View Full Version : Movies Warcraft

2015-11-07, 11:37 AM
So the trailer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Rxoz13Bthc) hit yesterday. What do people think?

2015-11-07, 11:44 AM
That very real people interacting with the still cartoonish orc design that comes straight from the games looks strange side by side.

Bulldog Psion
2015-11-07, 12:01 PM
I was just coming here to post about this.

I'm not really sure what to make of it. My thoughts, in a fairly random order, are:

1. It doesn't look as bad as I thought it was going to be. In fact, it looks rather competent in a way, from my perspective.

2. With that said, I'm still dubious about it simply because it's a Warcraft movie (and I'm saying that as a long-time WoW player, too, who still enjoys the game).

3. After seeing the trailer, I can see it going two ways. One way is that the characters are two-dimensional cardboard stock characters, in which case the movie will be bland and forgettable. The other way is that they manage to make at least 2 of them unique and quirky individuals, in which case it might actually be decent.

4. At least I don't think it's going to be embarrassingly bad, like I thought it was going to be at first. Still a high chance of "generic action movie meh" though. With a slight chance I'll actually like it better than average.

2015-11-07, 12:07 PM
It seems clear the entire point to the trailer was to show off the graphics. If I didnt already know the warcraft storyline I would have had no idea what the heck was going on beyond "orcs and humans are fighting, it looks like an orc is trying for peace somehow. Racism allegory."

Kitten Champion
2015-11-07, 03:10 PM
I like it. Mostly the fact that it is cartoonish-looking Orcs. Making the humans look unnecessarily blocky would have been fun too, but still - they didn't run away from the goofy aesthetic Blizzard developed for the sake of trying to appear more serious or realistic (thus boring, really) and instead just tried to make it look functional on screen as least as far as actors can act. They just need writing to compliment that and I'll watch it and I'm not even that much of a Warcraft fan -- this looks like, if I had to put it simply, Lord of the Rings meets Pacific Rim.

I, and likely Universal, expect this to do really well in China.

warty goblin
2015-11-07, 03:21 PM
This looks so incredibly terrible. Not the graphics, which look just fine, like damn near all computer graphics look these days, but literally everything else. The art style, the acting, and my sweet aching ears the writing. Yeargh....

2015-11-07, 03:33 PM
Well, this one here is an oldguard of Warcraft 1 and 2.
Not to mention that it was more Warcraft 3's "not-evil" Orcs than bloodthirsty and undead-raising Orcs of old.

For me, I wanted to see Fantasy set in pseudo-Renaissance with a hero firing on hords of orcs with braces of pistol while aided by musketeers and Halberdiers. And that movie be called Warhammer Fantasy: The Movie. To be fair, I kinda like Warhammer Fantasy than Warcraft, at least World of Warcraft.

2015-11-07, 05:07 PM
This looks so incredibly terrible. Not the graphics, which look just fine, like damn near all computer graphics look these days, but literally everything else. The art style, the acting, and my sweet aching ears the writing. Yeargh....

Aw, it's not that bad. Dramatic action and pleasing visuals, held together by a hackneyed, heartstring plucking plot. Definitely summer blockbuster material.

2015-11-07, 07:20 PM
I like it. Mostly the fact that it is cartoonish-looking Orcs. Making the humans look unnecessarily blocky would have been fun too, but still - they didn't run away from the goofy aesthetic Blizzard developed for the sake of trying to appear more serious or realistic (thus boring, really) and instead just tried to make it look functional on screen as least as far as actors can act. They just need writing to compliment that and I'll watch it and I'm not even that much of a Warcraft fan -- this looks like, if I had to put it simply, Lord of the Rings meets Pacific Rim.

I, and likely Universal, expect this to do really well in China.

You see if it was cartoonish humans with cartoonish orcs or realistic humans and orcs I think it would be fine. It's mixing the two that looks so glaringly off to me.

