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2007-05-28, 10:46 PM
So, I'm about to take my first shot at using a paladin.

So, here comes the questions.

If there anywhere where there is a lost of alternate mounts or something besides the warhorses? I remember seeing one in Defenders of the Faith way back, but I have a feeling it is not still admissable.

Also, any advice on playing an effective paladin? 14 class levels available with a +1 LA race. PrC feat suggestions are encouraged.

2007-05-28, 10:50 PM
There's a small list in the DMG, I believe you could pick up a celestial version of the warhorse at 6 or use leadership to attract a flying mount.

Going Paladin for more then 5, maybe 6 levels is usually viewed as a waste. There's a few Paladin based Prestige Classes in Complete Warrior though, the Cavalier and the Purple Dragon Knight amongst others.

2007-05-28, 10:51 PM
Extra mounts for paladins are a little spread around, I belive complete divine has some, but don't quote me on this.

As for playing a good paladin, by first piece of advice is look to see if a different class will fit your flavor just as well. A cleric has better divine magic and is just as good(better acually) of a fighter, and a crusader is a martial adept(from tome of battle) that is very paladin like.

If you do end up playing a paladin going straight paladin isn't a bad idea. Most paladin abilities are level based, so if you take other classes your abilities will get weak and worthless.

2007-05-29, 07:24 AM
The DMG has laternative Paladin around pg204.
Also mentioned is the option of taking Laedership and making your mount your cohort as well.

The Complete Adventurer adds the option of using a feat to make your mount a Animal Companion as well and gain the bonus HD and other abilitie from classes that give animal companion levels (I remember working out a build using both this and the Leadership/Cohort rules to have a 24HD Direwolf at 20th level, with something like 6-8 of those been class levels).

I understand there is a book that gives Dragon mounts for Paladins, Dragonomicon?


2007-05-29, 07:43 AM
I've seen a variant in Dragon magazine where the paladin can exchange his mount for something else, like a holy longsword. Probably better than having a horse in a dungeon.

2007-05-29, 08:02 AM
What type of mount are you looking for?

Draconomicon has Dragon Mounts

Basicly, if it can carry a ridder you can summon it for a mount. You are going to have to adjust the HD downward of what you can summon if you summon something speical. Just talk with your DM.

2007-05-29, 09:03 AM
Halfling Paladin on a Riding Dog, = Awesome. Charge attacks make small weapons more useful, 40 ft movement speed in a 5 ft space plus scent?

Please, sir, may I have some more?

2007-05-29, 09:40 AM
I highly suggest a Strongheart Halfling Paladin riding a Dragon mount. If you want to get really cheesy about it, make it a Paladin/Beastmaster/Halfling Outrider. Outrider levels stack with Paladin levels AND Druid levels to determine the abilities of your special mount. With Devoted Tracker, Dragon Cohort, and Celestial Mount, you end up riding a dragon more powerful then your entire party.