View Full Version : Transforming While Raging or Frenzying?

2015-10-30, 04:44 PM
Any cool gimmicky little things (feat, prestige class, equipment, whatever) that might give you some kind of partial or total transformation into anything other than a bear while raging or frenzying? Specifically, something that can still wield a weapon? I'm trying to pull a sort of "monstrous transformation" theme for a character's rage, so it'd be cool if I could get something that's just tied to using the rage or frenzy inherently, but I can also swing it if it's a separate thing I can do on the same turn as raging/frenzying without screwing myself on the action economy end. Also note the "partial" descriptor before; if it doesn't change my creature type at all but gives me the monstrous transformation thematic, that'd actually be just as good or even better. (Better mostly because I'm hoping to use Monkey Grip on either a goliath or half-giant for Powerful Build to wield a greatsword two sizes too big, but I can live without that if a full transformation effect is more effective.)

2015-10-30, 04:54 PM
There are probably a lot (particularly if you don't need that big of a change) but two that I immediately thought of are:
-Firestorm Berserker

When they rage they get icy/fiery.

2015-11-08, 10:30 PM
Is that all we can come up with? Huh. Given the extensive knowledge of the Playground, the fact that that's the only answer I got suggests I'm not gonna find much else. That's pretty disappointing.

2015-11-08, 10:33 PM
Goliath has a Mountain Rager substitution level that makes him large when he rages. You could also maybe do something with Totem Rager; I'm sure there's some meld that gets visually scarier looking when you dump the temporary essentia in it. Bloodclaw Master gives you a pseduo-rage where you grow Claws.

2015-11-08, 11:21 PM
Is that all we can come up with? Huh. Given the extensive knowledge of the Playground, the fact that that's the only answer I got suggests I'm not gonna find much else. That's pretty disappointing.

Unfortunately wizards never really got past allowing barbarians to change into a bear when they rage (the icy/fiery variety is almost useless outside of specific campaigns). It might be simpler to refluff the bear warrior class to allow for different animals such as gorillas or tigers or such. There is a pair of gloves out of savage species that allows creatures with "arms" to wield human weapons (gloves of man i believe) but with the PHB2 errata on polymorph they are useless unless the DM rules you can use wilding clasps with them.

2015-11-08, 11:39 PM
Changeling Barbarian War Shaper?
Fist of the Forest?

2015-11-09, 12:07 AM
Black Blood Cultist gives you claws, a bite, and a rend attack while raging, though it doesn't really change your form all that much.

Primeval is more akin to Wild Shape than Bear Warrior-style Rage augmentation, but it's a relatively Barbarian-friendly PrC based on changing form, so that's something. In a similar vein Thrall of Juiblex could be entered by someone with Barbarian levels.

2015-11-09, 01:04 AM
Barbarian 7/Thrall of Juiblex 4/X 9?

If your base race is Monstrous Humanoid, Outsider or similar you can assume some whacky forms with Alter Self. ToJ is full BAB, to boot.

Barbarian 6 for entry of you can wrangle Escape Artist as a non cross-class skill...or find another full BAB class with it as a class skill.

2015-11-09, 02:31 AM
Black Blood Cultist gives you claws, a bite, and a rend attack while raging, though it doesn't really change your form all that much.

Primeval is more akin to Wild Shape than Bear Warrior-style Rage augmentation, but it's a relatively Barbarian-friendly PrC based on changing form, so that's something. In a similar vein Thrall of Juiblex could be entered by someone with Barbarian levels.

I can't believe I forgot about Primeval. Ooh also the Berserker PrC from Deities and Demigods.

2015-11-09, 02:42 AM
If you're allowed Pathfinder Barbarian, quite a lot of their rage powers (between feat class features chosen à la carte), they have quite a few that are 'while raging' that have a transformation aspect.

2015-11-09, 02:48 AM
Adding to that, if you're allowed PF stuff, pick Bloodrager. They have stuff like Monstrous Physique or Elemental Body availlable and can use that while raging.

2015-11-09, 06:54 AM
1. Your size category is Medium (or smaller)
2. You have a Half-Dragon template
3. 3 levels in Stoneblessed (Goliath)
Mountain Rage!!!
You will become so angry you will even grow a wings!

2015-11-09, 07:53 AM
Weretouched Master (pre-errata) can shift into a lycanthrope-like hybrid form when shifting that can still wield weapons.
Since it's a free action you can rage at the same time, and get more damage with Shifter Savagery on any natural weapons.

2015-11-09, 08:14 AM
1. Your size category is Medium (or smaller)
2. You have a Half-Dragon template
3. 3 levels in Stoneblessed (Goliath)
Mountain Rage!!!
You will become so angry you will even grow a wings!

Then go into Warhulk for a massive strength bonus that (depending on your view of losing PrC prereqs) only applies while raging.

2015-11-09, 08:23 AM
...Lycanthropy ? (Alright, the LA and RHD are painful, but it fits thematically)

2015-11-09, 08:34 AM
Then go into Warhulk for a massive strength bonus that (depending on your view of losing PrC prereqs) only applies while raging.If we interpret it like this, then No Time to Think too will work only while raging... :smallwink:

2015-11-09, 08:37 AM
1. Your size category is Medium (or smaller)
2. You have a Half-Dragon template
3. 3 levels in Stoneblessed (Goliath)
Mountain Rage!!!
You will become so angry you will even grow a wings!

Raging minotaur it gives you WINGS!!!!

2015-11-09, 09:20 AM
Thrall of Kostchtchie at 7th level gets Fiendish template while raging

Not a Rage/Frenzy, but thematically close:
Bloodclaw Master (ToB) - Shifting
Fist of the Forest (CChamp) - Feral Trance
Wildrunner (RotW) - Primal Scream

2015-11-09, 03:05 PM
Raging minotaur* it gives you WINGS!!!!

*May contain up to 50% dragonblood.

2015-11-09, 05:20 PM
Custom item of polymorph into a specific form, say, a barbazu, triggered by raging/frenzying?
Custom items can solve almost anything if you're willing.