View Full Version : WFRP 2ED: Haunting Horror IC Thread

2015-11-07, 02:10 PM
Link to OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?456787-WFRP-2ED-Haunting-Horror&p=20047309#post20047309)
It is the evening of Geheimnisnacht- the cult of Morr's holy night of mystery. Throughout the Old world people go about their business this night. The priest of Morr in every city preach about the vast extents of Morr's grace upon the people of the Old World. For without the Lord of Dreams and Death there would be no escape from the nightmare that is life. As for the common folk some are contemplating the mysteries of life and death and others are just enjoying a drink at a local tavern.

2015-11-07, 03:29 PM
Lars had said to give it another 3 days to be certain the humours were balanced, and Ingrun hadn't gotten this far in her life by ignoring the advice of a good Barber-Surgeon. The last fight with Deitrich had been rough, she hadn't been expecting that kick to the knee, or that his boots were apparently iron shod beneath the hardened leather. For one month she had been laid up while her knee healed, and while she felt fine now Lars and Johann were too fussy to let her actually get back to living.

3 days. She was bored out of her mind. She didn't even know it was possible to be bored like this. Laying in bed, getting very little exercise and always having someone fussing every time she tried to get up and take a piss or get something to eat. It was enough to drive a woman mad, and as much as she loved Johann she was starting to resent his bothering about her knee... and the fact that he was out drinking and storytelling in the taverns while she was laid up at home.

She might have been fuming. Might have gotten up, got her flail, and smacked him for it. Might have, except for the warm, purring ball of fuzz laying on her chest. Shauna very comfortable and happy, getting scratched under the chin, along the cheeks, and petted slowly across the neck and back. It did make her feel better, a bit calmer, and it was hard to stay mad looking into that happy little furry face.

"Three days... it can't end soon enough..." she muttered as she continued to pet the cat, and feeling fairly certain that the Barber was being just overly cautious.

2015-11-07, 04:01 PM
Geheimnisnacht, usually the night Bruno's visions came worse, Bruno holed himself up in a room, paid the owners a little extra to not ask questions - this night of all his visions rarely kept silent, last year he ranted and raved at the good farmers who had put him up, had to get out of there quick in the morning 'fore the came to string him up.

Bruno tries to close his eyes, perhaps if he could just fall asleep the visions wouldn't come...

2015-11-07, 09:52 PM
The Bucket was the nearest bar to the southern district watch house on the Mordheim road, and it's patrons were generally off-duty watchmen. They could go there for peace and quiet because they could usually avoid the possibility of seeing people doing anything that they might have to arrest them for. Anyone who might wonder in without knowing this was usually put off by the somewhat gloomy atmosphere. If anyone made actual trouble, it would be quickly dealt with by a bar full of watchmen who were irate that their drinking had been interrupted, not to mention by Guttri the Dwarven barman, who was known to keep an ornate looking rifle under the bar for emergencies.

Everyone in the Bucket knew not to ask each other about how their day was going, which was something that Katheryn often appreciated. Yesterday they had helped pull a murdered body from the river down in the slums, and tonight they had been trying to get it identified. No one claimed to know or have seen anything. Katheryn didn't entirely believe that, but the lack of leads made it unlikely that they would be able to identify the body, let alone find who had killed the man.

It had been long, thankless work on a particularly foggy Geheimnisnacht and so, as their shift finished for the night, she and Arnulf were drinking. Katheryn knew this was a bad idea, as she'd barely eaten. She could already feel the alcohol and the lack of sleep taking effect. Arnulf was talking about a mutual acquaintance in the day shift, and she was already losing track of the conversation.

2015-11-08, 02:52 PM
Sorry to bother you Ingrun!a waif of seven years yells up from the street. Waiting until your head pokes through the bedroom window she continues. I saw that lady you asked me to keep an eye out for. The one with the ugly nose. She's got a room at the Wagon Wheel
You spring from your bed. Damn Lars and his 3 damn days. It has taken years. But finally tonight you will have your vengeance. Tonight Rosalinde's debt will be paid in full. You strap on your armor and grab your flail and shield. Adding your sword and dagger just in case. Over everything you drape your cloak. Shauna climbs up your body pressing against your chest underneath the cloak. You walk confidently and purposefully down the street towards the inn where Rosalinde is supposedly staying. Shauna purrs softly inside your cloak. She can sense your heightened emotional state and is relieved to be out of the soft rain falling around you. You arrive at the Wagon Wheel and a quick glance through a window of the common room reveals your prey at a table with four well armed men. You duck into an alley way and take shelter under an overhanging roof as you plot your revenge. A coach pulls up in the street and you can't help but let a scream of frustration as Rosalinde and two of her companions get in before the coach pulls away quickly. You begin to sprint after the coach you know your only chance is to catch it before the horse get up to their full speed. Splashing through puddles in the roadway you are gaining on the coach. About 15 feet in front of you a large puddle rises from the ground in a water spout as tendrils of darkness swirl around it. Not letting the strange phenomenon slow your pursuit at all you leap over the ill mannered puddle. You feel something grab your left ankle and you fall and fall and fall...It goes completely dark.
You hear heavy breathing all around you.
Roll an Insanity Check- Hard Willpower Test on failure suffer 1 IP plus 1 IP for every 2 Degrees of Failure. Max 3 points

Your travelling group is busy making camp for the evening out underneath the star filled sky. After starting a fire you walk away from the group a few hundred paces for your knightly ritual of prayer to the Lady of the Lake. Thrusting your lance into the ground beside you, you kneel and ask for a sign leading you to your brother's murderer. You spend several minutes in silence waiting for any sign before rising and looking to the sky. In the evening sky you see a flock of five Ravens being pursued by a large eagle. Behind the Eagle the night sky itself seems to open as the stars are slowly blackened out by swirling tendrils of darkness. These tendrils coaleese into a solitary funnel cloud which further focuses as it descends into a whirling cloud of darkness about a foot wide. Your face contorts in horror as you release the maelstorm is headed directly towards you. You grab your lance from the ground and scramble back towards the firepit as it nears you.
You break into a sprint in an attempt to escape the nightmarish cloud behind you. You manage to break into the clearing of the camp and see the horror on the faces of your companions against the backdrop of the star-filled night. Darkness consumes you and there are no stars.
You hear frantic breathing all around you.
Roll an Insanity Check- Hard Willpower Test on failure suffer 1 IP plus 1 IP for every 2 Degrees of Failure. Max 3 points

