View Full Version : Tiburon Presents; The Legacy of Fire

2015-11-01, 12:40 PM
Whatever personal reasons that had brought you to the border town of Solku, be they knowledge or wanderlust, have come to fruition. Garavel, an older man in service to the merchant princess Almah Roveshki, has hired you and a few others on as caravan guards heading to a remote location in the northern scrub lands of Katapesh called Kelmarane.
The unforgiving sun still beats down upon your back, and the wind still scorches your face, but after a week's worth of travel and some tips from the other hired hands, it's become somewhat bearable. More so now that this evening the group is nearing their destination. A craggy tree appears just over the next hill.
As soon as the tree comes into view, the name becomes obvious. With five twisted and leafless branches, the tree looks more like a skeletal talon than any living wood.
As you and your weary companions top the last rise, a caravan of a half-dozen wagons and a large tent clustered around the distinctive tree comes into view. Camels in a nearby pen prance in agitation, and a clutch of confused goats and other livestock wander the grounds around the wagons. Perhaps a dozen men and women rush around the campsite, chasing down an animal or hastening toward the center of the cluster, near the Sultan’s Claw, with pails of water in their hands. One of the wagons is alive with great roaring flames.
Fierce tongues of orange and red engulf an elaborate wooden wagon emblazoned with painted moons and stars. A gout of smoke pours from an open door, and as you approach an ill wind blows a number of colorful fortune-telling Harrow cards from inside the wagon.
The central flap of an elaborate crimson tent flies open and a regal, dark haired woman who can only be Almah steps out into the firelit night. “Douse that flame!” she shouts to the men surrounding the wagon before turning in your direction.
“Garavel!” she says. “And just a moment later than the nick of time, as usual.” Looking specifically past her major domo and directly at the the group before her, she barks out a simple order through ruby lips before running off toward the fire, “Find some way to help!”

2015-11-01, 12:52 PM
Firstly, this isn't my first time. Dungeon mastering but it is my first time running a post by post. If anyone has any suggestions or constructive criticism I'm open to all. I would greatly appreciate the advice.

Rolls will be posted on here. Roleplaying the results

Second I'm running this game under my own house rule which involves spell casting. You don't have to wait a turn cast a spell, you just have to break the target's Armor class.

Any pathfinder races and classes are open. Including base classes, hybrid classes, and Occult Adventure classes. You may also play a monstrous humanoid such as a Tengu or Kitsune.

Going on a point buy system all stats start at ten and you have twenty five points to allocate. None higher than eighteen.

Need a short description of your character, their class, and motivations. The more detail you have the better. History and beliefs are optional.

2015-11-18, 01:46 AM
I have waited twenty years to come home father, I promise I will reclaim our home and won't fail you and mother. A rather large man says to himself as he sits atop a camel following those in front of him. Looking at the man, he seems almost better fit to wield a sword, then a bow, however no blade occupies his hip. The sound of two very deadly looking bear traps clanging together a constant reminder of what he had to fear out here in the wilds. Gnolls, wild savage beasts, no better then the animals they looked like, however they were intelligent and because of that they were to be respected, at least in some regard. This is why his amber eyes were always searching the land as they made their way to the merchant princess Almah Roveshki who had sent her adviser to seek out those who were capable of defending her caravan. The truth was he almost didn't make it, had it not been for the fact that his bow was always in hand. He had seen others lining up for some job, and when he saw a man shoot an arrow at a target he simply drew one of his own and fired it at the target, hitting it square in the chest. It may not have been the best way to make friends, however if it gave him a chance to go back anywhere near where his old home used to be he would take that risk.

And so as his amber eyes set upon the camp he immediately notices the burning caravan as a card comes flying directly at him and he catches it before putting out the embers and placing it in his bag for the moment. As he sees Almah coming towards them ordering for help he was already unstrapping the bear traps from himself as he lept from his horse to grab a bucket of water and help put out the flames. Turning back to those who he had shared the road with he calls out in a loud booming voice, "Do what you can to help the people here. However I know if we don't get this fire under control soon we may lose more then just one wagon." he says working with the others that had already been at work to put out the fire.

Acrobatics check to get off the horse in style [roll0]
Then until the fire is put out he will continue to run and get water.

If anyone needs healing and we have a healer with us please send them to look for anyone wounded from the fire.
Everyone else who came in with Sander should probally try putting out the fire or moving anything close to the wagon that is on fire away.

Also you know you can post in the OOC link I sent you, it makes comminucating easier so it doesn't take away from the depth of the game.

2015-11-18, 03:20 PM
The young woman's eyes narrowed sharply. Anyone ordering her around never failed to set her off. How she managed to keep that famous temper in check was a marvel in and of itself. The beast she rode would move no closer to the encampment, so the dainty elven woman slid easily and with practiced grace to the ground. People rushed to and fro in front of her.
Seeing no real way to aid in putting out the fire, Mali dashed towards a side tent away from the core of the blaze. Its loose tarp walls fluttered with the screaming within. Mali's long coat echoed with the musical lilt of tiny glasses and vials falling against each as she knelt down next to the nearest wounded man. Her training with herbs and salves would assist her greatly here among these pained souls.
"My name is Maleyel and I am an alchemist hired on by Ms Almah. I'm here to help."

2015-11-18, 03:30 PM
Here is a link to an OOC thread in which I can help everyone with problems I know how to fix. It will be for the game so we don't need to keep PMing each other, or using the IC to take up space. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?459949-Pathfinder-Carrion-King)

2015-11-18, 06:55 PM
Aman Sati, native to the milder climates of Tien Xia, despised this wretched desert great. He fanned himself incessantly on the back of the, quite frankly, onery camel. The beast had already tried to bite and spit on him several times. However, a sharp jerk of the reins and a sharper curse had set the animal plodding forward in a petulant sulk.
The encampment rising over the hill was almost like a breath of cool air, until he saw the fire saved that painted strumpet, Rovashki or some such, had all but screeched at him to help with a fire that was quite frankly none of his concern.
Until he realized that he'd lose a considerable amount of money if this while venture went up in smoke.
Seeing no real way he could help, turned to two men trying to pull a second wagon away from the blaze. Between the four of them, they began to shift it's great weight.
[B]"Nethys accurse this thrice damned desert," he spat.

2015-11-18, 07:32 PM
The young woman's eyes narrowed sharply. Anyone ordering her around never failed to set her off. How she managed to keep that famous temper in check was a marvel in and of itself. The beast she rode would move no closer to the encampment, so the dainty elven woman slid easily and with practiced grace to the ground. People rushed to and fro in front of her.
Seeing no real way to aid in putting out the fire, Mali dashed towards a side tent away from the core of the blaze. Its loose tarp walls fluttered with the screaming within. Mali's long coat echoed with the musical lilt of tiny glasses and vials falling against each as she knelt down next to the nearest wounded man. Her training with herbs and salves would assist her greatly here among these pained souls.
"My name is Maleyel and I am an alchemist hired on by Ms Almah. I'm here to help."

A short halfling knelt over a young woman badly burned while trying to put out the blaze. Her skin is an angry, blistered red and her begging is uneven. The halfling looks to you as you approach.
"I'm Father Zastoran, The caravans priest. Kallien here has inhaled a lot of smoke, can you do anything to help me with the healing?"

2015-11-18, 07:39 PM
I have waited twenty years to come home father, I promise I will reclaim our home and won't fail you and mother. A rather large man says to himself as he sits atop a camel following those in front of him. Looking at the man, he seems almost better fit to wield a sword, then a bow, however no blade occupies his hip. The sound of two very deadly looking bear traps clanging together a constant reminder of what he had to fear out here in the wilds. Gnolls, wild savage beasts, no better then the animals they looked like, however they were intelligent and because of that they were to be respected, at least in some regard. This is why his amber eyes were always searching the land as they made their way to the merchant princess Almah Roveshki who had sent her adviser to seek out those who were capable of defending her caravan. The truth was he almost didn't make it, had it not been for the fact that his bow was always in hand. He had seen others lining up for some job, and when he saw a man shoot an arrow at a target he simply drew one of his own and fired it at the target, hitting it square in the chest. It may not have been the best way to make friends, however if it gave him a chance to go back anywhere near where his old home used to be he would take that risk.

And so as his amber eyes set upon the camp he immediately notices the burning caravan as a card comes flying directly at him and he catches it before putting out the embers and placing it in his bag for the moment. As he sees Almah coming towards them ordering for help he was already unstrapping the bear traps from himself as he lept from his horse to grab a bucket of water and help put out the flames. Turning back to those who he had shared the road with he calls out in a loud booming voice, "Do what you can to help the people here. However I know if we don't get this fire under control soon we may lose more then just one wagon." he says working with the others that had already been at work to put out the fire.

Acrobatics check to get off the horse in style [roll0]
Then until the fire is put out he will continue to run and get water.

If anyone needs healing and we have a healer with us please send them to look for anyone wounded from the fire.
Everyone else who came in with Sander should probally try putting out the fire or moving anything close to the wagon that is on fire away.

Also you know you can post in the OOC link I sent you, it makes comminucating easier so it doesn't take away from the depth of the game.

You notice immediately that even with your help carrying buckets in the fireman's chain it will still be several minutes before the fire dues down. Several options present themselves to you. Round up your travel companions and a few other men. Help others with their tasks and free up more men. Or attempt to put the fire out yourself with a large barrel of water sitting in the sand nearby.

2015-11-18, 07:52 PM

The five of them laboriously move the wagon out of the way as it starts to smoke. Much to Aman Sati's chagrin several have the audacity to slap him heartily on the back as they hoot and holler in triumph.
The cleric pushed past them, muttering darkly as he searched for another way to help. Several animals had escaped their pens and were running about the camp and causing a ruckus. He watched as a goat ran headlong into a tent save brought it crashing down. A pair of hens were eagerly pecking at the sacks of grain. The beasts were almost as much a danger add the fire.

2015-11-18, 07:53 PM
Sander was not a man to give up when another life was at risk, however he was also no fool. Looking around for another solution to his problem he calls to those in the fire chain he was helping. "Is their anyone inside, if not I suggest we move the caravans and other flammable equipment away from this one before they catch fire as well." he says to the men working with him. If he was stronger he may have been able to lift the barrel of water, however he would not take that chance and put others in danger. Instead he rushes over to where one of the men he had traveled here with, Aman Sati, and a few others were trying to push a large wagon and begins lending his small amount of strength as well. It was unlikely they would be able to put out the fire if they first didn't have everyone working on the same thing. " Aman once we get this out of the way can you help me gather the others to put out that fire?" Sander asks the man, hoping he would agree.

I believe this would be round 2? He is now helping push the second wagon in hopes of getting those pushing it to help him put out the fire.

2015-11-18, 07:56 PM
Mali nodded and immediately set to work, glad she had thought to prepare some salve for burns before they left. Her bright amethyst eyes cut quickly across the woman, taking on her wounds as she began the process slathering the thick cream on her tender, raw flesh.
She must have been very near to the start of the fire, she thought.
Wetting a cloth near her from the basin beside the girl, she placed the cool rag across the girl's face, knowing that it would sooth her somewhat.
Having done all she could for this one, Mali stood, bowed to Dr. Zastoran, and moved towards the next victim of the fire.

2015-11-18, 08:22 PM
Sander was not a man to give up when another life was at risk, however he was also no fool. Looking around for another solution to his problem he calls to those in the fire chain he was helping. "Is their anyone inside, if not I suggest we move the caravans and other flammable equipment away from this one before they catch fire as well." he says to the men working with him. If he was stronger he may have been able to lift the barrel of water, however he would not take that chance and put others in danger. Instead he rushes over to where one of the men he had traveled here with, Aman Sati, and a few others were trying to push a large wagon and begins lending his small amount of strength as well. It was unlikely they would be able to put out the fire if they first didn't have everyone working on the same thing. " Aman once we get this out of the way can you help me gather the others to put out that fire?" Sander asks the man, hoping he would agree.

I believe this would be round 2? He is now helping push the second wagon in hopes of getting those pushing it to help him put out the fire.

A large dark skinned man stepped forward to soak his piece, "The second wagon shouldn't catch if the five of us help you put out the fire,"
His fellows roared and thumped their chests in agreement and swept up Aman in their wake.
The birdman's black eyes flashed at being volunteered like that, but he made no protest as he and the other four men joined the chain.
At the rate they were going the fire would soon gutter out.

2015-11-18, 08:26 PM
Mali nodded and immediately set to work, glad she had thought to prepare some salve for burns before they left. Her bright amethyst eyes cut quickly across the woman, taking on her wounds as she began the process slathering the thick cream on her tender, raw flesh.
She must have been very near to the start of the fire, she thought.
Wetting a cloth near her from the basin beside the girl, she placed the cool rag across the girl's face, knowing that it would sooth her somewhat.
Having done all she could for this one, Mali stood, bowed to Dr. Zastoran, and moved towards the next victim of the fire.

The priest, out of habit, double checked her work as he began to bandage her burns before moving on to the next victim.
This young man was far luckier than the woman. His hands were cracked and bleeding, those were the extent of his injuries.
"You have to help," he said through gritted teeth, "Lady Almah's fortune teller is still trapped inside the wagon!"

2015-11-18, 08:27 PM
The relief on sander's face is clear as day as more and more people join the fire chain and he can see it will be out very soon. Thank you Khepri for watching over us in our time of need. And allowing us to contain this before it became a problem. Sander's says silently as he quickly jumps back into line passing buckets forward and backwards to put out the fire.

2015-11-18, 09:13 PM
With so many passing buckets back and forth the fire guttered out quickly and without risk to anymore of the surrounding wagons. The brightly painted cart was a wreck however, with the roof partially collapsing. The damage could have been much worse all in all.
Aman Sati tinged the ache out of his arms and stretched a kink out of his back before he noticed the whispers of the crowd asking about the fortune teller.
"Died in the fire," someone whispered and made a sign to the gods.
"The door was stuck, that's how Killean was burnt."
"Damned the luck. Poor sod."

The wind picked up and swept the ashes across the camp. A small card, no bigger than a child's hand, smacks solidly into Aman Sati's chest. He teaches down and picks it from his robes, feeling a thrill of power along it's charred edges.
A harrowing card, the cyclone, a symbol of great and violent change.

2015-11-18, 09:30 PM
Maleyel swore through her teeth. The young gents hands would have to wait a few moments more. She swiftly bowed again, muttering a quick, "I shall return," before dashing back outside to try and locate the fortune teller's cart.
She lifted a hand to disrupt the sun's glare her eyes adjusting to the brilliantly lit outside quickly. Spotting the bright colors most commonly associated with soothsayers, Mali made her way towards it, noticing with worry the shambles that remained of the structure.

2015-11-18, 09:45 PM
With the fire put out and everything slowly coming back into order again, Sander's slowly walks over to the merchant princess as he examines the area. " I believe the immediate danger is gone my lady, dose anyone know how it began however? We have been traveling for a few weeks now to make it here to you, and the only thing that has caught fire is the skin of some of our traveling companions not accustomed to the burning sun." Sander Salvatore says patiently as he looks back to the bird like man behind them and the card in his hand. "Aman did you find anything of interest, and have you seen..." thats when he sees Maleyel coming out of a tent and waving her over. " How is everyone Maleyel? I didn't see you when we were trying to stop the fire so I take it you were helping others?" he asks looking around at all the faces in the camp to see if any tried to get close to the burnt down wagon.


2015-11-18, 10:37 PM
Maleyel shrugged, her discomfort obvious by the action.
"None have yet died from wounds received while fighting the flames but.." she trailed off, her gaze falling on the husk of a wagon that had been obviously been the center of the blaze. Brushing back a stray mahogany hair that had fallen loose from her plaited mane, the petite young woman made her way back towards the tent functioning as an infirmary, wringing her hands.
She knew that her companions and herself had not been gathered to be hired as guards, but it seemed obvious this woman could use the extra help just keeping the caravan safe.
As she worked on the cracked hands of the young man she had glanced at earlier, her mind trailed off to a conversation she'd had that morning with Aman Sati.
Mali had expressed her desire to have a harrowing done. Just one of those things, she had said. What she kept to herself, however, was a desire to learn how to read the cards. She had hoped, in vain it now seemed, that the fortune teller here would teach her.

