View Full Version : [5e] You give a little love IC

2015-11-04, 07:30 AM
*Bing bang Bing Bong*

The sound of the school bell rang through the building, the volume and echo of the xylaphone noise enhanced by magic, soon followed by the warm voice of the shcools prinicpal, her tone crackling and distorted by the magic broadcasting her words throughout the school buildings.

““Could all teachers please report to the principals office, post haste. All students are to remain in class until further notice”

Of course, announcements like this aren't the most uncommon thing in a high school, but to happen on the first week of the school year was a little unusual. Worse, you could hear a hint of panic in the principal's voice.

“Ok, students. Take 10 minutes to yourself, get to know each other. I'll be back as soon as I see what mrs Haversam wants.” Dr Silverwood, the elven maths teacher, said, putting down the chalk stick in his hand and heading for the door “and that means don't just leave. And don't go stirring up trouble, you lot. he adds harshly, turning to the six desks to the right side of the room, where the 'demi-human' part of the class was sat.

leaving the room, chatter starts to blair up. Some of it's speculation, some of it's the persons plans. For a lot, you just hear plans and gossip – where they plan to meetup that night, what they hope to do what movie they plan to see, a couple of the richer kids are even bragging about their new car. All around the room the noise was rising, many of the students up from their chairs. The class representative, a raven haired elf girl by the name of Himiko was at the front, trying desperatly to return order but to no avail, and above the noise you can hear 'Bruiser', as the half-troll student calls himself, laughing. soon, things start being throw...

The six of you, by law of anime convinience, of course ended up all in the same class, in a medium sized . Now, with the teacher gone, you are amongst the rabble.

2015-11-04, 09:37 AM
Melora rolls her eyes and flips forward through her textbook to the next set of exercises. She starts working through the questions silently and methodically.

2015-11-04, 01:21 PM
Nika tries to do her classwork. She legitimately does! But the problems just seem to hard, and way too boring. She gets up from her seat and goes over to Anton's desk.

"Heyooooo!" She slams her hands down on Anton's desk as she greets him. She then climbs on top of his desk, taking a seat on it. "I'm still totally psyched we are in the same class. That's just the coolest isn't it?"

2015-11-04, 02:27 PM
Anton had long gotten used to Nika's excitement, and only smiled at her slamming her hands on his desk, knocking his pencil to the ground. "Makes class more interesting." he quickly glanced around. to see if anyone was listening, then lean in and whispered"Especially if there's danger afoot. Wonder why they called all the teachers so suddenly."

Cool Trash
2015-11-04, 02:43 PM
Grey sat to the side of Anton. He hadn't talked to him much, but he also didn't seem scared of him, or much of anything, which made him easier to talk to than most. And by volume, that blonde girl seemed to be including the entire class in the discussion...
Still, he kept his voice down as he spoke.

"It can't be that big a deal. There's either a koban or a full-fledged police station like every four blocks in this city. I don't hear a police cruiser. Then again...."

He turns up in his seat to look out the window, to see if he can spot any police vehicles in the parking lot.


2015-11-04, 03:14 PM
Grey's quick search turned up the fact that there was a small squirrel nested in the tree outside, happily munching on a nut. The red fluffy beast noticed his gaze and fled quickly in a rustle of leaves. Anything beyond the squirrel was lost to the aether

2015-11-04, 03:22 PM
Anton was a bit startled by the big new guy (Grey, that was his name) suddenly entering the conversation. But he had been very careful not to say anything to give Nika away. He craned his head, checking like Grey for any police cars or other bad things."What do you think it is?"

Time to step back and watch the Wisdom-focused character show how rolling a Nat 1 is done!

Cool Trash
2015-11-04, 03:28 PM
"Someone probably brought something they shouldn't have to class. Probably drugs or maybe a switchblade. Now all the teachers need to be notified immediately so they can watch for anyone who looks high or wants to start something."

2015-11-04, 04:48 PM
*Bing bang Bing Bong*

leaving the room, chatter starts to blair up. Some of it's speculation, some of it's the persons plans. For a lot, you just hear plans and gossip – where they plan to meetup that night, what they hope to do what movie they plan to see, a couple of the richer kids are even bragging about their new car. All around the room the noise was rising, many of the students up from their chairs. The class representative, a raven haired elf girl by the name of Himiko was at the front, trying desperatly to return order but to no avail, and above the noise you can hear 'Bruiser', as the half-troll student calls himself, laughing. soon, things start being throw...

For about a minute, Acheron tries in vain to get ahead on the assigned readings while blocking out the ruckus from the front of the room before finally giving up on the task. He mutters under his breath,"Time to reestablish order.", as he gets up, walks to the front of the room, and stands alongside Himiko. "Settle down everyone. Let's not get on the teacher's bad side on the first week. Some of us actually care about our GPA's and have... legacies to uphold." He says, hoping that the unspoken reference to his family would help to encourage the class to stay quiet.

