View Full Version : Pathfinder I need help with a paladin that is quite different than most

2015-11-07, 07:41 PM
So my DM decided to ask me a single question. Do you want to be immortal? nothing else, before we even began playing. I responded yes.
Suddenly My character is slapped with the most OP template I've ever had. +2str, +2dex, +2wis, +4cha, I have no con now, hp and fort goes off cha, I have fast healing 2, and dr 5/magic and silver. I apparently have a way to heal as well, it's pretty crazy. All this for a single level off. Ohh and +4 AC.

So, with that out of the way, I no longer have Lay on hands, or the mercy feats. They are now bonus feats. He did **** like this for every character. Basically we are chosen by gods, to be their successor or something. So we get buffed out the ass. This is a epic campaign, and he plans on smacking us with hard bosses.

So I essentially have bonus feats kinda like a fighter. But I dunno what to take. Any other reccomendations are welcome. But This session is really strange.

Anyhow, what feats? they can't be lay on hands, cause it doesn't exist now.

Edit: I asked him about domains, he said literally anything. My paladin knows all domains and pally spells. So that's a pretty damn big list of spells. Anything about that would be appreciated.

Decided to go with a two weapon fighting paladin with finesse. took katana expertise, and he said bastard swords work. So I'm duel wielding bastard swords that are 2d6, so 4d6 a turn. Like I said this campaign is mean't to be broke, we are supposed to be. But any spells suggestions are good.

2015-11-07, 08:06 PM
So my DM decided to ask me a single question. Do you want to be immortal? nothing else, before we even began playing. I responded yes.
Suddenly My character is slapped with the most OP template I've ever had. +2str, +2dex, +2wis, +4cha, I have no con now, hp and fort goes off cha, I have fast healing 2, and dr 5/magic and silver. I apparently have a way to heal as well, it's pretty crazy. All this for a single level off. Ohh and +4 AC....

+2 Str/Dex/Wis, +4 Cha, no Con, HP and Fort off Cha, Fast Healing 2, DR 5 involving silver... that's... umm. I'm sorry. I think he made you a Vampire Spawn.

2015-11-07, 08:13 PM
Yeah, I wouldn't be going into any sunlight if I were you.

Astral Avenger
2015-11-07, 08:14 PM
I can't say that I've ever played a paladin, so I can't do to much to help, but here is the paladin handbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?348211-A-Guide-to-the-Paladin-through-the-eyes-of-a-D-amp-D-3-5-player)for 3.5.

With the whole epic campaign and getting smacked with hard bosses, I would recommend jumping from the paladin ship very quickly and multiclassing to something a bit more powerful (think Tier 1 caster, like archivist or cleric). The fact of the matter is, when you're hitting epic levels, you have to optimize the crap out of the melee classes to get anywhere near the power of a higher tier class, and epic encounters start having way more magic options than the pre-epic ones.

2015-11-07, 08:33 PM
I can't say that I've ever played a paladin, so I can't do to much to help, but here is the paladin handbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?348211-A-Guide-to-the-Paladin-through-the-eyes-of-a-D-amp-D-3-5-player)for 3.5.

With the whole epic campaign and getting smacked with hard bosses, I would recommend jumping from the paladin ship very quickly and multiclassing to something a bit more powerful (think Tier 1 caster, like archivist or cleric). The fact of the matter is, when you're hitting epic levels, you have to optimize the crap out of the melee classes to get anywhere near the power of a higher tier class, and epic encounters start having way more magic options than the pre-epic ones.

It's a pathfinder session. So paladins are pretty strong.

2015-11-07, 08:55 PM
Paladin with GoodStats and Bonus feats. Hm.

Are 3pp materials allowed? If so, Prodigious Two Weapon Fighting lets you use two mainhand weapons on TWF with only the -2 penalty, and lets you qualify for TWF feats with strength instead of dexterity. Then pick up Archon Technique line from Path of Iron (Currently in playtest). Then go ahead and beat people up with a Bastard Sword and Tower Shield. Throw in Smite could turn you into a mean Sword and Board Two Weapon Fighter. (Although it's more like Sword and Door, with a Tower Shield)

Otherwise, going Two Handed is good as ever. Archer Paladins are very strong, and only get stronger with moar feat's to power you.

2015-11-08, 12:39 AM
Paladin with GoodStats and Bonus feats. Hm.

Are 3pp materials allowed? If so, Prodigious Two Weapon Fighting lets you use two mainhand weapons on TWF with only the -2 penalty, and lets you qualify for TWF feats with strength instead of dexterity. Then pick up Archon Technique line from Path of Iron (Currently in playtest). Then go ahead and beat people up with a Bastard Sword and Tower Shield. Throw in Smite could turn you into a mean Sword and Board Two Weapon Fighter. (Although it's more like Sword and Door, with a Tower Shield)

Otherwise, going Two Handed is good as ever. Archer Paladins are very strong, and only get stronger with moar feat's to power you.

Dm okay'd that feat, what is TWF btw?

2015-11-08, 01:08 AM
Two weapon fighting