2015-11-18, 10:55 PM
Aman Sati clicked his beak in annoyance, but pocketed the harrow card.
"I believe I have deduced that the fortune teller didn't survive," he said dryly.
Two burly caravaners were lifting a sheet covered body out on a wicker stretcher. They gently set it down by the healing tent and staked it so that the covering wouldn't blow away.
The halfling preacher said a short prayer over the body as several others bowed their heads in grief.
Almah Roveshki watched dispassionately, almost as if she had lost a resource instead of a person. She began to bark orders in a melodious voice.
"Make sure the fire is well and truly out. Check the camp for embers. Someone round up those infernal animals!" She rounded on the companions, "You three! You're the only ones here that seem to have a clear head on your shoulders. Come with me at once!"
She led them towards a bright crimson tent, expecting that they follow.
Aman Sati's face, already set into a grimace, further soured.
"Mouthy little beast isn't she?"

2015-11-18, 11:21 PM
Seeing how troubled Maleyel looked Sander's could only guess that while she had saved those she could, someone had been trapped inside, who she wasn't able to save. " Maleyel take your time. However know that this was not your fault and you did everything in your power to save those you could." Sander's says kindly as she walks away, hoping the wind would carry his words to her ears before she went back inside the tent once more. He felt bad for the woman, he knew what it was like to feel like you had failed, it was why he was on this mission. His family had lost everything two decades ago, and because of that they had learned what it meant to be poor and live a simple life. Something he was grateful Khepri had taught him, however it was still a hard lesson to learn. Especially on those who had known nothing but wealth all their lives like his parents.

As Aman clicks his beak in annoyance Sander looks at him and gets ready to ask if they had a problem when the body of the lost soul was brought by them, and he instead bowed his head in silence, praying that Khepri help guide the lost soul to whichever god he followed. However he was not allowed much more then a few moments of prayer before the princess came and began barking orders at them once more. " Princess Almah Roveshki my friends seem to be in a sour mood at the moment from the loss of life, perhaps it would be better if only those of us who wish to come, join you? And those who are not there will inform the others of what has transpired?" Sander's asks pleasantly, trying to allow his friends the time they needed to clear their heads. He understood the dangers and the need to get to the bottom of this while everything was fresh in the minds, however his companions may not. After all he was a human, and didn't know how the minds of an elf or bird person worked, he had no doubts though that they were much different then his own.

Once she had walked into the tent Sander turns towards Aman Sati and shakes his head, "I think you are painting her with the wrong brush my friend. You must remember we have just arrived here, we do not know who was friends with who. The person who may have just died may have been her lover for all we know, however she must keep a strong face to make sure no one panics. I am sure given time she will loosen up, and if not we can address it. However if you are uncomfortable my friend I can go in and speak with her while you help the others calm the animals." Sander's offers, before realizing he may have just offend Aman without trying to.

2015-11-18, 11:49 PM
The young woman shook her head gently to clear it before she turned to the priest who had just said his peace over the woman's corpse. If she was not mistaken, this woman was the only individual who had lost their life during the madness of what seemed a few moments to ago. Withdrawing a vial with translucent lime colored liquid sloshing lazily about inside, she met the eyes of the halfling Dr Zastoran.
"May I prepare her body for burial?" she asked gently, prepared for a refusal while she braced herself for meeting with Lady Allah. She'd like to postpone it while she composed herself, as Mali did not often show her true emotions and wanted to make a proper first impression on the merchant princess.
While Maleyel had, in truth, heard the woman's command, she feigned ignorance, wishing to finish her business with the fortune teller's body first. She'd never met the woman, true, but of her childhood teachings, honoring the dead was drilled into her head more than anything else.

2015-11-19, 12:18 AM
"You will come now," Almah snapped, unused to bring refused, "The body will still be there when we are finished. Besides, this concerns the fire," she said not unkindly.

Aman Sati fixed the man with a look from his alien features.
"You're concern is noted but unnecessary, Almah is a merchant princess in league with the pact masters of Katapesh. Ask she cares for is making coin. Rumor has it that age has sunk quite a bit into this venture. To much done would say."

Princess Alma's tent was a lap of luxury amidst this hellish heat, which all but disappeared as soon as her tent flap closed. Magic, had to be, The cleric thought to himself. Large red satin pillows lay upon the floor, which an ornatee rug covered wall to wall. A bronze hookah large enough to accommodate five people took up one corner. While braizers of incense have the tent a hazy quality.
Almah sat in the center of it all, flanked by two men. One was their guide Garavel, the other looked considerably rougher. Like he was made of toughened leather and jackal spit.
"This is Dashki, our gnoll expert," Almah introduced.

2015-11-19, 02:26 PM
As the merchant princess snaps, before explaining that what she wanted to talk about regarded the fire Sander nods his head in understanding. " As you wish my lady, if I have but a moment I will collect my friends from what they are doing and meet you inside your tent in but a moment." Sander's says bowing kindly to her. Neither showing disrespect nor to much respect. He didn't approve of those who used their power to order others around, even if it was for good reason. When Aman speaks to him about how the woman has lost a lot of coin on this venture he nods in understanding. " In that regard I can understand, my family once owned land close to where we are now. I signed on in the hopes of reclaiming it for my family." Sanders says to his companion before slowly walking over to where he had dropped his two bear traps and picked them back up, walking fast enough to not make Almah wait to long, while slow enough to let Aman keep up with him while he retrieved his traps and their other companion Maleye.

Once he had retrieved the traps he began the long walk back to Maleye and slowly bent down by her side. " Maleye I fear we must leave the body for now, she wishes to speak to us about the fire. I suspect it is to ask others what they saw as we were not here. Once she is done talking to us you can come right back I promise, I will take care of asking the others questions if you wish. However at the moment our employer is demanding we see her, and I doubt our pay will be good if we keep her waiting to long. I am sorry." He said kindly to the woman only a year older then he as he stood back up and extended his hand down to help her up so that the three of them could go to the tent together.

Once inside the tent Sander immediately noticed the difference in temperature, sure it should have been cooler inside the tent then outside, but this didn't seem natural. Instead of questioning the princess on her living style however the man simply made his way to one of the pillows on the floor across from her, before sitting down with his legs crossed underneath him, his bow laid out on the floor in front of him as a sign of peace. " It is nice to meet you Dashki, if what my parents said was true about gnolls it will be very helpful to have you along on this trip. However unless this fire had something to do with the beasts, which I saw no tracks to suggest it, I do not see why you are here now." Sander's said to the man calmly, not trying to sound rude, merely pointing out a fact that the man seemed out of place here.

[roll0] To notice the weapons Dashki has and see if they seem used or new (Basically its a way to judge if the man is what he says he is. As a trained hunter would not look fresh with new stuff, his weapons would show signs of use and other tell tale signs.)

" Princess Almah I would like to give my deepest apology as to the losses you have suffered today. For all life is precious and it is sad to see someone die in such a way." Sander says bowing before lifting his head once more. " However you wished to speak to us, and so here we are, how may we be off assistance to you?" he asks the merchant princess kindly with a faint smile upon his olive colored face.

2015-11-19, 07:12 PM
Maleyel sighed and nodded, rising to accompany her fellows. She really did hope to help the woman have a proper burial, but she also knew that searching the victim's body would be as good a place as any to learn more about the fire.
Gathering her thoughts and steeling her gaze, Mali followed along, casting a small smile towards Sander in thanks. The rush of cool wind in her face from inside the tent was a pleasant surprise. She glanced about, wondering from where the magical cold came from.


I don't believe gnolls are responsible for the fire, she thought.

2015-11-19, 09:09 PM
The Tengu took a moment to bask in whatever magical method Almah used to cool her tent brute sitting on one of the large pillows provided. He took a goblet of water from a nearby tray and drank eagerly, even as he studied everyone over the rim.
Maleyel, a bleeding heart of ever he saw one and naturally beautiful as elves often are. Not a half bad alchemist though if she could keep a cool head while mixing a bottle of salve.
Sander, another bleeding heart, but one who had some traveling experience on him judging by the ease in which he lugged those traps. A ranger out a scout but unafraid to lead. Most curious.
Then there was Almah, The merchant princess of this whole venture. He supposed she was beautiful as humans went. Her piercing eyes told a different story however. The woman was a shark, or pretended to be quite well. The two guards behind her write the distinct red chitin armor of the pactmasters's hired hands. So she had powerful friends.
Garavel, he didn't pay much attention to, having short enough time with him on the trip here. An older man with a lantern jaw and graying hair. He was completely and utterly loyal to Almah.
Dashki, there was a man who bite watching. He looked as mangy as the gnolls he hunted. Lean and muscled, probably a tracker. Though he quite the sword and dagger at his hip ready enough.
A curious bunch all in all.

Almah started over her steepled fingers and began to speak.
"Garavel, the one who escorted you here, will lead the investigation into the fire. The three of you will act as his investigators. You arrived after the fire, so I can be completely sure you had nothing to do with it."

Garavel stepped forward, "The wagon belonged to Lady Roveshiki's personal fortune teller Eloais, from her homeland of Varisia. His specialty is," he paused," was a divinatory deck of cards called a Harrow. Your job will be to interview everyone in camp about what happened. Spare no one. Are there any questions or doubts add to your duties?"

2015-11-19, 09:24 PM
Listening to his duties, Sander's takes note as his Tengu companion began to drink water, it wasn't a bad idea to stay hydrated, however he would wait until after when they were talking with others. It would relive some of the tension if it looked like he was asking simple questions while he drank some water instead of an inquisition. " I have two questions before we begin." Sanders says looking towards Garavel to continue. " The first is rather simple, may we search the wreckage of the wagon before anymore time has passed. If anything happened we should first look for clues at the scene of the crime." Sander's explains, letting his words sink in before going on, Second I assume that means Lady Almah is to be questioned as well, along with her personal guards. I mean no offense, but as you clearly stated everyone is a possible person at the moment and we were told to spare no one from our questions." Sanders says letting it sink in for a moment before going on. And if that is the case then I think it would be best if we asked questions separate, unless you think otherwise." Sander's adds in calmly looking to his Tengu companion. "Aman, you helped those men move the other wagon into safty, do you think you could go speak with them? I doubt they would say no to the person who helped them save one of the carriages." Sanders says before looking to Maleyel. "And Maleyel you helped the man in the tent I take it, meaning he would no doubt be more willing to speak with you then anyone else. Would you mind speaking with him?" he asks, allowing her a chance to go back to treating the body, while still allowing her to gather information at the same time. " While that is going on, Garavel and myself could search the wreckage and those who helped us put out the fire. And once we are all done, we can finish asking everyone remaining." Sander's says, letting everyone hear his idea inside the tent and see if they agreed with it or not.

2015-11-19, 10:33 PM
Maleyel began mentally counting off the people she had previously spoken to, who would be easiest for her to question as Almah listed her tasks. The young lady she had helped first would no doubt that be willing to talk, she had, it seemed, been closest to the wagon when the fire started. Kallien, she thought her name was. The young man might also be, and surely their priest, Dr. Zastoran.
She was disturbed somewhat by the Almah woman; was why she hadn't yet really spoken to her yet. Taking orders from the woman was tolerable in this case, however, as she knew the merchant princess was the only lyrics reason they were here with the caravan
Mali nodded to Sander's suggestions, "Aye, I can do that. Ms Almah-" she paused and bowed to the woman, "I shall return." She disappeared out through the flaps of the tent.
Making her way across the encampment, Mali couldn't help her gaze falling on the scorched wagon she had to walk past. A pang of sympathy struck her heart for but a moment, the loss of life involved for what would surely be a ridiculous reason pained her. Amethyst eyes darted about until she spotted the halfling she searched for, and headed towards him.
"Dr. Zastoran, I would like to have a word with you," she asked with a light smile.

2015-11-19, 10:56 PM
Garavel shook his head adamantly, "I'll will be here with Lady Roveshki, as is my place, but you are free to ask me anything."

Almah spread her hands wide with a smile,"we did say spare none. So ask me anything you wish, but know that I will reward you handsomely for your cooperation."

Dashki sneered and shook his head, before leaving the tent, "I've no time for this."

Aman Sati finished his water and made leave, "I believe that I will ask those I helped to move the wagon. They'll be more receptive I should. After that I shall examine the body."
The cleric was loathe to return to the outside heat, but was genuinely curious and eager to line his pockets.

Father Zastoran knelt beside Eloais, praying to the goddess of the Sun, Saraenae. His long white beard prickled with sweat, but he continued to pray regardless as he prepared the body for burial.

350 experience for your help with the fire and 250 more for good role-playing.

an extra 100 exp for my poor penmanship

2015-11-19, 11:38 PM
When Garavel explained to them that he would remain by his lady's side Sander's was a bit taken aback. As the one other person who was known not able to start the fire, he would have thought the man would have wanted to join them in learning what they found out. No matter however, after all it would be one less persons footprints to keep track of that meant. " I believe I understand your intentions, and shall respect your answer. Be safe, and I promise once we have spoken to everyone else we shall return to speak with everyone here. Please do not allow anyone to leave this tent while we are away, this way we do not need to go looking for anyone else. After all we are new to the camp, and finding and speaking to everyone will be rather difficult." Sander's explains, before watching Maleyel leave the tent to speak with those she had helped when the fire was raging.

" I thank you for your cooperation in this matter my lady, and I promise that I will make sure to save the best for last." he says with a small bow as he rises to his feet, keeping an eye on the man they had just meet known as Dashki. " You have no time to wait to be questioned on a fire that happened out of nowhere when an investigation is going on Dashki?" Sander's says making a step to block his exit. " Those are the first words I would expect to come out of a persons mouth who had something to do with it. I think it would be best if you stayed here more then anyone else." Sander's says before his speech seems to change into a less civilized form and speaks to the man in the tongue of gnolls. "Parece un pouco impaciente a alguén que só asistiu a unha fogueira. Non execute para lonxe ou podemos ter unha caza nas nosas mans."

You seem rather impatient for someone who just witnessed a fire. Do not run to far or we may have a hunt on our hands. Mind you I am using google translator so the exact words above may be off.

Once the matter inside the tent is complete, Sander picks up his bow once more and straps it to his back before exiting the tent, shielding his eyes from the blinding heat as he looks at the wreckage that is the wagon. Better start now while the sun is still high. he says to himself before he begins to exam the entire area around the wagon before examining the interior, taking his time to make sure not to damage any clues he may find.

Sander's will take 20 on his perception check both inside and outside the wagon, taken all the time you wish to pass as this is not time sensitive to find everything he can.

If you need anything actually rolled just let me know OOC

2015-11-20, 08:25 PM
Mali waited silently a moment, observing the priest's actions quietly. She was struggling with the urge to interrupt him, as learning more about the fire was higher on her list than appeasing a god she did not follow; however, if the woman herself was a follower in the sun goddess, she could nary cause a problem.
She crossed her arms, absently checking the supply of ingredients and reagents in her heavy coat. She wiped her brow with her sleeve. They didn't make heat friendly alchemist's coats and she'd not yet had the coin to have it enchanted just yet. She wished briefly that she could shed the coat and the false skin, but now was not the time. The kitsune-elf thought back to her homeland, and it's perfect temperature, ideal weather. She was spoiled, she knew it.
Fingering the haft of the light mace she carried, Mali's mind filled with images of battles she and the mace had fought. There was something viscerally satisfying in the crunch the spined head when crushing bone. It was a release of sorts.
She shook her head of the violent thoughts and stood silently.

2015-11-20, 10:01 PM
Father," he spoke softly," many people consider the profession one and the same but I feel its important to make a distinction," the gray hair halfling smiled," how may I help you child?


As you examine the remains of the wagon you discover several things. Puddles of melted wax which used to be candles, a ruined deck of harrow cards, a curiously untouched spot where the body lay, and several blackened gold coins.
Outside the wagon, you find charred bits of wood other detritus from the fire. As well as some strange tracks. Across a gap in the wagons, Dashki watches you suspiciously.