Persuasion check:

2015-11-05, 07:50 AM
Anton peers out the window, following Grey's line of sight - unlike the advanced magical combat machine, however, the martial master's search penetrates the branches of the trees outside, spotting a familiar series of red and blue flashes just a few blocks down from the school building. From this distance, he can't make out how many of them there are, but it seems like the whole block is sealed off.

Most of the noise peters out after Archeron's comment, leaving an awkward, tense air from the perpetrators. One or two awkward coughs are heard from those trying to cover up their involvement. seems threats can stretch pretty far.
Himiko, the class rep, seems both a little thankful and a little upset at Archeron's help. Him bringing up his family connections next to the police chiefs daughter probably didn't do much to earn him brownie points
As Archeron thinks it all settled however, a ball of folded up paper bounces off the back of his head, and he hears a distinctively trollish chuckle hes gotten used to over the week

gonna give admiral a till the end of the day to check in before moving on with the tale.

2015-11-05, 12:17 PM
Nika didn't exactly enjoy Archeon's speech. The pretentiousness in his voice and the way he used his family's power didn't really make his speech more appealing. So she even chuckled a bit when he got hit by a paper ball.

"Don't be such a buzzkill. The teacher's out let everyone have some fun. It's not like anyone is going to grab a chair and start hitting other people or something."

2015-11-05, 12:21 PM
Anton whistled in surprise."Wow, I think the police have cordoned off the whole block." he glanced towards Nika. "I kinda think this is pretty bad, Nika. Just a guess."

2015-11-07, 07:20 PM
The 'few minute break' stretched on and on, eventually meeting the 30 minute mark. What had began as joyous freedom from the tutor began to feel the sting of tension as it dragged on, before...

*Bing bang Bing Bong*

the bell cut through the ambient noise, bringing its own silence with it, before the principals voice rings out again.

"Attention please. Can I have everyone's attention please. Due to unfortunate circumstances, class is canceled for the rest of the day. Please remain calm, as the police have the situation under control, but as a saftey precaution, all classes are canceled for the rest of the day. Can all students please head home in a timely manner. All students who live more than 2 blocks away, please wait to be escorted. All students make sure not to travel alone"

the announcement is met with a few nervous cheers, but as Dr Silverwood re-enters the room and begins to herd the students out, most of the energy is gone.

Leaving the school, the police presence is clearer now, you can see a squad car just outside the school gates, and familiar black and yellow tape is sealing off half the street. A couple of police officers are stood at the edge of the tape, stone-faced and watching

Though they hide it well, the police officers look nervous, worried. maybe the situatuion isn't quite under control

One of the officers uniforms is emblazoned with an alternate badge to standard police; this one being silver rather than bronze, and bearing an engraved wand in addition to the usual; the badge of the magical crimes department

sorry for the delay. this should be the last one unless, like, my roof collapses or the like

a lil railroady right now I'll admit, but just want to get a feel for how everyone works together before offering a little more freedom.

2015-11-07, 10:18 PM
As the students are herded out of class, Melora will try to attach herself to the other PCs. If they're all split up, she'll head for Nika.

Sotto voce: Did you see the magic police? I smell mysery. You wanna check it out?

2015-11-08, 02:57 PM
Anton immediately took in the whole scene; both the presence of the magic police and the worry on their faces. He whispered to Nika, who he had exited with. "Looks like even the police are having trouble. Think they could use some help?"

2015-11-08, 04:26 PM
When leaving Nika is almost startled with Melora's voice. "She speaks!" She exclaims jokingly. When Anton has a similar idea of Melora, Nika crosses her arms closes her eyes and nods slowly.

"Alright!" She exclaims after a few seconds of silence. "I can smell an adventure, let's go!" Raising one arm to the air. [COLOR="#FF1493"]"I think our best bet is to try and ask the police directly. Maybe we can get someone to slip up and tell us something."

2015-11-08, 09:44 PM
Anton frowned. He wasn't great at talking. "Why don't you do that, while I try to sneak in and see what's up? Two plans, double chance of success." At the very least, if he got caught, that might be enough of a distraction for Nika sneak in.

2015-11-08, 10:44 PM
There was a part of Acheron that wanted to know just what exactly was going on. There was a much, much larger part of him that wanted absolutely nothing to do with police considering his family, and another equally large part more than content to allow his classmates to take the fall instead of himself. He heads over to Anton and Nika "I'm heading back to my place. If you guys manage to find out anything, let me know. I'd go myself... but I think it's for the best that I stay away from cops. You know.... considering." Acheron just shrugs and leaves it at that.

After this, he turns towards his friend Melora "If you want Mel, I could drive you back to your place. Safety in numbers, and all that, when you're done with all of this. Of course, if you want to head out now, thats fine too."

At this point, Acheron will be heading to his car but will still be in the general area if something bad happens. He just doesn't want to get arrested on some BS charge. It's been attempted by more than one overzealous cop before, and it was a pain for him and his family to deal with.

2015-11-08, 10:58 PM
Melora weighs her options and says to Acheron: that sounds good to me. I don't much fancy walking home alone*.

To Nika and Anton: you guys can handle things here, right? Call us if there's any trouble.

