View Full Version : Mods don't understand the rules

2007-05-28, 01:01 PM
There have been multiple instances of certain individuals posting rationales for their moderator actions that simply don't make sense.

If the rules are there for the purpose of specifying some of the things that aren't permitted, but not all of them, fine. If moderators are free to act as they please, fine. But citing rules that clearly have nothing to do with the actions taken, and claiming the rules justify those actions, is not only wrong and obnoxious but will tend to erode respect for the position of moderator.

If you're going to take an action as mod, and you want to provide official justification, make sure the rule you cite actually does apply.

2007-05-28, 01:03 PM
Eh ... examples?

2007-05-28, 01:08 PM
If you have a disagreement with a moderator, please feel free to discuss it with them in a friendly and civil manner. If you are not satisfied by the response, you are welcome to contact WampaX to discuss the matter further.

Threads specifically to complain about a rule or moderator will get locked.

Roland St. Jude
2007-05-28, 01:11 PM
As Rawhide said, if you have a complaint about the moderators in general, or a moderator in particular, you should PM WampaX.

According to the Rules of Posting (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/announcement.php?f=29&a=1), Article I, Section C, Subsection 3, paragraph z-z-alpha:

Rules/Moderator Complaints: Our forum rules have all been carefully considered before being implemented, and we do expect that all users abide by them, even if they do not fully agree with them. We are happy to answer questions about the rules in the Board/Site Issues forum, but any threads that are purely complaints about existing rules will be removed, as would any threads consisting of complaints about specific moderators, or the moderators in general. If you have a concern involving a moderator, we ask that you send a PM to WampaX, the board guru for these forums.

Emphasis added.