The cleric walked over to the group of men he'd helped earlier. They greeted him heartily with a slap on the back that nearly sent him tumbling.
"Hail friend!" He cried.
"Hail," he spoke less enthusiastically, "I was hoping you could help me with something."
"Anything for a friend."
Jumping the gun a bit there, Aman Sati left the thought unvoiced.

2015-11-20, 10:45 PM
Sander's takes note of the puddles of wax inside the wagon that once belonged to the diviner of some sort.Not surprising to see that, after all the candles were in a fire. Sander's says to himself moving on as he tries to collect all the harrow cards and coins. He wasn't sure yet what he would do with the coins, however Almah would no doubt like the cards as a reminder of those who lost their lives for her cause. " Well what do we have here?" Sander says as he moves closer to the body, noticing that it was the only untouched spot in the entire wagon. " What happened here friend?" Sander's asks turning around so that he would be in esence looking through the dead persons eyes to see what they would have seen close to him.

Trying to see how close the door and candles were to the body.

Once finished inside he goes back outside and examines the surrounding area. The debri was expected, as were tracks, but what manner of creature made tracks like this, Sander wondered as he looked across the gap of the crime scene to see Dashki watching him. Funny how he wasn't seen helping to put out the fire, and has been hostile since we arrived. Now he is watching me? I guess it is time to play the game. Sander says almost silently, just above a whisper, as he walks behind the wagon and begins moving from shadow to shadow, paying close attention to see how well his rivals skills were. As he went looking for those who helped him put out the fire.

Stealth check [roll0] Sander is going behind the wagon to break line of sight so he is able to try and hide. No proof he will succeed, however he is testing his opponent. As Dashki is starting to seem like the person who set the flames. Though those tracks are odd. He is also looking for the people who helped him while sneaking around trying to avoid him.

Knowledge Geography [roll1] What is the terrain like around the area so he can determine the types of creatures that would live in the area
Knowledge Nature [roll2] On the tracks
Knowledge Dungeoneering [roll3] On the tracks

2015-11-20, 11:19 PM
Prior to leaving to find those who helped him put out the fire

Looking down at the tracks Sander recalled what his parents had taught him over the years about creatures native to their homeland, and quickly began going through a list until he came goblins and imps. Bending down and using a stick to judge the depth of the footfalls he could tell very quickly that these were very light creatures. Thats when it came to him, Pugwampis. they were known to be in area's gnolls were, and brought bad luck with them. I should still check on the other leads before bringing this to the attention of the others, after all it shouldn't take long to question the few people who helped me. And it is better to know where my friend over there was before I throw him out of the contest, after all he no doubt knows as much or more about gnolls then I do. Sander's says running off.

Seems he is better at his job then I would have liked, he is easily keeping up with me. Meaning if it ever comes to a fight I will not be able to get the jump on him, however thats what traps are for. Sander's says to himself no longer trying to hide, after all it would not be wise to try to beat the man. Better to let him think he had won the war, instead of having simply won a battle.

2015-11-21, 04:05 PM
Maleyel nodded and began again.

"Father Zastoran I wanted to ask you if you remember seeing anything or anyone out of place just before started. Ms Almah has asked my companions and I to figure out how this tragedy happened. Even it's something you thought of as nothing, anything you might have thought out of place. Someone deviating from a daily routine, or acting a bit nervous."

After she gets her answer, Mali is going to ask similar questions to the two people she healed. The girl Kallien, and the guy.
My diplomacy for all three in order.

2015-11-21, 06:48 PM

It is evident that the strange gnoll expert knows that he's become the prime suspect in your eyes, but is quick to defend himself.
He begins to loudly proclaims his innocence, perhaps a bit too loudly.
"I was finishing up dinner by the campfire when the wagon went up. I am a man of many talents but am not blind. No! I had nothing to do with the fire! How do we even know the fire was set? That idiot burned a hundred candles in his wagon. Perhaps he just got unlucky. We’re in gnoll country. It was probably pugwampis. Terrible critters what crawled up from the Darklands below the earth. ‘Jackal rats,’ some folks call ’em, on account of their pointed little heads. They worship gnolls as gods and infest their communities like rats. Wherever pugwampis go, bad luck is sure to follow. The gnolls hate pugwampis because of it, and try to kill them all the time. But they always come back. Perhaps their bad luck caused the fortune-man’s candles to start a fire? Yes, pugwampis. I am certain it was pugwampis.”
The man is fidgeting and nervous, glancing around with a wild look in his eyes.

"I was reading a book by the fire-pit, but the mercenaries were being too loud and I’d just stood up to return to my wagon when the fire started. I know that all six of the mercenaries were at the fire-pit and nowhere near the astrologer’s wagon when the fire broke out, and that Dashki was not. Its no secret that I thought Eloais a charlatan, never did trust arcane magic myself. She is better off now without his attention, but Lady Almah was quite fond of the harrower. I personally find Dashki to be unsettling, and his obsession with Almah somewhat disturbing. No one with healthy desires skulks around a pretty woman the way he does; who knows what a scoundrel like him is capable of. I shall miss Eloais though, not a one of these others here can discuss the poetry of Bellianais or the music of far-off Absalom. Eloais was well traveled and intelligent. I will miss him.”

Aman Sati

"Tell me what you know of the fire, in as great of detail as you can," the Tengu was polite when he had to be.

They begin to relate their story. Almah’s personal guard were all standing guard at her tent when the fire started—none of them saw anything suspicious at the astrologer’s wagon, but one did catch a glimpse of Dashki trying to hide behind a tree nearby; “It was clear that he was trying to get a look into Almah’s tent. That boy is obsessed with her.”
This places Dashki quite some distance from the wagon when the fire started, evidence in favor of his innocence, unless of course he's a spell caster. Though the man didn't strike him as such.
" We were enjoying ourselves around the feast-fire, finishing off dinner with a sturdy drink. Few are fond of Eloais and thought of him as a weakling. Dashki, though, wasn’t at the feast-fire with us, he was probably spying on Almah, his obsession with the merchant princess is something of an open secret, with only The Lady seemingly being oblivious to his attentions," he winked suggestively.
None of the mercenaries seem to have a high opinion of Dashki. They make a few lewd and suggestive comments about the relationship they suspect Eloais had with Almah, and wonder if Dashki might have burned the astrologer’s wagon to “get rid of the competition.”

"I've heard quite enough," he waved turn of in disgust and went to find his companions. Perhaps they'd had better luck than he.

2015-11-21, 09:01 PM
As Dashki begins to loudly proclaim his innocence, and that he was at the campfire finishing dinner when the wagon went up Sander turns and smiles at the man. " You know what they say about the truth don't you Dashki? It has a funny way of showing up in the oddest of places. I hope that my companions have found proof from everyone they are speaking with for your sake that you were sitting down at the campfire finishing dinner, otherwise it would look very incriminating." Sander's says, keeping a calm voice, however it is filled with a warning.

It seems even more alarming to Sander when Dashki suggests it may be pugwampis, however he hoped to use the surprise on his face to his advantage. " I have never heard of such a creature before Dashki and I too was trained to hunt gnolls. Odd that you would blame it on a creature that brought bad luck and only lived near gnolls." he says to the man, watching as he became more and more nervous. " So you are sure you were at that campfire, as I am about to go find out." Sander says, keeping a very close eye on Dashki should he try to attack him.

2015-11-21, 10:33 PM
Maleyel nodded thoughtfully at the priest's words and bowed politely. "Thank you for sparing me some of your valuable time father," she responded with a smile. Her mind turned back to their initial meeting with Almah, and Sander's immediate distrust of the man they'd been introduced to as Dashki. She could trust his instincts; if something was off about the man, Sander knew it.
"I believe we are closer still to solving this mystery. Is there anything else you can tell me about Dashki?"
As far as she'd heard, he was he only one unaccounted for. While it was prudent to wait for more evidence before guilt was decided, to be short, it did not look good for Dashki. Its not like the man was found with soot on his hands and burnt harrow cards in his pocket. She heaved a deep sigh, running a hand across her brow under her bangs to disguise the motion as having been done in response to the intense heat, rather than some inner thoughts.

2015-11-21, 11:03 PM

"I am sorry child, but that's all I know. However," he smiled and placed a small vial filled with a cool blue syrup in her hands," Saeraenae rewards those who help others. Take this endure elements potion with her blessing. No need to thank me. I remember what it was like when I first arrived in this nation. Come see me later and I'll give you a good deal on more of my stock."
He bowed and left her to tend to his duties.


"I have nothing to fear from you," Dashki proclaimed, gaining a measure of confidence back, "begone now outlander, before you find yourself lost in gnoll country without a guide."

Aman Sati

The cleric caught up with his two companions sometime later and shared what he had learned.
"I believe we should go to the mouthy one and make our report, maybe ask her and Garavel about our gnoll hunter."

2015-11-21, 11:28 PM
As Dashki claims he has nothing to fear from Sander, and that without him he would be lost Sander smiles at the man. " I think you overestimate your worth Dashki. However I am not the one who hired you, and as such I won't press the subject until I have spoken with her. Enjoy your free time." Sander's says with a triumph smile as he does a short bow, before heading to meet up with the others. With luck they would have spoken to everyone else by then.

If you think that is best Aman, however did anyone speak with the camel herders yet? I rather not leave any stones unturned before we speak with her, as I think I know what happened, however I want to confirm with everyone first." Sander's says waiting for the other two to give their own input. After all from what you say Dashki wasn't near the wagon, but instead peaking in on the princess, however he says he was sitting at the fire finishing dinner when it started. Maleyel what have you heard about this so far, and what do you think we should do. Ask the last people, or report in? he asks his companion, after all he and Aman had different views, so a third opinion would be able to settle the matter with no fighting.

2015-11-21, 11:47 PM
Maleyel took the vial gratefully and slipped it gently into an inner pocket of her coat. "Thank you so much Father, for this as well as all your help."
The young woman bowed to the priest in return and left to locate her companions, finally noticing them standing together to one side. She greeted each of them in turn. She glanced at the taller man as he asked her his question.
" Father Zastoran says that the one called Dashki was not with the others by the firepit. He apparently has an unhealthy obsession with the Lady Almah, and I am under the impression that he did not care much for our deceased fortune teller, but that is only conjectures. As far as what we should do, I believe we should talk to the herders as well. Being on the outskirts of the camp, they'd have seen someone unusual coming and going." She had lifted her voice to a calm, even tone, in order to be sure both of comrades had indeed heard her.

2015-11-22, 12:35 AM
Listening to what Maleyel said Sander's amber colored eyes lit up. I think we need to ask Lady Almah how often she went to see the fortune teller. I have a funny feeling it was often. I also believe they would have seen anything unusual coming or going from the camp. However before we go speak with them I want to let you all know what I learned. Sander says waiting for them to listen to him, and making sure no one was paying attention to them, he kept his voice low and began to speak. " While I was inside the wagon I noticed that all the candle wax was burned in a puddle, saying they were in a fire not hard to believe. However why would someone keep so many candles so close together and not spread out around the wagon? Also where the bones laid their was almost no damage, indicating he may have tried to use magic to save himself. If that is true then the fire lasted longer then his spell, and had anyone gotten inside before we arrived he could have been saved." Sander says letting that sink in for a moment before going on. "Once I was done searching inside the wagon in which I found some sot covered gold coins and harrow cards, I looked around outside the wagon. While looking I noticed two things, there were small light footprints, three toed, and very little indent in the ground. What I know of this land made me think of goblins and imps first. However when I took into account the gnolls as well I realized it could also be a creature known as a pugwampis. Now I can not tell you much about them, I only know child tales from what my parents told me, and Dashki confirmed some of them, or at least has heard the same stories. First they believe gnolls to be gods, however the gnolls hate them. And Second wherever they go bad luck follows." Sander says to them, waiting a few moments before going on. "Now while it could be pugwampis, very few people know about them, and the fact that our gnoll guide did and he was watching me as I examined the tracks comes off as odd. I can say he has a very sharp pair of eyes however because I tried to lose him, testing him in a way, and he was able to follow me with ease. The only other thing I have to add is that he seemed nervous about something, however when I called him out on it he seemed to fill with confidence. Maybe it is just me being paroniod, however I wouldn't let your guard down for a moment while near him and sleep with your weapon close at hand."

2015-11-22, 09:12 AM
"You may do as you wish, I certainly won't stop you, but I would prefer the company of water and cool air to the hot sun and filthy camel drivers," he clicked his beak ditastefully, "why bother continuing to talk to anyone at all? All evidence points to these creatures. Let us make our report to Garavel and leave it at that!"
The climate was beginning to wear thin on him, and he hadn't yet mastered the spell which would protect him from the weather. This whole venture was beginning to turn belly up, and he'd be damned if he wasn't going to get paid for this aggravation and be done with it.

2015-11-22, 11:31 AM
Mali held back a sneer. Aman Sati could be quite a...difficult individual to deal with sometimes, but he was her traveling companion and friend, she she kept her mouth shut on the matter. She turned to Sander saying, "I shall accompany our friend here back to speak with Lady Almah if you wouldn't mind seeing if there's any info to get out of the herders, we'll meet back up soon as we're done?"
As the three parted ways, Maleyel fell into step beside Aman Sati and gave him a sidelong glance. "Wouldn't kill you to have a little bit more patience," she muttered just loud enough for him to hear. Not waiting for a response, she rushed ahead to Allah's tenant began to head inside.
"Lady Almah I believe we have nearly ascertained the cause of the fire. Our friends has identified tracks that belong to a creature known as a pugwampi that frequents these parts. The little beasts worship gnolls as gods and are known to bring bad luck wherever they go," she paused at this point, allowing the tengu to speak.

2015-11-22, 11:17 PM
With Aman and Mali back at the tent of the merchant princess, Sander made his inquire's quickly before running back to the tent. "Sorry I am late, what did I miss?" Sander says before bowing to the princess and her friend. " Also Princess Almah, while searching the wreckage I found this, and as a sign of trust and honesty I hand them over to you." Sander says taking out first the Harrow cards, while burnt, they may still hold some value to her. And then the gold coins he had found on the floor. " I know neither of these things replace the person you have lost, however as he was a friend of yours I felt you would like them back." Sander says before stepping back and looking to the others with a smile. " My Lady, please forgive me as this will come off very forward, however that is not my intention." Sander says before pausing for a moment and beginning. " I am curious, as to how much time you spent with the fortune teller, for while all signs point to a creature only Dashki and myself have heard of before, I have only heard of them from my parents. And word around the camp is he enjoys spying on you, I am not saying it wasn't these creatures, however if you spent a lot of time with this fortune teller, it would be very opprutnue for a jaded lover to blame it on something no one has ever heard of before." Sander says, hoping she did not get mad at him for saying so.

2015-11-23, 08:52 AM
Almah admits that she hired Eloais in Solku about a month ago to read his cards for her, she hasn’t visited the land of her ancestors, but she muses that having a harrower at her side felt “right.”

"I am not convinced that the fire was arson, but if I am wrong I want to see the one responsible brought to justice." Away from the public she does seem somewhat distraught at Eloais’s death. She seems surprised by the revelation of Dashki's activities, and admits that Eloais and she didn’t have a romantic relationship, but she did spend a lot of time with the Varisian fortune teller, time that could well have made Dashki jealous.

Having grown bored of the conversation insipid little love triangle but filing the information away for later, you never knew when something life that weighs come in handy, he changed the subject to the goblinoids and revealed everything they'd learned so far. For a long time Almah was thoughtful and silent. The sun began to cast long shadows on the side of the

“If my expert is correct,” she says, “the hills around here should be crawling with these pugwampis, or at least some sign of their passage. If what Dashki says is true, it should be easy for him to find one and bring it back to me.” The merchant princess turns to us and decrees. “As he is, however, our best suspect in this affair, it would not do to send him out into the darkness alone. I’m afraid that your investigation is not yet at and end. Go out into the desert with Dashki and find me one of these pugwampis.”

Aman Sati scoffed, "If you expect us to go out into unfamiliar territory, with a possible arsonist, in the dead of night without better compensation then I am afraid you are sorely mistaken."

