View Full Version : Hyborian Age conversion

2015-11-08, 09:01 AM
So I am toying with the idea of doing a 5e version of the world of Conan. I am looking for resources to help me out. I am already looking into previous editions conversions but I don't have them in hand just yet. I thought I would quiz the local population and see what imput they have.

Things I know so far....

Races - Humans. Going to stat up a snakeman race.

Classes Allowed - Fighter (no EK), Rogue (no AT), Barbarian, Ranger (spell-less variant), Warlock (old one only, and modified spell list)

Magic - Near complete removal of "flashy" spells, such as the entire evocation school. (I'm thinking of dragging out my Call of Cthulhu from 3.5 for spells)

Here is where I need some help. Either ideas on converting other characters to less magic versions (wiz is just out entirely, but I want to work in a cleric of some sort, even though magical healing is virtually non-existant).

Any ideas?

2015-11-08, 12:32 PM
Here is where I need some help. Either ideas on converting other characters to less magic versions (wiz is just out entirely, but I want to work in a cleric of some sort, even though magical healing is virtually non-existant).

Sounds similar to what I'm doing for Primeval Thule, but I'm excising the PC spellcasters a little more aggressively. For your "cleric," I might start with paladin and then reduce their spellcasting further, balancing with some new abilities. Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Channel Divinity, Divine Smite, Auras, and the Oaths make a good "divine" platform with no spellcasting at all.

One question: If you're going to have warlocks, why GOO only? Fluff wise, fiend warlocks seem to fit the Hyborian Age pretty well. Is it just the flashier crunch you don't want?

ETA: Maybe try to get your hands on the Primeval Thule 5e bestiary. They have beastmen, snakemen, headhunters, cultists, and various Mythos creatures (mi-go, shoggoth, etc.).

2015-11-08, 12:46 PM
I'd agree with all warlock types, at least for NPCs

If you feel ambitious, spell-less/reduced casting bards and moon-Druids might have a place

Later Conan stories have a few monk-type characters... Could be a place for 'divine' characters with a bit of refluff as well

2015-11-08, 09:26 PM
Speaking of races, you may want to modify core races to serve as a diverse human "subraces". There's no reason Cimmerians should be the same as...well, I don't know anything about the setting, but I'm sure there are different human nations/subraces.

It's what I do in my S&S setting with only humans playable...there are civilised, educated humans from a big empire that use modified half-elf stat block, barbaric tribes from mountainous regions that use dwarf stats, etc.

2015-11-09, 01:01 AM
Check out Primeval Thule 5e - it's right up Conan Alley


2015-11-09, 02:44 AM
There was a Conan d20 book. I ran it for about a year. Not bad. If you can find it, they did have all the Hyborean races statted out, should be an easy conversion. They also had very specific classes, and magic was completely overhauled.

2015-11-09, 09:20 AM
Check out Primeval Thule 5e - it's right up Conan Alley


Definitely second this suggestion. I backed their 5E Kickstarter and loving the "Conan meets Cthulhu" feel of the setting.