Kitten Champion
2015-11-07, 08:10 PM
You see if it was cartoonish humans with cartoonish orcs or realistic humans and orcs I think it would be fine. It's mixing the two that looks so glaringly off to me.

I see your point. Still, I think they made an effort to make up for that with the elaborate armours and such that the humans are wearing.

The trailer is cutting around images of Orcs and Humans in the same shot the best it can, which I suspect will be distracting.

2015-11-07, 08:12 PM
The story just looks really cliche and boring to me. Of course, I suppose they're doing the best they can considering the source material.

2015-11-07, 08:26 PM
I see your point. Still, I think they made an effort to make up for that with the elaborate armours and such that the humans are wearing.

The trailer is cutting around images of Orcs and Humans in the same shot the best it can, which I suspect will be distracting.

This could also be because the graphics aren't entirely finished, what with it being the better part of a year until the movie comes out.

In any case, it's being directed by Duncan Jones (who also made Moon, as well as Source Code), so I'm in by default, short of hearing horrible things about it around the release.

Jordan Cat
2015-11-07, 08:40 PM
After seeing the Trailer, I'm cautiously optimistic about it. It looks like at worst it could be a cliche fantasy action movie, which I have absolutely no problem watching. At best it could be a really cool movie.

Berserk Mecha
2015-11-07, 11:42 PM
Well, this definitely does look like what I expected from a Warcraft movie. And that's not really a bad thing. I'm sure I'll see it in theaters though it's not as if I'm particularly pumped up for it.

2015-11-08, 12:06 PM
The story just looks really cliche and boring to me. Of course, I suppose they're doing the best they can considering the source material.

That is unfortunate.Warcraft have a very rich lore that would translate well into any medium.If this, the movie's story is indeed cliche and boring then it would be a far cry from the much more meatier and complex storyline of the source material.

2015-11-08, 01:13 PM
I see your point. Still, I think they made an effort to make up for that with the elaborate armours and such that the humans are wearing.

The trailer is cutting around images of Orcs and Humans in the same shot the best it can, which I suspect will be distracting.
Well, I did see a human with a pistol/musket in one trailer.
Also Chris Metzen said that it's more like "Blizzard equivalent of Marvel Ultimate universe" than the original one.

The Glyphstone
2015-11-08, 01:34 PM
Well, I did see a human with a pistol/musket in one trailer.
Also Chris Metzen said that it's more like "Blizzard equivalent of Marvel Ultimate universe" than the original one.

That is probably referring to the story alterations, to make the orcs/Durotan more sympathetic and relatable. The original canon Orcs are just crazed, demon-worshipping invaders out for blood, not a displaced people trying to find a new home at any cost.

The story just looks really cliche and boring to me. Of course, I suppose they're doing the best they can considering the source material.

That is unfortunate.Warcraft have a very rich lore that would translate well into any medium.If this, the movie's story is indeed cliche and boring then it would be a far cry from the much more meatier and complex storyline of the source material.

And the trope of Seinfeld is Un-Funny will be kicking in here too, I suspect...Warcraft looks so cliche and boring because it is the origin of most of those cliches. Tolkein may have invented 'orcs' as a monster, but Warcraft's green-skinned noble savages provided the template for a lot more going forward.

2015-11-08, 01:51 PM
That is probably referring to the story alterations, to make the orcs/Durotan more sympathetic and relatable. The original canon Orcs are just crazed, demon-worshipping invaders out for blood, not a displaced people trying to find a new home at any cost.

If they can change the lore like that, why can't they add the other races?

I want to see gnomes, purple elves, zombies and cow people :smallfurious:!

Also is anyone bothered by he voice of the female Orc? She sounds like a normal human next to the male Orcs who sound like they went through a voice filter. I guess this is standard for WoW though.

The Glyphstone
2015-11-08, 01:58 PM
If they can change the lore like that, why can't they add the other races?

I want to see gnomes, purple elves, zombies and cow people :smallfurious:!