Almah's face twisted, "Name you're price then Jackal."

Aman Sati didn't waver in her gaze and pressed onward, "Five hundred gold a piece and access to the top shelf merchandise your quarter masters offer."

The merchant princess openly laughed in his face, "You may as well ask for the sun and moon while you're at it you greedy little magpie. Why can't you be more like your generous friend who gave willingly and expected nothing?" Almah took the coins and the remnants of the harrow deck with a grateful nod, "Due to his honestly, I could be persuaded to let my merchants sell you their wares."

2015-11-23, 09:44 PM
" AMAN!" Sander says turning on the man like a tiger, " It is not proper to speak to a lady in such a manner, I do not care that you believe we are going somewhere with you no way of knowing." Sander says before bowing to the princess in apology. " Please forgive him, he seems to have an absent mind as of late. The hot sun must be getting to him more then the others for I had already told him I knew the terrain around her rather well. In fact my parents once owned land down this way, and if we ever had free time I was going to go explore where it was." Sander says trying to stop the princess from thinking all they cared about was money. " It would make our job of protecting you easier princess, if we were able to resupply when needed, I do apologize for Aman's lack of respect however. I know these lands are harsh on those not accustomed to their dangers, and it seems Aman has not kept himself hydrated enough to not be delirious. Once your tracker is ready we shall depart, until then may I make sure my friend is in good health to go on this journey?" He asks hoping Aman didn't open his mouth again and make her more annoyed at them. After all they didn't need enemies.

2015-11-24, 10:27 AM
Mali grimaced at the brash actions of their companion. She was sure he had ruined any good tidings they had managed to gather with the merchant princess but then Sander stepped in. She sighed in relief, knowing herself to be too soft-spoken to answer. The cool air in the tent calmed her and she bowed to Lady Almah before saying, "We will leave as soon as possible ma'am. All the quicker to get this nasty mess sorted out."
Maleyel, though sometimes scatterbrained, was always as prepared for a situation as she could be, her heavy coat nearly overflowing with pouches and vials of ingredients at all times. She already had the potion from the priest to help her survive in the desert, and she intended on learning the recipe for it.
The kitsune-elf began to maneuver the tengu out the door, giving Almah a bow and pointedly asking Aman Sati for help with a concoction as she attempted to get him outside.

[roll0] diplomacy

2015-11-24, 04:24 PM
Almah smiled pleasantly and inclined her head the barest fraction. "This is how you speak to one above your station little magpie. Thank your friend, for he is the only reason you don't feel the full extent of my ire. Because of him I shall order my merchants to open their shops to you. There are three in camp run by the various hired hands. An armorer, a weaponry, and a potion shop. I will also present to the three of you two hundred gold pieces for your investigation plus another two hundred if you bring back one of the pugwampi corpses."

The tengu roughly broke her grasp, "Take your hands off of me! I aught to slit her petulant little throat for speaking to me like that! And you!" He whirled on Sanders," My name is Aman Sati, a title I rightfully earned down in Wati! In the tongue of these sun baked fools it means snake eater. Not that I would expect you to know the is significance. Know only that if you dare to speak for me again it shall not go unpunished."

He reached into a pouch at his waist, and fingered a handful of blank onyx gemstones he kept there. It always paid to think ahead when a situation like this cropped up.

2015-11-24, 08:06 PM
" I thank you for your generosity Princess Almah, and I promise you not a silver piece will be spent that is not needed." Sander says kindly to the merchant princes as he is happy to see Mali trying to get Aman out of the tent. However when the creature reacts so violently Sander immeditly reaches for his bow and knocks an arrow back, keeping the bow aimed low, however still ready should a fight break out. " And in the tongue of this land my name is the son of the savior Alexander, Aman." Sander says moving to be a wall between the merchant princess and the tengu. "As for a bird being called snake eater, it is not orginal here. I bet if you walked into any town holding a collage of wizards one of them would have a pet bird called snake eater. But guess what kills and roasts birds, arrows do, and unless you want to be filled with them I suggest you exit the tent now and change your attitude. I had no problem sticking up for you before when I thought it may have been the heat Aman, however it has become clear that it is not the heat and simply the foolishness of someone who thinks titles mean something. Titles mean little Aman unless you respect what they mean and give reason for people to respect it. A king who force's his people to give up their first born daughter to him is a king not long before he is dead, title or not." Sander says, keeping his voice level, however never lowing his bow more then he already had. " So what is it going to be Aman, can I trust you as a companion, or do we have to go about this like barbarians? I have seen your strength Aman, and if you think I am a fool to let you get close enough to me to use it you are sadly mistaken, just like if you think flying into the sky will help you escape my bow." Sander says making it clear that he wouldn't go any further until he knew he could trust the man not to try and kill him when they slept or in a fight when no one was looking.

Initiative if needed [roll0]

2015-11-24, 10:37 PM
Mali paled slightly. Infighting was no way to accomplish anything. Though she had accepted his response to her peacekeeping rather angrily, she would keep the feeling to herself. Strutting about like a big headed rooster he was, not the proud raven he claimed to be. She smiled a hair at her own joke and then immediately forgot about it when Sander drew his bow.
"I will not have you two doing this." she stated calmly, amethyst eyes flaring with an inner light. "We have been given a job to do and we will do it. Sander," she glanced pointedly at the man, "knows these lands well and will be invaluable. Aman Sati," she also favored him with a glance, "will be equally so due to his gifts in healing as well monster slaying."
Maleyel placed her hands at her hips, her right very obviously dancing at the handle of her mace. After a moment of staring at each them, she sighed deeply, and turned to walk away.
"I will see you gents when we're ready to leave, " she threw back without even a glance back.

2015-11-25, 04:19 PM
He watched her go without a word, showing how little concern he had for the drawn bow, and turned again to Sanders.

"Yes dear friend, I am in fact responsible for your healing. You should be able to trust me right?" He opened his beak in a tengu smile, "however, should you ever draw that bow on me again, you'd better make sure it kills me, because, If it doesn't, I will most certainly kill you."

Ignoring the man further, he turned and made his way back to set up his tent before night truly fell.

2015-11-25, 09:02 PM
" I agree we will do our job Mali, however I will not have someone threaten our employer. For protecting her is also part of our job. Meaning if one of our own turns on her it is our job to protect her." Sander says calmly, no anger whatsoever in his voice as he spoke. " As for Aman's ability to heal, it doesn't take much to cause harm instead of heal Mali, and when the person you are supposed to trust is threating to slit the person who hired them, throat, it does not exactly inspire loyalty or trust. Throwing around a name is all well and good. Proving you earned the name speaks more volumes however. Threats will only lead to enemies and people sleeping with daggers under their pillows. I rather know here and now that I don't have to sleep with one eye open. I won't be betrayed by someone I am supposed to work with." Sander explains to her before she leaves the tent, keeping his eyes always trained on the Tengu should he think to strike.

"Give me reason to draw the bow and it will be your own doing Aman. You demand respect because of a title that you have so far shown no reason to respect. Men do not follow titles, they follow deeds, and the only deed you have done so far that has been positive is helping the men push the cart to safety. Since then you have been passive aggressive to your companions and your employer. I show no respect to a man who uses threats to make people do as he wants. You want me to do something, earn my respect, otherwise I doubt next time we have this discussion the princess will stop her guards from expelling you." Sander says watching the Tengu leave before putting away his bow and replacing the single arrow into the quiver. " My lady, I shall find your tracker now and begin looking for this creature, with luck we will find one by the morrow." Sander says bowing to her waiting to be excused so he can meet up with Mali, should Aman choose to go with them, that was up to the bird, however he doubted the bird would be safe or feel welcome here alone with how he had begun acting towards others.

2015-11-25, 10:18 PM
Maleyel could not ignore the logic Sander placed in front of her, and it was by some strange twist in her gut that she had chosen to trust the tengu. He at least used to be able to ACT civil, now it seemed the heat and the lack of action during their trip (the fire being an unwelcome reprieve) had super-concentrated his already rather dour outlook into a bloom of pure negativity. She hated to have to deal with her companions arguing, but she hated more the fact that Sander's words had an unpleasant ring of truth.
The kitsune wished briefly that everyone could be more like her people, playful and sly, but honest to allies. She snorted at the thought, for she was not who she seemed either and had been lying from the start. Mali clenched her hands into frustrated fists and shoved them in her deep pockets.
She needed to purchase some healing potions as she'd not had time to make any, and, sour as Aman Sati had been lately, did not expect to get much healing from him, and she fully expected to need it. Neither of her companions were front line fighters, and she could turn herself into one with little difficulty. Meat shielding those two though, she paused to grasp the hilt of her mace reassuringly, she was looking at some pain, nevermind the girl was already unfortunately accident prone sometimes.
Her free hand found the potion of endure elements in a pocket and she began planning what she would need to figure out its ingredients as she made her way to the priest and his followers, figuring that would be where to buy other types of potions.

2015-11-28, 09:49 PM
This is under the assumption we didn't get paid anything because of Aman's outburst, if we got paid I will add the gold to my total later, though it won't change my one purchase.

After exiting the tent, Sander had a lot of things to say to his companion Aman, however now was not the time or place, and relying on the bird or any other enemy not getting close to him would be a fatal mistake if ever there was one. " Well I used to be rather good with the scimitar, perhaps I should buy one now, this way if where we are going I need one, I will at least have something besides my bow." Sander says before looking for a weaponsmith. Once their Sander began examining all the fine wears the man had in his shop, he would have loved to get a finer crafted one however with what little money he had at the moment, he would have to be practial in his purchases. And so lifting up one of the blades he began testing its balance and reach in his hands, dancing to a song only he could hear as he moved with the grace of a serpent. Making lighting quick strikes at an invisible opponent, before becoming fully guarded once more. After about a minute of this he placed the blade back down on the table, it was no doubt not the best weapon the man had, but it would have to do for now. " Excuse me sir, could you please tell me how much it is for this fine example of craftsmanship?" Sander asked kindly as he pulled out a rather small bag of coins, ready to count out the payment. Once the final transaction was done he quickly went looking for Maleyel,, not trusting himself alone with the bird. Plus he wasn't sure if they should buy a light source as well as it was starting to get dark.

I already removed the 15gp for the scimitar.

2015-11-29, 03:45 AM
Aman Sati seethed, and whenever he grew mad enough to kill he did as he had always done. He fell to his knees inside his tent and prayed to Nethys for his divine guidance. In addition to calming his temper, he also recharged his spells for the day.

"Oh glorious maddened Lord. I ask that you see fit to bestow upon me both wisdom and guidance for the day. To walk always in your footsteps and follow your glorious path. And, If it isn't too much trouble, afflict that thrice damned Sanders with a particularly nasty ailment. May he fall into a poisonous cactus or a vicious breed of hind quarters eating insect infest his tent. To my Lord I pray. Amen."

After another hour of later, he was ready to greet the night. His first stop was the weaponsmith, whom hadn't met. The cleric briefly cursed, hoping he was one of the ones he'd helped with the wagon, and would give him a better deal. Let it not be days he didn't meet adversity head on though.

"My dear friend, I am in need of a new weapon, preferably a mace. Let me look at your stock!" He boomed in a friendly manner.

"But of course!" The merchant replied, "I have one here for twenty five gold pieces."

"Pah! For that price it had better secrete water everlasting. I spit upon that price!"

The merchant looked properly affronted, "I can assure you this is a top quality item sir, but I life your boldness, however I can't let it go for less than twenty!"

"Feh, robbery, ten gold pieces!"

"Ha! A thief after my own heart! Sold!"

He offered Aman Sati the mace and the cleric bowed


Sanders, assuming you had nothing left to say to that particular merchant.

2015-11-29, 07:53 AM
Mali located the dealer's tent fairly easily and ducked inside. The temperature was a bit cooler than the sweltering heat beyond its cloth walls, no doubt due to some enchantment similar to, but not as strong as, the one on their benefactor's tent. Mali breathed a sigh of relief in the cooler air, and felt the weight of her coin purse, sighing again, this.tone in disgust. She was sure she had not the coin to purchase a potion of healing as she wished to, but she didn't give up.

Spotting what she wished, Maleyel searched for the shopkeeper to begin her purchase. She lifted the bottle above her head, sniffed, and frowned. Sure was sure she could make better but oh well, no time to. She placed the bottle on the counter, greeted the shopkeeper amicably and attempted to convince him to lower the price of the potion, knowing she could not afford it as is.
[roll0] Diplomacy
I doubt he'll drop the price enough, so I will tell him that I'm an adventurer in the employ of Ms Almah, I'll pay him back full price if I can have it for half price now.

Regardless, her transaction complete, Mali left to find her companions,intent to get the job started.

2015-11-29, 10:13 AM
Sander is not surprised when he finds Mali with the elderly halfling Father Zastoran, after all the two seemed to share a good deal in common as they both seemed to heal the sick and wounded. " Oh good I found you Mali." Sander says before turning to Father Zastoran and bowing his head slightly in respect to the man. " Hello Father Zastoran, the name is Sander Salvatore, and while we have not personally meet, I have heard only good things about you from my friend here." he says inclining his head towards Mali. That's when he remembers it would be wise to carry some healing potions around, after all the Tengu had all but said he wouldn't help unless he needed to. No point in leaving things to random chance. " I'm sorry to barge in here like this, and ask in such a rude manner, normally I would love to sit down and chat, however I have been tasked with finding a creature and I fear that in my travels I may need a few healing potions along the way. You wouldn't happen to have two on hand would you? I would buy more however I only have enough for the two for now." Sander explains placing a bag filled with one hundred sovereigns on the table in front of the man so he could count them out himself to make sure the payment was acceptable.

While Father Zastoran counted out the coins, Sander turned to Mali and smiled at the woman kindly before speaking. " It's good to see I wasn't the only one worried about our "Friend" healing us in the field." Sander said noting the potion she herself had bought. Taking out an extra bag from the side of his backpack he handed it out to her. " Where I come from those you adventure with share coin freely to those in need or make a common fund each person may borrow from so long as it helps the group as a whole. If you need the extra coin here it is." Sander says handing her over the sack that had a good amount of sovereigns inside. " I came here for another reason however, Sander says opening the flap and looking out at the sky. " It will be getting dark very soon, and while I doubt you have as difficulty seeing at night as a human, do you think it would be wise to also invest in some torches? I would have waited until we were all together to ask, however I doubt Aman is in the sharing attitude at the moment on what his race is capable of doing. I am less worried about food as I am a trained guide and should be able to find some trail rations rather easily. Though if you would like to grab some it wouldn't hurt, and I will simply put away what I find for a later time." he says kindly towards her, not wanting her to believe he knew everything, but instead showing that he was humble at heart, and not as he had been in the tent with Aman.

I updated in my first post a section showing all the gold he had, as well as what he calls each type of currency. Along with the party fund which he handed the bag over to her if she wished to buy another potion. Just tell me how much he is selling the potions for and I will deduct it from my total, as I am not sure if he is selling them at full price (50g) or we get a special discount.

2015-11-29, 04:10 PM
The Father smiled with a discerning gleam in his eye.
"Now young man, flattery will only get you so far. I wouldn't be a very good salesman if I gave them away, but seeing as you're a friend of the young lady I will charge you a special rate of fifty gold pieces. However, if you'd life my advice about the desert I will provide for free. Were it me I would bring the torches, but keep a keen eye out. Many creatures can spot a light like that a mile away."

Aman Sati did on the outskirts of camp waiting impatiently for the other two members of his party. He clicked his break in irritation as he tapped his foot in the sand. Then, skulking out of the darkness like a mangy cur, came Dashki.
Oh joy, the cleric thought.

The two stared hard at one another, the silence deafening. Aman in his sand cashed robes and abrasive demeanor. Dashki with his canny eyes and feral mindset. Both negatively charged after their encounters today, began to feed off the other's dangerous mood, finding the longer they stared at one another the more their foul mood grew.

The silence broke, like a crack of thunder.

"Tell me, how did a buzzard grow to be so large?"

"Only if you'll answer how a gnoll runt grew to be so ugly." Aman answered.

