View Full Version : [Encounter Table Publishing] Aethera Campaign Setting

2015-11-05, 04:05 PM
Encounter Table Publishing, a startup tabletop RPG publishing company founded by RPG author Robert Brookes, is proud to announce the launch of the Aethera Campaign Setting Kickstarter (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/89095698/aethera-campaign-setting), as featured on io9 (http://io9.com/we-cant-wait-to-play-aethera-the-new-science-fantasy-s-1740619607)!

What the Team Brings to the Table
Robert Brookes is a former finalist in Paizo Inc's RPG Superstar competition, regular contributing author to the Pathfinder RPG (Occult Adventures, Occult Realms, Occult Mysteries, Bestiary 5, and more!) as well as an author of 3rd-party published Pathfinder products like Legendary Games' Mythic Mania series and Treasury of the Machine and Raging Swan Press's Hjalward and Wolfsbane Hollow Village Backdrop installments.

The Aethera Campaign Setting is being designed by a large team of industry professionals (including Todd "Shemeska the Marauder" Stewart, RPG Superstar Season 8 winner Monica Marlowe, and frequent Pathfinder RPG and 3PP contributor David N. Ross of over a dozen Pathfinder Player Companions, Legendary Classes: Covenant Magic, and PFS Scenario #5–04: The Stolen Heir) working to a standard you've come to expect from top-of-the-line publishers. Take a look at some samples of the art and layout quality you can expect to see in the Aethera Campaign Setting and read the promotional comic set above the forest-world of Kir-Sharaat!

The Worlds of Aethera
The Aethera Campaign Setting brings a fresh space opera to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game (and with a little tweaking, 3e D&D). You'll be able to experience the unique biomes of six totally new alien worlds, each with their own highly detailed histories, cultures, conflicts, and threats. Aethera is being designed with a distinct 1920s-1930s retro-futuristic art style, tempered by the presence of magic. Its diesel-punk meets magical technology, meets elements of traditional fantasy. You'll have paladins, sorcerers, and wizards working as a team to explore asteroid dungeons where they'll encounter lost technology from before the collapse of stellar civilization. Or maybe you'd like to explore the tense post-war political environment of the human mega-city arcologies on the barren world of Akasaat, where you'll stalk the shadows of mile-high cities uncovering a vast conspiracy surrounding an ancient prophetic song broadcast by one of the Aethera system's dying stars.

In the Aethera Campaign Setting, you'll soar to asteroid outposts and ancient high-tech ruins on a ship powered by crystallized magic, journey to worlds populated by intelligent plant bio-engineers, musically prophetic technocrats, human-souled robotic war veterans, and alien shamans, all suddenly threatened by interstellar raiders. Aethera is a Pathfinder RPG compatible science -fantasy setting.

In the Aethera Campaign Setting, you can battle kytons that live in the shadowy spaces-between-spaces, escape or fight against raids by the enigmatic taur (spacefaring minotaurs in planetoid-sized maze ships), survive in the lightless realm of the Darkwild deep below the canopy of the forest world of Kir-Sharaat, brave the icy tundra of the dust-shrouded world of Orbis-Aurea and unearth mysteries of the long-lost Progenitors, or race into the heart of the Amrita Asteroid Belt to run a smuggling operation with the other scoundrels and rabble-rousers living beyond the reach of the Hierarchy!

The Book
There's so much to see and experience in the Aethera Campaign Setting that we have to create a whopping 400-page hardcover in order to contain it all!

The Aethera Campaign Setting will include the following content:

Chapter 1: Races 14 pages of content for Aethera's core races; human, erahthi (plant-like creatures), phalanx (bio-mechanical constructs), okanta (giant-blooded), and the infused (victims of magical experimentation with latent telekinetic powers) as well as information on how other races fit into the Aethera Campaign Setting.

Chapter 2: Classes 100 pages of content! We introduce the cantor, a divine spellcasting bard-like class. We also discuss how the core, base, hybrid, and occult classes fit into the setting. Then we provide you with 4 pages of new archetypes for the cantor, and 65 pages of new archetypes for nearly every existing class!

Chapter 3: Cosmology 128 pages of setting lore about the six worlds of the Aethera Campaign Setting, from its twin stars Ashra and Aethera, to the human homeworld of Akasaat, the forest world of Kir-Sharaat, the lawless Amrita Asteroid Belt, the ruin-shrouded gas giant Seraos, the frozen wastes of Orbis Aurea, and a detailed look at Aethera's outer planes.

Chapter 4: Feats & Skills 32 pages of new skill unlocks that enhance the new aethership combat rules and other unique aspects of the Aethera Campaign Setting. 15 pages of feats bring new ideas and concepts to the table, like growing plant symbiotes or crafting automata prosthetics!

Chapter 5: Gear & Magic 76 pages of new mundane and magic items, a new classification of item called aethertech (technology fueled by crystallized magic), aetherships (magic-technology hybrid starships) and the rules for aethership combat in space and in-atmosphere, artifacts, and new spells including the warping subschool of transmutation!

Chapter 6: Bestiary 45 pages of the most unusual, horrific, and fascinating monsters that inhabit the Aethera Campaign Setting. From the cannibal taur, to the psychic flesh-warping Azaka, to the terrifying kytons of the Machine Choir, and much, much more!

Check out the Aethera Campaign Setting Kickstarter (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/89095698/aethera-campaign-setting) to make this book a reality!

You can also check us out at AetheraRPG.com (http://www.aetherarpg.com), and on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/aetherarpg), Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/aetherarpg), and Google+ (http://plus.google.com/109636115020835317760/posts)! Some questions might already be answered there or in Robert's interview with io9 (http://io9.com/we-cant-wait-to-play-aethera-the-new-science-fantasy-s-1740619607).

2015-11-07, 09:23 PM
Aethera Backer Level Update:
By popular demand we've increased the number of $155 "Paragon" backer levels from 30 to 50! We won't be increasing this backer level again, so get your limited-edition Aethera GM screens while you can!

At the Paragon level you get all 7 of the lower backer rewards, plus a special-edition Aethera GM screen with easy-to-access rules for space combat and other unique subsystems.

Check out the Kickstarter linked above!

2015-11-08, 12:45 AM
Aethera now has a Google+ page (http://plus.google.com/109636115020835317760/posts).

2015-11-09, 07:29 PM
I've backed this project, the quality of the product layout seem outstanding as well as the contents. At least from what we've seen so far

2015-11-09, 07:56 PM
I'm pretty stoked about having access to a decent D20 based sci-fi work. I've tried porting over a bunch of things, and I made a lot of use of D20 modern, future, etc, and none of them really quite did it for me. Having a purpose-built sci-fi setting that I can actually get my friends to play (isnt D6 or D10 or something) is a huge draw.

2015-11-10, 12:22 PM
I'm pretty stoked about having access to a decent D20 based sci-fi work. I've tried porting over a bunch of things, and I made a lot of use of D20 modern, future, etc, and none of them really quite did it for me. Having a purpose-built sci-fi setting that I can actually get my friends to play (isnt D6 or D10 or something) is a huge draw.

Same. I'm interested, I'll have to look.

2015-11-10, 02:07 PM
Prolific Pathfinder reviewer Endzeitgeist said "[Aethera] looks ambitious in all the right ways." on his blog.

-The Aethera Campaign Setting by Encounter Table Publishing:

So, as you may know, I’m pretty much a sucker for science-fantasy – I love the diversity and concepts the mixing of genres provides. What we have here may seem problematic, a setting-book as the first of a new company. However, I am willing to believe that this one is awesome: For one, Robert Brookes, the lead-author, is someone who has scored several highly-rated products by yours truly. Secondly, the artwork is gorgeous and, from the discussions I’ve seen, this one does look very concise and well-rounded. The campaign has only 20 days to go and a lot of funding still required – probably, in part, due to a lack of exposure. So please take a look and contemplate supporting this one – it looks ambitious in all the right ways.

Kol Korran
2015-11-12, 03:17 PM
Well, I was a bit skeptic about the premise of sci-fantasy, and though I haven't seen a whole lot of the project yet, what I did read, of the premise, worlds, and setting did something that is quite rare for me these days, after a lot of years of gaming- it sparked a lot of curiosity, interest and enthusiasm, at exploring something that looks mostly quite unique, and well written. Last time I had this feeling was reading about Eberron, and before that about Planescape, both of which I still quite love, and which served me excellently through these years.

So yeah, I'll support this, and I really hope to see it come to fruition. It sounds like a really new and innovative addition to roleplay gaming! :smallamused:

2015-11-20, 01:29 AM
The campaign has less than three days left and it's looking like it'll be a close one! Please check out our last few updates for new backer options, a few interviews, and the free preview guide (http://paizo.com/products/btpy9i4w/discuss?Aethera-Campaign-Setting-Preview-Guide#1) which gives a glimpse of all the new Pathfinder/3e options you can find in the final hardcover!