So Kat did you hear that Slate is on three day probation for being drunk on duty. I hear his wife was tired of not seeing the man and switched his water-skin with a wine-skin. Then had the nerve to reported him to Sarge herself.
Arnulf laughs and you smile slightly and poke Arnulf in his side between the ribs. No matter how many times you've asked him not call you Kat he still slips from time to time. You only let your husband Nicholas call you Kat. Your thoughts go to Nicholas and how your marriage is so different than the way you thought it would be just two years ago. You shake your head slightly to clear your thoughts you didn't come out tonight to cry into a beer but to drink enough to get good and drunk. You and Arnulf had a rough week with several robberies occurring in Bechafen during your watch. They didn't get away with it but chasing down and capturing so many criminals makes for a hard week. And then the unsolved murder yesterday with no leads today. Arnulf orders another round as your head starts to spin slightly and you grab the bar to steady yourself. The barkeep places Arnulf and your drink on the counter and his jaw drops as he stares at something behind you in disbelief. You turn around to see a growing hole of swirling darkness in the floor of the tavern. It spread to about 2 feet in diameter before tendrils of darkness reach up out of the hole.
A tendril pulls your stool out from underneath you. Well a second grabs on to your right lower leg. You scream as you fall to the ground banging your head on Arnulf's stool. He jumps up on his stool and stares helplessly for a second. You feel yourself dragged across the bar room floor towards the gaping hole. After a few seconds of delay Arnulf jumps off the stool and reaches to grab a hold of your hand. He misses your hand by the narrowest margin as the speed with which you are pulled increases. You manage to let out a scream of "Tell Nicholas ....." before you the hole closes above your head. It is completely dark. You lift your hand up to your face and can see nothing.
You hear heavy breathing all around you.
Roll an Insanity Check- Hard Willpower Test on failure suffer 1 IP plus 1 IP for every 2 Degrees of Failure. Max 3 points

Laying on your bed in your rented room behind locked doors and barred windows you hope to pass Geheimnisnacht without incidence. Your anxiety keeps you from falling asleep but you hope that if you can just keep your eyes closed the visions won't come tonight. Your eyes are closed so tight that colors and shapes appear on the back of your eyelids. Your efforts are in vain as these blobs morph into coherent shapes you see a misshapen humanoid with a goat’s head and the legs of an ox, and wielding a huge two-handed sword. He rushes at a knight in armor but turns and grins at you before delivering the death blow. You open your eyes to escape the vision and the ceiling of your room snaps into view replacing the nightmarish vision. You stare up at the ceiling for a few seconds before realizing that there is growing black dot on screening. It quickly becomes the size of a coin. You blink your eyes believing it to be another waking vision. When the open again the spot has widened to be about 2 feet in diameter and you notice that it is swirling with tendrils of smoke and dark purple. Slowly as if leaking molasses a thick strands seeps down off the ceiling towards you. You jump out of bed running quickly to grab your trusted stick. You turn around to see the hanging mass of dark energy pan the room as if searching for something. It stops when it points directly at at. You brandish your stick as the stream shoots out and strikes you in the forehead.
Your vision goes completely dark. You never lose awareness and can hear other things breathing nearby.
Roll an Insanity Check- Hard Willpower Test on failure suffer 1 IP plus 1 IP for every 2 Degrees of Failure.

You look around you and notice that the humans in this Temple of Morr are staring at you. You a devout worshiper of Grungni don't belong here. But you are desperate to try anything to get a clue as to your father's whereabouts. You heard that Morr was considered the human god of signs and portents. You figured that making a request tonight on his holy day of Geheimnisnacht might yield some success as Grungni has been as silent as stone on the matter. You place on the altar a small raven sculpture of brass you constructed. It took you some days to fashion it but if you get a response from Morr it would be well worth it. You make your request quickly following the form of the human before you. Nothing seems to happen. Wasted effort as Morr pays you just as much attention as Grungni has lately. Dejected you leave the temple and walk the streets of Middenheim. As you turn the corner your eyes are drawn to the stone wall of your friend's smithy. There appears to be a swirling black hole in the wall about 1 yard wide. Intrigued and concerned you move closer to investigate. You fall over backwards as a stream of swirling black and purple reaches forward from the wall. As you regain your feet the swirling energy form streaks towards you and grabs you by the waist. You struggle against the unknown force as it pulls you towards the wall. You brace yourself for an impact that never comes. Your eyes normally capable of seeing in low light are not able to make out any features in the complete darkness you find yourself in. You hear the labored breathing of something(s) nearby.
Roll an Insanity Check- Challenging Willpower Test on failure suffer 1 IP plus 1 IP for every 2 Degrees of Failure.

You are all surrounded by complete darkness with no idea where you are and what just happened to you.

2015-11-08, 03:10 PM
Ingrun stumbled as the darkness closed in, nearly twisting her ankle in her panic as she went to the ground. Kneeling down, covering up in her cloak, she looked nothing like the fearsome pit fighter, but what she was long before, a simple peasant confronted with something far, far beyond her capabilities. Witchcraft! Evil! Chaos! A man with a blade she could handle easily, but this? This was something else.

Her heart was hammering, her breath catching as the panic overwhelmed her. Everything was black! Where was the world? Is this the hells of the witches? The Fell Places they come from in their invasions? Was there some horde out there just outside of sight? Or... maybe vampires?

She was trembling hard, her armor clanking loudly as the tremors were more akin to a seizure than simple chill. Eyes wide, seeing nothing, glancing every which way, hoping for something, some sign. Even just an enemy about to kill her. Something she could face and fight. Anything better than this unending madness and evil!

2015-11-08, 03:41 PM
Nargond yelled madly, this must be Morr's cruel answer to his prayers... Morr must've intended to show him his father by uniting them in death. Perhaps this was what happened to his father he thought.

"You'll never take me alive!" he shouts out to the darkness, loosing his Great Pick and instinctively backing up seeking the reassurance of good solid stone at his back.

2015-11-08, 04:01 PM
"Who's there - if ye be demon, I'll not come willing." shouts Bruno to the enveloping dark.

2015-11-08, 04:31 PM
"who are you?" comes the suspicious reply "If you be the one who took my father, I'll swear by Grugni I'll send you back to whatever abyss you come from"

2015-11-08, 05:15 PM
Witchcraft voices! A trick to draw her out. Ingrun had opened her mouth, almost responded before she realized that it was likely the result of some fell sorcerer or daemon. Her voice dying in her throat, her right hand went to close around the image of Ulric she wore, trying to take comfort in the God, and hope that he could banish this darkness and at least give her a fighting chance against whatever wizard or daemon called her forth.

2015-11-08, 10:49 PM
With her hand tight on the hilt of her belt knife, Katheryn will try to control her breathing and calm herself down. She couldn't see a thing, but whatever the hell this was, she didn't feel dead, although she felt like some giant creature had just swallowed her up. For a moment that made her imagine being digested, which she tried to stop thinking about.

She will try to address the voices with a note of calm that she wasn't really feeling. 'I am no Demon. Where is this place?'

2015-11-09, 03:42 AM
Bruno adopts a more soothing tone,
"Alright, everybody remain calm, does anyone have a light source they can find?"

2015-11-09, 07:59 AM
Sir Jean-Luc Flaubert - Human Knight Errant (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20053518&postcount=29)

Jean-Luc stumbles on a branch as he runs, falling on his face. He feels the darkness envelop him, cold and unforgiving. His eyes are wild and wide-open, seeing nothing as he desperately attempts to find something, anything he can cling to.

In desperation, he half-draws his sword out of the scabbard and hugs it close to his chest. His hands close around the blade, drawing a little blood. His mouth moves wordlessly in a repeated prayer, his breathing fast and irregular. Help me Lady, give me strength give me purpose keep me pure Help me Lady, give me strength give me purpose keep me pure Help me Lady, give me strength give me purpose keep me pure, he drones on oblivious to the others around him.

2015-11-09, 09:26 AM
Katheryn will fumble for her tinderbox and try to get her lamp lit.

2015-11-09, 10:43 AM
Katheryn manages to successfully shed some light on her whereabouts.
Map of Level 1 (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1hBWvUVM8-tvsgLA_N57zu4dUHIJEJ_LM25-1Ps-Raaw/edit?usp=sharing)
You all blink your eyes as they once again adjust to the presence of light.
You are in a room with four other people of differing states of panic. You notice that the room you are in is a small room about 32 square yards large. There is a wooden door in a corner. There is no visible sign how you came to be in this room surrounded by strangers. The room is full of spare lumber, rolled up carpets caked with dust, some sealed crates, and other miscellaneous junk. It is clear this is storage room of some sort and it has not been disturbed in quite sometime.

2015-11-09, 10:55 AM
Sir Jean-Luc Flaubert - Human Knight Errant (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20053518&postcount=29)

As the light fills the chamber and shows that he is not alone, the Knight stands up quickly and finishes drawing his sword. With his back to the wall he assumes a guarded stance and looks at the other in turn, his eyes still wide with shock.

"Who... who are you?" His voice is hoarse and uncertain, his movements display the fear he feels. "Where are Heinz and Pierre? What trickery is this?"

2015-11-09, 02:52 PM
With the light, Ingrun knew that Ulric answered her prayers. She could see the witches, and standing up she fumbled for a moment, drawing her blade in response to the movements of the armored man. Was he one of those infamous Chaos Reavers from the northlands? She backed up slowly, keeping her shield up and her blade at the ready in a low guard, a very defensive stance.

"By the name of Ulric I never thought Rosalinde would congress with Witches!" she accused, looking around them. Maybe some of them were strangers from the streets who got caught as well. But she didn't remember Dwarves there. Or a knight. But there was at least clear enemies. Outnumbered, but that was still more comforting than the chill touch of fell magics.

2015-11-09, 04:21 PM
Bruno Boehm - Human Seer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20047299&postcount=2)

Bruno peers at the others, "Calm th'sen's down, seems t'me we were all pulled here against our wills, let's see if we can find out why." Bruno moves over and listens at the door.

2015-11-09, 05:02 PM
Bruno detects a faint sound of metal grinding on metal in a regular pattern. Much louder than that screeching is the creaking from the house as if it was shuddering under the power of a very strong wind.

2015-11-09, 09:46 PM
Three teenagers and a Dwarf. That felt almost normal. If any of them were demons they were the oddest looking ones she had ever heard of.

Katheryn will answer the knight, and try to keep her voice steady. ‘I’m Katheryn, I’m a Watchman. I was off-duty in a bar and some shadow thing pulled me into the ground. I take it the same thing happened to you all?’

And when Ingrun drew a weapon, Katheryn will put out a hand and try and be conciliatory. ‘Hey, there’s no need for that. I don’t think any of us are enemies in here at least.’ Katheryn will try to make it obvious that she isn’t about to draw a weapon in turn, but will try to impose herself between Ingrun and anyone Ingrun might try to attack.

2015-11-10, 01:34 AM
A watchman? It certainly looked like one. Uniform and all. She wasn't exactly on the right side of the law, she doubted the Watch would love her quest for righteous justice against an arch criminal by leaving a trail of bodies behind her. Still, this one didn't seem to know, or care. She apparently didn't come from the fight she almost started back in Wolfenburg either.

Relaxing a little, Ingrun sheathed her blade and took a deep breath, only now feeling Shauna curled up around her still, stretching and jumping down.

Ingrun let out a nervous little laugh, glad that her cat made it through the witchcraft, and for even that little familiar sense of company from her. "Ingrun," she replied to the watchman, just a delayed reflex to getting a name herself. "The Witchcraft took me too. Cowardly and fell. I know who did it, but she doesn't seem to be here," oh she was TOTALLY willing to blame Rosalinde for this. Such an evil woman being a witch? Totally legit.

2015-11-10, 05:28 AM
Sir Jean-Luc Flaubert - Human Knight Errant (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20053518&postcount=29)

Finding no obvious signs of upcoming violence - the woman mentioning the witches seems to simply be on guard, Jean-Luc begins to calm down. His breathing evens out a little.

Still wary he lowers his sword but does not sheathe it. "I am Jean-Luc Flaubert, hailing from Artois, a knight in the service of the Lady of the Lake," he says in accented Reikspiel. "Some fell form of witchery brought me here as well, through shadow and cold darkness."

2015-11-10, 09:43 AM
When Shauna jumps to the ground from beneath Ingrun cloak, there is a tug from around Katheryn neck. A small dog skull seems to rise from underneath her armor and turn towards the cat and let out a few high pitch yips before falling still again hanging against her leather jack. As the skull slumps back down a small purple and grey cloud of smoke wisps away from the skull. This rises to the ceiling swirls around a bit and disappears. The house shudders as if hit by a great gust of wind.

2015-11-10, 10:50 AM
Satisfied that they weren't going to fight, Katheryn will relax slightly.

To Jean-Luc, 'You're Bretonnian? You're a long way from home. What were you doing in Ostermark?'