Dashki fingered his scimitars and the cleric began to pray.

"Give me a reason wretch," Dashki snarled.

"Perhaps that you appear to have been sired by the coupling of a she gnoll and a desperate goblin? Is that sufficient?"

"I will slay you where you stand!" The tracker roared.

"I look forward to watching you try. I'm always eager to puppeteer a new corpse," The necromancer replied in a soft, dark tone.

2015-11-29, 07:53 PM
As the man says his special rate is fifty sovereigns each Sander raises an eyebrow at him, " You mean to tell me you charge more then fifty sovereigns to everyone else and they pay it? You sir are very good at your trade indeed because anyone who has spent time in a city knows that they sell for that price normally. I promise not to tell them if you don't though." Sander said with a kind smile, expecting that the man would sell them to him for fifty sovereigns from now on. " Besides look at it this way, I am a walking investment. I am the princess's guard, and have to do what she asks. Meaning I will be hurt quite often and you will make profit just like I will for doing the jobs she asks." Sander explains to him.However when he brings up the matter of the torches Sander nods in agreement. " My family once owned land this way, a long time ago so I know what lurks around these areas. That is why I was asking if we should bring them or not, it would both be an advantage as well as a hindrance, I will however take your advice and buy at least one." Sander says looking to his traveling companion to see if she was ready to leave.

2015-11-30, 01:44 AM
"Ah, this is true young man," Zastoran tutted, "however you're failing to take into account that I'm a traveling merchant. So I have to import my ingredients or grow than in my shop, both of which are expensive. I also wish to make a profit for myself. Why shouldn't I? I don't steeped in creature comforts, but I do live comfortably."

The old halfling scratched his beard and shrugged with an air of helplessness. Several people ran by the wagon at such a fast pace a shall vial of corrosive liquid sizzled and popped in the sand.

"A fight! Dashki and the Bird!" someone cried.

" I hope they kill each other," someone else muttered.

2015-11-30, 07:45 PM
Sorry took so long to reply, I was waiting to see if your wife would first, as well as having my son every morning except for on the weekends so until after work its rather difficult to post during the week early. Again sorry took so long to reply and I hope you enjoy.

"Ah but growing would be far cheaper then import, though more time consuming." Sander says a good natured smile on his face as he and the father battered back and forth. "As for wanting to make a profit, that is a rather large profit, one day I may have to learn that trick from you." Sander says with a smile before noticing all the people running by the tent, it seemed rather odd. Let's hope its not another fire. he thought to himself as he poked his head out to catch someone saying that their companion had seemed to pick another fight, though this one he couldn't blame the tengu for. " I would hate to cut this short, however if we don't stop them two I doubt we will be able to finish the job we were asked to do. Mali Sander calls as he runs out the door, drawing his bow as he moved and knocking an arrow into it. He rather the two not fight however knowing how both were he doubted it would be so easy.

When sander gets to within sigh of the two he will shoot an arrow inbetween the two of them, if possible having it stick into a wagon at eye level for the two of them to clearly see. [roll0] Against inanimate object if needed.

Edit : And this is why I hate the rng sometimes.

2015-12-01, 09:44 AM
My phone is off right now, so until they block GiantiTP at work, I will have to wait till morning to post. BUT here I am, I am very sorry for the wait!

Mali smiled, bemused, at the banter between the kind old Halfling and her companion. She took the proffered potion from the priest, handed him her gold, 40 coins total, and assured him she would pay the rest when she had been paid by the princess. She handed the sack of coins back to Sander, shaking her head. "Let's save that for more dire straits, eh?" she said with a smile.

Stepping back, Mali began rummaging in her coat for the perfect pocket or holder for the healing potion she had just purchased and was in the process of securing the clasp on the enclosure when they heard yelling outside. She stared, someone shocked at the news of a fight, while Sander stepped outside with his bow.

Mali kept a hand on her mace as she followed suit, dashing towards the concentration of noise. She sincerely hoped neither was dead yet, as she rather liked the bastard tengu, and the other was their guide, however thanks to Sander, somewhat more expendable.

Sorry for short post. Mali is going to wait before jumping in, as her only ranged attack right now are alchemy bombs and she has the sense not the throw one in the middle of camp. If the fight is not stopped, she will go straight for Dashki.

2015-12-01, 05:41 PM
Aman Sati smiled as people began to cried around them. While Daskhi's eyes darted around nervously. Both knew he wasn't well liked among the caravan, and the cleric was after helping push a wagon away from the blaze.

"What now little gnoll pup? Back down or step forward? I don't think your precious lady still take too kindly to you fighting one of her hired hands. As for myself, I believe I could talk my way out of it. I'm being you don't have that luxury. Especially being so afraid."

He infused those last words with a spell and, judging by the paling if the man's skin, it hit home. The cleric smiled and silently thanked Nethys.

"Are you ready to lead us out of into the night without causing trouble little pup?"

"Y-yes My Lord," the man trembled.

Aman turned to the crowd, who's disposition was already starting to sour forward him, and bowed Shan he picked out his two companions.

"Ready to go?"

2015-12-02, 12:36 AM
Nodding his head as Mali told him she rather save it for a more dire time he shock his head. " I can't say an extra healing potion is not a good idea, or at least paying off your own. However if that is what you want who am I to tell you what to do." Sander says respectfully. Personally he didn't like owing people anything, and if he did he paid his debt as quickly as possible. It was why he had come with so few items here. To bring to many would only slow him down when he could see what was for sale and pick from the selection available. Sure they didn't have everything the markets of Solku, but they were much better then none at all in his eyes.

"Aman do you forget you are also a hired hand, and if you start the fight I doubt she will be happy with you either." Sander says lowing his bow as he draws closer seeing that the situation has seemed to defuse for now as Daskhi begins calling Aman master. Well that's rather odd, it's almost as he has been subdued into submission out of fear of the bird, yet he is supposed to be a man who hunts and kills gnolls which are much more fearsome then him? Sander thinks to himself looking between the two before shrugging. " Was just making a few last minute purchases, I assume you have asked Daskhi nicely to help us track down these pugawamis creature's and bring them back. If possible the one that caused the fire. I think we all can agree dead is much better then alive in this case, after all they are said to cause bad luck, and I rather keep that far away from where I rest my head." Sander says looking towards Mali to see if she was ready. " We still need torches however now that I think of it, do you have any on you? If not I am sure we can have someone quickly go run and grab them." Sander says to Aman waiting to see how their adventure would begin.

2015-12-02, 10:19 AM
I thought you bought a torch?

Mali narrowed her eyes at the scene before her. The man, Dashki, suddenly seemed to lose his bluster. She felt her ears twitch, Could be magic, she thought.

[roll0] Spellcraft to notice Aman Sati's spell

She shook her head, it didn't matter whether the man's acquiescence was tainted by the tengu's magic or not. As long as they got going. Standing about was trying her patience.

Maleyel returned her mace to her belt and marched towards the tengu and their guide.

"Aye, let's get goin'".

2015-12-02, 10:29 PM
"I should think you should learn to sour before making threats Sanders," he kicked the loose arrow lodged in the sand back at the archer, "let us go. I tire of this table."

The night was cold and dark upon the desert, falling like a funeral shroud over all it touched. The torches stung the tengu's sensitive eyes, casting bright flares upon his vision, but he endured.

Dashki, despite his new fear of Aman Sati, lead then unerringly into the night, stopping only to pick at a bit of dirt or check the position of the stars before forging ahead again. The light cast by the lone torch painted eerie shadows upon the land. Upon closer inspection, small animals, once even a coyote, darted into the surrounding scrub brush and behind rocky plots of earth.

As we approach a dense ring of cacti thick with spines, the air takes on a sudden chill. Not so much in temperature but in the soul. The sudden feeling of a bad omen, as if something is lurking just around the corner catches hold on us one by one and holds fast.

A short, sharp cry rings out.

Dashki freezes in place and declares, "I will go no further."

spot or perception check

knowledge of nature

2015-12-02, 11:37 PM
"Aman if you think I was trying to hit either one of you, you are mistaken. It was to make sure neither of you charged the other." Sander says ignoring Aman's other half of his statement as he noted how the two men who were just moments ago at each others throats, were now master and servant, almost as if by magic. I hope he doesn't do this on to many people, the princess I doubt would look highly on him controlling peoples minds or using magic to control them if that is the case. Sander thinks to himself as he retrieves his arrows, happy he had bought ones that didn't break so easily as he returned it to his quiver after a few moments of cleaning the stray sands off of it, after all he didn't want the arrow heads rusting. " Agreed let's finish this task so that we may find rest for a single day. After all anyone who doesn't make sure to keep their body well rested will feel it eventually." Sander says looking to Dashki to lead the way. After all while in normal circumstances Sanders no doubt could do the job himself, however it was Dashki who was the suspect in all of this, and time was of the essence in this matter. And while Sander was confident in his abilities, he was not fool enough to risk losing the only lead they had.

About halfway into their journey, Sander began lighting torches, while he would have much rather done things by moonlight which everyone else seemed more then capable of, he kept on hitting his toes on outcropping rocks, or stray cacti. Sander noted immediately the Tengu's discomfort for the bright light in the darkness and called forward to him. " If the light bothers you to much Aman, simply step out of its radius, it shouldn't cause you any more harm then me holding the light is already drawing towards us." Sander noted, enjoying the warmth given off by the torch that chili night. Sure he had grown up in the desert all of his life, however even those accustomed to the two extremes the place held, knew the dangers of giving in to either.

When the group began hearing noises at the perimeter of the fire, Sander's began to keep his scimitar drawn. Sure it could be an animal, or it could be something else, and someone who wasn't ready was normally the first to die. Add in he couldn't fire his bow with one hand, and it made things rather amusing seeing the man holding the scimitar in one hand, and the torch up high in the other. This also led to him almost stabbing a coyote when he saw it darting past the light into the nearby shrubby.

Then finally they arrived at a small ring of cacti, thick with spines, and Sander noted unlike other times, Dashki didn't start walking again as he looked into the grove. Following the man's lead, Sander stepped closer, until he was on the boarder of the grove and peared inside, an unnatural chill coming over him. As if the dead themselves were breathing down his neck, however each time he turned to see what was there, his only greeting was the wind against his face. It's nothing, just a play of the lights. Sander told himself before hearing their guide say he would go no further. " I'm sorry I don't think I heard you correctly, you won't go any further? How do we not know this is exactly what you have been waiting for this entire time to leave us here with no way of getting back? You are coming with us whether you like it or not Dashki." Sander said to there supposed gnoll expert as a short sharp cry rings out. " Something tells me that whatever that was came from in there, and if I'm not mistaken its a man crying out, and we should go and help them. Sander says looking at the cacti grove with concern, this would be tricky to navigate for most people, however maybe he could get through....

Rolled in ooc
Perception 19
Nature 10
Acrobatics 14

2015-12-03, 09:50 AM
Maleyel set her pace at the edge of Sander's torchlight, allowing her eyes to adjust somewhat to the darkness of the desert as she tried to make note of the path they followed. It seemed somewhat random to her analytical mind, however, so she gave up, trusting in her companion to lead them back to camp should something happen. She was at once comforted by heavy coat she wore, as it served well to keep out of the frigid air of the desert at night. The blasted thing was torture earlier, but now it was almost pleasant, at least she kept moving.

The sounds of the animal in the night was comforting in a strange way, because if not for the noise as they trekked across the desert, it would be silent. The normal sounds of nature assured her that they were not alone, that everything was as it should be. Were there some large beast or whatnot, chances were, those natural tones of the night would cease. So when a coyote strayed too close to Sander's torch, then darted away, she smiled to herself. Nothing out of the ordinary yet, except for Sander waving his blade and torch about, looking frustrated he had no access to his bow at the moment. She giggled softly, a tiny musical laugh. Then it was gone, a passive expression set on her face that her sharp eyes betrayed, as she rested her hand on her hilt of her mace.

She soon began to notice the looming forms on the field of cacti ahead of them, their shapes eerily twisted in the light of the torch. Its expanse surprised her, almost serving as a barrier to block their way.

She turned to stare, mouth slightly open, as Dashki made his declaration. "Are you not to guide us to the creatures we seek? Is this not to ensure your own innocence?" she asked incredulously, resisting the urge to cross her arms and scoff, while she cut her eyes back towards the field of cacti once more. As a sharp, pained cry rings out, she flinches and then nods agreeing with Sander's statement. Someone out there needed assistance.

2015-12-03, 07:31 PM
Making his way into the cactus field Sander's couldn't believe his luck as he seemed to keep getting caught on a stray needle, and while the pain was manageable at the moment he knew to much of it and he would no doubt pass out. " Everybody be careful, these cacti are not going to make it easy to get inside." Sander said trying to make it the last ten feet inside to the noise within.

Rolled in OOC, another 14 for acrobatics check to avoid damage meaning I take damage lol.
Current health 7/9
Current AC 18

2015-12-04, 10:20 AM
The young woman shook her head, unsure of anything more about the cacti than that they seemed to be naturally grouped this way. No matter, that was later pondering.

Mali couldn't help herself as she rushed through the cacti, ignoring Sander's shouted warning completely as she attempted to dart through the looming plants as quickly as possible. Someone needed help and being as knowledgeable as she was regarding anatomy and health in general, she knew she was needed.

So the kitsune, with caution thrown to wind, stumbled out of the cactus grove, bleeding from a dozen small cuts and looking a fair bit frustrated.

"Stupid ploughing cactus, can't keep their bloody hands off..." she grumbled as she attempted to dust herself off and remove the stray spines.

Current HP: 6/10
Current AC: 17

2015-12-04, 01:14 PM
Sanders nothing seems to be going your way. A loose buckle causes you to trip, your bow catches on a cactus, you trip over a loose rock and more.

Maleyel, you do several bottles and have to diving under spines to retrieve them, gaining several scratches to your face and hands.

Aman Sati snarled and cursed his way through the cactus forest as every needle seemed bound and determined to scratch him and tear at his clothes. Finally he emerged through the other side, blooded and fuming. He calmed himself enough to whisper a prayer to Nethys and fill the area with healing energy. A good thing too, Sanders looked worse for wear and he couldn't see the she elf.

Once the cactus patch has been navigated, we emerge on a thin strip of open land at the edge of a 15-foot-wide ravine. A casual glance down the edge reveals a huge multi-armed, wickedly barbed cactus dominating the ground 10 feet below the ledge, almost directly below where the sad little man, Rombard has been lazily tied to a scrub bush. He’s covered with cactus quills. The wounds of a bound man in the center of the circle also patch themselves. He looked to be a member of Almah’s caravan judging by the slave bolt in his head inscribed with her house symbol.

“You must untie me, it's still here,” the man spoke urgently, but remarkably without tone. As if he didn't care one way or another.

perception check

2015-12-04, 04:05 PM
Health 9/9 (due to Aman's positive energy thing)
AC 18
Sander sets one to the East and West of where we entered. He knows we came in one way so it is safe, with the ravine behind him he knows that is also safe, meaning the other two areas are not. Just incase you needed his reasoning, he thinks tactical.

Sander continued to curse his luck as a lose buckle on his armor caused him to trip over, getting his bow caught in a cacti which made him trip over a rock. "By Khepri I swear you would think I am a fool, normally I would be able to do this with so much ease it is not even funny. Do you think one of those things could be around, what did you call them Dashki? Pugrats?" Sander calls out to the man who was outside the cactus grove like the coward he was. Sander's would make sure the princess knew about this, even if the man hadn't set the fire his lack of wanting to lead them as was his job into the cactus grove meant he knew something they didn't.

Thankfully thanks to his slow moving, and Aman's magic Sander was feeling much better as he came to a clearing in the center of the grove, Well maybe not the center. Sander's thought as he looked over the edge to a 15ft. wide ravine and saw a rather large multi armed Cactus. " Be careful everyone, I don't know if I would rather take my chance falling in the ravine, or onto that cacti." Sander says taking his traps out and setting them quickly. However when the man speaks from the center of the grove and says that the thing was still here, Sander quickly begins scanning the immediate area as he talks. " If we cut you lose at this moment how would you defend yourself? If you take off running you will more then likely get yourself killed on one of the cacti, help us find what captured you and brought you here, and if possible hold this torch." Sander says finished with the traps and handing the man the torch, "and once the creature is dead, we will help you get free, along with some water and a good meal. How does that sound, can you just stay strong a few more moments?" Sander asks the man however after handing him the torch never actually looking at him.