Sequels? This sort of AU is making tweaks for sympathetic orcs, but that's a far cry from just wiping out 20+ years of in-setting timeline. Green Jesus Thrall is apparently a baby here, so there's already groundwork laid for a story of the Second War with zombies and cow people and gnomes and purple elves to your heart's content - but this movie is the cinematic rendition of the original Warcraft video game - Orcs and Humans. Maybe we'll get some Dwarves, or some Ogres, but I wouldn't count on it.

2015-11-08, 02:13 PM
I would not be surprised if they are making some rather significant alterations and simplifications to the storyline, which is perfectly fine by me. Blizzard lore is ridiculously arcane and convoluted as is. Cutting it down to something more manageable really should be expected.

2015-11-08, 02:39 PM
Sequels? This sort of AU is making tweaks for sympathetic orcs, but that's a far cry from just wiping out 20+ years of in-setting timeline. Green Jesus Thrall is apparently a baby here, so there's already groundwork laid for a story of the Second War with zombies and cow people and gnomes and purple elves to your heart's content - but this movie is the cinematic rendition of the original Warcraft video game - Orcs and Humans. Maybe we'll get some Dwarves, or some Ogres, but I wouldn't count on it.

The second war didnt have zombies, cow people, or purple elves either. That was the third war. But yeah, at least they are setting the groundwork for sequels. They have enough material to outlast the lotr and hobbit movie franchises combined. Though I admit to wondering if the tonal shift from "War movie, war movie, war movie, one orcs struggle to survive as a gladiator while a single human woman befriends him, war movie" would be jarring to those not aware of the general storyline. I mean, you cant really skip the whole backstory of thrall growing up, because it explains why he acts the way he does in warcraft 3.

Then when they get to WoW, hoo boy thats a lot of movies worth of events to cover. I mean, you could turn vanilla wow into a trilogy just by covering molten core, onyxia/nefarions lair, and silithus. You could probably do the same for all the expansions, depending on how in depth you want to go on events. After all, invading an entire continent to besiege and kill the lich king is a bit too much epic for a single film to do justice. Hell, theoretically, you could do a film per zone if you really wanted to. Most have a general storyline to them and a "big" threat.

Honestly, its scary the kind of crazy stuff you could come up with. I bet you could make at least a couple films about hellfire penninsula itself. Just dealing with the demon swarms trying to force their way through the dark portal and shutting down the portals they use to enter draenor would make for a good film. Then of course there is hellfire citadel, taking care of the fel orcs, then finding magtheridan in the basement. Think about it, how many good action films basically revolve around a siege scenario?

The Glyphstone
2015-11-08, 02:49 PM
Honestly, they could just skip straight to the Third War - the Second is basically just the First repeated. Have Thrall's backstory be summed up in a few flashbacks, and focus the arc of the movie around him building the New Horde and preparing to battle the Legion's return.

2015-11-08, 03:02 PM
If they can change the lore like that, why can't they add the other races?

I want to see gnomes, purple elves, zombies and cow people :smallfurious:!

Also is anyone bothered by he voice of the female Orc? She sounds like a normal human next to the male Orcs who sound like they went through a voice filter. I guess this is standard for WoW though.

I might be wrong but I think we did saw a few elves and even dwarves ( who siting behind the elves) in this trailer.

As for the female Orc voice : are you talking about Draka or Garona?I thought Draka sounds fine for an Orc female and Garon was supposed be different from normal Orcs.

2015-11-08, 03:51 PM
Honestly, they could just skip straight to the Third War - the Second is basically just the First repeated. Have Thrall's backstory be summed up in a few flashbacks, and focus the arc of the movie around him building the New Horde and preparing to battle the Legion's return.