And to Ingrun. 'Well, whoever did this we need to try and get out of here. At least they left us our weapons.' Will wonder to herself if getting out of here is actually possible.

Then, as great-granddad's necklace came to life, Katheryn will make a startled noise and struggle to pull it over her head.

2015-11-10, 02:29 PM
"Ostermark, you mean Wolfenburg," Ingrun added in, just a moment before the possessed skull moved on its own, and the strange phenomenon manifested. Her hand reached for her token of Ulric, clutching it tight for a moment, before reaching for her flail, wanting to crush that evil item marked by witchcraft.

"Throw it down," Ingrun said, raising her Flail, clearly ready to smash it the first chance she got.

2015-11-10, 07:11 PM
Sir Jean-Luc Flaubert - Human Knight Errant (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20053518&postcount=29)

"Ostermark?" Jean-Luc appears confused. "My companions and I traveled through Ostland when - " the knight silences himself abruptly as the small skull moves of its own accord. Eyes wide, he raises his sword before him once again.

2015-11-10, 11:18 PM
After quickly pulling the necklace over her head, Katheryn will hold it out at arm's length and stare intently at the terrier skull. It wasn’t animated anymore, but there was no reason why it couldn’t start up again. Was this necromancy?

To Ingrun, ‘No, it’s mine to break, but I don’t think there’s any need. Whatever magic was moving it seems to be gone.’ Then, she will look around the junk in the room to see if there’s a sack she can put Sparky into. ‘I’m ok with it if it’s just going to bark, I just won’t wear it around my neck.’

‘If it happens again I’ll leave it behind.’

If there’s no sack, Katheryn will tie the necklace onto the pole of the lantern, so the skull is nowhere near her body.

2015-11-10, 11:50 PM
Katheryn does a quick glance over the room. She doesn't see any sacks or bags among the rolled up carpets and spare lumber. There is some string holding the carpets from unrolling. As she looks at the room she notices the excessive amount of dust in this room. Sparky's skull seems to be behaving as it should. Whatever possessed the skull has left.

2015-11-11, 07:04 AM
Did Bruno see anything with Witchsight?

"Might I suggest we get moving, I'm as cautious as any out there, but if it's beings capable of possessing things we're up against, we gain little by waiting here."

2015-11-11, 10:48 AM
Katheryn will cut the string with her belt knife and tie Sparky to the pole of her lantern. Occasionally she will find herself looking at it for signs of movement.

To Bruno, ‘Agreed. We should get moving.’

When she is finished she will move to the door and very slowly try to open it.

2015-11-11, 03:45 PM
The door is unlocked and opens easily with creak. As the door opens the first thing you notice is that room is lit by a small wall mounted lamp. The lamp would cast a shadowy light over the room but its light is supplemented by your lantern. The room has a few dusty rugs on the floor on which rest three armchairs covered by drop cloths and three small tables. The door swings open into the room you appeared in.

Please move your icons to their current locations if you are entering the room.

2015-11-11, 06:51 PM
Sir Jean-Luc Flaubert - Human Knight Errant (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20053518&postcount=29)

Gritting his teeth, Jean-Luc gathers himself and manages to control the shakiness. He closes his eyes for a moment and utters his prayer under his breath once more. Help me Lady. Grant me Strength. Give me Purpose. Keep me Pure.

He bends down and picks up his fallen shield and straps it to his left arm. His finger close firmly around the hilt of his brother's sword and, for once, he feels reassured by it. He turns to the one named Bruno and nods. "You are right. Let us see what there is to see."

Striding forward displaying a confidence he almost felt, Jean-Luc waits as Katheryn opens the door and walks cautiously in.

2015-11-11, 11:42 PM
Katheryn will follow Jean-Luc into the room and, seeing the lit lamp, will look for signs that anyone has actually been in here recently to have lit them.

vs. Int 46

She didn't really expect to find anything, but still.

While searching, she will say, 'For the record, I was in a bar in Ostermark when I was taken. If the rest of you were brought here from other places, it's possible that we could be anywhere in the Empire.'

2015-11-12, 05:00 AM
Bruno sways a bit, as if assaulted by a staggering force. "I'm not even sure we're in the Empire at all any more."

2015-11-12, 09:27 AM
Katheryn will follow Jean-Luc into the room and, seeing the lit lamp, will look for signs that anyone has actually been in here recently to have lit them.

vs. Int 46

She didn't really expect to find anything, but still.

While searching, she will say, 'For the record, I was in a bar in Ostermark when I was taken. If the rest of you were brought here from other places, it's possible that we could be anywhere in the Empire.'
Katheryn takes a quick look around the room. There are no footprints in the thick layer of dust covering the non-carpeted sections of flooring.

2015-11-12, 09:31 AM
Sir Jean-Luc Flaubert - Human Knight Errant (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20053518&postcount=29)

Gritting his teeth, Jean-Luc gathers himself and manages to control the shakiness. He closes his eyes for a moment and utters his prayer under his breath once more. Help me Lady. Grant me Strength. Give me Purpose. Keep me Pure.

He bends down and picks up his fallen shield and straps it to his left arm. His finger close firmly around the hilt of his brother's sword and, for once, he feels reassured by it. He turns to the one named Bruno and nods. "You are right. Let us see what there is to see."

Striding forward displaying a confidence he almost felt, Jean-Luc waits as Katheryn opens the door and walks cautiously in.
Stepping into the room reveals a large mural of a disturbing scene. The centerpiece of the questionable artwork is a mutated Beastman with a goat's head and the legs of an ox. Wielding a huge two-handed sword the Beastman stands over the corpses of two slain warriors on a hilltop. The background of this painting is a night sky streaked with lightning.

2015-11-12, 05:32 PM
As Katheryn is looking over the room. There is a loud crack of thunder from the direction of the painting. The lightning in the background fades away. There is a gurgling sound from the painting moments before it erupts in two geysers of blood streaming from the throats of the slaughtered arms-men on the hilltop. The blood fountains flow straight towards the faces of Katheryn and Jean-Luc. The beastman in the painting throws back its head and even those in the next room can hear it's unnatural howl. The beastmen eyes Katheryn and steps from the painting into the world of this hell-house.

So I thought about this and I don't see a reason to wait. I'd rather have something for you all when you check in.
Katheryn and Jean-Luc make Agility Test to avoid getting sprayed in the face by blood-geysers. On failure take -20% to Agility tests for the next 2 rounds due to blood in the eyes. Initiative checks please.

2015-11-12, 06:18 PM
Following behind the others Bruno stands in horror at the scene before him, he raises his stick, though he's not sure what good it will do.


2015-11-12, 07:00 PM
"This Must be what took my father. We must be careful it seems these things are not of flesh and blood"

2015-11-12, 11:25 PM
Roll to avoid blood
vs. Ag 39 (-20)


2015-11-13, 12:06 AM
Actual initiative 24.
-20% to Ag Skill checks for next 2 rounds.

2015-11-13, 06:51 AM
Sir Jean-Luc Flaubert - Human Knight Errant[/URL]

Stepping into the room, the grisly painting comes close to turning the Knight's stomach. "What a horrid painting. The owner of this house must be - " Jean-Luc stops speaking abruptly as the beastman in the painting howls and the blood sprays forth toward him.

Agility Test: [roll0] vs 41

• Note: Does the shield provide any sort of bonus? Shields give a 10% bonus to parry (which might not be the case) and -10% on opponent's Ballistic Skill (which might apply)?
edit: Yeah, I think Jean-Luc dodged Matrix-style. :smallsmile:

Initiative: [roll1]

2015-11-13, 01:49 PM
The blood spontaneously spewed forth from the sliced throat and abdomen of the armsmen in the painting. One gout catches Katheryn directly in the face splattered unto her leather armor but also coating her eyes and dripping down the tip of her nose. A second fount of the red stuff streaks across the room towards Jean-Luc. Jean-Luc being slightly further away had enough time to duck out of the way thanking The Lady as the blood streaks over his shoulder. He rises again with sword and shield at the ready.

Katheryn failed normal Ag test and suffers -20% to Ag tests the next two rounds. Including her Initiative test.
Jean-Luc Succeeds Ag test no penalty. And I didn't address your shield question but no the shield wouldn't affect the roll. The bonus of the shield come when you are aware of the danger. The test is if you are agile enough to move quickly wouldn't matter if you moved quickly down and out of the way or down and behind a shield. Or brought a shield or your arm up to block your eyes. Which brings up that I don't allow Parry and Dodge Blow checks from surprised people. No one is surprised in this combat. I failed that roll. This works both ways if you attack from surprise than the other guy can't parry or dodge blow the attack he wasn't aware of.

Current Initiative order

Jean-Luc 43
Bruno 35
Ingrun 34
Beastman 34
Katheryn - 24* see above
Nargond- Has Ag of 21 so will act after Beastman can roll with his first attack to determine if it happens before Katheryn or not.

Ingrun, Jean-Luc, and Bruno are free to post their attacks at any time and in any order. Late tomorrow night I'll make the Beastman attack post along with any higher initiative characters who haven't taken a turn.

2015-11-13, 06:35 PM
Witchcraft, and much more, the watchwoman seemed to know something about Witchcraft. Or at least enough to proclaim the skull free of dark magicks and chaos. Ingrun had remained behind while the others walked on, not trusting these so familiar with, and understanding of the supernatural to be standing behind her, if she could help it. Ulric rewards Courage, but not Stupidity.

She was just starting to follow after them, not knowing anywhere else to go, seeing no other doors, and certain that for the time being her fate was tied to those who had appeared with her, be they Witches or Victims like her. Her grip tightened on her flail, taking a slow, deep breath when she heard quite a racket coming from the next room. Projectile liquids, thunder, and a howling noise.

Screaming out, a wordless battlecry she bulled her way into the room, soon seeing the Beastman, her flail whirling around during the charge to build up momentum. Hooking around the room she thundered in, looking for all the world like a crazed berserker, though those with an eye towards violence would note a fairly well coordinated charge, timing the flail, her own movement, and picking the way through clear lines rather than charging through the blood geyser stains as she came in to deliver the blow.

Charge Action, which went left three, up three, right 2 for what should be a legal charge movement. Using the flail I had readied for dog skull smashing.

[roll0] vs 46 WS, +10 Charge Action, possibly other bonuses for Ganging up, etc. But at least a baseline 56.

[roll1] +6.


2015-11-14, 08:08 AM
Sir Jean-Luc Flaubert - Human Knight Errant (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20053518&postcount=29)

With a silent prayer to the Lady, Jean-Luc brandishes his sword and moves in quickly, eager to eliminate this abomination before him.

Action: Charge Attack (Full Action)

• Attack: [roll0] vs 57 (10% WS bonus due to Charge) HIT! (74 Body)
• Damage: [roll1] +4 = 14 (SMB)
• Ulric's: [roll2] = 15
• Total Damage: 29
Hooooooly crap that's a nice hit. :smallfurious:

2015-11-15, 11:21 AM
Seeing before him an example of the monstrosity supposedly responsible for the death of his older brother, Jean-Luc feels a holy vengeance fill him. His mind void of fear and his body quickening he charges towards the goat-headed beast men with a righteous fury. The goat-head blocks Jean-Luc first few quick sword strikes. These strikes were never meant to score hits just move the beastman's guard to exactly where the knight desired it. With the goathead defenses shifted Jean-Luc sees the opening and with his sword he delivers a mighty stab just below the right shoulder. The sword sinks through the leather armor and deep into the tissue of the Beastman. Jean-Luc with all his might turns the blade and slice do. With the sword delivering a deep cut from the shoulder through the rib cage down to the opposite hip. A vast amount of blood gushes forward as well as a billious cloud of purple smoke which wafts up through the ceiling. Ingram arrives with a spinning flail and strikes down towards the Beastman's goathead with considerable force. Her flail strikes the floor of the room with a loud CRACK as the goat head disintegrates into a purple most before the stunned eyes of Jean-Luc and company. The temperature in the room immediately drops 20 degrees.

Jean-Luc make a heraldry check.

2015-11-15, 11:21 PM
Katheryn hurriedly wipes the blood from her eyes before drawing her sword, and is just in time to see Jean-Luc and Ingrun dispatch the Beastman.

Feeling it get colder, she will look around with her sword out expecting more attacks. She is aware that she could have been in trouble there if those two hadn't been as quick as they had been. 'Thankyou.' She will say to both. 'That was well hit.'

2015-11-16, 06:19 AM
Sir Jean-Luc Flaubert - Human Knight Errant (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20053518&postcount=29)

The fear that marred the knight's features moments ago is replaced by contempt. Looking at the fallen beastman, Jean-Luc utters an oath against it in his native Brettonian even as it is unmade in smoke.

He faces Katheryn and his features soften considerably. "I am glad to have been of assistance, my lady," he says with a slight bow. "These creatures are a blight in my homeland and I am happy we dispatched it so quickly." Taking a small handkerchief out of a belt pouch, the Knight offers it to Katheryn. "Perhaps this might help with the blood, my lady."

Then turning to Ingrun he praises her strength. "That was a mighty blow, lady Ingrun. The sort that their kind deserve."

2015-11-16, 06:12 PM
As the party shakes off the disturbing experience they look around the room finding several drop cloths available to wipe the copious amounts of blood off their armor or weapons. There is a door in the corner of the room to the left of the painting. Nargond finds that he can not determine which direction is North as comes naturally to him in almost all cases.

2015-11-16, 10:50 PM
Katheryn will use the handkerchief to wipe her face clean, before handing it back. ‘They’re a blight everywhere, but I’ve never seen one of them up close.’ Then with a slight smile will say, 'The next one is mine.'

For a moment, she will stare at the painting looking for signs of movement, before saying 'We can't trust anything in this place. Was that thing brought here like us I wonder?'

Then she will move cautiously towards the next door with her sword still drawn.

2015-11-17, 03:43 PM
Ingrun stared down at the disappearing smoke of the beastman. It seemed so much like what had happened to the witch's dog skull. Something that seemed alive, smoke formed, and then it was all normal again. Well, at least seemingly. She scowled deeply, barely hearing the words of the knight. She was a simple girl, out for righteous justice, and not at all geared for dealing with smoke and witchcraft.

"Should we burn it?" she asked no one in particular, only knowing that popularly the Inquisitors would set fire to mutants, witches, and other foul abominations. Probably for a reason after all.

2015-11-18, 06:11 AM
Sir Jean-Luc Flaubert - Human Knight Errant (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20053518&postcount=29)

Still smiling at Katheryn's fiery desire to handle the next threat, Jean-Luc answers Ingrun's question. "I'm not sure that would be wise, lady Ingrun. This whole place looks like it might go up in flames as well."

He moves toward the door as well, eager to be away from the chill in the room. "Should we see what else awaits us in the madhouse?"

2015-11-19, 06:17 AM
"I'd say cut off it's head, but there's precious little of it left." Bruno says as he pokes the creature with his foot.

2015-11-19, 10:04 PM
Katheryn will turn back at Ingrun's words to look at her. She had seen the way the younger woman had looked at her when she refused to break Sparky and didn't want to antagonise her any further. Besides, it wasn't as though Ingrun was wrong, it was that Katheryn suspected it would make little difference to them in this place.

'You're welcome to try if you can control the blaze. I don't know if it will help but burning that thing will make me feel better.'

2015-11-20, 12:17 AM
As the group of strangers discussing the best way to dispose of the remains of the beastman before coming to some sort of consensus of utilizing the torch. As the people debate the efficacy of fire in these means the corpse of the beastman appears to have changed into an incorporeal state and slowly sink into the wooden floor of the room leaving an too corporeal pool of blood behind.
NEW MAP LINK (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1cCIULON0ygrgq3QkYwabkmq-4BehvKzQ3mKAUav0UUI/edit?usp=sharing)

2015-11-25, 04:29 PM
"Well then. There seems to be precious little answers here, lets keep moving."
Bruno seems eager to press on through the next door.

2015-11-26, 09:50 AM
Sir Jean-Luc Flaubert - Human Knight Errant (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20053518&postcount=29)

"Agreed, Bruno. Let us see what this horrid place has in store for us."

Jean-Luc cautiously opens the door before him.

It seems I only have viewing privileges on the new map. Can't move my character or the next black box. If anyone else can, please do so! :smallsmile:

2015-11-26, 10:20 AM
Editable Map Link (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1cCIULON0ygrgq3QkYwabkmq-4BehvKzQ3mKAUav0UUI/edit?usp=sharing)
Let's try the link above.
Jean-Luc catiously opens the door peering out into a hallway 2 yards wide. The hallway is dimly lit but a door is visble on the left wall about 6 yards from the door. 6 yards beyond the door the dull lamplight light fades into shadows.

Perception checks please.

2015-12-01, 06:18 AM
Bruno shuffles over and tries to peer over his companion's shoulder.

2015-12-01, 05:36 PM
Peering into the dimly lit hallway nothing strikes your eyes as abnormal. You notice other paintings on the wall but these are of landscapes and not populated by hideous beastmen or things from legend. As you open the door wider your nose picks up traces of roasting meat wafting from the direction of the door.

Jean-Luc you can hear a faint rhythmic screeching/scraping sound such as caused by the rubbing of metal on metal. It sounds as if it is coming from the door on the left.

2015-12-01, 11:21 PM
Not hearing anything out of the ordinary, Katheryn will motion for someone to follow her and will move cautiously towards the door. She has her sword in one hand and her lantern pole in the other, so she won't open it until someone is there to back her up.

2015-12-02, 06:07 AM
Sir Jean-Luc Flaubert - Human Knight Errant (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20053518&postcount=29)

Jean-Luc walks behind Katheryn and takes up position beside the door. In a low voice, he addresses the group. "I hear something here. It sounds like metal scraping. The sound of metal on metal, over and over again."

The Knight grips his sword tightly and adjusts the shield on his arm. "I am ready," he says nodding to Katheryn.

2015-12-02, 01:02 PM
As Katheryn moves towards the door the light of her lantern reveals the rest of the hallway. The light doesn't provide much details at the end of the hallway but a set of double doors is visible. A second set of double doors is on the left side side of the hall about 14 yards down. Katheryn's lantern reveals a foyer opposite the door emitting the sound. Two sets of doors are visible off the foyer. As Jean-Luc states he is ready Nargond moves up to the other side of Katheryn hefting his huge pick in both hands. Here as well.

I will be NPCing Nargond for a short while until either his player returns or I get someone to replace him.

2015-12-02, 02:22 PM
Katheryn will stare in curiousity towards the foyer. She could see this being some sort of noble household. Her husband worked in a similar place.

To Jean-Luc, in the same low tone of voice, 'I'm not sure I want to know what that is.'

Then, with a nod to the others, she will nudge open the door they were next to.

2015-12-02, 03:26 PM
As the door nudges open a room full of worktables and kitchen utensils of many kinds are visible. The large room is dominated by an enourmous wood burning hearth and a huge fire grate beside it.
Ove the fire grate is a long metal spit with what appears to be a very large mass of meat on the spit. From the door it looks as if the meat is wriggling and writhing to get off the spit. The spit, the obvious source of the sound Jean-Luc heard is being turned by two Zombies whose attention is on the meat until Nargond nudges the door open slightly more to get a look and the hinge creaks. The zombie turn towards the door their dead eyes locating the living and the two pick up rusty cleaver and scramble towards the door. As the zombies leave their station you notice that the spit continues to turn on its own.

Roll for initiative
Also the Zombies are Frightening so make a Fear test against WP. Failure means you are frightened and cannot move, fight, dodge or take any action that round as you are frozen in fear. Keep making Fear tests until you succeed. Once you succeed you overcome your fear.
For example


2015-12-02, 04:36 PM
Ingrun heard the others moving on ahead, her eyes fixed on that painting that had caused such a... strange... yes lets go with Strange, effect. How could someone really feel comfortable turning their back on something that can pop out blood and Beastmen with little warning after all? She found it curious that everyone else could take the Witchcraft in stride, thinking nothing more about it than an "Oh, that happened" level of caring. To her, it shook her too her core. She could smite a person, she felt comfortable with a battle. But magic? Magic was something else entirely.

Readying her shield and blade, she nodded to herself, trying to psyche herself into moving on. Nothing would be solved just standing around here, waiting for Witchcraft to strike again. Face a bit pale, swallowing loudly she went towards where the others were, and the strange sounds they were encountering.

... what magic horrors did they summon forth now?

Do I need to throw my Fear test if I can't actually see/know about the zombies yet?

If I do: [roll0] vs 42 Willpower.

2015-12-03, 09:03 PM
As the door opens, Katheryn flinches at the sight of the zombies. The rotting smell of them combined with the smell of cooking meat made her sick. Then, as she glances towards the spit and sees the meat still moving, she will feel suddenly angry. Had someone died to go onto that fire? Was that what was expected of them all? These things should be destroyed.

Reacting quickly, she will break into a charge and attempt to chop one of the zombies in half.

I'm glad someone else passed :smallfrown:

Full Action: Charging the one at the back


2015-12-07, 05:25 PM
I think you have some movement left. I am apply your Fear test result as soon as you see the Zombies. So you will probably stop at the door as described below.
The fetid smell of rotting flesh assails the unfortunate souls trapped in this house of horrors. First the Knight of the Grail momentarily losing his courage and is freezes in fear at the undead before him. The night watch women used to seeing all the evil that man is capable overcomes her fear to charge and make a futile swing of her sword at the zombie missing wildly. The mysterious man who called himself Bruno bowls into the room before also freezes in horror at the unnatural sight of decaying flesh walking around armed with cleavers. The redheaded pit fighter rushes down the hallway after Bruno but fear over whelms her in the doorway. The dwarven miner shoves his way past her and up to the Zombie closest to the door. Nargond swings his giant pick with all his might.


After the Dwarf misses with his attack the two zombies slice at their opponents with rusty meat cleavers unable to get a clean slash in as Katheryn and Nargond defend themselves from the undead.

Zombie 1 on Katheryn
Zombie 2 on Nargond

2015-12-08, 08:22 PM
Katheryn is angry at herself for having missed the creature the first time but is now feeling more confident. It was so slow. She would try and focus on putting it down as quickly as possible. She will jab at the zombie with the lantern pole before taking another swing at it with her sword.

Full Action: All Out Attack WS 41 (+20 to WS)

Damage if needed (includes Strike Mighty Blow)

2015-12-08, 11:18 PM
The zombie near Katheryn swats at her lantern pole as she pushes it away. Katheryn takes advantage of the moment and slices at the extended arm taking away a massive swathe of rotting flesh from the zombies left arm. As the flesh falls to the ground a fetid smell fills the room as maggots are visibly crawling through the exposed flesh of the zombie.

2015-12-11, 04:04 AM
Her momentary fear was banished by the sounds of battle, and seeing that despite the rot, despite the stench and he wriggly maggots, they were something that could feel the bite of the blade. Letting out a wordless battlecry, smacking the flat of her blade against the rim of her shield in order to cause a loud bang, she started charging around the table the long way, swinging wide of the battle to come in against the Zombie from the other side. She lead with her shield, and brought her blade around in a powerful strike, using all her momentum behind the blow.

[roll0] vs 46 WS, +10 Charge Action, Ganging Up bonus of +10, baseline difficulty of 66.

[roll1] +5 for a Hand Weapon Strike.

2015-12-11, 09:33 AM
Overcoming her fear Ingrun charges into the room hacking her sword deep into the neck of the zombie. The blow would have severed the carotid artery in a man and brought him low but the undead monstrosity still stands with his head loosely attached the foul stench of rotting flesh protruding from the gash in its neck.

Nargond emboldened by the others successful strikes swings his pick back and forth before finding an opportunity and slamming it down in an overhead strike. His strike fails to land on the zombie in front of him and leaves him open for the mindless zombies counter attack. The zombies unaffected by the wounds they have received slash out with their rusty meat cleaver as they let out unintelligible growls, groans and moans. The cleaver of the zombie easily slashes through the leather armor on Nargond's left arm leaving a brutal slash across his upper arm.




2015-12-11, 06:56 PM
Katheryn will again focus on hitting the zombie as hard as possible.

Full Action: All Out Attack WS 41 (+20, no dodge & parry), (+10 Outnumbering)

Going to use a Fortune point to reroll that

-see below as I can't add rolls in edits

2015-12-11, 07:02 PM
Using a Fortune point to reroll


2015-12-13, 11:05 AM
Emboldened by success, Ingrun starts to fall into the routine of the pits, don't go overboard, keep your guard up, measure your shot out, stay safe, stick and move, and time your strikes. It was all second nature for her as she kept her shield high, and took her best opening as the creature flailed at Katheryn.

Uses the Aim Action, and a Standard Attack.

Hit: [roll0] vs 46 WS, +10 Aim, +10 Ganging Up, baseline mark of 66.
Damage: [roll1]

Ulric's Fury Results if needed: [roll2]

2015-12-13, 09:48 PM
Ingrun seeing Katheryn fail to score a direct hit on the zombie, carefully aims her strike and hits with a powerful downward stroke. The clatter of falling clever and zombie arm is followed by a loud thud as Ingrun follows her stroke with one of her favorite pit tricks a solid kick to the chest of the armless creature. The zombie falls over backwards smashing it's head against a cutting table as rotting brain matter squirts across the kitchen floor.

2015-12-14, 07:33 PM
As Ingrun strikes off the zombie's swordarm and sends it to the ground with a mighty kick Bruno realizes that while these opponents are not natural by any means they can be beaten just like mortal man. With all the courage he can muster he charges into the room and is runs right between a table and the dwarf bringing his stick to bear on the remaining zombie.

2d10 apparently GM forgot about the no apostrophes in roll tags

The dwarf looks at his cut arm and grimaces as he he is joined by Bruno. Encouraged that he is not alone anymore Nargond swings again with his huge pick in attempt to bring this zombie down before anyone else is required to join him.

All Out Attack Action
2d10apparently GM forgot about the no apostrophes in roll tags

His blow catches the zombie's left arm solidly as the point of the pick sinks deep into the putrid flesh and then is ripped down the arm towards the hand. The wound would be geysering blood if this creature's heart was still pumping. As it is the wound exposes muscle and bone to the air and once again the smell of rot washes over the room causing Nargond to gag and step back.

All out Attack action on Nargond
2d10apparently GM forgot about the no apostrophes in roll tags

As Nargond jumps back the cleaver in the Zombie's right hand passes through the space he previous occupied.

Jean-Luc's turn for Fear test. Zombie is lightly wounded. There are several of you able to act. If you don't take the zombie down by its turn he will get one more attack and then I will say you bring it down.

2015-12-15, 10:33 PM
Seeing the first zombie fall, Katheryn will wheel around and move to help finish off the other one.

Half Action: Move
Half Action: Attack WS 41 (+10 outnumbered)

I think I need a run up to get to charge?


Damage if needed (1d10+4, includes Strike Mighty Blow)

2015-12-16, 09:20 AM
Katheryn whirling around blade in hand turns her focus on the remaining Zombie. She catches the zombie unawares and scores a nasty cut on the Zombie's cleaver arm severely wounding it.

Zombie is severely wounded another solid hit will bring it down. Bruno is up. I'll give Spinningdice until tomorrow evening. There doesn't appear to be room at the moment for Ingrun to get in an attack. Those in melee with the Zombie should get a +20% for outnumbering 3:1. So hopefully either Bruno or Nargond (will be attacking with a 91%WS) will be able to score a hit.

2015-12-17, 11:56 AM
Bruno now with Katheryn by his side realizes he can retreat and not leave Nargond alone against this monster. Before taking a few steps back he lashes out with his stick one more time.
Drop foul thing.


After his strike fails to connect Bruno backs up to let those more skilled take their chances against the undead.
NEW MAP LINK (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1cCIULON0ygrgq3QkYwabkmq-4BehvKzQ3mKAUav0UUI/edit?usp=sharing)

2015-12-17, 08:01 PM
Ingrun practically swaggered in, shield raised, strutting as she closed in on the final one. Three on one, easy pickings, and with her shield she was far less an attractive target than the others. Old pit fighting tendencies to put on a show as a cocky, swaggering champion and demoralize the opponent (While energizing the crowd) just took over. She kept silent though, doubting that the creature could even understand her, nor wanting to find out. Blade up, she struck like a scorpion, driving an overhead thrust over the shield towards the creature.

Move action to get into close combat, and a Standard Attack.

Attack: [roll0] vs 46 WS, +20 for the three to one outnumber in melee, baseline mark of 66.
Damage: [roll1] Pen 0.

Ulric's Fury Dice if you need it: [roll2]

2015-12-18, 09:32 AM
With a practice developed over her several fights Ingrun dispatches her opponent beautifully. As her blade comes down it cleanly severs the zombies arm holding the cleaver. Cleaver and arm clashing to the floor but this was not the end to her attack. She deftly turns her blade into a sideways slash bringing her blade across the zombies abdomen easily slicing through the worn leather armor and causing the rotting innards of the zombie to spill forth and tumble to the floor in a pile at its feet. Ingrun follow this slash with yet another turn of her blade only this time she slams the blade upwards through the zombie's chin so hard that the blade sinks a full 3" deep. With that the zombie stops moving, resting its weight on Ingrun's swordarm. She shifts her blade a third time and the now lifeless corpse slides down her blade to the ground. Above all of your deep breathing you hear two sounds. The metal on metal grating and grinding of the still spinning spit of skewered meat and a soft sobbing coming from Jean-Luc in the doorway where he stood 30 seconds ago. The battle was over quickly with only Nargond taking a slight wound. As calm returns to the room Shauna strides in confidently, purrs softly, and nozzles up against Ingrun's leg.

2015-12-18, 11:46 PM
After Ingrun decisively destroys the second zombie, Katheryn will look to make sure that there are no other immediate threats and that neither of the zombies are still moving. Satisified that they are in no immediate danger she will allow herself to relax a moment by leaning against the table. She is mostly staring at nothing particular, but will focus on Shauna. To Ingrun, 'How can that cat be so calm about all this.'

Katheryn will also be looking at what ever was on the spit that seemed to still be moving as it cooked.

2015-12-19, 12:21 PM
Ingrun calmly wiped off the blade, using the nearby counter edge to scrape it clean, and sheathe the blade. When Shauna came back in, she knelt down, and started to scratch between Shauna's ears, taking some comfort from the presence of the cat and keeping her mind off what was around her for the moment.

"Cats are wise," she told Katheryn after several long moments, almost long enough that you could have wondered if she even heard it. "The blessed sentinels of Morr, aren't you?" she seemed to say to Shauna as she scratched under the cat's chin, the warrior woman's voice soft and cutesy as she gave attention to her little Shauna.

2015-12-19, 12:55 PM
Katheryn will also be looking at what ever was on the spit that seemed to still be moving as it cooked.
As Katheryn looks closer at the rotating mound of meat on the spit she is able to distinguish what was causing the motion. Periodically the casing of the large sausage is extended and pushed out as if by a hand groping for freedom. It looks like a hand pushing against a bed sheet. While the sight of the hands pushing against the casing conflicts with Katheryn observation that the sausage isn't large enough to hold an entire person. As she is still looking on in horror a face appears pressing against the casing in a wordless scream.

INSANITY test for Katheryn. If anyone has Lip Reading they can attempt to read what the face is screaming on an Easy test. Otherwise for Katheryn on a Hard Perception test I allow you to make out something. If anyone else studies the meat an insanity test is required.

2015-12-22, 03:54 PM
Katheryn mind reels at the site of the disembody head stretching the casing of the meat so that facial features are apparent through the casing. The figures mouth is moving as if screaming something but the words are unheard and Katheryn can't make them out from reading the lips. Nargond looks up from inspecting his wound. Just a flesh wound ladies don't distress yourselves. I still hope to find a means to return home. Any signs of a way home in here?