View Full Version : DM Help Need help finalizing this final chapter for the first plot of the campaign

2015-11-06, 07:55 PM
So, I'm running a space-themed campaign and I'm trying to figure out how to finish up this current adventure before I lend the reigns a little to the players. Party consists of a lvl 3 Human Awakened Mystic, a lv 2 Wood Elf Rogue/Monk, a lvl 3 Warforged Fighter, a lvl 3 human Technomancer wizard (using the Modern Magic Wizard archetype), and a lvl 2 Human Sorcerer (they're joining for the first time this coming session and their character is still being drawn up for now)

The plot so far is. Wizard, Monk, and Mystic broke out of prison and got in touch with a Dwarven Mafia family known as the Ironbeards. The Ironbeards got the party to go find out what's going on with one of their gemstone carvers, who's been doing business with someone else.

They go about trying to figure out what to do to find this out without getting in trouble, and the Monk/Mystic survey the Gemstone guy's house, while the Wizard decides to check out the docks to see if there's anyone who'd be buying those gemstones. Instead he spots a strange crate that was just left in the cargo hold by Wells International, delivered from Vermire, the Gnome's home planet, which has been long-since abandoned after it was taken over by the Warforged. He spends that day putting a tracker in the crate for later, and reconvenes with the party. The gang pull off a successful mid-night heist where they sneak into the Gemstone carver's house and find invoices and payment forms linking the guy to Wells International.

Just then, the Wizard's tracker pings and he and the gang make their way to the docks, only to find a trio of robots escorting the package to a docked Ship. they attack the robots, and awaken the package inside. Our Warforged fighter, and the four kick the robots' butts. The Ship blasts its way out the airlock and the gang makes a last minute save to have the Technomancer activate the blast doors so that they don't get sucked into space.

Afterwards, they reconvene with the Ironbeards, who are furious they brought a Warforged with them. Warforged and other robots are feared by the entire United Federation after the Gnomes lost their home to machines. However, the Ironbeards can't just hand over the warforged over as any connection to the warforged can be seen as suspicion, so they arrange a plan. The Ironbeards trace the paper work to Fermere, a Tiefling Colony, about a week's travel from their current location. They then tell the gang to get out of the city using their sewer network, however they can't make them look in anyway complient, so their guards will treat them as hostiles (insert stealth mission that was insanely fun). The gang sneaks through the sewers and makes their way out of there.

After a short encounter and some lore-building, the players are now heading to Fermere to figure out what's going on.

What I have so far is that the branch of Wells International on Fermere is actually secretly run by a Machine cleric who worships their God called the Observer, who disappeared a thousand years ago. They believe they have tracked their god to Fermere, and are using Wells Internation as a front to dig into the planet to try and find the hidden tomb.

However, it's not going to find anything and is going to be very pissed, so, after its identity has been revealed to the party, it's going to vent its rage on the party and try to kill them.

I expect the party to be lvls 4/3 by the time they fight the cleric robot, but I need to figure out what kind of clues I should leave for the party to pick up to find out what's going on. Also I need help with coming up with any mini-encounters the party should find on their way to the robot cleric

Also, if any of my players are listening in, please stop :P

2015-11-12, 11:50 PM
So, while I admit I am not an expert on the technomancy spells and abilities, nor have I played a space campaign, I have a few suggestions.

It seems like Wells International is being set up as a villainous organization- or at least a suspect one. If that is not your intent, I think you should be careful. :)

As far as hints go, it depends on the channels you want to work through and what kind of players you have. If they are very inquisitive, you might try having them find some official papers regarding the operation being undertaken. These, of course, will not match up with the exact location or equipment being used by this machine cleric. The numbers of registered employees might be too low, or the area in question marked as poor in resources.

Some interesting encounters might be:
Wheedling information out of low ranking employees,
Being 'thrown out' after being caught snooping and having to stealth back in,
Hazardous terrain en-route,
A maze-like series of tunnels which must be navigated by the party in order to find the 'off limits' area the Machine Cleric is inspecting.

A few questions that I have which may be worth considering.
1) does the Machine Cleric survive the encounter? Or is this the first hint of something larger and the cleric was expendable?
2) If this is going to be the first hint of something larger, what clues will you leave to entice the party into further investigation?

2015-11-13, 12:55 PM
So, while I admit I am not an expert on the technomancy spells and abilities, nor have I played a space campaign, I have a few suggestions.

It seems like Wells International is being set up as a villainous organization- or at least a suspect one. If that is not your intent, I think you should be careful. :)

Yeah, Wells International is being set up as villanous, but I do want the company and the Machine Cult to be two different factions. Wells has been using the cult for their own benefit, manipulating their faith to work operations they can't risk sending actual workers into.

As far as hints go, it depends on the channels you want to work through and what kind of players you have. If they are very inquisitive, you might try having them find some official papers regarding the operation being undertaken. These, of course, will not match up with the exact location or equipment being used by this machine cleric. The numbers of registered employees might be too low, or the area in question marked as poor in resources.

Some interesting encounters might be:
Wheedling information out of low ranking employees,
Being 'thrown out' after being caught snooping and having to stealth back in,
Hazardous terrain en-route,
A maze-like series of tunnels which must be navigated by the party in order to find the 'off limits' area the Machine Cleric is inspecting.

all nice ideas, thanks

A few questions that I have which may be worth considering.
1) does the Machine Cleric survive the encounter? Or is this the first hint of something larger and the cleric was expendable?
2) If this is going to be the first hint of something larger, what clues will you leave to entice the party into further investigation?

1) I'm not sure. considering he's a machine, he could have his consciousness transferred if he's killed, so even if he dies he can end up having survived later on.
2) The point of this plot is to show the players the growing unrest of machines and how the previous 1000 years of isolation that the machines were involved with will be ending soon.