Well the second war does bring in the other races for each side like ogres and elves and whatnot, along with various well known characters like say, voljin iirc. Also I think the expansion where the humans go through the dark portal to keep pushing the orcs back or whatever reason they had, establishes some other future important stuff. So skipping past the second is doable, but might make things a bit more muddled in the long run. And honestly, while I was talking about just how many movies every one of the games and expansions could each be turned into, its just as doable to make them say, one per expansion. Take WotLK as an example. You could focus on each zone and the story behind them as different movies, or just follow a group of horde and a group of alliance leading the main armies of their faction inexorably towards icecrown glacier and the final battle. Gloss over a lot of the minutia and it could be done in one or two movies tops.

Bulldog Psion
2015-11-08, 04:00 PM
Yes, there's definitely a lot of potential sequel material here, too.

Of course, that will depend largely on the first film's success.

2015-11-08, 04:01 PM
If they can change the lore like that, why can't they add the other races?

I want to see gnomes, purple elves, zombies and cow people :smallfurious:!

I'm pretty sure this movie takes place across the sea from where the Night Elves reside. Maybe in another couple movies.

Kitten Champion
2015-11-08, 04:12 PM
I'm pretty sure this movie takes place across the sea from where the Night Elves reside. Maybe in another couple movies.

It'll be the next one, if they have a next one, because money.

2015-11-08, 05:43 PM
That is probably referring to the story alterations, to make the orcs/Durotan more sympathetic and relatable. The original canon Orcs are just crazed, demon-worshipping invaders out for blood, not a displaced people trying to find a new home at any cost.

Blizzard are quite happy to retcon any and all elements of Warcraft's "lore".

Preferably to make the Horde look good...

2015-11-08, 06:12 PM
Blizzard are quite happy to retcon any and all elements of Warcraft's "lore".

Preferably to make the Horde look good...

I never got into the first and second Warcraft game .The trite good humans vs evil orc cliche was one of the reasons the series didn't appeal to until Warcraft 3.The production's decision to take the revised history instead of the original one is difinitely something to be lauded.

2015-11-08, 06:19 PM
I never got into the first and second Warcraft game .The trite good humans vs evil orc cliche was one of the reasons the series didn't appeal to until Warcraft 3.The production's decision to take the revised history instead of the original one is difinitely something to be lauded.

For one thing, a setup where both sides can be empathized with has more story potential than "fight the ravening horde."

Whether they'll capitalize on it well, well...

2015-11-08, 08:43 PM
I'm pretty neutral towards the movie so far. I'll probably see it, but I'm neither looking forward to it nor dreading it.

Legato Endless
2015-11-09, 02:13 AM
I think Chris Metzen deserves some applause for his meticulous consideration to spell out everything to the audience in the most direct way possible.

Thrall in a basket floating down a river rivals Anakin Skywalker's virgin birth in subtlety and depth of metaphor.

2015-11-09, 08:41 AM
A few observations/comments:

- Travis Flimmel is doing the Ragnar voice, seems out of place with the rest of the characters

- Is the Sexy Green-Skinned Babetm supposed to be a troll? Because we see Orgrim's wife and she looks like a smaller orc which makes sense, not sure what her deal is.

- They seem to be trying to cram a lot of story into one movie. Orcs arrive, war, Alliance is formed, Orgrim's faction and Ragnar's faction try to end the war, opposed by commander douchebag and possibly Gul'Dan, and I assume they're going to introduce the Legion at some point because some orcs are green and some are brown. There's at least 2 or 3 movies worth of story there isn't there?

2015-11-09, 08:48 AM
A few observations/comments:

- Is the Sexy Green-Skinned Babetm supposed to be a troll? Because we see Orgrim's wife and she looks like a smaller orc which makes sense, not sure what her deal is.

Her name is Garona Halforcen.Like her namesake suggest, she's a half-orc.What the other half is still up for debate but it is most definitely not troll.

- They seem to be trying to cram a lot of story into one movie. Orcs arrive, war, Alliance is formed, Orgrim's faction and Ragnar's faction try to end the war, opposed by commander douchebag and possibly Gul'Dan, and I assume they're going to introduce the Legion at some point because some orcs are green and some are brown. There's at least 2 or 3 movies worth of story there isn't there?