Sander's has not put his scimitar away since the coyote so he thankfully has his weapon drawn.
Perception [roll0] It would be higher if my wisdom modifier was good lol. Only dump stat I could think of as charisma was a kinda need.
Initiative (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5K3AKl5qpc) if needed 8 rolled in OOC

2015-12-05, 09:20 AM
Health: 10/10 thanks to healing
AC: 17
Initiative rolled in OOC: 22

Seeing the look on Sander's face as he glanced over the edge of the cliff, Maleyel nodded in agreement. "Let us not plan to use that method travel, yeah?"

Mali breathed a deep sigh of relief, forcing the air out quickly to calm her frustration. She had intended to check the bound man's wounds, but realized with a small smile that as her own had healed, so had his. She stepped forward, "Mali is my name, that-" she gestured towards the scimitar wielding human, "is Sander, and that-" she jerked her head towards the tengu, "is Aman Sati. We are here to-" she cut off as he indicated the were not alone. Her sharp eyes scanned their surroundings, taking in every shadow along every plant and rock face, noting where each came from and narrowing her gaze when she found one that did not fit. Behind a rock not far from their current position, she spied a small, wiry creature, the stature of which resembled a particularly ugly goblin, that carried a small, rusted dagger.

She knelt over the restrained man, subtly moving between him and the little creature. "There," she hissed at her companions, glancing pointedly towards while she made to grab her mace.

2015-12-05, 08:58 PM
"My leg is broken, I can't move, but I can defend myself with the torch." the imprisoned man informed them.

"A broken leg is currently behind my abilities, but I can full the pain long enough to get him moving," Aman Sati informed them.

The beast was small and rat like, hairless, except for a few mangey patches of wiry fur. It looked manic, with it's muzzle pulled back in a faced grin. It wore a splintery bow on it's back, all but forgotten as it held a rusted dagger in it's twitching fingers. It shrieked and lunged at them.

2015-12-06, 09:47 AM
Maleyel, having rejudged the distance between them and the beastie, went, not for her mace, but for components pouch and quickly mixed combined one of her vials of the volatile catalyst substance with the solution and threw the smoking bottle with all her might at the creature.

"Heads up guys!" She yelled with a strange glee.

I guess combat is just a series of shorter posts, yeah?

2015-12-06, 01:28 PM
Aman recited a short prayer to his God as he recited a spell.

Mayelel, as the bottle leaves your hands you tell instantly that the their was poor, and the bomb sails into the ravine

The goblinoid, shrieking, charged at Maleyel, the latest victim of its bad luck fired and stabbed at her with it's dagger.

2015-12-06, 08:21 PM
Most DM's make maps which make it easier for players to see where everything is so there is no confusion, but yea. It's mostly posting what your character is doing and then rolling.

Sander watches and groans as he watches Maleyel throw the bottle high, and it sails over the cliff and into the ravine, well that wasn't a good start. Sander thought as he saw Aman simply standing their praying. Dumb bird, looks like you won't help after all. Sander says as he moves into a flanking position with Maleye who had just been stabbed and tries to cut the beast down with his scimitar.

Scimitar attack 1 [roll0] (the +2 comes from flanking) Damage [roll1] + [roll2] skirmish damage (basically any time he moves more then 10ft.)
Scimitar attack 2 because of bad luck [roll3]

2015-12-07, 11:30 PM
Maleyel swore a not very ladylike swear, hissing through her teeth as the jagged little knife cut into her. She felt rather than saw Sander come round the creature's other side, recovering herself to try to bash it with her mace after he made his move.


+6 from my +4 dex mod, +2 flanking
Hopefully I hit, if I do

[roll2] damage

2015-12-08, 09:15 PM
The pugwampi, with amazing luck dodges both strikes from Sanders and Mayelel as the two of you crash into each other. The beast raises it's knife again laughing with glee.

The cleric finished his prayer and intoned a single word as he pointed at the pugwampi.

"Burn," his voice carried a resonance of power.

The creature shrieked and dropped the scorching knife in the sands.

"If amateur hour is quite finished will one of you please kill that monstrosity!" He snapped.

2015-12-08, 09:50 PM
Sander watches as Aman says the words burn and the pugawampi drops its blade. " I don't see you doing any better then we are. If you want to complain why don't you try and hit the thing." Sander says as he helps steady Maleyel before swinging his scimitar at the pesky little beast. He swore these things were worse then gnolls, no wounder they hated them so much.

Attack 1 [roll0] Assuming we are still flanking it
Attack 2 [roll1]

Damage [roll2] No extra damage as he didn't move at least 10ft.

2015-12-09, 09:38 AM
Mali stumbled back a half step, her eyes narrowing at the tengu's needling.

"You mate, can be one hell of prick, you know that?" she threw over her shoulder at him, returning her gaze to the vile creature in front of her. She watched, sickened somewhat, as it seemed to supernaturally dodge Sander's attack, one that would have been brutal if it made contact. She held her mace, grip tightening as she prepared to launch another assault.

1st roll [roll0]
2nd roll [roll1]

If it hits:

[roll2] Damage

Please, PLEASE hit the thing!

Also, I am in the process of getting our computer up running better so we can have a battle map next time.

2015-12-10, 06:26 PM
The beast laughed all the harder as it continued to defy their attacks. Sanders dropped his weapon as he lost his footing in the sand. Meleyel lost her grip and nearly bashed him in thebhead. Aman Sati raised his mace and brought it crashing down to splatter its brains across the sand. It's corpse fell with a dull thud.

"Pity when the holy man has to do the work of a fighter," he said smugly. There'd be no living with him now.


DMG [roll2]

2015-12-10, 07:57 PM
"To bad there is not a single fighter among us now isn't it Aman? I am sure in your culture scouts who use bows and attack from a distance and those who fight on the front line may be considered the same thing, however where I am from they are very different." Sander says standing up and picking up his scimitar and placing it back in its sheath. " Thank you however for helping us in the end." Sander says, not allowing the man's negative attitude to rub off on him and make him as rude as Aman. Sander knew his limitation's and trying to fight at one of his weakest abilities he thought he had done rather well, after all had that creatures unluck aura not been up he would have cleaved it in two more times then he could count.

With his weapon back where it belonged, Sander immediately went and retrieved his traps as he called over kindly to Meleyel, " Do you mind letting our friend lose? I am sure he would like it a lot more now that the creature is dead." Sander says taking his time to not trigger his own traps.

If needed I will just take 20 to not set them off and retrieve them safely.

Once everyone was ready to go Sander looked at the corpse of the pugawampis. "Well we have the corpse she was looking for, however our guide didn't seem to interested in proving his innocence, almost as if he wanted us to die in here or the creature might reveal him no?" Sander commented as he waited for the others.

2015-12-11, 10:02 AM
Current HP: 7/10
Current AC: 17
Just to keep track

Mali looped her mace back through her belt as Aman and Sander had their exchange, choosing to ignore the abrasive tengu and tend to the wounded man they had succeeded, so far at least, in saving. She took a few tentative steps towards him, testing her wounded leg, finding it alright to walk on, and nodded to Sander.

"Aye, I'll let you free," she replied to both, turning to the slave and releasing his rough restraints in a quick movement. "Better?" she asked with a kind smile, helping the man stand by allowing him to lean on her. "I apologize there is nothing we can do at present for the broken leg friend," she says, glancing down, somewhat ashamed she cannot help him further.

"How did you get out here?" she asked the man as Sander mused about Dashki's motive. While waiting for his reply, she turned to Sander. "Perhaps he simply did not wish to be killed, though some more warning about the blasted pugwampi would have been helpful. I'll bet he left us out here, trusting the cacti and our prey to finish us off," she amended after a moment, no longer able to rightfully give their guide the benefit of the doubt.

2015-12-11, 12:27 PM
" I highly doubt that was his reasoning." Sander says looking out of the cacti field, however doubting he would see their guide. " The man is supposed to be a gnoll tracker, and they are very strong creatures. Add in he knew about pugawampi so he must have encountered them before somewhere. I have tested his skills against my own, and I can say he is a seasoned tracker at the least, as good, if not better then myself. Fear of being killed is very unlikely I believe by the evidence so far. Sander says as he finishes putting his traps away and looks at Mali's injured leg with a bit of concern. " Mali I have a potion here if you want for your leg, I would suggest waiting until we get to the other side of the cactus field first however, you remember how bad it was getting in." Sander points out waiting to see if anyone else wanted to do anything in here before trying to slowly make his way out of the cacti field.

Acrobatics check to make it through the cacti field without taking damage (10ft of movement) [roll0]

2015-12-12, 01:18 AM
"What is there to contemplate? The man has perhaps two working brain cells in his head. He is a craven nothing more."

Aman Sati scoured his mace with sand and thought hard on how he'd proceed through the cactus forest. After a moment he smiled to himself, using Sanders as a shield of course.

The captured man stud placing his weight heavily upon one leg, "I believe I can manage with some help. Thank you for coming to my rescue, I am property of Lady Almah. My name is Pavel, I wandered too far from the caravan and slipped, striking my knee on a rock. When I awoke that thing forced me through the cacti," strangely, he spoke without a hint of embarrassment or shame.

2015-12-12, 09:01 AM
"I believe if he is actually still on the other side of these blasted cacti will answer most of concerns. However, I don't expect to find him," she stated intending to fashion a quick splint to assist the man in the trek through the cacti.

[roll0] Heal check to make the splint

"Thank you Sander, I will indeed wait until we get past the cacti," she replied to his proffered potion. She could walk fairly well, however if the wound wasn't tended to soon she feared infection.

Work finished on the splint, Mali stood once more and allowed the slave to hang onto her shoulders as she led the way through the field; she had no intention of letting the injured man get any more wounds.

Don't fail me now acrobatics I don't freaking have


2015-12-12, 04:36 PM
"Aman how many brain cells a person shows they have is no indactaion as to how intelligent they are. Did you ever think you were the idiot who feel for his ruse? And really he is a lot smarter then he pretends to be? Most people who don't want to draw attention act a certain way that tends to disupate attention being drawn to them. Do you not remember how people were at the camp when we asked questions about him? They thought he was creepy, but harmless for the most part. A false sense of comfort can lead to anyone's death, as can arrogance. Please try to remember this as it may one day save your life." Sander calls over his shoulder to the tengu who was literally using him as a human shield to get through the cacti field.


" I agree to a certain extent Mali, if he is on the other side waiting for us it either shows he was waiting to see who would leave, and if it were us it still leaves if we were hurt really bad would he simply try to kill us and blame it on the creature saying he was the only survivor and come back with it dead?" Sander points out to her as he keeps his eyes and ears alert for their tracker.

Stealth [roll2] Using stealth to hide the tengu behind me just incase he is outside waiting for us to attack I may be able to buy us the upper hand by making it look like we lost someone and using the shadows and my cloak to hide Aman inside.

" I'm sorry did you say your property? Your a human, why would you be property? A companion yes, hired help sure, but not property." Sander says thinking for the first time that their employer may use slaves, a despicable act in his eyes. " What were you doing so far away from the caravan if you don't mind me asking Pavel?" Sander asks wondering if maybe he had been trying to escape.

Just removed the potion from my sheet, if I could get a damage total for the two rounds of walking I will edit my sheet, followed by probably using the other healing potion. If nothing of intrest shows up in his perception check or Darkish is waiting to bring us back we can time skip so long as no other monsters attack us on the way. Also did we look around the camp for anything I forget?

Perception if not [roll3]

2015-12-13, 09:51 AM
100 exp each

Grudgingly, the cleric admitted following Sanders was a mistake. For every spiny arm he managed to avoid, another one hit the tengu squarely.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say that you were doing this on purpose," he groused as he prayed for more healing energy to fill the area. Aman Sati chose to ignore his companions slights against him for now. After all one argues with a fool one usually ends up looking foolish himself.

Pavel turned to the alchemist and pointed to a bolt affixed to his head, "this magical enchantment stripped me of my emotions so that they do not cloud my judgement. I work for Almah and by extension the Pactmasters. I was approached by to the beast ranglers to find a missing animal. Alas I have failed."

By the time they had exited the cactus forest, their guide was still waiting for them. He sneered as they approached but glared at the cleric who's spell had finally worn off of him.

"I see that you have made it back alive and with the corpse as well. How very kind of you to help clear my name. A thousand thanks upon your houses." He said insincerely," I suppose now you'll be wanting me to escort you back to Lady Roveshki?"

2015-12-14, 12:37 AM
Just wanted to say sorry first off for taking so long to post, had work from 12-5 today, and after I got home I ate and had a friend over who I am trying to get into dungeon and dragons. The problem is he is bad at roleplaying so I have been using the hero's builder guidebook with him. At the moment he knows he wants to be a halfling rogue and we are working on the backstory as well as skills, so its a bit fun creating the backstory as I ask him questions, he gives me answers, followed by more answers that have no coralation to it (he wanted to have killed a king at level 1 lol), so I needed to refine some of it a bit, and slow him down at other points in time. (Now his parents were killed for stealing from the captain of the guard, and he was taken in by a crooked guard hoping to teach him how to work for him as a criminal, and kill for him so the crooked guard could become the new guard captain. This is his early childhood mind you. Really good stuff though).

" Its not my fault Aman, as I told you I am trained in such affairs like this. The fact you duck when you should swerve is a matter of choice. Your bulk is much larger then mine, and as such you are an easier target." Sander explains as he moves through the remaining cacti as if dancing through rain to prove his point. However the soft warmth that soon flew through his body let him know the cleric had been more hurt by the cactus field then he wanted to admit. However picking on him would only encourage his earlier behavior,and at the moment Sander's enjoyed the slightly more humble version of the tengu.

Once outside the cactus field Sander helps Mali and their new companion, Pavel out of the field the best he can without getting them injured, pointing out spots to be careful, and others to completely avoid, before finally extending a helping hand. "For someone who benefited from having their name cleared you do not seem happy we succeed in killing the pugawampis, nor that we have returned. For that matter you didn't even try to go in. At least had you died fighting the beast it would have been shown you were innocent. I will not be your judge, however the one who is I doubt will look highly on this information." Sander says to the man before looking to the others. "Unless their is something else I agree we should return to camp now and inform the princess of our findings."

I am assuming that the convo between Mali and Pavel was more like a plays aside, and Sander and Aman didn't actually hear it, if I am wrong I apologize, however it does give your wife more to post with:smallsmile:

2015-12-15, 10:19 AM
I haven't been feeling too well and despite being pushed to post, I'm just now feeling up to it. Our little boy turns one today and Tiburon is busy dealing with doctor's appointments and such, been busy all around lol. I'm sorry it took so long.

Maleyel slid out of the cacti finally, grateful for Sander's assistance and breathed deeply, sighing at feeling of warm healing washing over her as the tengu healed them all again. Bastard though he could be, he was at least fulfilling his role, even if it was only because he was hurt as well.

She had been somewhat shocked at the merchants' treatment of slaves and hadn't had much to say since. Slaves were slaves, she didn't exactly have an issue with that, but to remove their emotions? It didn't sit too well with the young woman. No matter, not her place to argue, certainly not her place to cause problems with the Lady Almah for them, the tengu was adept at that it seemed.

"Ah!" she exclaimed upon noticing Dashki still waiting for them, "Glad to see you did not turn tail and run! I hope we did not take too long in there, killing the beast that will exonerate you of guilt in a grievous crime," sarcasm dripped from her every pore.

2015-12-15, 09:07 PM
"Its not my fault you're a self righteous fool either, yet, here we are," he bowed sarcastically.

Aman Sati sneered disdainfully, " I may disagree with my "friends" at times, you I thoroughly despise Dashki. Are you well enough to lead us back after your harrowing ordeal of cowering amongst the rocks."

