AM
Hey all.

So I have my regularly scheduled game tomorrow, but the usual DM is about 12 hours behind on sleep for the week and has asked me to cover this one so he doesn't have to worry about falling asleep right after lunch.
I've decided we'll do a Halloween themed one shot, and I have this afternoon to knock something together. So I turn to the expertise of the forums, can you help me out?

Initial concept: Everyone rocks up with a character with either a horror theme (Necromancer, Death Cleric, Oathbreaker Paladin, etc) or playing the trope straight (Knight in shining armor for example) and I start ripping off every horror work I can get my hands on. The party will likely start off knowing each other because times-a-wasting.

Oooooooh. How about a "Cabin in Woods" like story where the players try to recreate a slasher movie with 20 something (age) commoners because a blood sacrifice is required each year to keep the old gods from rising and destroying the world.

The challenge is that the commoners aren't as stupid as slasher movie college kids, so the party has to constantly manipulate things so the ritual goes as planned.

2015-10-30, 07:40 AM
I was thinking about how to make a scary D&D session, myself. A big part of being scared is ambiance. Play with the minimal light, preferably only a lantern. Have creepy sound effects ready for certain moments. Going to have haunting music start somewhere? Have it queued up on your player and fade it in louder and louder. Have somebody ready to make noises like chains dragging or footsteps. Stay serious and don't break character. Surprise people by shouting IC when the bad guys would out of nowhere. Just have fun and scare the daylights out of them!

2015-10-30, 07:41 AM
Let the players create what they want. Strange noises come from the cemetery. Skeletons, Zombies, and Crypts ... oh my!

The group go down into the mausoleum in the center of the cemetery to find a group of cultists performing a ritual to raise the dead ... and duh! It's working! =)



Shining Wrath
2015-10-30, 08:40 AM
Oh c'mon. The sacred works are already out there, waiting.

Rocky Horror Picture Show. The party arrives at the door of Dr. Frank. N. Furter's castle with the mission to save the virginity of everyone inside - retroactively if necessary. How that works I leave to your imagination.

Island of Dr. Moreau. Someone has been mucking about with things which should not be mucked about with. Can you set things right before the High Council of Druids resorts to extreme measures?

Halloween. Gin up Michael Meyes as, I dunno, a souped-up revenant who believes everyone is responsible for his death. Find the monster, kill the monster.

Godzilla. The arrogance and wealth of the citizens of VeryBigCity have awoken the Tarrasque, but no one believes it is coming. Terrified fisherfolk and mermen are desperately trying to get someone to take action.

2015-10-30, 09:13 AM
if you have the board game "Betrayal at House on the Hill", you can use pretty much ANY scenario from it.

Joe the Rat
2015-10-30, 02:43 PM
Here's something I ran across a day or so ago, which might fit the bill: night-of-samhain (https://lootthebody.wordpress.com/2015/10/28/free-halloween-adventure-night-of-samhain)

2015-10-30, 03:07 PM
Hey all.

So I have my regularly scheduled game tomorrow, but the usual DM is about 12 hours behind on sleep for the week and has asked me to cover this one so he doesn't have to worry about falling asleep right after lunch.
I've decided we'll do a Halloween themed one shot, and I have this afternoon to knock something together. So I turn to the expertise of the forums, can you help me out?

Initial concept: Everyone rocks up with a character with either a horror theme (Necromancer, Death Cleric, Oathbreaker Paladin, etc) or playing the trope straight (Knight in shining armor for example) and I start ripping off every horror work I can get my hands on. The party will likely start off knowing each other because times-a-wasting.

Have them all make super goodie goodies and slowly convert all of them.

The paladin watches as the rogue is forced to wolfout
The cleric becomes a vampire before the wizard
The wizard is dissolved by a pulsating blood read blob
The paladin discovers his weapon was looted from a mummy's tomb (who's coming for it)

2015-10-30, 03:17 PM
if you have the board game "Betrayal at House on the Hill", you can use pretty much ANY scenario from it.

Indeed, that game has like 60 deferent detailed horror scenarios. :smallamused:

2015-10-30, 03:32 PM
How about this (http://i.imgur.com/Bx799Ms.jpg)?

2015-10-30, 07:53 PM
Sweet thanks guys!

2015-10-31, 02:35 AM
Quote Originally Posted by Dark Sun Gnome View Post

Here is a conversion for 5th edition. That should get you started.

Also, remember that for some of the domains that were taken from Toril (Nova Vaasa, Hazlan, Valachan), you can use some of the stuff found in the Sword Coast Adventurers Guide.