They probably namedrop the Legion in this but I doubt they do much to "introduce" them beyond that.

2015-11-09, 01:44 PM
Her name is Garona Halforcen.Like her namesake suggest, she's a half-orc.What the other half is still up for debate but it is most definitely not troll.

When you say "up for debate" of course you mean "up for retconning at a moment's notice".

(Right now in game continuity, Garona is half Draenei, but that doesn't necessarily apply to the movies and isn't guaranteed to stay that way forever anyway)

2015-11-09, 02:21 PM
Was anyone else reminded of Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow? That isn't to say it looks bad. I still think they should have just made a full CGI movie. I watched the Movie Trailer, then the Legions Trailer back to back. I was more interested in the Legions one as a movie.

Legato Endless
2015-11-09, 03:27 PM
Was anyone else reminded of Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow? That isn't to say it looks bad. I still think they should have just made a full CGI movie. I watched the Movie Trailer, then the Legions Trailer back to back. I was more interested in the Legions one as a movie.

A little, although Avatar (but with Green Klingons instead of magical furry Native Americans) was my first reaction. Sky Captain had a very washed out color palette whereas this has the typically brazen Blizzard color scheme. Granted, I agree the animation integration really doesn't look very convincing, although as previously mentioned the over the top sets and costumes are probably the one thing I unambiguously like. A pure animated work would probably avoid the uncanny valley better and certainly be more stylistically unified, although I wonder if Blizzard blanched at the expense and time that would take.

The cast is pretty decent. Or wasted, depending on your viewpoint. Ben Foster playing a mad oracle Wizard is right in his wheelhouse. Clancy Brown is voice acting Blackhand. Hiroyuki Sanada can be pretty much depended to do a respectable turn no matter how bad the rest of the work he finds himself in.

Unfortunately the dialogue appears to be almost lifted verbatim from the games. Which means it's both massively cliche and for better or worse delivered as bombastically as an old fashioned melodrama. It's also a decent bet that the characters will bleed together for the average uninformed movie goer who comes to see this.

Lizard Lord
2015-11-09, 03:47 PM
Well if this is the "First War" as it is called in Warcraft lore than there would be at least one or two twists that would set it apart from other cliche fantasy stories. At least if my recollection of Warcraft lore is correct.

Medivh's betrayal might fit in as cliche, what with Saromon and all, but Garona's betrayal/being brainwashed to kill the king isn't as far as I am aware. Then there is also the fact that Stormwind loses the first War, as that is why the second game takes place in Lorderon as the orcs move north to conquer the rest of the Eastern Kingdoms. It is also why the Forest Trolls join the Horde and Dwarves and High Elves join the Alliance.

2015-11-09, 04:22 PM
When you say "up for debate" of course you mean "up for retconning at a moment's notice".

(Right now in game continuity, Garona is half Draenei, but that doesn't necessarily apply to the movies and isn't guaranteed to stay that way forever anyway)

Yep , that's my gist . :biggrin:

Eldritch Horror
2015-11-09, 06:45 PM
I personally think it looks a bit goofy... I hope I'm wrong and it will be good but that trailer isn't giving my high hopes. I feel there are some pretty interest stories you could tell in that world, so hopefully they will do it justice. That trailer leaves me leery though.

2015-11-10, 11:01 AM
I personally think it looks a bit goofy... I hope I'm wrong and it will be good but that trailer isn't giving my high hopes. I feel there are some pretty interest stories you could tell in that world, so hopefully they will do it justice. That trailer leaves me leery though.

I don't mind the goofy visuals. Warcraft has goofy visuals, and it's better they just lean into that and embrace it. The Warcraft aesthetic was designed for high spectacle, and that's what they're going for. Dudes are jumping of giant towers and landing on griffons, hordes of orcs are walking through a giant portal from a dying world. Human armies consist primarily of swordsmen in full plate armor rather than a band of ragged peasant conscripts armed with spears. Robots exist at this point. There is a half orc, despite Orcs and Humans having been on the same planet for about a month at this point.

