View Full Version : Pathfinder Help building blaster Oracle

2015-10-30, 08:32 AM
A player in my group has asked for my help building a character. Given his parameters (be a blaster) and the campaign we are in (expect lots of undead), I think that an Oracle with the Flame mystery will work fine.

Since it isn't my character I'm not going to spend hours optimizing it into what I want; just get a decent framework so he can use it well.

Flame Mystery
Blackened Tongues Curse

Aaaand... that's about as far as I am. Not even completely sold on those.

Any rough ideas on Feats, spells, items, etc I should consider?
Given how poorly this player was in battle for all his prior characters, I really want to max his damage while protecting the group.

Currently level 10-12, so we don't need to worry about things that are good only at lower levels.


2015-10-30, 08:33 AM
Here's what I have right now
Mystery: Flame
Curse: Tongues
Traits: Magical Lineage (Fireball)
Intensify Spell
Spontaneous Metafocus
Quicken Spell
Selective Spell
(need two more) I could go with Spell Specialization, but I don't see the reason, since Fireball will soon be maxed, so this Feat is only good for two more levels

Molten Skin (not sure it's needed with Form of Flame and various spells)
Gaze of Flames
Form of Flame
Wings of Fire

2015-10-30, 09:40 AM
For race, anything that boost charisma is fine, probably also boost dex or con if you can.

Blackened is not the best curse for a flame oracle cause there is some spell list overlap, but it does add some new spells. I would probably go with tongues but blackened is okay.

For revelations, I would grab cinder dance, molten skin, and wings of flame. Probably pick up burning magic as the next revelation, or grab a blasty one like heat aura.

At this level, he probably wants to consider having maximized or empowered spell metamagic feats. Elemental focus(fire) and spell focus(evocation) are also good choices.

Flame strike is a good fire oracle spell he should have. Undeath ward and protection against evil are very useful in an undead heavy campaign. Blessings of fervor is pretty much required, and shield of flame is another good and flavorful spell.

For items, you don't need much aside from the classic standards. Ring of protection, magic light/medium armor, amulet natural armor, belt of dex and/or con, headband of charisma, cloak of resistance, handy haversack. Season to taste.

Improved initiative is always a good feat choice. Extra revelation is debatable for a flame oracle, depending on how much blasting he needs.

2015-10-30, 10:03 AM
With the blackened curse I'd probably look at a different mystery due to the overlap. Volcano (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/MysteryDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Volcano) would be fun; take the burning magic and fiery conduit revelations, and probably cleansing flames.

For feats spell penetration, spell focus and Spell specialization (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Spell%20Specialization) should work, and empower spell will be useful too. Given your apparent enemies it might be worth getting ectoplasmic spell.

2015-10-30, 10:25 AM
I didn't look too much at the spell selection to see the overlap.

My main reason for Blackened is that I don't see any downside. I'd rather force the player to stop using useless weapons.

I expect race will be Human, just to be consistent with the party and location. Updating first post.

2015-10-30, 10:31 AM
Given the size of Fireball and anticipated close quarters; is Selective Spell a good choice, or are there better options to protect a team that likes getting into melee? It seems like Protection from Fire wouldn't do enough.

2015-10-30, 11:06 AM
At this level, he should not need to use a weapon, but he should probably carry one just in case. A club and a sling are free simple weapons, and better than nothing if things go south. Dump his strength to further encourage him to not use weapons. If he wants to get his hands dirty he can use touch spells and touch attacks. Touch of flame is decent, although giving his weapons the flaming property might make him want to fight. Take weapon finesse so he can use dex, and give him a light mace or dagger if things absolutely require it-if he is down to at will abilities, he does need something. Since he is proficient with shields, putting one in his hand will keep him alive and take up one of his hands. Let him know that his other hand is for using magic.

Selective spell is great-it allows him to be blast happy even if the rest of the party is in melee, and further reduce temptation to pull a weapon and charge in.

2015-10-30, 11:49 AM
Take weapon finesse

I think I'll have better uses for Feats than that, but we'll see.

2015-10-30, 02:34 PM
Dip one level for crossblooded sorcerer. Dragon and Efreet (I think) would give you +1 damager per die on all your fire spells and the ability to transform any energy spell into fire.

Captain Morgan
2015-10-31, 01:36 AM
If you aren't going with the classic sorcerer/crossblooded 1/ Wizard Admixture/X, you should probably go Theologian Cleric with the fire domain. You said good blasting and dealing with undead. Flame Oracles get very little to increase blasting damage, such as bonus feats, nor do they get channel or other useful options for undead.

Theologian Clerics get bonus metamagic feats, channel, and a better saves over Flame Oracles. They also excel at high levels thanks to the free Intensify they can apply, which IIRC can let them win out over equally optimized blaster wizards at high levels. They also wind up way more durable than the wizards, with better hit dice, saves, and actual armor. They also get full access to the divine spell list, which is useful if your party lacks it. Oracles are super fun and flavorful, but you can't count on them to be able to remove a curse or blindness or ability damage with (at most) 24 hours notice like a Cleric.

