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View Full Version : Teaching New DM's, Am Mediocre DM, Need Pro DM Help

Glue Styx
2015-11-01, 01:37 AM
The title says much of the gist of it. I'm trying to teach about a dozen new DM's (one of whom has never even played D&D). I am a sub-par DM, but I have the most experience of the bunch. I'm trying to go over the general concepts of being a DM (adventure design, running the game), but I'm struggling teaching the actual mechanics of the game. Usually I just end up saying "Read the book"

Does anyone have any good tips for teaching the mechanics to new people? In fact, any tips about teaching new DM's would be welcome.

Thanks in advance:smallsmile:

2015-11-01, 04:19 AM
Becoming a DM without having ever played the game? Good luck with that one.
My advice would be: play some games as a player first. Preferably with different GM's and at different power levels. I don't think any amount of book reading can replace that.

2015-11-01, 09:15 AM
Here's a powerpoint (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1a5IOU0bX3mQgwEQsudd7qUjT4ys_MwYWKCemu1H8cpY/edit?usp=sharing) I made for a presentation at a local convention. Should be a decent first step.

Theodred theOld
2015-11-01, 11:39 AM
You can't teach all the rules. For that you just have to read the books and play the game. You can, however, teach the system. Show them how the d20 system works at basic levels. Show them a quick combat involving basic melee and ranged attacks, saving throws, maybe a skill check or two, and maybe some grappling. Make sure to explain how you get to the result of each roll and give them a chance to ask questions. Then teach them how to set a DC on the fly. It's probably the most important skill a DM can have. Maps and NPC and storylines can be borrowed but when the party steals a boat and sails off the edge of your world you're on your own and you have to be able to roll with it.