This is a Warcraft movie, and the only way that is going to work is if they don't try to water down the melodrama that is Warcraft. Trying to tone that back is just going to give us a middling fantasy movie with some names taken from a popular videogame.

Which, I mean, it STILL might be a middling fantasy movie with some names taken from a popular videogame, but at least it will look pretty.

2015-11-10, 02:06 PM
There is a half orc, despite Orcs and Humans having been on the same planet for about a month at this point.

To be fair, she's half-orc, the other half wasn't human ( by current lore ,that is).:smallbiggrin:

2015-11-10, 02:09 PM
To be fair, she's half-orc, the other half wasn't human ( by current lore ,that is).:smallbiggrin:

Yeah, but do you think they're going to have time to explain that retcon?

"So she's half human"

"no, she's half Dranei, they're blue tentacle-haired goat people who came to orcworld"
"But she dosn't have hooves or tentacle hair or blueish skin. She looks like something between a Human and an Orc"
"Well yeah, but she can't be half-human. THAT MAKES NO SENSE! LOOK AT THE SEXY ORC CHICK!"

The Glyphstone
2015-11-10, 02:45 PM
Yeah, but do you think they're going to have time to explain that retcon?

"So she's half human"

"no, she's half Dranei, they're blue tentacle-haired goat people who came to orcworld"
"But she dosn't have hooves or tentacle hair or blueish skin. She looks like something between a Human and an Orc"
"Well yeah, but she can't be half-human. THAT MAKES NO SENSE! LOOK AT THE SEXY ORC CHICK!"

Keep in mind the canon 'adult' Gorona is also only a few years old chronologically when she comes to Azeroth, having been magically force-aged like many other Orcs. While the implications of that are squicky enough that they likely won't be highlighted or dwelled upon, if that part of Gul'dan's plans is kept it'll neatly sidestep any issue of a half-human half-orc with this little interaction.

L Space
2015-11-10, 02:55 PM
The trailer was interesting, but didn't really resonate to strongly with me. Anyone else get the feeling that trailer also alluded to a Human/Orc love subplot? Because I really, really hope not...

Killer Angel
2015-11-10, 03:42 PM
Anyone else get the feeling that trailer also alluded to a Human/Orc love subplot? Because I really, really hope not...

I've got that impression, too.
I hope not, otherwise I'll grab an axe and I'll join the bad orcs.

Giggling Ghast
2015-11-10, 03:47 PM
Speaking as someone who has never played World of Warcraft, I thought the trailer looked OK.

Anyone else get the feeling that trailer also alluded to a Human/Orc love subplot? Because I really, really hope not...

Hey, ****o! We like to call it "inter-species erotica."

Legato Endless
2015-11-10, 04:07 PM
The trailer was interesting, but didn't really resonate to strongly with me. Anyone else get the feeling that trailer also alluded to a Human/Orc love subplot? Because I really, really hope not...

Well, that's a preexisting element of the story. So yeah, it's happening.

2015-11-10, 04:14 PM
*Grabs Axe* I welcome our new Orc Overlords!

2015-11-10, 05:34 PM
The trailer was interesting, but didn't really resonate to strongly with me. Anyone else get the feeling that trailer also alluded to a Human/Orc love subplot? Because I really, really hope not...

Market research says monstergirls are in right now.

Lizard Lord
2015-11-11, 06:55 AM
Am I being groody or weird or something for not understanding why there is a hate for an orc/human love subplot? Near as I can tell hardly anyone complained when Kirk slept with green women or when Star-Lord flirted with Gamora, or when we saw a flash back to Therkla's parents (for an example that acutally relates to orcs and not just green women in general). And orcs, especially Garona, look human enough so what's the big deal?

Killer Angel
2015-11-11, 07:13 AM
Am I being groody or weird or something for not understanding why there is a hate for an orc/human love subplot?

