View Full Version : [3.5] Battering Ram Spell and Attacks of Opportunity

Doughnut Master
2015-11-04, 05:53 PM
So the rules on Bull Rush detail the specifics on provoking attacks of opportunity for the participants, but the battering ram spell indicates that the "force" of the spell is the one performing the bull rush and not me. Given that, if I used the spell to knock someone out of my threatened area, would I get an attack of opportunity on them?

Related question: Were this to happen as part of a readied action "I cast when an opponent enters my threatened area" would they be able to return to attacking me if they had movement left, or would they have to end their turn wherever the bull rush pushed them?

I have some ideas of combining this with natural attacks...

2015-11-05, 02:16 AM
If someone is in your threatened area you're probably in their threatened area. Casting a spell would let your guard down and they'd get an AoO against you. If they damage you, you'd need to make a Concentration check to finish the spell. Assuming you got to that point, Battering Ram would push the opponent 5' straight back from your position, if possible. (A Bull Rush is always straight back from the attacker, and your ramlike force has no independent positioning; it's from the focus you hold in your hand. The square from which the opponent entered your threatened space doesn't have any special significance.) Assuming the spell does force them to exit a square you threaten, you would get an attack of opportunity against the opponent for that movement.

If, using Ready, you cast after an opponent enters your square then they'll get their AoO against you for casting. Then, if you succeed in finishing the casting, your spell could push them back 5'. This is involuntary movement and doesn't use any part of their move action. They'll be able to continue their interrupted turn, most likely with movement still available, and thereafter do whatever they like.

2015-11-05, 07:17 AM
If they damage you, you'd need to make a ConstitutionConcentration check to finish the spell.

Are you really Curmudgeon? - he doesn't make mistakes like that.

So ready to cast the spell defensively (so no AoO from casting).

2015-11-05, 10:58 AM
Are you really Curmudgeon? - he doesn't make mistakes like that.

So ready to cast the spell defensively (so no AoO from casting).
Concentration is a Constitution-based skill. I originally had a somewhat longer post which used both terms. When I was shortening it I got distracted and left the incorrect word, then posted in haste without re-reading. I apologize for the error.

Yes, casting a spell defensively (assuming a high enough skill modifier) is a good option if you're going to be at melee distance from your opponent.

Doughnut Master
2015-11-05, 05:35 PM
Thanks Curmudgeon!

To avoid the attack of opportunity for spells, I'm considering using a wand inside a set of gauntlets with a wand chamber.

Seems like it could be a cool way to keep away full attacks. Also, knocking people around is fun.