View Full Version : 3rd Ed Creating a Susanoo, and having it as your familiar!

2015-10-31, 12:47 PM
Alright guys, my first thread (yeah!), and I would like to discuss with you about a project I've been having in mind for weeks (this could be a rather long thread, sorry :smallbiggrin: ). I love (besides being a difficult matter) to create characters based on TV shows and cartoons, and lately, while I was thinking about Naruto, I got inspired: there's no chance someone could refuse to have a powerful and cool companion such as a Susanoo! So, I started a research pointed at creating the closest possible thing to a Susanoo, and came out with it being (it seems) not only possible, but even legal!
So, here are the steps I'd follow:

1. Being of a sufficient caster level (11th) to gain a Blade Guardian (CW) with the feat Improved Familiar, then creating it with 15 HD (it should cost around 50000 gp);

2. Once done, before bounding to it, cast or buy a use of Polymorph any object at 15th CL on its body to permanently turn it into a Shield Guardian (MM), which IMO serves the purpose and have almost the appearence of a Susanoo, eheh... This gives us a Shield Guardian with the "mental" parameters and Special Qualities (including the possible "familiar bond") of the former Blade Guardian;

3. Not being activated yet, maybe not even having assembled the crafted body components from the raw materials, it should be upgradable still, so add 10 HD of material to the body of the guardian (note, it's more expensive from here on because you now advance the HD of a Shield Guardian, not a Blade Guardian), and bring it to 25 HD (50000 gp) so that you can now change its size from Large to Huge (20000 gp);
4. Now it's the time: bond to your creature and then cast Awaken construct on him (focus on Cha if possible), so it (sorry, "he") can acquire a total of 9 feats (gulp! :smalleek: ), then distribute them so he can wield a Flaming Magebane huge-sized bastard/longsword, a +6 composite short/longbow and an Animated shield. It's alive!!! :smalltongue:
I searched for a way to make him permanently incorporeal, but with no result... :smallfrown:

Sooo, what do you think of it? Is it actually possible or I missed something (I'm seeing that coming...)?
If I mispelled or wrote something wrong I'm sorry, I'm not really sure of my english... /(^^;)

2015-10-31, 03:56 PM
Susanoo seems less like a physical being, it usually mimic'd whatever Sasuke was doing, if i had to peg it i would say a Synthesist Summoner from pathfinder

2015-11-01, 03:41 PM
I took a look at these summoners you said,and you are right, they seem to emulate the characteristics of a Susanoo quite closely, but, aside being from Pathfinder, which I couldn't use in a 3.5 campaign, I have to disagree about it only replicating the actions of the user. I mean, there are some scenes where you can see it acting by its own will, like when Itachi's Susanoo reacts at Sasuke's attacks by interposing its shield between the two of them, or even when it seals orochimaru in its jar. That said, I don't know if there are any huge-sized summonable creatures in Pathfinder that look and act like a Susanoo and grant their summoners totally new levels of power (which means very high levels). The way I exposed is indeed costly, but makes an already deadly wizard/sorcerer even more powerful (i.e. a 20th level illusionist escorted by a giant mecha-like bodyguard), while it seems that a Synthesist Summoner of the same level with his conjured creatures would simply be a 20th level character doing what he does best (summoning) with no other resources, which is far from creating a character based on, say, Sasuke or Itachi, who can do far more than simply controlling a Susanoo. And about it being more a spirit than a physical entity, that's why I wanted to turn it incorporeal, but in terms of how you acquire it and overall flavorsome, the Synthesist Summoner of course wins all. :smallbiggrin:

2015-11-01, 09:32 PM
My first thought with a Susanoo would be merge with elemental ability from Elemental Scion of Zilargo. It's a terrible class since it's a caster that doesn't advance casting at all but that seventh level ability is really strong and emulates a Susanoo.

2015-11-02, 01:03 PM
My first thought with a Susanoo would be merge with elemental ability from Elemental Scion of Zilargo. It's a terrible class since it's a caster that doesn't advance casting at all but that seventh level ability is really strong and emulates a Susanoo.

Just saw that, and seems another one flavorful choice, too bad for the missing spellcasting progression. It remembers me of the Arcane Archer, what a waste to it not advancing spellcasting abilities... That's sad, both these classes could have been very cool and viable for Sorcerers and Wizards... :smallfrown:

EDIT: However, besides the useful feedback, the question is still yet another one: is the process I originally posted legal by RAW? I'm not complaining, just wanted to be sure about that one matter :smallsmile: