View Full Version : party of famous video game heroes

2015-11-05, 12:41 PM
I want to create an NPC group that consists of "famous" video game heroes...

So far I have Simon the Sorcerer, Guy brush the Swashbuckler and Link the Ranger

I need a good ideer for the 4th member. ..
Or even ideers for additional ones...

They must all be someone that correspond somewhat to a dnd class though :)

2015-11-05, 01:31 PM
Geralt of Rivia the multiclass ranger/duskblade? Also this should be in media or even roleplaying.

Killer Angel
2015-11-05, 01:57 PM
Desmond Miles, assassin. :smalltongue:

Morbis Meh
2015-11-05, 02:04 PM
I want to create an NPC group that consists of "famous" video game heroes...

So far I have Simon the Sorcerer, Guy brush the Swashbuckler and Link the Ranger

I need a good ideer for the 4th member. ..
Or even ideers for additional ones...

They must all be someone that correspond somewhat to a dnd class though :)

Here is a list of my favs which can be done with 3.5/PF

Dart (Legend of Dragoon) Warblade (3.5)/Warlord (PF)
Yuri Volt Hyuga (Shadow Hearts) nothing for 3.5 except maybe an unarmed sword sage gestalted with druid/master of many forms (3.5)/Synthesist summoner (PF)
Citan Suzuki (Xenogears) Unarmed Swordsage/regular swordsage (3.5)/ Harbinger (PF)

2015-11-05, 03:36 PM
four man band

Laura croft (tomb raider)- scout- token chick with guns
Duke Nukem (duke Nukem)- DPS- good, bad he’s the guy with the guns
Gordan Freeman (half life)- scientist/backup DPS with a hazard suit
Solid Snake (metal gear/solid)- rogue/scout- he gets the team into places they would normally blow up.

together they can probably destroy a small country.

2015-11-05, 04:19 PM
I suppose you could have Mario the Monk. High speed, no weapons, good jumping, it all fits surprisingly well. If the line required for famous is lowered a bit, then there are entire games (Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem, League of Legends) that have tons of characters that fit a D&D style decently and could be imported.

Astral Avenger
2015-11-05, 05:32 PM
Aribeth the paladin/ palidin/blackguard depending on level (Never winter nights)

2015-11-05, 07:23 PM
Gordon Freeman - surprisingly apt tank that can figure out most traps or puzzles given enough time, and can double as a spellcaster when considering his gravity gun and other high-tech toys (tau cannon, gluon gun, long jump module).
Hayden Tenno - sneaky, brutally efficient rogue with a ranged touch attack weapon that always comes back and is effectively 100% concealable as it spawns from his arm.
Poison - charismatic and socially domineering/engineering monk with some rogueish abilities (lots of experience with restricting movement and disguise).
Adam Jensen - I dunno. Warforged with touch attacks and explosive shrapnel that can cast feather fall at will, and has a surprisingly good charisma rating?
Scar - Can substitute for Degtyarev or Strelok. Essentially the Ranger, good with animals to an extent, knows how to survive in the most inhospitable climate of them all (radiation-poisoned lands), intelligent enough to stand up to most scholars or wizards without any combat spells, literally on good enough terms with the planet itself to usually survive serious trauma.

That's all I've got for now. I'm tired.

2015-11-05, 11:59 PM
#2: well, in dnd and other systems it is "not allowed" to use famous charters as either pc or npc AFAIK so it would not fit in the role playing category as such.

It would also not fit well in media since charters are used and discussed out of their own media context.


There are many interesting suggestions. Especially Mario the monk is a fun concept and yes it does fit... Mario does shoot monsters sometimes though :)