View Full Version : Optimization Standard Human Champion Fighter as a kind of Jack of All Trades

2015-11-06, 11:03 AM
Hi everyone,

I'm wanting to create a guy that don't need to be the best at something, but cannot be the worst at everything. Basically, he must be a kind of jack of all trades, capable of dealing with most things encountered in a dungeon even if this means to flee or to hide.
The only restrictions are:
- Must be the Standard Human
- Must be a Champion Fighter

I'm avoiding Feats (not entirely banishing them), so I want to build at least a featless version.
On the other hand, magic items are allowed at a reasonable amount. Keeping some potions on the belt is ok, walking with a barrel of healing on the back is not.

So my doubts are what background, skills, equipment and magic items I choose?

2015-11-06, 11:57 AM
Hi everyone,

I'm wanting to create a guy that don't need to be the best at something, but cannot be the worst at everything. Basically, he must be a kind of jack of all trades, capable of dealing with most things encountered in a dungeon even if this means to flee or to hide.
The only restrictions are:
- Must be the Standard Human
- Must be a Champion Fighter

I'm avoiding Feats (not entirely banishing them), so I want to build at least a featless version.
On the other hand, magic items are allowed at a reasonable amount. Keeping some potions on the belt is ok, walking with a barrel of healing on the back is not.

So my doubts are what background, skills, equipment and magic items I choose?

If you don't allow feats, you really hurt the Champion overall, especially if you're trying to do this type of build. You'll basically be limited to 4 skill proficiencies, which limits what you can be the "jack of all trades" at.

I would start with 15, 15, 11, 11, 11, 8 for abilities, put the 15s in Dex and Con, and the 8 in Cha. I would take Urchin for prof in Thieve's tools, and grab Survival and Perception with my fighter profs. For ASIs, I would pump Dex to 18 with the first, then Wis to 16 with the next two. Then Str to 14 or 16, which leaves 2 to 3 left for distribution as you like. Here's where feats would be really handy: Skilled would be great to add the dungeoneering skills I feel like this build misses: Investigation, Nature, and Arcana. Then bump Int up to allow you to actually do well on those rolls.

For combat options grab dueling + defense fighting styles and wield a rapier with studded leather armor.

So at the end, you have Str 14, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 8 and prof in Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Survival, Perception, Investigation, Nature, and Arcana. You also have thieve's tools for disarming traps. You're pretty decent at combat with a rapier (although obviously not as good as you'd be if you focused combat), and your AC is 19 when the shield is on. You get +5 to Athletics and +7 to Acrobatics rolls, despite not having prof in them, and you have +9 to +10 for all the skills you're proficient in.

Magic items, I have no idea, sorry.

2015-11-06, 01:16 PM
So you want to deal with everything and sideline all your other party members?

2015-11-07, 12:52 AM
I think this is an academic exercise. But if not he'd be decent at things but a bard blows him out of the water, for instance. Let alone a wizard.

This is generally competent fighter guy. Not superman.

2015-11-07, 02:19 AM
Hi everyone,

I'm wanting to create a guy that don't need to be the best at something, but cannot be the worst at everything. Basically, he must be a kind of jack of all trades, capable of dealing with most things encountered in a dungeon even if this means to flee or to hide.
The only restrictions are:
- Must be the Standard Human
- Must be a Champion Fighter

I'm avoiding Feats (not entirely banishing them), so I want to build at least a featless version.
On the other hand, magic items are allowed at a reasonable amount. Keeping some potions on the belt is ok, walking with a barrel of healing on the back is not.

So my doubts are what background, skills, equipment and magic items I choose?

Background: Guild Artisan for Insight, Persuasion, Alchemy, and I would pick Draconic as the bonus language.
Fighter skills: Animal Handling and Survival

Stats: 14 str 14 dex 14 con 14 int 14 wis 11 cha
ASI: +2 str, +2 str, +2 str, +2 dex, +2 dex, +2dex, +2 con
Fighting Styles: Dueling, Archery

You start off with a S&B build then you progress into a switch hitter. Remarkable athlete plus good physical stats covers a wide array of things from jumping to playing instruments. Having animal friends and alchemy will add plenty of problem solving skills. Survival allows you to go exploring without fear. For social situations you will need to infer hidden secrets, use persuasion, and make the occasional strength(intimidate) check.

14 int should give you a general knowledge about many things and may help your alchemy progress.

2015-11-07, 04:41 AM
Criminal background for thieves tools proficiency.

All stats 13 barring cha 10. Add +1 to them all as human. I'd take 2 half feats - resilient wisdom and pick one.

If you want a jack of all trades go a lore bard though. Champions aren't really the way to go.

2015-11-07, 04:46 AM
If you want a jack of all trades go a lore bard though. Champions aren't really the way to go.

I'm actually really liking this approach to champions. It seems like a great way to have a diverse arsenal without needing magic, feats, or multiclassing.

2015-11-08, 12:12 PM
point buy 28= 5 x5 and 1x3 ... i.e. 5 stats start at 13 and one at 11. Then add +1 to all stats for human = 5 x14, 1 x12.

i.e. Str 14, dex 14, con 14, int 12, wis 14, chr 14... probably either chr or int should be 12.

I would go with heavy armor and shield and long sword (classic champion fighter).

Skills and background is where you will make your jack of all trades. I prefer Perception and Investigation as skills. Thieves tools for unlocking and disarming traps. Athletics, Survival and Anaimal Handling are also good skills.

2015-11-09, 12:45 PM
So you want to deal with everything and sideline all your other party members?
The idea is to get get a class that people say is only useful killing things and make it a versatile build, not to outshine the other classes.

I liked metaridley18's build, it was what I was tinkering but with the Malifice's suggestion of using Criminal background.

But Mara's builds was unexpected but brilliant. One could fill a dungeon with chickens to spring traps.

About magic items, as getting magic items very DM dependent, I avoided very rare and legendary items

So this is what I found interesting so far...

Uncommon Items without Attunement:
- Eversmoking Bottle can emulate spells like Fog Cloud and open strategic options.
- Goggles of Night grants darkvision, something that is more rare to not have.
- Sentinel Shield gives advantage on Perception and Initiative.
- Wand of Magic Detect and Wand of Magic Missiles can be used by everyone.
- Mithral Armor remove Dexterity penalties from armors.
- Lantern of Revealing reveal invisible things.
- immovable Rod and Bag of Holding are self explanatory.
- Rope of Climbing

Uncommon Items with Attunement:
- Hat of Disguise to Disguise Self at will.
- Headband of Intellect if you have a low INT.
- Periapt of Wound Closure for auto stabilize and double HP per short rest.
- Winged Boots for some flying speed.

Uncommon Potions:
- Resistance to use when you know a damage type will be common.
- Water Breathing because it has a better cost-benefit than items with this property.