Dashki threw a glare at them all and snarled, "I've nothing to prove to any of you! In fact, your lives mean precisely that!" He snapped his fingers," I'm here to do my job, because of Lady Roveshki's command, and not to watch you three idiots play adventurer! Are we clear upon that?"

He turned away, and led them the rest of the way back to camp in quiet, wrathful silence.

2015-12-15, 09:30 PM
" Someone has to look out for the little man Aman, I simply perform a service." Sander smiled, back at the Tengu with approval. " And besides you are much better suited to hitting things upside the head, had you not been there me and Mali may have spent the next five minutes trying to perform what you did." Sander says honestly, after all Aman had showed tremendous strength both times he had shown a need to use it.

"And we are here to see if you are innocent or not. So your life means about this much to us." Sander says copying their guides response. " So if anyone is doing the babysitting, it is us keeping an eye on you. Or did you forget we were not there when the fire started and you were. Why do you think you were not allowed to go and bring back this creature on your own you cowered? Because you are the only person who lied about where you were and what you were doing when the fire started. And the princess, she knows exactly where you were. Just be happy she didn't order US. Sander says extending his hands to his two friends. " to teach those who spy on ladies when they are undressing proper manners." Sander spits out with venom, he had had more then enough of their guide, and killing the fool was becoming a better and better idea each second.

The rest of the way to the camp Sander's kept his bow out and knocked, trusting the man they rescued to carry the torch for them as he passed the man his waterskin and some trail provisions he had picked up along the way to eat. After all Sander wouldn't need them as badly as this man. When they finally arrived back at the camp he waited until Dashki had left their visual range before speaking. " If you two wish, you can go and rest, I will explain everything that happened to the princess and make sure we get paid a fair share." He says looking at Aman at his last statement. "However if you rather join me I will not complain, I just believe leaving that one alone is dangerous." Sander says speaking about their guide Dashki.

2015-12-16, 10:06 AM
Mali chose to keep quiet when the stupid Dashki lashed out. The man was infuriating. She no longer deemed him necessary to their journey back to camp, and he did not deserve to be spoken to. They had accomplished what they set out to, utterly without Dashki' help; thank blackfingers for the tengu's stepping in in the fight with that wretched creature. Maleyel was not exactly religious, not really at all, but she did think of the deity Norgorber when she crafted a poison, and so thanked him out of habit.

As they came back into camp and Sander volunteered to speak to Almah, Mali nodded. She was angry at the useless dog Dashki, and had not much left in the way of pleasantries this day.

"I will most gladly take you up on that Sander, I believe it is time to rest," she replied in her soft voice, before heading towards the infirmary tent to make sure her help was not required before she retired for the evening.

2015-12-16, 07:04 PM
Aman Sati waved a hand and strode away, "As much as I'd love to enjoy another face to face with Roveshki I thinkbafter this, quite frankly hellish day, I will be retiring for the night."
He dropped the dead goblinoid in the sand as he passed Sanders.

Dashki divested himself of their company as soon as they entered the camp. All that was left was to present the corpse to Almah.

2015-12-16, 07:24 PM
" Have a good night then, I will see you both in the morning." Sander said to his two companions as he returned his bow to his back, and arrow to his quizzer, picking up the pugawampis before moving on. With nothing but the night sky above him, and the desert sands of his home below his feet, Sanders could think of very few things that would make him happier then he was at this moment.

Perfectly at peace Sander made his way to Princess Roveshki tent, stopping a few feet before the flaps and calling out to the two guards that stood before the door. "It is I sander Salvatore, returning from the mission her magesty has tasked me and my friends with. I would like an audience with the princess while the memory of the encounter is still fresh in my mind, as well as to let her know that we found a member of the caravan, Pavel is his name." Sander says standing in the torchlight so that the guards on duty could see him so they would know he meant no harm.

2015-12-17, 10:21 AM
If Father Zastoran does not need help, Mali is going to straight to bed. If he does, here are some heal checks just in case.


2015-12-18, 07:58 PM
Moving the story along

Almah bids you to enter. The tent is still pleasantly cool, luxurious, and she sits flanked by her entourage of guards and retainers.
She orders a guard to take the corpse and, after a lengthy examination, declares that it is enough to clear Dashki’s name. She then orders Garavel to dispose of the body. Dashki immediately lays claim to the pugwampi corpse, supplicating in front of Almah, who concedes, and he fashions a tiny noose for it to hang from the end of his staff. Almah muses that there must be more of the creatures living nearby, and comments that the Sultan’s Claw is obviously too exposed a location. She knows that a monastery to Sarenrae stood near the village of Kelmarane, and that the ruined building would make a much better base of operations for the coming battle for the gnoll-held village, yet chances are good that the monastery is far from abandoned. In any event, the matter solved, Almah is open to discussing the terms of the our employment, but only with you.


Father Zastoran is grateful for the help, as the burn victims still need treating. You pass an easy night in shifts with him and his pleasant company. Because of the efforts of the two of you, there is no danger of even the worst of the victims expiring.

1000 exp

2015-12-18, 09:25 PM
As Sander is given admittance into the princesses tent, he nods his head in respect to the two guards outside before stepping inside. Once again Sander is surprised by the luxury and grander kept inside this little tent, the temperature of which always seems to be just right for the occasion. Bowing first to the princess, and then to her guards and retainers Sander then sits down on a seat offered to him and begins his speech. " My Lady Almah please forgive me for disturbing you so late at night, however as this was an important matter I didn't think you would wish to wait until the morrow when we had already returned." Sander began, keeping his voice calm and respectful towards her and her guests. " As you know we were tasked with finding a pugawampis to prove the innocence of Dashki. And while your request has been meet I feel that you should hear the entire story before passing judgement on the man." Sander says laying the body of the dead pugawampis on the ground for all to see as he spoke. " The beginning of the journey went rather well, and thanks to Dashki’s skills in tracking aided by my own we were easily able to find a trail. In that regard your guide did his job exactly as asked, however as we know he was a suspect at the time. And when we came to a cactus field where the tracks led, he refused to enter. Now some could call this cowardice, something that could get you killed if he was ever left on watch alone, or. Sander stops, emphasizing the word. He knew the creature would recognize him and as such stayed outside as to not reveal himself. When we returned from killing the beast he also made it clear to all of us who were there to clear his name mind you, that he wasn't there to babysit us while we played "adventures" I believe the term was he gave. That he only came because you asked, and that our very lives meant nothing to him. If it were not for the very fact you hired him I would have killed him on the spot then and there, however he is your guide and as such your responsibility. I will respect whatever judgement you pass now, knowing the full account of events, however know that while I speak for my friends when before you, should he try in any way to undermine or harm them or myself I can not be held responsible for what happens afterwords. Sander says whipping his blade out as the man went to take the pugawampis for himself. Not even turning to face Dashki Sander spoke keeping his eye's on those with power in this camp. " Had the man helped us kill, or capture the creature I would have no qualm of him taking it as a trophy, no matter how barbaric it appears. However he had no hand in this creatures death and allowing him to show it off as if he were some great hero who avenged your friend would be a lie to both your friend, and what truly happened. I respectfully request for the creature to be offered to Aman, and should he not wish to keep it, for its body to be burned. We do not know what ill fortune, even its dead body can bring, and if not for Aman's held the creature may have killed Mali. As such he should be able to choose what happens to it." Sander states, to all assembled, however he never moves his blade besides to intercept Dashki's hand each time the man tries to take it.

After the events of the body are taken care of Sander listens as the princess admits that this place was no longer defensible. " I am indeed aware of this temple, my parents often spoke of it while I was growing up. Though I was to young to have ever been there before. I would have to agree with you that it would be a far better place to set up camp." Sander says before looking directly to the princess. However we were hired on as caravan guards, not investigators, nor as mercenaries. I believe however we could come to a fair agreement for both parties in this matter. After all I am but a simple man with very few needs, and helping you makes sure my job as a caravan guard goes more smoothly." Sander says as he begins counting in his head. " I assume it will be myself, mali, and Aman who shall be the only ones going for this task meaning we may be faced with an entire gnoll scouting advance. In other words, we are risking our very lives to agree to such an event in the first place. I believe the payment should be equal to the job which is asked, and as such ask for merely four hundred sovereigns each. And please before you argue thinking on this, who else would risk death for such a small number? I am simply throwing out an honest number to you, knowing that you are a fair person I would be willing however to ask for less if we could perhaps get a small discount at your stores? After all you control all the items bought and sold on your caravan, and even if we had a great deal of money it would still be yours really as we need to buy your goods. So if we had a 50% discount we could be able to keep more of the money you pay us while also allowing you to pay us slightly less then what others would ask for. Making it fair to both of us." Sander says kindly as he looks to the princess, And such a beautiful gem such as yourself surly has the authority to make such a deal. Though if you wish we could negotiate more in private." Sander says showing nothing but respect for the princess and no hidden agenda.

400 sovereigns each
50% discount at all stores
[roll0] Situational bonus if you feel appropriate for us completing her investigator mission as well as putting out lives on the line

2015-12-22, 01:13 PM
Almah smiles and leans forward to lean her head against a perfectly manicured hand, "You speak more eloquently than the bird, but your agendas are the same. Money. I will offer you your four hundred ssovreigns or your discount, your choice. As for this monastery, I want it for our caravan. Do not fail me."

moving the story along after you've boughtvwhat you need from the merchants

Wecset outvearly morning and arrive shortly. About a mile from the Sultan’s Claw stands the abandoned Monastery of St. Vardishal, a forlorn edifice once holy to the faith of Sarenrae, goddess of redemption and the sun. In the two decades since a mad cult from Kelmarane invaded and put its monks to death, the place has stood as an empty ruin, a reminder of a brief era in which civilization tamed the Uwaga Highlands. Today, the monastery is home to beasts and monsters.

In order for Almah and her party to claim the old monastery as a home base from which to launch attacks on the gnolls of Kelmarane, we must explore every room of the place and rid it of the fell creatures that currently call it home. Most of the monastery’s walls remain intact, though a few of its towers have collapsed and gaping holes mar most of the structure’s ceilings. Most wooden structures have rotted away and nature has begun to intrude upon the monastery’s interior. Some of the old red and orange tile work remains intact, but where walls and ceilings have fallen the decoration has cracked and faded.

2015-12-22, 08:08 PM
Mali bought 3 healing potions as well paying back the Father what she owed on the last one. Also assuming I was filled in on what our current objective is.

"Here friend, I believe I owe you one of these," she says with a smile as she hands a red potion to Sander. "Thank you for your help yesterday. Hopefully, today will go better and-" her eyes darken, "we won't have to deal with any of those bad luck bastards," her words end a snarl and she goes quiet, lost in angry thoughts.

The monastery once she lays eyes on it draws her out again. Maleyel let's out a low whistle in awe. "Amazing. The architecture, what I can see of it, is beautiful," she mutters softly, shielding her eyes with one hand while gazing up at the temple, imagining it's former glory.

Havung heard the history of the temple, the kitsune looked over the destroyed walls with of remorse. A lot of lives were lost here, probably spirits lingering after something bloody like that. She glanced over at the tengu, happy to have him around. In any case, it was highly doubtful the ruins were empty.

2015-12-22, 10:26 PM
" I see you paint me with the wrong brush then my lady. When this land is taken from the gnolls, I wish to reclaim my family's property as our own. To make sure we are able to function I would need to have good trade deals when the community first opened, or be a very rich man. I would rather not take your money however, or more to the point, more then what we earn." Sander says honestly to the princess showing a small amount of being offended. " Had I only come out here for money I would not care how others thought of me, merely how well I did a job. And while I pride myself on my work, I also wish to make sure that everyone is happy. I hope you can see that one day my lady. Until then I would like to sign for the discount at all merchants under your command for a 50% discount. As well as the money we were promised for completing the investigation." Sander says respectfully, he wasn't sure if the others would agree with his choice of action, however he believed it would help them all in the long run. " I promise on our lives, me and my companions will take this monastery for you." Sander says bowing to the princess before waiting to be dismissed.

Once outside of her tent, Sander sets himself up close to the center of the camp, closet to the fire, however keeping his back to something solid, should anything try to attack during the night. Still awake, Sanders helps those on first watch keep an eye out for trouble, before retiring to bed for the next morning, knowing full and well it would be a very long day.

Waking up as the dawn rises, Sander quickly makes his way to the camel herders and breakfast. " If I could have something light please, me and my companions are going to be scouting ahead." Sander says to the couple as he takes a small amount of bread and some bacon, not trusting his stomach to eat anything to heavy when he knew he had to march in the desert heat as well as fight only the gods knew what when they arrived where they were going. While eating Sanders tries to start small chat with the others at breakfast until he spots Mali and Aman. When he sees the Tengu Sander reaches into his bag and tosses him the corpse of the pugawampis, wrapped in cloth so none can see what it was. " Our friend wanted it as a trophy, however as you were the one who dealt the final blow, I believed it would be only fair you choose what happens to it." Sander says waiting for a response before taking out three sacks of gold. Also this is what we were paid for our help last night, and I have worked out a deal for us with the princess I will explain to you later when we are on the road. Eat light, and make sure to fill your waterskins." Sander says before taking off to wait for them at the northern entrance.

Once everyone was together Sander explained the situation to them, along with the deal he had made with the princess the night before, making sure to keep out the fact that they could have been paid four hundred sovereigns instead. In truth however he believed this would save them all more money, and after they could ask for more money should they need it. After all they would be the first at the temple, and who knows what one would find there.

Survival to not get lost [roll0]
Survival to notice to see if any tracks lead towards the temple, or away from it [roll1]
Perception to spot the tracks, or anything else of notice (taking 20) for 23
I doubt stealth will be useful until we arrive at the temple so won't use it. If we bump into something so be it
Knowledge (geography) to know about the land around the temple and see if there was any way to get to it without being spotted [roll2] (if so he will mention it to the others even if it will take longer and see what they want)

Once at the temple
Stealth [roll3]
Perception [roll4]
Knowledge Dungeoneering [roll5]

When Mali offers Sander the potion he smiles, placing the item inside his backpack. " There is no need to thank me Mali, the fact you are alive is enough. We are to travel together and help each other to survive, it would not be fair if I didn't help." Sander pointed out to her. " As for the pagawampis, it is possible we may encounter them, this is gnoll territory, however I will keep a close eye out for them, and their tracks now that I know what I am looking for. However if anyone spots anything I suggest you tell us all so we are not caught off guard. I doubt even the gods could save us if one of those things caught us unprepared." Sander says plainly as they walked.

" This was indeed once a beautiful place, however now it is a place of sorrows. Let us be as silent as the night now, and keep our eyes open." Sander says gently to Mali, as he draws his bow and looks to his two companions before he begins to look search the entirety of the outside structure, hiding at all times, to see what he can see from outside. This way they had a plan of attack, and should their be a forward guard he would be able to take care of it with his bow.

Sanders will stay in cover at all times he is able, moving half to quarter speed each turn depending on if he thinks he sees something or not. So long as no one objects he will stay 10ft. infront of the party at all times, meaning he will be the first around a corner, so if he is spotted the others wont be giving them a surprise round, and should he not be spotted and spot the enemy again he now has surprise round. All around okay.

2015-12-28, 12:58 PM


Almah, with a wave of her hand, agrees to the discount and bids you to go in peace but warns you not to fail.

Aman Sati

The cleric makes a expression akin to both a smile and a grimace, "I didn't expect a token of generosity from you. However if you insist," without heed of those around him, Aman Sati pulled a single black onyx from a pouch and crushed it over the body. Within seconds it rose, black tendrils of power arcing acriss its twisted form, and stood once more.

"I'm always happy to convert a new follower to the gospel."

The cleric inhaled deeply through the sluts in his beak and hummed.

"There is much death here," he sighed dreamily and began heading inside.


Father Zastoran is happy to see youvagain and delighted you remember your promise. Your relationship with him improves.

Entering the temple.

Scrub brush and a light, patchy carpet of weeds invade the monastery through two huge fallen sections of the western wall. The exposed nave beyond is a huge hallway littered with bits of debris ranging from tiny rocks to enormous sections of collapsed masonry. Most of the roof above the long promenade is gone, but several jagged pillars remain.

