View Full Version : DM Help Modules

2015-10-30, 10:37 AM
My group irl usually plays in custom campaign settings created by whoever chooses to DM. We've done a few adventure modules already but our group much prefers it the other way. I've created my own world already and I've tried my hand at DMing. I didn't really like it. I enjoy world building and I like to see how my players will interact with what I've created but I really don't like stating out monsters or building dungeons. I was looking at trying my hand at DMing again and I thought using a module might help give me something of a skeleton and I could then adapt it if needed.

So. Any suggestions on good modules to look at for this? We've already played the RHoD and we're looking at delving into the Temple of Elemental Evil soon. The players would start at either level 3 or level 8.

2015-10-30, 01:32 PM
It would be far easier to give suggestions if we knew what your world was like. Many good modules have very specific politics or there's prevalent magic. What's different about your world?