I'm a big proponent of Oracles, but your case really sounds like you want a Theologian Cleric. (Also, the Kineticist isn't a bad pick for "baby's first blaster.")

2015-10-31, 03:01 AM
I've got a Battle Oracle whose only blast-type spell is Wall of Fire. Any damage spells that are noteworthy/good/worth taking for a level 8-9 Oracle?

2015-10-31, 03:06 PM
If you aren't going with the classic sorcerer/crossblooded 1/ Wizard Admixture/X, you should probably go Theologian Cleric with the fire domain.

This group has recently had a Cleric. I'd like to try to add something new, but I'll give that Cleric a look.

2015-10-31, 04:35 PM
Here's what I have right now
Mystery: Flame
Curse: Tongues
Traits: Magical Lineage (Fireball)
Intensify Spell
Spontaneous Metafocus
Quicken Spell
Selective Spell
(need two more) I could go with Spell Specialization, but I don't see the reason, since Fireball will soon be maxed, so this Feat is only good for two more levels

Molten Skin (not sure it's needed with Form of Flame and various spells)
Gaze of Flames
Form of Flame
Wings of Fire

Any thoughts?

2015-10-31, 04:51 PM
Personally I'm not too much a fan of Flame, as it tends to get stuck on the dazing fireball routine too much, being effective but pretty boring, and later on tends too rapidly drop in usefullnes, as fire is a very common immunity foind in level appropriate critters.

2015-10-31, 05:39 PM
Personally I'm not too much a fan of Flame, as it tends to get stuck on the dazing fireball routine too much, being effective but pretty boring, and later on tends too rapidly drop in usefullnes, as fire is a very common immunity foind in level appropriate critters.

I do not disagree with your assessment, but that is in line with what the player wants.

2015-10-31, 06:19 PM
I do not disagree with your assessment, but that is in line with what the player wants.

Any fluff or flavour considerations?

Either stick with human, flame, legalistic, VMC Monk, build up on the Asmodeus/Systers of the Golden Erinyes angle and let him spam Blood Crow Strike besides fireball.

Or use suli, flame, tongues, VMC Summoner and build up on the djinni angle.

2015-10-31, 07:35 PM
Don't forget Extra Revelation as a feat to pick up extra fun stuff. My Red Hand of Doom group of PCs had a Flame Mystery Oracle and I think he took that feat twice or something. I've also used it myself for an Oradin and for my current blaster-Oracle (Heavens Mystery).

2015-10-31, 11:42 PM
Since your player is going to be facing Undead you may want to make sure they pick up Spear of Purity (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/spear-of-purity) and Searing Light (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/searing-light). If you grab the Wayang Spellhunter or Magical Lineage and focus them on Searing Light you can be tossing out Intensified Searing Lights for strong anti-undead tactics. Burning Disarm (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/burning-disarm) is pretty good if you pick up the Burning Magic revelation from the Flame mystery.

The Flame mystery can be a ton of fun, especially for a character starting in the mid levels. Give them Wings of Flame and Form of Flame and let the player wander around as a fire elemental all day long, jumping into the air for ranged blasting. If they want to hit things, purchase an Agile Amulet of Mighty Fists since they'll have those slam attacks to fight with. Fire Storm is also particularly effective as a damaging ability, but is limited to once per day unless you also pick up Abundant Revelation.

The Life Oracle can be quite effective as a Channel Energy build. With the various feats and items that boost the ability you can deal a ton of AOE damage. Toss on the Blackened Curse for some offensive spells along with the ones I mentioned above. Alternatively, for a Gish/Melee oriented blaster you can go with an Oradin build.

A Winter Oracle has more defensive abilities but also has some good blasting potential at your level. Combo with Blackened for a Fire & Ice theme and the enhanced survivability and crowd control that comes with this mystery.

2015-11-01, 10:34 AM
I decided to go with the suggested Sorcerer dip for Orc and Draconic (fire).

Any suggestions for the two Feat slots that are open?

2015-11-02, 12:26 PM
If you have scorching ray, make sure you have empower. As that makes 18d6+36 damage scorching rays which is around 96 damage average. At my tables intensify gives another ray so 24d6+48 max which is a lot of hurt.

Dazing spell is amazing as well.

2015-11-02, 03:02 PM
If you have scorching ray, make sure you have empower. As that makes 18d6+36 damage scorching rays which is around 96 damage average. At my tables intensify gives another ray so 24d6+48 max which is a lot of hurt.

You may fire one ray, plus one additional ray for every four levels beyond 3rd (to a maximum of three rays at 11th level). Each ray requires a ranged touch attack to hit and deals 4d6 points of fire damage
1 (level 3)
+1 (level 8)
+1 (level 11) (Max 3)
Your group reads the spell differently than I do. I see max of 12d6+24 on a single target

Plus, I'm leaning more towards Tongues, so he won't get Scorching Ray as a bonus spell.

I do like Dazing. But, with the damage he should be pumping out and what the rest of the party can do, I'm not sure dazing will really be worth a +3 slot. Maybe he can get a rod later.