And orcs, especially Garona, look human enough so what's the big deal?

Strictly imo.
Unnecessary and forced sub plot, not functional (or marginally functional) to the film.
Plus, orcs look like ugly human... except for Garona (didn't knew her name ). Again, it seems forced.

In the end : "love story, just because ".

2015-11-11, 07:38 AM
Yeah... so this movie looks like Hobbit Avatar, basically.
Because honestly, is it really going to be much worse than Hobbit 2? Probably not. PJ has already paved the way for theme park fantasy movies. No longer just for nerds, but palatable for the general audience!

Bulldog Psion
2015-11-11, 07:41 AM
In the end : "love story, just because ".

Well, in fairness, a love story does seem to be something that a majority of people find satisfying in any work of fiction they consume, so IMO they really can't be blamed for including it.

And in two hours, there's only so much you can do to develop said love story, particularly when there's a lot more going on, so it's necessarily going to be a bit sketchy and contrived.

Lizard Lord
2015-11-11, 08:05 AM
In the end : "love story, just because ".

If I understand my Warcraft lore correctly (and I might not) the love story here isn't really a "just because" thing.

Either way your complaints seem to be based more on how the love story is handled rather than the mere existence of it, which would be great if it wasn't for the fact the movie isn't out yet.

2015-11-11, 10:39 AM
It seems clear the entire point to the trailer was to show off the graphics. If I didnt already know the warcraft storyline I would have had no idea what the heck was going on beyond "orcs and humans are fighting, it looks like an orc is trying for peace somehow. Racism allegory."

This. And the clichés... so many clichés...

L Space
2015-11-11, 01:31 PM
Well, that's a preexisting element of the story. So yeah, it's happening.
Huh, I don't remember that, but it's been a long time since I played the games or read any of the books.

Am I being groody or weird or something for not understanding why there is a hate for an orc/human love subplot? Near as I can tell hardly anyone complained when Kirk slept with green women or when Star-Lord flirted with Gamora, or when we saw a flash back to Therkla's parents (for an example that acutally relates to orcs and not just green women in general). And orcs, especially Garona, look human enough so what's the big deal?
I didn't remember it actually being part of the lore. Maybe I'm just jaded because of the Kili/Tauriel love subplot from the Hobbit movies.

Hey, ****o! We like to call it "inter-species erotica."
Note to Self: Do not google "inter-species erotica."

Killer Angel
2015-11-11, 02:22 PM
If I understand my Warcraft lore correctly (and I might not) the love story here isn't really a "just because" thing.

That could change the thing.
My knowledge is limited to Warcraft I and II, so it could be.

2015-11-11, 02:59 PM
I'm surprised at how bland the trailer is, given the source material.

I mean, no reference to the towering Dark Portal, or the demonic influence on the orcs, and the simple glossing-over of the fact that they come from a crazy otherworldly dimension? Where's the sense of wonder?

I've got higher hopes for the movie than this (given the director's pedigree) but jeez thats a terrible, watered-down trailer. Are they afraid to show the general public anything interesting beyond "generic fantasy film with a racial conflict"? Bring on the warlocks! Show me a glimpse of Draenor! What's Medivh up to?!

Edit: upon closer inspection, some of these elements do appear in the trailer (inactive dark portal in background of one shot, couple of scenes of Draenor), but they're just so blink-and-you'll-miss-it. The film looks like it'll be fun to watch, but I hope it's a lot more interesting than the trailer.

2015-11-11, 09:59 PM
So, I've been thinking a bit about this movie and I have decided that my enjoyment will depend entirely upon if one scene is in the movie.

After the hullabaloo about trying to get the two sides to not see each other as enemies we get the armies facing off against each other. The lines are drawn, and both commanders are glaring across from each other, waiting for a token of peace or a sign of war. Our heroes are quickly scrambling to get everyone up to date with a new treaty that will allow both sides to live in peace. But as they're rushing towards their respective sides we pan in on one human soldier who mutters something to his friends and brothers in arms, unintelligible to the audience. Then without warning he breaks rank and charges toward the orcish horde and screaming "Leeeeroooy mmmmJeeeennkennnns!!"