*It is in quite a rough area after all. Travelling with a human is an entirely sensible precaution.

2015-11-09, 05:11 AM
Nika pouts. "I thought we were going to explore together and have an adventure. But fine, more adventure for Anton and I."

She turns to her friend "I'm going to try and get information out of one of police officers, possibly create a distraction. Then you do your sneaky-things. Go team! "

Nika walks casually towards the closest police officer. "Hello, excuse me! My name is Nika Arch, I'm a paladin apprentice. Can you tell me what's going around here, maybe if there's anything I can do to help?"*

2015-11-09, 02:15 PM
Anton nodded at Nika's suggestion, then peeled away. He didn't blame the others for not wanting to get involved. If it wasn't for Nika, he'd probably be leaving too. But instead, he tried to blend into the crowd as he watched the police line, trying to see if there was any place they weren't watching as carefully.

Perception Check:

2015-11-10, 03:43 PM
Melora and Archeron's walk back towards the parking lot and Archeron's car is a pleasant one. School let off at just the right time; the sun is shining overhead, the birds are singing; why, if it wasn't for the police presence in the area, it'd be a perfect day!

Of course, it might have been prudent to stay away, as the few seconds he was in police prescence was met with a cold stare, like they suspected he was the culprit based just on his name despite a concrete alibi. It was something Melora could probably emphazise with, seeing as that stare is one she's used too

Getting back into the parking lot, most of the other cars where gone. A few small gaggles of students where still hanging around, waiting outside to either be picked up or see their friend off. Atop the sports hall, the two of you can see a couple of other students watching the police with interest

Hitting the carpark, the two of you see Himiko, the class rep, stood near the car, looking a little worried.


The officer at first moves to turn Nika away with a gentle smile and a wrote response, but when she reveals her connection to the city's paladin corps, his expression changes.

“A pleasure to meet you, miss Arch” the officer wearing the mage corps badge said, a few shots of light brown hair peeking out from under his helmet. All in all he dosen't look that much older than the two of you, and can't be long in the force; his uniform still looked a little baggy and he seemed a touch unsure of himself in it “I'm Jo... I mean PC Anderson, Santa Mericana Magical Crimes department. So, As far as we can tell, some joker has got his hands on some form of magic poison or toxin; Air-borne, contageous, a few transmutive properties. Nasty stuff, but the few reported victims are in the hospital and paracleric analysis indicates they should make a full recovery. We've got the area quaranteened to ensure no-one else, um, gets glassed.” the officers says, accompanying his explenation with a series of random hand gestures that would lead any watched to assue he was maybe trying to describe the flight patterns of a duck, or maybe some form of interpritive dance “Say, would you mind lending us your assistance; it'd be nice to have a quick verification of the nature of the poison, and hopefully those divine senses can pick up a few other leads our tools have missed”

He seems quite open, and his older partner seems happy to let anderson take the lead, but you can feel he might be hiding something.


Nika's distraction worked! Both the officer nearby where focused on her and where paying anton just the barest of attention. Hurray for being forgettable!

...Wait, never mind

Summing up the area and what he knew of it, Anton had a few options. He could always just slip under the tape when the officers weren't looking, which would probably be the easiest method but all it would take would be a side glance to blow his cover. One of the nearby side streets Anton knew would lead him in, and it was in a blind spot for the officers, though from here Anton couldn't know if another officer was waiting at the end. He could also get into the cordoned off area by heading back through the school field, sneaking out through the obligatory hole in the fence, but that'd put him the other side of the area and some distance from Nika, especially as these old streets where a twisting maze on their own. Lastly, well, these buildings where a mess of hodgepodge construction, with enough hand holds, ledges, missing bricks and ladders a nimble chap could probably get on top without much effort, and head over the rooftops.

2015-11-10, 04:00 PM
Anton bit his lip for a moment, considering his options, before making his way to a nearby back-alley. Right now he was just scouting things out for Nika. If he took too long to get it, the info he picked up might not be relevant by the time Nika got there. So the alleys were his best bet. Assuming he could pick one not being monitored by police or bad guys. Or if he did pick one of those, that he could avoid getting caught.

Stealth Roll:

2015-11-10, 04:20 PM
"REALLY!?!" Nika exclaims. After a second of embarrassment she coughs and contains herself. "I mean I'd be happy to help! I hope my divine sense can come in useful"

"Buuuuut..." She adds. "The Paladin's sense only detects traces of the super natural sense, like celestial fiendish or undeady monster type things. Do you guys have any reason to believe one of these is involved? Or maybe just a monster in general?"

I don't know which is more appropriate to challenge the lie so I will roll both persuasion and insight if that's alright.

Insight [roll0]
Persuasion [roll1]

2015-11-10, 06:41 PM
Melora glares at Himoko. What's the matter, elf? Can't decide which of your cars to drive today?

2015-11-10, 06:58 PM
Acheron looks down after her remark. " Mel.... you're friends with me, and you're criticizing her for being rich?" He looks back up at the class representative. "What's wrong Himoko?"