View Full Version : Pathfinder Designing a special npc(one that plays a particular role in the setting)

2015-11-05, 01:25 AM
Aazimal is an Erinyes with a minimum of 11 class levels on top of her outsider HD.

In her backstory, I note that she was created with a special purpose in mind; before the Fall, she was created as a scientist. Her role was to come up with new ways to destroy Qlippoth and Demons.

With that in mind, I'm wondering if it might be appropriate to swap around her ability scores before adding class levels? Like perhaps +4 Str, +12 Int, +10 Cha, +8 Dex, +10 Wis, +10 Con?

Again, her original job was to think, and she's said to be one of the most brilliant minds around. Brilliant by devil standards that is. She now turns it to other uses in the material plane.

She's meant to be a chief villain for a high level campaign which I may or may not get to run at some point.

2015-11-05, 02:23 AM
Sure. The D&D Police aren't going to come arrest you for homebrewing an NPC.