Kitten Champion
2015-11-11, 10:25 PM
So, I've been thinking a bit about this movie and I have decided that my enjoyment will depend entirely upon if one scene is in the movie.

After the hullabaloo about trying to get the two sides to not see each other as enemies we get the armies facing off against each other. The lines are drawn, and both commanders are glaring across from each other, waiting for a token of peace or a sign of war. Our heroes are quickly scrambling to get everyone up to date with a new treaty that will allow both sides to live in peace. But as they're rushing towards their respective sides we pan in on one human soldier who mutters something to his friends and brothers in arms, unintelligible to the audience. Then without warning he breaks rank and charges toward the orcish horde and screaming "Leeeeroooy mmmmJeeeennkennnns!!"

Heroes Reborn has ruined that gag for me. Though at least it would be somewhat more fitting here.

2015-11-11, 10:56 PM
Heroes Reborn has ruined that gag for me. Though at least it would be somewhat more fitting here.

Then thank goodness I only watched the first episode of that.

2015-11-11, 10:57 PM
I don't think it looked like it will be a good movie, but it looked like something I will see and enjoy greatly. Was never really a fan of the games (the MMO or the RTS), so not something that I hold dear and worry about them doing justice.

And, you know, regarding the CG blending with people, as much as I love old Harryhausen stop motion films, they never really blended well either (less so than modern CG, in fact). It's all about the story...and some of those were pretty hokey too :smallwink: All that said, I love them all without irony. The more fantasy movies the better!

Lizard Lord
2015-11-12, 07:21 AM
Then thank goodness I only watched the first episode of that.

It was in the first episode. :smallannoyed:

2015-11-13, 06:10 AM
I watched the trailer several times, and I'm really not sure what to make of it. I have started playing with Warcraft III, so I know the backstory only from various books or flashbacks in WoW and stuff like that, so I can't judge the amount of retcons or smotting over they did, and I don't really care that much. One thing I would like is for the Orc Horde to be an actual demonic evil (or at least contain a strong element of this, as far as I know Blackhand and folks weren't neccessarily into all that demonic stuff), though, save for the Frostwolf clan.

The graphics did look kind of hockey, but I'm waiting for the final movie, which will hopefully have cuts longer than 2 seconds.

All in all, I think, and hope, this movie will be at least on the good side of mediocre. I trust Blizzard much more than I would any other video game company, and it looks like they at least invested time and money into this, instead of just throwing something together to make money of a franchise which is currently popular. I'm also hoping for sequels, there is a lot of story to be told.

2015-11-13, 06:37 AM
I'm surprised at how bland the trailer is, given the source material.

I mean, no reference to the towering Dark Portal, or the demonic influence on the orcs, and the simple glossing-over of the fact that they come from a crazy otherworldly dimension? Where's the sense of wonder?

I've got higher hopes for the movie than this (given the director's pedigree) but jeez thats a terrible, watered-down trailer. Are they afraid to show the general public anything interesting beyond "generic fantasy film with a racial conflict"? Bring on the warlocks! Show me a glimpse of Draenor! What's Medivh up to?!

Edit: upon closer inspection, some of these elements do appear in the trailer (inactive dark portal in background of one shot, couple of scenes of Draenor), but they're just so blink-and-you'll-miss-it. The film looks like it'll be fun to watch, but I hope it's a lot more interesting than the trailer.

Keep in mind, the original warcraft game didnt exactly have a deep and convoluted storyline. It had a nice backstory and history for the main pro and antagonists, but the game "story" was basically, "Attack this location, it has oil and whatnot we could use" The second war had more of a story to it, betrayal, revenge, making new friends and allies, etc etc etc. And of course the third warcraft had TONS of story, though I will let you all argue over if it was good or not. Split between multiple factions.