At first glance, nothing is actively guarding the entrance and nave, although its role as a thoroughfare from the chapel to the rooms of the southern wing means that small groups of some unidentified prints traffic the area. After we have cleared the way for the caravan to set up shop in the monastery, the ruined nave is the most likely spot from which the building will be attacked by wandering monsters.

The entrance continues west and splits into two chambers.

To the left there is a debris-laden chamber that once held a shrine and wooden altar, but all of that seems to have been long smashed decades ago by vandals. The ceiling here has remained intact over the years, helping to preserve a huge bas-relief statue of a muscular humanoid man with a pointy beard gesturing toward a huge mountain in the background, his face a picture of mortal concern.

Give me a Knowledge (local) check.
Give me a Knowledge (religion) check.
Give me a Knowledge (religion) check.

Across from that to the right. A similar statue adorns the eastern wall of this chamber, in this case with the bearded figure appearing on a hilltop to a group of robed pilgrims. The being holds up his hands, palms out, in a sign of peace. Though many of the faces and limbs on the bas-relief have been worn down or cut away, the expressions of those range from beatific to horrified.

Give me a Search check.

A crude stone stele that seems to have been erected more recently than the abandonment of the monastery stands here as well. Its graven inscription reads: “A ghost of unholy mien was purged from this place by Theodephus Estrovan, servant of Aroden, 4691 ar.”

2015-12-28, 08:40 PM
As Sander sees Aman twist the creatures body and use it for who knows what dark purpose he only looks at the birdman with pity. "I simply knew that I rather have the creature in your hands then those of Dashki, however after seeing what you are doing to the beast I am starting to question my judgement." Sander says making sure to keep that thing a good distance from him. "So long as the death stays in our enemies direction, and downwind." Sander says not believing that the man would use a corpse in such a way. Would Aman in fact do the same to him and Mali when they died?

Aman is so not making any friends, he has been mostly hostile, and now has brought a zombie like creature into his service and seems to revel in the smell of rotting flesh, are we sure he isn't a vulture?

When the group arrives at the temple Sander quickly gets to work, looking for tracks coming in, or out of the temple. It doesn't take him long to notice the all to familiar tracks of pugawampi, as well as something else. Perhaps baboon? Doubling back to the group he stood next to Mali as he spoke, keeping a good distance from Aman's creation. "I found some tracks while scouting ahead. Most of them seem to be the same as your friends." Sander said,directing his head at the corpse. " the others however I want to say look almost like Baboon tracks. I am not one hundred percent sure though so I may be wrong on the last part. Either way I would suggest using your corpse to our advantage, if we send it in first those inside may come out of hiding seeing one of their own, this will allow us to catch them off guard, and with luck get rid of the thing." Sander says to Aman and Mali seeing if they agreed with his course of action in regards to attacking the temple.

I only have Dungeneering, Geography, and nature as class skills so no go for me

Once inside, Sander makes it a point to keep the tiny creature a good ten feet in front of him this way if anything was living inside it would see a pugawampis first, with luck saying the body was only a day old it wouldn't be easy to tell it was animated by magic. When they come to the room that once held a shrine Sander looks on, wondering if his own parents once worshiped here, and to pay his respects to those who once lived here he cleared off a small area around the altar while the others did what they did best. " Either of you know who that is?" Sander asks while cleaning up the debris and pointing at the statue of a man with a pointy beard.

[roll0] If it is not something that can be failed he will simply take 20

Looking at the mural opposite the first he notices that the figure has his palms out in peace, yet the other figures seem wrong somehow, defigured almost. Could that hill be the one they were on now, or perhaps it referred to the pale mountain?

Not going to lie its getting a bit hard to understand some of the stuff you are writing. So its a lot of guess work on my part.

Reading the plaque that seemed newer then everything else he looked to the others once more. " So yea....anyone have any ideas about all these figures that are mentioned? I can tell you where we are on a map, where to find food and water, even what wildlife may be around, however this stuff is not something I am familiar with." Sander admits to them, hoping they would be able to figure it out.

2016-01-04, 10:15 AM
Mali does not have either knowledges mentioned, but


Mali shakes her head, not particularly disturbed by the reanimation of the pugwampi, but unhappy to see it standing once more. Among alchemists, there were a few that used their own version of necromancy, bringing preserved dead creatures back to life to fight, so the sight didn't overly bother her; she viewed as a necessary act and in no way different than using a bomb or a potion in battle. All were tools.

At the remains of the temple.

The sight of the place was discouraging; it was not in the best of shape, however any walls were better than none for the caravan. She set her pace to one side and a step behind Sander, also allowing the small undead to enter the area first. Hopefully it would at least draw some fire away from their group. A sidelong glance at her human companion proved he was thinking along the same lines.

Footsteps soft and quiet on the old stone floor, the alchemist carefully observed their surroundings. She knew next to nothing about deities, having only mention blackfingers in passing, and not even actively worshipping him. The statue of the figure standing in a posture of peace was odd to her, and she replied to Sander regarding it, "I know very very little about deities and god-figures, but something about those horrified faces next to that one-" she points at the mentioned carving, "is unnerving."

She crossed her arms in thought. The kitsune hated not to know something, it was one of the few things that annoyed her. The others were false accusations of guilt toward her, unnecessary fighting, and her knowledge of alchemy being questioned. Never ask an alchemist if they're sure, we always are.

She turned to the Tengu, awaiting his explanation; surely the cleric would know something about other gods.

2016-01-06, 07:57 PM
"Luckily I do know a thing or two about gods," the cleric inspects the relief for several minutes before coming to a conclusion, "while I will admit I am unable to tell who precisely is depicted, I can tell you he's represented how priests of Saeranae would depict their saints. So whoever this was he was important."

"I rather enjoy this place, once filled with hope and life now a bastion if death. Priests of Saeranae have long opposed my arts no matter how much good I try to do. Who do the people turn to when they're looking for the inheritance of a dead relative? A necromancer of course. And who do they turn in when thatbsame relative refuses their pleas? A necromancer of course. Then i have to start pulling tongues and teaching lessons. Admittidely entertaining but messy work," he sighed, "but enough about my hobbies. We've a church to search. I'm calling ownership of any religious paraphernalia."

He cocked his head to the side, "I think I hear something coming from the chapel. Sanders, if you would?"

2016-01-06, 09:17 PM
The look on Sander's face was that of a dumbfounded fool when Aman told the group that the figure was that of a saint of Saeranae. "And here I thought you would have said something less obvious then its a saint or something...Clearly we are in a temple of Saeranae so pictures and such of her saints and priests would be around." Sander says trying to keep the annoyance out of his voice. Really and here he thought that he knew nothing about religion yet the holy man seemed to know as much as him, talk about unsettling.

When Aman begins to talk about how he enjoys this once holy temple becoming a bastion of death he looks from Mali towards Aman as if asking her if they could trust someone talking like this, he was really starting to worry Sander. Sure the man had healed him a few times, however it was only because he needed to be healed himself. And when he had gotten a corpse he simply turned it into an undead like it was nothing. " Aman I hate to ruin your theory, however if I was not in my families inheritance I wouldn't hire a necromancer to change that. Nothing good can come from disturbing the dead." Sander said looking at Aman's pet like creature. "While I can see the use for it in the short term think about the long term. No one is going to want to be around a rotting corpse, it will lower morale and make people question if you will simply turn them into a puppet when they pass on. And I can tell you that is not the most wonderful thing to worry about when you have to trust the person to keep you alive." Sander says sounding tired. " I will agree they may have their uses, and where you are from no doubt they are very important. However in a desert the body will decompose faster then normal areas and the smell of rotting flesh will give away our position. Had it not been that the corpse is still fresh I would not have even thought about bringing it with us, and asked you to kill it. However it could be of use." Sander admits to Aman showing he wasn't unreasonable. "As for calling ownership of anything, why don't we collect everything first then we divide it as we see fit. I see no use for anything religious at the moment, however Mali may, or I may see it as beneficial to my skills. I doubt your request will be a problem however." Sander says kindly hoping Aman saw the logic in the statement.

Hearing Aman tell him that he heard sounds coming from the chapel Sander took out his bow and moved as silently as he could, keeping to the deeper shadows when possible as he made his way to the closets wall he could hide against and peak into the chapel.

Stealth check [roll0] +9 So 24 (I would assume they can't beat a 24 in stealth before circumstance modifiers added onto it for hugging a wall. So if that is correct a 23 in perception.
Perception check [roll1] +3 So 8
Sander's is going to hug the walls to try and gain a circumstance bonus to his stealth check, and will if not seen take his time scanning the entire room (taking 20) before moving on.

If he sees enemies he will whisper to the others (free action) Telling them what he sees, while using his surprise round to shot an arrow at the enemy he sees if they do not also see him.

I would advise having sander tell them where the enemies are if he sees them and sending the pugawampis in after sander shoots his arrow, in the confusion they may think it is one fleeing whoever is attacking and ignore it until the creature stabs them in the back or whatever your skeleton can do.

2016-01-08, 10:46 AM
"My my, it seems as if another disagreement is afoot, and now, in the broken temple, is really not the time, if either of you gentlemen please?" Maleyel insisted with a wry smile, having to force down the reflex to roll her eyes when the two of them had started to snip at each other. I sincerely hope this is not how this entire day is going to go, she thought. She could see Sander's perspective however, and kept any snide comments to herself; she was fond of the skirmisher, and would more than likely take his side if the cleric turned on them both. However, she was also fond of the salty tengu, and would just to his aid as well.

Mali shrugged off Sander's worried glance; she didn't feel threatened by the cleric, trusting in her elixirs and concoctions to keep her alive for far longer than any mortal should be anyway. The cleric did not seem to know much more than the rest of them, but it didn't matter, for there was something near. Mali dropped to a crouch as Sander snuck towards the chapel, quickly mixing a small vial with blurred hands. The contents are a light blue sort of liquid, thickly slugging through the vial as she turns it quickly to finish the mixture.

[roll0] + 11
Craft Alchemy to make an extract
Targeted Bomb Admixture

2016-01-16, 01:57 AM
"I hear and obey Oh Great One," Aman Sati bowed and instructed the corpse to do the same, spilling ichor into hall. When he rose with a smile the corpse groveled and scraped at Sander's feet in abject subservience.
"I am forever grateful that you would take the time to tell this humble one how to ply its trade. Why, without your sage advice I would have slaughtered and raised our so called allies left and right. Perhaps, if I may interject though, you leave me to reflect on these thoughts and I will come out a better person for it. Oh yes," he nodded with a beaming smile.

The necromancer scoffed and watched him slide up to the door as the imitation pugwampi picked itself up and stood listlessly.

A short set of wide ceremonial steps leads down to a cavernous chapel in which the congregants would gather for sermons in happier times. The vibrant orange and red starburst of Sarenrae still stands behind a film of rusted rainwater and dirt along the north wall overlooking the collapsed altar. Between the stairs and the altar stand dozens of old marble benches, many overturned and even more broken into two or more pieces. A wide walkway bisects the pews, leading directly to the raised altar. Here and there a few clumps of the original red carpet along this thoroughfare hang on against rot and neglect. Above the center of the chapel, dangling about ten feet from the floor, hangs a cluster of gnoll skulls in various stages of decay. Strung together like a ghoulish candelabra of twine and bone, the boulder-sized ornament hangs from the wooden rafters about twenty feet above the ground. Amidst the rafters around the macabre chandelier, you see no less than six pugwampis, some clutching bows. Amidst all of this, you see a sickly figure sitting on a makeshift throne. A single underfed gnoll.

2016-01-16, 02:08 AM
Shaking his head in defeat Sander places an arrow on the draw string of his bow as he peaks into the chapel, looking for any sign of movement for his bow to take aim at, after all Sander had all the time in the world, the other two would make sure nothing came up from behind them in ambush, all he needed to do was pick of the targets. And so still hugging his tan body against the crumbling hewnstone walls of the desecrated temple Sander's eyes peered into the next room hoping and praying his aim would not fail him as it had the night before. Happy he had laid down one of his traps at the entrance to the building, Sander took his last one, and with a dirty cloth to mask the sound opened it, before sliding it into the open door frame so when an enemy came out at the arrow fired in it would strike them dead.

Taking 20 on stealth and perception meaning they would need a 30 in perception to spot him, an a 24 in stealth to hide from him.

If he sees a target attack roll for surprise round [roll0] Damage [roll1]

Also attack rolls and damage for bear traps

One at entrance should anyone try to sneak up on us [roll2] Damage [roll3]

One at the doorway Sander is on the side of [roll4] Damage [roll5]

2016-01-18, 10:36 AM
We don't know (I and the necromancer) how many enemies there are and their placement, correct?)

The kitsune shaded her eyes with one hand, growing tired of the tengu's behavior; in regards to Sander at least. Shaking her head, Mali stared down the hall a few moments, following the human's form with her eyes until she could no longer make him out clearly, and waited. When he didn't call out to them or return, she reseaoned that he had found something and dropped to a crouch going over in her head the items she had prepared so far, what she had ready and what, if any, she needed time for for.
Mali took a couple steps nearer the vestibule into the larger room, still not close and, even though it might be fun, did not go charging straight ahead, choosing instead to wait behind the shadow of a column, her mutagen in hand preparing to drink.

I have already altered my character sheet with my dex, wisdom, and natural armor from the mutagen. That will be her next move as soon as there are signs that battle is joined.

2016-01-20, 04:32 PM
Watching everyone make preparations for battle he begins to pray for guidance and strength from Nethys. Burning two spells Aman Sati passes a hand over you both and a soft light fills you with confidence.

+1 to BAB and DMG provided you're not actively resisting

One of the pugwampis falls dead as Sanders' arrow catches it in the chest. The others are quickly on to us as they rally to attack. The big, sickly gnoll rises from his makeshift throne and grabs his weapon.

since we caught them off guard we get to act in a surprise round. So everyone gets a free turn before the enemy can act. Good job on Sanders' part. After that roll initiative.
One pugwampi dead, 5 left and one gnoll.

2016-01-28, 09:52 AM
The kitsune downed her potion the moment the pugwampis jumped to attack, coming out from the shadows to meet them if they charged. Red fur sprouted midway down her arms, her fingers growing wicked claws, as her whole head elongated a bit, more red fur growing over her muzzle as sharp fangs grew in over her teeth. She screamed, a guttural, bestial sound, taunting the little creatures and their larger companion. She rushed at them, claws held open and ready.

I am moving close enough to attack, and will do so on my next turn.
[roll0] -1
To get their attention and make them focus on me.

2016-01-29, 12:08 AM
As Sander pulls back the cord of his shortbow he feels the blessing of the cleric add to his own skills and breath's like all things must do as he lines up his shot. He would only have once chance at this, and making a mistake now could be very costly. However Sander's had no time to turn around and thank Aman or Mali as one of the creatures came into his crosshairs, and with an exhalation he released the cord and fired the arrow.

It was a clean kill Sander happily notes as the arrow pierces the creatures chest and makes him drop dead. However Sander didn't have time to rejoice over the single creature dead, their were still five of the creatures left, along with the gnoll. Knowing their capabilities however gave him a clear advantage as he knew that should they get close enough to him he would suffer bad luck. And so far it seemed the distance he had kept earlier had worked. Using his last shot as a guide, he feel back the short distance he believed needed to be away before firing another arrow into another Pugawampis. For he knew should they fall the battle with the gnoll would be much easier then were their cursed luck around.

Not sure if my arrow was the surprise round or this is, either way Sander will move however far away he was the first time he shot an arrow, after all he hit so he is asuming that is the minimum safe distance.

Followed by firing off a single arrow at the nearest pugawampis (if all are roughly the same distance, he will fire at whichever is closet to Mali
(normal +5 with your +1 bonus) Damage [roll1] extra 1d6 damage if he moved at least 10ft. [roll[1d6
Attack roll 2 if he is still in the aura (for example he got lucky at 10ft. away) [roll2] Damage [roll3] Skirmish [roll4]