View Full Version : A question about board rules: Filter Circumvention, Excessive Use of Profanity

Fourth Tempter
2007-05-28, 08:47 PM
I have an inquiry about these rules: I may soon be starting to play in a Forgotten Realms play-by-post game. This brings me to a pair of problems:

-Firstly, the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting has a place named "Calimshan". Someone or something from Calimshan is referred to as Calims***e. Since that is not a true profanity, would circumventing the filter so as to be able to describe Something From Calimshan still be an infraction or warning-worthy offense, or not?

-Secondly, the character I am planning to play is a rough sort, who grew up in the slums and does not care overmuch for propriety. I am willing to cover up profanity by using "****" or "@#$!" or "----" or other such things, or letting the board filter do it for me. Would this be acceptable (much like references to real-world religion are considered to be acceptable in the context of a game), or would this earn me a warning for "Excessive Use of Profanity"?

2007-05-28, 10:24 PM
This question reminds me of one that I have, so I might as well ask it here: How strict are the rules regarding the depiction of profanity? I ask because I feel that "****" comes off as more anemic a word than something like "sh*t", but I was wondering if "sh*t" contains too much of the original swear word to be allowed under the rules.

Roland St. Jude
2007-05-28, 10:29 PM
I have an inquiry about these rules: I may soon be starting to play in a Forgotten Realms play-by-post game. This brings me to a pair of problems:

-Firstly, the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting has a place named "Calimshan". Someone or something from Calimshan is referred to as Calims***e. Since that is not a true profanity, would circumventing the filter so as to be able to describe Something From Calimshan still be an infraction or warning-worthy offense, or not?

-Secondly, the character I am planning to play is a rough sort, who grew up in the slums and does not care overmuch for propriety. I am willing to cover up profanity by using "****" or "@#$!" or "----" or other such things, or letting the board filter do it for me. Would this be acceptable (much like references to real-world religion are considered to be acceptable in the context of a game), or would this earn me a warning for "Excessive Use of Profanity"?

The first is certainly acceptable. Brother Gorby once sagely said,

If the word is one with multiple meanings and the one you're using is non-offensive, modifying it to show past the filter is okay - but only in that case, of course.

The second, I think is allowable as well, as long as your fellow PbPers are okay with it. If they are offended by the profanity, I think we'd default to the standard board rules. But in the main, I think your analogy to the purely fictional use of real world religion (such as in a World of Darkness game where the characters encounter various orders within the Catholic church) is apt.

(Aside: I tend to think the use of symbols (e.g., $&%!) is a little better for this purpose. It's a bit more dramatic and differentiates the text from a board filtering.)

Roland St. Jude
2007-05-28, 10:32 PM
This question reminds me of one that I have, so I might as well ask it here: How strict are the rules regarding the depiction of profanity? I ask because I feel that "****" comes off as more anemic a word than something like "sh*t", but I was wondering if "sh*t" contains too much of the original swear word to be allowed under the rules.

That word is filtered, which suggests you shouldn't say it or attempt to circumvent the filter in order to say it.

2007-05-28, 10:52 PM
That word is filtered, which suggests you shouldn't say it or attempt to circumvent the filter in order to say it.

Even in the Town or PbP?:smallconfused:

2007-05-29, 06:19 AM
What makes you believe the town or PbP areas have different rules?

Roland St. Jude
2007-05-29, 06:33 AM
Even in the Town or PbP?:smallconfused:

Indeed. It's a bit troubling that one would think they have different rules.

As a default, the rules operate everywhere on these boards. More specifically, as an open, accessable, freeform community roleplay-type deal, The Town is generally subject to all the usual rules regarding form or content. PbP games likewise are subject to all the normal rules. But given that they are typically played by a very limited subset of players, who by mutual consent enter into a shared fiction, there is a certain likelihood of purely fictionalized real work religion/politics or cursing by fictionalized characters. There is also, to be honest, less random review and enforcement by the moderators (and less reporting by other posters). But having said that, the rules still apply and should be adhered to. So, for example, while your characters may insult or abuse each other, the players should not.

2007-05-29, 06:12 PM
So, for example, while your characters may insult or abuse each other, the players should not.

That's what I meant. I thought this was the case.