View Full Version : Frog folk (Grippli, Mogogol, Bullywug) for 5e.

2015-11-06, 07:32 PM
Frog Folk
A typical frog folk stands 2 to 3˝ *feet tall and weighs approximately 30-70 lbs, although the very old and particularly powerful hunters might stand and weigh twice that. A grippli's head and body appear similar to those of a giant frog, but its hands and feet look humanlike. frog folk skin color varies dramatically depending on their environment, ranging from the brown-splotched green of swamp grippli to vibrant blues, yellows, and reds of rain forest-dwelling tribes. frog folk rarely wear clothing, although they often decorate themselves with jewelry and trinkets that members of most other races consider gaudy.

In the presence of strangers, grippli become noticeably skittish. They usually climb the nearest tree and hide upon spotting other humanoids or any other creature deemed dangerous. Among their own kind or those they accept as friends, grippli show their true character. Light-hearted and cheerful, they value familial bonds and the simple pleasures of food, games, rest, and shiny objects from the outside world. Other humanoids sometimes perceive relaxed frog folk as blase, even lazy, but a relaxed frog folk might snap to full alertness at a moment's notice.

A bullywug looks more like a toad than any of the other subspecies. They are much more vicious than others. Their skin color is usually brown, black, or green. They are zenophobic, and will attack intruders in their territory.

All mogogols have three fingers and one thumb on each hand. Their clawed, webbed feet enable them to be excellent swimmers. Mogogols also differ in size greatly unlike other races. About seven out of every ten mogogols grow to be Medium-sized. Players choose the size of their character at the time of creation. Mogogols are also singularly obsessive, imprinting with this fascination at a very young age, and pursuing it their entire lives. A mogogol’s subject of focus could be just about anything, but the dedication to that focus is indelibly concrete.

Throaty and guttural, frog folk languages consists of a wide range of croaks and rumbling words, all of which sound roughly the same to other humanoids.

Their ties to nature and xenophobic tendencies cause frog folk to tend toward neutral alignments. Predisposed to simple, relaxed lives with friends and family, the best frog folk seem generous and helpful, while the worst merely seem indifferent. Thus if a grippli deviates from a purely neutral alignment, it's usually in favor of good, and only after the most tragic incidents toward evil.

Occasionally, a young frog might become taken with the shiny baubles of the outside world and go adventuring in search of more. If he survives, such a frog usually retires to his village at a relatively young age, as he is motivated more by wanderlust and curiosity than by greed.

Frog folk receive no surnames, although those who travel extensively often pick up nicknames from other races.

Mogogols have three important naming practices. The first, and most confusing tradition, is that all mogogols are named Mogogol. The second is the ”epitab" which are words that people tack onto the end of a name, such as “Mogogol with the stripes” or “Mogogol who broke his leg”. The epitab carries with it no honor, and its use generally denotes a mogogol who has not yet succeeded at anything worthwhile. Noteworthy mogogols have a title, which to the race, just means that someone decided to tack on a noteworthy prefix to their name rather than a suffix. Generally mogogols make no distinction between male and female.

Male Names: Brillup, Bullgup, Chirk, Labllup, Quortle, Rublup, Willup.

Female Names: Bellum, Kaillum, Que, Quon, Ruue, Tuom, Wuon.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity increases by 2.
Swamp Walker. You do not take penalty for movement from swampy terrain.
Camouflage. You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made in swampy terrain.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma or Wisdom increases by 1.
Size. Your size is small.
Speed. Your speed is 30 ft. You also have climb speed 25 ft.
Grippli Weapon Training. You are proficient with blowguns and nets.
Jumper. Your base jump is 30 ft. long jump and 15 high, with or without a running start
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Grippli.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom or Constitution increases by 1.
Size. Your size is medium or small. (Chosen at creation)
Speed. Your speed is 25 ft. You also have swim speed 30 ft.
Amphibious. You can breath air and water
Inborn Alignment. You must be a good alignment, your alignment cannot be changed. As such, you may make a saving throw against a spell or ability whenever it compels you to make an evil act.
Obsessive. You gain proficiency in any one language, armour, weapon, skill, or tool.
Grasping Tongue. You can make grapple attacks on enemies within 10 ft of you, and keep holding them as long as you are within 10 ft of them. In addition, targets you are grappling have disadvantage of checks to escape your grapple
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Boggard.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution or Strength increases by 1.
Size. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your speed is 20 ft. You also have swim speed 40 ft.
Amphibious. You can breath air and water
Speak With Frogs and Toads. You can communicate simple messages with frogs and toads
Standing Leap. Your base jump is 20 ft. long jump and 10 high jump, with or without a running start.
Bite. Your unarmed attack deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage, and you are proficient in it
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Bullywug and one other language of your choice.